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_~Soaring Heart~_

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((Oops didn't mean to have Duak come across as annoyed))


Dusk twisted around, "do you her?" He asked kindly. He was in a good mood, yet he get he ha done something wrong. "Sunset, did I do something wron?" He asked. He was scared, this was the first time he had been with a mare for more then an hour in about a year. He turned and looked at the other mare who had waved. She seemed to be talking to a pole. "Sunset, do you want to stay or head back, am fine with either one?" He asked. He tried to be as calm and gentle as possible, because he was also freaking out.



((This rp is actually making me nervous because I don't want my OC to mess up with Sunset))

((Btw Dusk will try to give a lot of the choice to Subset, he doesn't want to choose for her, that only happens sometimes))

Edited by Lask

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@@Rokkurin, @@

​((It's okay. It was just how Sunset interpreted it.))
Sunset looked at Dusk timidly.
"N-no, I don't know her... No-no, you di-didn't do anything wr-wrong..." she said.
Just then, she noticed that there was a stallion with the mare.
"I-I'm nervous in c-c-crowds," she whispered to Dusk, still hiding behind him.

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@@Mint Drop

"Me too" Dusk whispered back. "Should we just go home then?" he asked kindly. He began to walk slowly in the direction of his house, staying inbetween the mare and Sunset.


((Wait how are they going to mee if Dusk and Sunset are terrified. MAKE THE MOVE SOARING))

Edited by Lask

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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((I GOT DIS.))

@Lask, @Mint Drop, @Rokkurin.

Soaring tilted her head. "How come you're nervous? I'd never hurt anypony." She tried to reassure them. Soaring fluttered her wings. "You don't have to be shy!" She said cheerfully. She smiled warmly. 'Oh, I can blow my chance at making more friends! Think, Soaring, think!' She thought. "Would you like to come to Sweet Apple Acres with us?" She asked. "I'll pay."

((I'm so cute, Mint! Epic Catface WIN! Thanks. ^w^))


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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Bayonets smile grows larger. This was the nicest pony She has ever met in Equestria. Shes met a few nice ponies but not as nice as Sunny. Bayonet was so touched from what she said she couldn't think of anything to say that show how much that meant to her. So she walks closer to her and nuzzle her cheek. "Thank you Sunny."

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Guardian looked over at who Soaring was waving at. He saw a stallion and a mare. The mare is what caught his attention. "So that must be Applejack." he said to Soaring. Not the pony to be rude, he introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Guardian Angel. You must be Applejack." He said pointing to the mare.@@Mint Drop,

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Sunny shivered a little from the unexpected expression of compassion, the poor mare's demeanor suddenly changed as she plopped to sit as her cheeks blushed strawberry red. She had never felt such things before from another pony. In all honesty, Sunny was suddenly frightened, probably for the first time in her life as her heart pounded furiously. The mare flinched very briefly after such before beaming back to realization as she looked up in surprise, having a hard time making eye contact with Bayonet very shyly. Sunny couldn't find the words...thus she awkwardly sat with her head looking down against her shoulder.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Rokkurin,  @,
Sunset tried to hide even more behind Dusk as the stallion pointed towards her, but she knew that was being rude, so she peeked out at him from behind Dusk and her mane.
"A-A-Applejack? N-no..."

@,(Flash puppet recoloring and mouth manipulating for the win!!! Hehe, that was fun to do. I'm going to try to make a picture of Guardian and Soaring x3)

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Mint Drop,


Dusk stood more or less inf ront of Sunset, he wanted to run and hide, he was terrified. These two ponies had trotted over and asked if they wanted to go get pie with them. Then one asked Sunset if she was Applejax. "I-i-i think y-you hvae the w-wrong p-pony." he said shyly. "A-applejax is t-that w-way". He pointed with his hoof towards the fields. He then looked at Sunset, "Its okay Sunset, its okay" he whispered. Hopefully, they will just go on there way.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@Rokkurin, @Lask, @Mint Drop

Soaring snickered. "That's not Applejack. Applejack isn't that... shy." She said. "Sorry. Guardian's been away for a while, so he doesn't know Applejack." She smiled. "I'm Soaring Heart." She knew she was late for the introduction. "You don't have to be shy." She reassured.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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 A very worried look grows from Sunny's reaction. She didn't think she would act likes once she nuzzled her. So she starts to think that it's her fault, that she did something wrong or something she shouldn't have done. She lifts a hoof gingerly wards her. "S-sunny? Are you alright?"

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"I-I'm f-fine Bay...doncha fret now, I'll get up," she managed to force out, humorously not even standing back up like she said she would...Dog gone it. Get up!...As though a rush of determination came about her, Sunny stood fast and strongly as she looked at Bayonet with a serious look. It was all unintentional of course for Sunny didn't exactly know what she was even doing...Though, when Sunny caught sight of the worriment painted across Bayonet's face, she calmed and her sapphire eyes softened. Silently, the mare walked slowly to Bayonet, her golden hair hanging over her eyes.Then, looking at Bayonet, she brushed her mane back and scratched the back of her head embarassed, "Ummm, sorry about that there Bay...So uh, where we headed again?" She calmly asked, trying to distract from what happened.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@,@, @@Mint Drop,

Guardians cheeks flushed red from embarrassment, but his smile never moved. "Just like what Soaring said, I haven't been home in a long time." he said. "Since you know me and Soaring, what are your names?" he asked wanting to change the subject and possibly meet new ponies.

