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Child Of Darkness

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@Evil Dragon Master


Jaeger shrugged and nodded, "In my opinion if it's this bad everywhere morals are going to be rare, it's only survival now." he muttered, at the scream of rage he covers his ears slightly. "Geez, the kid was just asking a question.....Tenebris morality is complicated, you'll understand soon. Hey.....you wanna play a game?" he asked Tenebris as to keep him occupied.

Edited by Frosty V
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@Evil Dragon Master


Jaeger shrugged and nodded, "In my opinion if it's this bad everywhere morals are going to be rare, it's only survival now." he muttered, at the scream of rage he covers his ears slightly. "Geez, the kid was just asking a question.....Tenebris morality is complicated, you'll understand soon. Hey.....you wanna play a game?" he asked Tenebris as to keep him occupied.

"Oh yes, I know a few games" Tenebris laughed proudly. "Break into the bar, kick ponies around, and other stuff" Tenebris continued before staring into space. "Where is everypony, though? That shake couldn't have made everyone dead, could it?" Tenebris mused. 

(OOC: Will someone please come in to help carry this RP. We need more villains coming in)

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jaeger laughed. "You've got good taste in games for somepony who acts like a foal." he chuckled slightly as he followed Tenebris' gaze up to the sky. "No, the shake probably killed someponies, but everypony else probably went to seek shelter or supplies, or find out what exactly the hell is gounod on around Equestria." he said begining to mumble to himself.

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"Well then, we don't know much so you lead us to the nearest center of population" Iwiek said noncommitally. 

"There are always ponies at the choo-choo tracks" Tenebris said, causing Iwiek to briefly freeze at the good idea.

"Well then, we'll ambush anypony who goes there then" Iwiek sputtered after unfreezing

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jaeger nodded, "Sounds good. They will more than likely be passing supplies by the train if it's still up and operational. We hit the train, grab some supplies, we'll be sittin pretty for a while...,.they might even be carrying weapons." he said in a almost insane tone, "Ohhhhohohoh yeah......weapons." he chuckled happily, clapping his hoofs together joyfully.

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Jaeger nodded, "Sounds good. They will more than likely be passing supplies by the train if it's still up and operational. We hit the train, grab some supplies, we'll be sittin pretty for a while...,.they might even be carrying weapons." he said in a almost insane tone, "Ohhhhohohoh yeah......weapons." he chuckled happily, clapping his hoofs together joyfully.

"You can take the weapons, we don't like them much" Iwiek said as they began their walk to the station. "They seem to malfunction when near us" he explained before picking up a gun in his hoof. The gun broke apart quickly. 

"Maybe we'll find some more buddies there" Tenebris laughed before racing ahead

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jaeger laughed. "We can only hope....I've pulled a few jobs in my time, this should be a cake walk." he chuckled as he pulled out his shotgun and began to load it with slug rounds. "Do what's your story huh? Where do you guys come from if I may ask." he inquired, sliding his sunglasses over his eyes.

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Violetina and Niru where on the platform at Ponyville train station. They had hoped other ponies would have go there to get away, but all they could see was destruction and ponies running for there lives.


'Niru, you have to listen to me now. We are going to get back to the Colony, and we are going to be safe there. Do you hear me. Come hear.' Violetina pulled Niru in for a hug. 'Its going to be ok, your not going to get hurt, we're going to be ok.'


Violetina know this was not going to be the case. Equestria had just destroyed Canterlot City and killed almost everyone in the city. Even Celestia could not survive that fall and impact.


'I'm scared.' Niru was crying into her sisters wings. She was terrified. Nothing like this had happened before, and she was only 8 so this was going to be a very traumatising experience for her.

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Jaeger laughed. "We can only hope....I've pulled a few jobs in my time, this should be a cake walk." he chuckled as he pulled out his shotgun and began to load it with slug rounds. "Do what's your story huh? Where do you guys come from if I may ask." he inquired, sliding his sunglasses over his eyes.

Iwiek shrugged while spitting out some garbage to increase his durability and lower his speed. 

"I remember, I was first-born" Tenebris said, smoke fogging up as if it was thinking hard. "Some mage was trying to discover some secrets of life and created us by accident" the cloud of smoke said. "Then we both ran away and hid out wherever we could, having fun" the smoke cloud finished.

"Shh, look, there are two ponies at the station. You want to take them?" Iwiek asked while pointing at Niru and Violetina

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@Evil Dragon Master

Jaeger walked up beside Iwieck and looked at the two ponies he spoke of. He was completely fine with robbing and murdering only when the problem called for killing, but when it came to foals he was helpless. "She's got a foal with her man! There had to be some way to get something from her without scaring the little one....." he pondered for a moment and turned to Tenebris. "Hey, you seem stealthy...being a cloud of smoke and all....you think you could pickpocket the mare to see if she's got anything of value? Im just here to hit the train and get some weapons.....you two can worry about them." he replied in a cold tone.

