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open Tag Team Tournament (TTT)

Drago Ryder

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Hello, and welcome to the first ever tag team tournament. In this competition, fighters will face off against each other in teams of two. If you're partner loses, then you may still fight, though you will be at a severe disadvantage. As for your prize, you and your partner shall be crowned as the ultimate fighters, along with a few hundred million in bits. The tournament will be held in the Gemini stadium, located within Canterlot. Registrations end at the end of the day, and you, along with your partner, will be given a living quarters within the stadium.





Tempest smirked as he read over the letter. The sun outside was just starting to rise over the horizon.. "This is going to be interesting. I wonder if Ivy would be my partner." He thought. The cyan pegesus then trotted the the second story of his house, and noticed the still sleeping form of his wife. He gently nudged her. "It's time to wake up." He said.


The silver unicorn groaned and woke up to the sight of Tempest. "Good morning, Tempy." She said. "So, I assume you have something to tell me.


Tempest nodded and handed the letter to Ivy. "I was wondering if you would be my partner." He said, slightly nervous.


Ivy read the letter and glanced at Tempest. "I might as well." She said, smiling.


Tempest nodded. "We should probably head out soon to register." After a few minutes, the two ponies got on a train that would be heading to Canterlot soon.

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((Sorry if I'm late guys, I got kinda busy))

Sand read the letter. A few hundred million?! And a chance to fit in for a little while? She thought. She headed out, on her way to Canterlot. I hope I have a decent teammate at least, otherwise we're doomed... She realized. She just reminded herself that her teammate couldn't be that bad and that they would be fine.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Lucid stared at the letter that the mail mare had handed him a few minutes ago, he sat and thought it over.

"I don't know if I should, loss could mean humiliation and pain.... but..... if I win, I will definitely prove that I am as great as my father."  he thought to himself "An opportunity like this doesn't come up often."

Lucid put the letter down and thought "I guess I might as well see what its all about. But of course, I need a team mate."

After a pause he said in a whisper "Frost..."

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Lucid stared at the letter that the mail mare had handed him a few minutes ago, he sat and thought it over.

"I don't know if I should, loss could mean humiliation and pain.... but..... if I win, I will definitely prove that I am as great as my father." he thought to himself "An opportunity like this doesn't come up often."

Lucid put the letter down and thought "I guess I might as well see what its all about. But of course, I need a team mate."

After a pause he said in a whisper "Frost..."

Frost opened his door and looked down, picking up the mail that had been left there moments before. "Hmmmm." he said flipping through the envelopes to see if there was anything important. "Helloooo what are you." he mumbled pulling out the tournament letter. He read it over and looked up. "Lucid..." he ran out the door to go locate his friend.

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     Rut-Light began to read the odd letter, out of all the invitations to different tournaments that he's gotten; this one sounded the most interesting.  When there was nothing more to read, Rut-Light set the letter inside of his blue-stripped, train engineer's cap and donned said head wear before heading outside, locking his house and making his way towards the train to Equestrias capital; Canterlot.  After paying for his train ticket, he boarded the train and took a seat on the neat, red cushioned seats.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Ursidae Stag heard an unfamiliar noise. He turned to see the final seconds of an envelopes descant from his mail slot. The druid still didn't know why he had built that into the door of his hut, considering he lived in the middle of a haunted forest. But nonetheless he wandered slowly over to he envelope and opened it, reading the contents thoroughly. "Hmmm... That is a large amount of bits. I did need to buy some more supplies.... I wonder if I can fight alone?" The stallion abruptly exited his hut and morphed into what looked like a dark green buck. The stag bounded away quickly, heading in the direction of Canterlot.

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Tempest noticed Rut as he and Ivy entered the train. The cyan pegesus then smirked and sat in a seat. "It's been a while since I've heard from you, my friend." He said.


Ivy smiled slightly and sat in the seat across from Rut, with Tempest. ""So Rut, what've you been up to?"

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After some traveling, Sand arrived in Canterlot. "So... Where is this place we're supposed to go to now?" She wondered out loud. She looked at the letter again, then started heading towards where she assumed the stadium would be. It should be this way... I think. She thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Rut-Light noticed a voice he hadn't heard in what seemed like years, he faced towards it and spoke with gusto. "Well well well, haven't seen you two in a while.  Well Ivy, today I received this weird invitation to a tournament; one with a absurdly high payment if you happen to win.  Apparently though, it says you can have a partner to fight with; not sure if that's recommended or anything.  Are you two heading to Canterlot for the same thing?"  No sooner had the question exited his mouth, he heard the stationmaster blow the whistle around his neck; the train was ready to depart and after a few seconds it did just that.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Lucid Ran up to Frost, he saw that he had received the letter as well. "well, it looks like I don't need to say much more..."

He pulled out a small pouch of bits, "I'm not doing this for the bits, I need to prove I am as great as my father, don't call me silly, I need to win and I think we would do well together, we always have.... so why don't we just go and do some plot kicking again, for old times sake....." he said as he pulled out his father's spell book.

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Frost nodded, "I figured you would want me as your partner you big idiot." he said giving Lucid a punch in the shoulder. "I'm a bit rusty, but it shouldn't be to hard. Givin you still remember or combo moves. He laughed walkin closer to Licid giving him a tap on the head. "Epic. Eeepic? You in there old man?" he asked with a chuckle

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Tempest smirked and nodded. "Yeah. Ivy and I were just heading there now." He said. "As for the partner, I think who ever is in charge of this thing will just assign us one." The cyan pegesus then shrugged. "Anyway, I have a few new techniques that I want to try out, so this trip won't entirely be a waste if we lose."


Ivy smiled slightly, before shrugging. "So, do you think any of the others will join?" She asked.