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@@Rokkurin,@, @@Mint Drop,  


Dusk slowly backed away from the couple. He was scared he knew Sunset was to. "A-a-am Dusk" he whispered. "This is S-sunset." He spoke for her becuase he knew that she would be to terrified to say anything. He was terrified himself, and wanted to hide in a hole. Vi ran off his back down onto Sunsets back.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@Lask, @Mint Drop, @Rokkurin

"Nice to meet you!" Soaring said happily. The sun dipped below the horizon as stars began to appear in the sky. "Oh, no. If we don't get going, Sweet Apple Acres'll close." Soaring squeaked worriedly. "If you want to come, it'd be okay." She added to Dusk and Sunset.


Sunset Sparkle: Proud Flutterfan

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 Even though Sunny goes back to normal, Bayonet is still worried that she did something wrong. She also felt guilty for doing something the she probably needed permission to do. "A-alright. We were heading to the sweet shop. But it looks like it is closed." Bayonet didn't know what else to say. For some reason she thinks it's better to not say anything else.

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Guardian nodded along with Soarings request. It would be nice to have more ponies to talk to and get to know. If there is one thing that he has learned is you can never have to many friends. But right now, Soaring is more than a friend. She is something more and he likes it. Thinking about this caused his face to turn a shade darker.

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(sorry, didn't get a notification XD)


If Sunny had hands, she would have snapped in her disappointment, "Well shoot fire...guess we'll have to try somethin' else..." Suddenly she looked to Bayonet with a smile...that slowly crept to a frown as she saw the saddening features appear upon the mare. It broke Sunny's heart to see Bay like that...Her cutie mark, the rose, was given to her because of her talent to sing and dance...and to make others' spirits rise. It hurt to think she caused it, but she had to be strong. Tenderly, Sunny came up to Bay and grabbed her blanket from her back and wrapped it around Bay to keep her warm, looking at her with apologetic eyes. Then, she grabbed the small pouch of her Caramel family Cider-Sugar and set it in front of her, nudging towards Bay while plopping to a sit. Knowing little of what to say, Sunny did what she knew best...the only thing she knew:


"When you go through life unknown,

Keep your eyes to the sky,

And don't ever fear the night,

When the sun sets down,

The moon will rise,

And the sweet silver stars,

gleam off your eyes.


March on through the storms

March on through the pain

Though your hope may be blown and torn

Keep on, keep on

with your dreams in your heart

and always keep marching on

Then you'll never go alone


Keep on, Keep on

with your dreams in your heart

and always keep marching on

Then you'll never go alone..."


Sunny's beautiful and comforting voice suddenly came to a close as she managed a smile towards Bayonet, hoping that her words may have found some meaning to the mare. It was actually hard for her to sing it due to it being a song her Mah used to sing to her. "You really need to work on that smile, Bay," Sunny said softly.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Bayonets worries slowly fade away as she listens to Sunny sing to her, and a smile grows on her face. "I will. Thank you for cheering me up, Sunny. Your singing is really beautiful." She pulls the blanket over her a little more. She wanted to nuzzle Sunny again out of thinks, but she thought she should keep her distance.

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Sunny became silent as she looked at Bayonet, rubbing her foreleg shyly, "Nah, it ain't nothin' really...just didn't like ya being all upset, Bay," she admitted modestly, scooting closer to Bayonet's side. Succumbing to doing what her heart was recommending her to do, the honey-haired mare scooted up against Bay, feeling her warm body up against her's. Sunny blushed a little as she rubbed her hoof on the ground, unsure of what exactly to say.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Aerodynas,(So cute!)

 Bayonets face turns red after feeling the warmth of the caramel colored mare got close to her. "Well, I feel a lot better now." She says as she moves a little closer to Sunny. She could smell the sweet sent of sugar on her as she got closer. She moved her nose closer to get a  better whiff of the sweet smell. As she did she lightly nuzzles Sunny's cheek again ." You're really sweet Sunny."

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Dusk nodded timidly , he didn't want to be rude "iff you w-wan to sunset" he gave her the choice because she was slightly more shy then him. Dusk noticed Vi on her back, he was no more nervous without the weight of Vi standing there keeping him safe from harm.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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((Sorry for teh lack of posts. Writer's block and I didn't even realize any of you had posted))
Sunset winced when she heard the mare snicker, thinking she was laughing at her, and her ears flattened further when she heard the word "shy". Dusk's trying to soothe her helped a little.

The small orange Pegasus saw Dusk nod when Soaring and Guardian invited them to come with them to Sweet Apple Acres. Not wanting to disappoint Dusk and not wanting to have to go to Dusk's on her own, she nodded timidly, still covering most of her face with her long mane. 

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The same nervous feeling Sunny experienced earlier spurred through her caramel body, shivering a little under the touch of Bayonet's muzzle tickled against her cheek. "Not near as much as you Bay," she whispered fervently, beginning to calm from the touch but blushing like sakura petals. Something about Bay was different than the pony she had met earlier. It was as though Sunny saw her through new eyes, if she could manage to actually look at her without cowering away. Bay was so...beautiful to her now. Her heart pounded furiously and her breathing increased a little as she imagined the many adventures she could have with this mare. It was like a dream to her.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Bayonets heart flutters again from Sunny calling her bay. She gets another whiff of her mane and smiles from the sweet smell. "I doubt that." For some reason her tail starts to wrap around Sunny's and she could feel her body moving closer without her control. Her eyes slowly starts to close as her lips starts to come closer Sunny's. 

Edited by Gloomfury
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