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@Evil Dragon Master

Jaeger walked up beside Iwieck and looked at the two ponies he spoke of. He was completely fine with robbing and murdering only when the problem called for killing, but when it came to foals he was helpless. "She's got a foal with her man! There had to be some way to get something from her without scaring the little one....." he pondered for a moment and turned to Tenebris. "Hey, you seem stealthy...being a cloud of smoke and all....you think you could pickpocket the mare to see if she's got anything of value? Im just here to hit the train and get some weapons.....you two can worry about them." he replied in a cold tone.

Tenebris stared blankly at Jaeger before getting the idea and flying over to the pair. While they felt a small chill, they were unsuspicious as Tenebris stood right beside them. The problem was, Tenebris had no clue how to pick-pocket

"Uh, excuse me, lady, how do I pickpocket you?" Tenebris asked, discarding the cloaking effect and causing Iwiek to nearly have an aneurysm in rage

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Child Of Darkness,

Gloomfury could hear voices but he couldn't understand the language. He looks around until he sees two bat ponies hugging each other. One seems to be younger then the other. 'Maybe the tall ones daughter or something.' Gloom thought. He heads otver to them to see if they needed any help. "Hey, you lasses alright?"

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Iwiek screamed in horror at his sibling's stupidity. Not only had he uncloaked, he had asked for help pick-pocketing them and now some tough looking pony was heading their way. 

"Damn it! Do what you want Jaeger, I'm going to save my sibling's stupid butt" Iwiek screamed before charging off with Electro-Whips charged and ready.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jaeger cursed under his breath. "Save him, but don't you so much as touch that foal or her care taker, or so help me I'll kill you myself!" he yelled after Iwiek in a cautioning tone as he made his way to the edge of the platform...."please let the train still be operational and carrying some supplies." he prayed

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Jaeger cursed under his breath. "Save him, but don't you so much as touch that foal or her care taker, or so help me I'll kill you myself!" he yelled after Iwiek in a cautioning tone as he made his way to the edge of the platform...."please let the train still be operational and carrying some supplies." he prayed

Iwiek growled before stretching out his arms to grab his sibling and yank it out of the way. Hopefully the bat-ponies would leave and think it was just a trick of the mind. If it were any other day, Iwiek would have killed the two ponies but keeping Jaeger an ally was more important

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Violetina pulled Niru away from the smoky creature. She did not know what to make of it. It was not the first time they saw a smoke creature, but this one was different than what she had seen before.

"What the hell are you? Stay back. Stay away from us!" Violetina was less scared as she was use to seeing smoke creatures, but Niru was terrified out of her mind. Niru was buried into her sisters wings crying out if fear.

The two sisters looked over at another pony approaching them.


"Hey, you lasses alright?"
Violetina looked over at the earth pony asking them a question.
"No, we are not ok. We almost got killed by rubble, we just watched Canterlot crumble before our own eyes, a smoke monster is... well doing something, and my little sister scared out of her mind. Do you think we are alright?"
Violetina was getting very worked up but she tried her hardest to keep level headed. She was not doing very well.
Edited by Child of Darkness
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@@Child Of Darkness,

 Gloomfury wasn't taken back by what she said. He understood what was going on and how she must have felt. But even thought he wasn't feeling the same way she was, he still understood it. He kneels down to her and looks her in the eye. "I know there's a lot of crap going on and that you must be feeling confused and scared like your sister. I also know you are being strong for her sake. I may not look like it but I want to help ya'll out. Thing are just going to get worse and I think it would do you good to stick with me." He says with an honest face.

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@@Child Of Darkness,

 Gloomfury wasn't taken back by what she said. He understood what was going on and how she must have felt. But even thought he wasn't feeling the same way she was, he still understood it. He kneels down to her and looks her in the eye. "I know there's a lot of crap going on and that you must be feeling confused and scared like your sister. I also know you are being strong for her sake. I may not look like it but I want to help ya'll out. Thing are just going to get worse and I think it would do you good to stick with me." He says with an honest face.

"That's it" Iwiek growled, having had enough of hiding. The fat creature leaped out of his hiding place while screaming, hoping to bluff the other ponies away. Tenebris followed Iwiek and giggled childishly as its brother bluffed. 

"You'll move, lest you want to die" Iwiek growled at the trio

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jaeger peered out from behind the rubble he had hidden behind, he heard the foal cry out it made him cringe. He saw another pony approach as Iwiek and Tenebris. As soon as Iwiek threatened death he about lost it, but managed to maintain his anger. Jaeger pulled down his sunglasses and tied his bandana so it covered his muzzle so I would at least not be recognized by the three other ponies.


@Evil Dragon Master, @Gloomfury, @Child of Darkness


Jaeger stood and leaped over the rubble he had hid behind he flipped out his shotgun and cocked it loudly. "No pony is going to DIE, Iwiek! Tenebris! Just see if they have anything valuable to us and then we...are...leaving." he hissed, slightly muffled by his bandana, trying to sound cruel as to maintain Iwieks trust.