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Clayton sighed as he trotted through the streets of Canterlot. He had his trademark obsidian scythe on his back."If the address on the letter is right, the arena should be around here somewhere." He thought. "I just hope I can find a partner before the tournament actually starts."

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Frost nodded, "I figured you would want me as your partner you big idiot." he said giving Lucid a punch in the shoulder. "I'm a bit rusty, but it shouldn't be to hard. Givin you still remember or combo moves. He laughed walkin closer to Licid giving him a tap on the head. "Epic. Eeepic? You in there old man?" he asked with a chuckle

"NO! I'm doing this without him," Lucid said and swatted frost's arm away. "I'm not channeling him for this, I need to do this without him, you know what he said, I need to live my own life," he then got out his spell book, "besides," he said "I don't NEED him, no pony can stand up to my phantom buffer, don't you remember? All I need to do is stun some pony and then I can do a ton of damage while they stand there paralyzed, and they better start praying when I use Spirit Mine. I can fight without him.

As he put the spell book away he said "Come on frost, were going to be late...."

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Frost started to follow Lucid to the arena, with a grin on his face, it had been a whole since he was in a tournament and he was eager to get back in his grove. "Don't get to cocky kid, I'm sure they don't just invite anypony to participate. These guys got invited for a reason, but I'm sure we can handle them right?" he chuckled, punching Lixid in the shoulder playfully.

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Lucid began to worry

"maybe I do need you dad. should I channel you?.... No he always told me to live my own life I can do this, even without double soul"

Lucid began to charge his magic into his horn "yes, I can feel the power flowing through me! I will win this and prove you right dad!" he said to himself.

"I'm ready!" he shouted and a large blue flame encircled him for a few seconds and he assumed a fighting pose.

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After reaching the edges of Canterlot, Ursidae morphed back to his pony self. He was exhausted, as he had used his stag form for a long time, which was a difficult feat for him. He trotted slowly into the city, hood up over his head. He looked around and around but found no sign of the stadium he was supposed to be at. Hating to she weakness of any form, he reluctantly turned to the nearest pony, a young mare. "Excuse me. Do you happen to know the location of the Gemini Stadium?" His voice was surprisingly gruff sounding, and his bright red eyes were indifferent yet stern.

Edited by Ampharos
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Frost patted Lucid on the shoulder, his hoof sizzling from the flames surrounding Lucid. "Whooaa, easy there tiger. Let's get to the arena before you start beating things to a pulp ok?" he said letting out a small laugh. He looked up at the path ahead. "Who else exactly got into this thing? If Tempest is here I wouldn't be surprised." he thought, shrugging his shoulders.

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"Oh i'm sure other ponies got invited."  Rut-Light, honestly, was a bit nervous about the entire ordeal but it might be worth it.  As they continued talking, Rut-Light noticed that Canterlot was fast approaching; 'The best thing about trains is that they provide a fast, easy ride.' he thought to himself.  Soon Canterlot station came into view, and the train came to a screeching halt.  "Looks like this is our stop," he said as he started to get off the train, "now where do you suppose this arena is?"

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Tempest thought for a moment, and remembered something he overheard a few of the other guards talking about. "I heard that the stadium was being built near the palace." He said. "We might as wellcheck around that area." The cyan pegesus then flew into the air, and noticed the arena not to far away. He then landed and galloped towards the stadium.


Ivy shrugged and simply followed Tempest.

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After reaching the edges of Canterlot, Ursidae morphed back to his pony self. He was exhausted, as he had used his stag form for a long time, which was a difficult feat for him. He trotted slowly into the city, hood up over his head. He looked around and around but found no sign of the stadium he was supposed to be at. Hating to she weakness of any form, he reluctantly turned to the nearest pony, a young mare. "Excuse me. Do you happen to know the location of the Gemini Stadium?" His voice was surprisingly gruff sounding, and his bright red eyes were indifferent yet stern.

Sand didn't say a word, just pointed in the direction she thought the stadium was in then continued walking. She didn't actually answer since she didn't know for sure where it was, she was just taking a guess. It'll seem a lot less bad if I don't say I know where it is... She thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"I guess we actually are here early..." Lucid said as he trotted around the stadium "I can't believe I'm saying it but I'm growing impatient."

He sat down and began to think "perhaps I'm just anxious.... I wonder... why would any pony even host a tournament like, what is their motive for it?.... and most importantly.... is this pony going to participate..."

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Tempest entered the stadium and noticed Frost and Lucid. "Why am I not surprised." He said. The cyan pegesus then laughed slightly, as he trotted over. "So, I assume that you two are in the tournament?"


Ivy trotted beside Tempest, and glanced at Frost. "So, what have you been up to?" She asked.

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Frost turned to see Tempest and Ivy, as he had expected. He smiled. "Yes we have entered the tournament, been a while since I've had a good fight." he replied circking his neck before turning to Ivy. "Not much really, just learning some more body link magic." he said stretching out his fore legs revealing the tattoos that spiraled down them.

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Tempest entered the stadium and noticed Frost and Lucid. "Why am I not surprised." He said. The cyan pegesus then laughed slightly, as he trotted over. "So, I assume that you two are in the tournament?"


Ivy trotted beside Tempest, and glanced at Frost. "So, what have you been up to?" She asked.


"nothing really... i would prefer to show off what I can do later...." Lucid said politely to Tempest and Ivy with the  best neutral expression he could muster, he tried to pretend like this was an everyday occasion he was invited to a huge tournament and wasn't scared.

"hey do you know anything about this 'Gemini' pony?" Lucid asked, "he was the pony who hosted this tournament wasn't he? Will he fight in it?" he asked anxiously. 

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