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Gloomfury quickly draws his knife. He then turned around, eye wade full of pure anger and hate and pointing at the pony coming at him. He bares his sharp teeth like a rabid wolf ready to kill to show wasn't playing around. And he wasn't. "You touch any one of these two and I'll tear out your innards with my teeth and tie you up with them, then I'll skin you alive and cut you up and eat your liver while I wearing your skin like a fur coat!!!!"

Edited by Gloomfury
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Gloomfury quickly draws his knife. He then turned around, eye wade full of pure anger and hate and pointing at the pony coming at him. He bares his sharp teeth like a rabid wolf ready to kill to show wasn't playing around. And he wasn't. "You touch any one of these two and I'll tear out your innards with my teeth and tie you up with them, then I'll skin you alive and cut you up and eat your liver while I wearing your skin like a fur coat!!!!"

"Ha! As if, you're nothing to me" Iwiek roared at Gloomfury. Iwiek then fired off his Electro-Whips at Gloomfury while laughing. Tenebris followed his lead and charged, giggling. 


Jaeger peered out from behind the rubble he had hidden behind, he heard the foal cry out it made him cringe. He saw another pony approach as Iwiek and Tenebris. As soon as Iwiek threatened death he about lost it, but managed to maintain his anger. Jaeger pulled down his sunglasses and tied his bandana so it covered his muzzle so I would at least not be recognized by the three other ponies.


@Evil Dragon Master, @Gloomfury, @Child of Darkness


Jaeger stood and leaped over the rubble he had hid behind he flipped out his shotgun and cocked it loudly. "No pony is going to DIE, Iwiek! Tenebris! Just see if they have anything valuable to us and then we...are...leaving." he hissed, slightly muffled by his bandana, trying to sound cruel as to maintain Iwieks trust.

"I've had enough of your softness" Iwiek roared while giving him a look of poison. Iwiek whistled and Tenebris whipped around to take Jaeger while Iwiek handled Gloomfury

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Jaeger growled, he didn't want to kill anypony, but he didn't want to get double crossed either. He eye'd Tenebris. "You don't want to do that Ten. We agreed to work together so why don't we stick to that.....otherwise, I'm gonna have to break my rule about killing." he said coldly, Layng down his shot gun and rolling up his sleeves to reveal red, glowing tattoos. He was fine with robbery, and if that foal hadn't been there he would have put a bullet in both of the ponies heads right now. "You know what? Fine." he muttered as he walked to stand by Iwiek, "Let's just get this over with I really don't feel like fighting a cloud of smoke." he replied

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@,@@Frosty V,@@Child Of Darkness,

 Gloomfury catches the Electro-Whips in his left hoof. Which lost all feeling in it years ago. He take sit in a strong grasp and look at Iwiek with more hate. "Wrong move shit head." He cuts the whip with his knife and tosses it away from him and the mares. "Now, your beef is going to be with me. Leave these two out of it. Or I'm gonna make all three of you beg for death."

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Jaeger growled, he didn't want to kill anypony, but he didn't want to get double crossed either. He eye'd Tenebris. "You don't want to do that Ten. We agreed to work together so why don't we stick to that.....otherwise, I'm gonna have to break my rule about killing." he said coldly, Layng down his shot gun and rolling up his sleeves to reveal red, glowing tattoos. He was fine with robbery, and if that foal hadn't been there he would have put a bullet in both of the ponies heads right now. "You know what? Fine." he muttered as he walked to stand by Iwiek, "Let's just get this over with I really don't feel like fighting a cloud of smoke." he replied

"Hmph, sorry about snapping" Iwiek said before resuming his ready position with whips waving. "We don't have to kill them, but I need to make sure that the two adults don't follow us" Iwiek grunted as he circled the trio. 

"We make them dead?" Tenebris asked, flying back to their position.


@,@@Frosty V,@@Child Of Darkness,

 Gloomfury catches the Electro-Whips in his left hoof. Which lost all feeling in it years ago. He take sit in a strong grasp and look at Iwiek with more hate. "Wrong move shit head." He cuts the whip with his knife and tosses it away from him and the mares. "Now, your beef is going to be with me. Leave these two out of it. Or I'm gonna make all three of you beg for death.


"Agh, it'll take me a day to grow that back" Iwiek complained before leaping back, now more cautious. 

"YOU MEANIE!! YOU HURT MY BROTHER!" Tenebris screamed, the smoke that made it up, turning a dangerous black. "I MAKE YOU DEAD!" it screeched before slamming into Gloomfury with a head-butt. 

"Heh, Tenebris is lot more useful when angry" Iwiek smirked before stretching out his hooves to catch Gloomfury from behind so Tenebris could continue attacking

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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(Narration. Another natural disaster.)


Another tremour was could be felt all over Equestria, this one originated in the eastern ocean. The tremour did not do any damage to anything but what came after was deadly. The tremour caused a tidel wave to form on the easter ocean which destroyed Van hoover and Las pegasus. The destruction could be heard all over Equestria.

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