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open Music Camp

Courageous Thunder Dash

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"Sorry Thunder Dash, i don't sing." Guardian said while playing a gentle beat, mixed in with a few speed flows and off beat double drum kicks. Guardian looks to see the new mare just get up and leave after her performance. "Why did she leave? I thought she did a pretty good job."

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"Hello everypony. I'm Wolf, I just got admitted here because my parents are dead. I was requested to come here since I was told by my counselor at school that this place would help me overcome my feelings about my missing father.



So, you guys into Jazz? I listen to jazz a lot 'cause it helps me calm down."

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Sam walks in and sees Wolf walk in. "Look. Wolf, Praire Dog, Ronzell, whatever your name is. We don't mess with you or anybody else here, alright? You stay out of our way and we'll stay out of yours. Capisce?" Sam said with anger, his friend Salem hadn't been a good friend to him lately and that bothered him. He then headed towards outside to his car and begins cruising out to meet Salem. Sam turns on the radio to hear one of his favorite songs and begins to sing along to the track. 

Edited by Kon~

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Thunder Dash saw the two come in and sensed their energies. "Oh, I see we have a bit of a conflict here." He said as he gathered some electricity and made a clipboard appear. On the clipboard, were the names of the ponies attending. "The name's Thunder Dash by the way." He said to the two new ponies.  

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Sam returns from his visit from Salem - which left him still mad. He sees Thunder Dash and the two start talking.  
Sam begins by talking about what's going on right now, with a little help from his friends to play the guitar, drums, and bass.


"Knock knock, It's Me..."



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Sam returns from his visit from Salem - which left him still mad. He sees Thunder Dash and the two start talking.  
Sam begins by talking about what's going on right now, with a little help from his friends to play the guitar, drums, and bass.


"Knock knock, It's Me..."

Sorry, it double posted. Don't mind this. 

Edited by Kon~

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(OOC: You double posted but that's okay.)


"Well, that's an interesting story. So you must sing I assume." Thunder Dash stated. Honestly, he would keep a sharp watch between the two new ponies that just walked in. He wanted no grudges nor fights to happen while at Music camp.  

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Wolf hears Sam and his band performing.

He peaks through the door and wait until Sam stops performing.


After he did, Wolf asks him about the mare he saw walking nearby the cabin. "Yo, who's that?"


He asks as the mare walks by and took a short look at both Sam and Wolf.


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Yeah, alright. I've gotten a lot of stories to tell; hence why I do music.




That's Salem, one of my best mare friends. Now you stay away from her, alright? Sam then walks away from Wolf and gets a call from one of his friends to meet him by the lake. Sam then goes to his cabin to grab his bike, which he named Slater and rides towards the lake.


"Me and Slater just hit a curb, Bunny hop and zonin' out while listenin' to N.E.R.D..."


Edited by Kon~

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(OOC: Just FYI you two, don't go off topic or I'm gonna have to kick both of you out.)


Thunder Dash was just jamming in the main room while Guardian was still in there with him. He overheard Wolf and Sam talking, but decided to leave it alone. He didn't want to interfere with any personal stuff between the two. 

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The world around Guardian seemed to just melt away at the music he was hearing and played. His drums, with their loud crashes, high bangs and low bass sounds was a simple bliss to his ears. He could play his drums all day, non-stop if he wishes to do some. But if he did, there was no way he would have the energy to do anything else the following day.

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Solar Nova is visibly impressed by Guardian's drum skills.


"Dude, nice drumming. Respect. Wanna do something a little less intense? The way you're going, you're legs are turn into noodles."


Solar Nova starts up another tune. "This one is a cool one. You'll like it"



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Sweet Symphony had no clue why she was so late. She hadn't really brought anything, as she was here to sing and did not have a microphone of her own. 
Looking around the Camp she had just arrived at, she located the building where she had been told to go and started trotting towards it.
Walking in, she looked around, unsure who the instructor was. Spotting a yellow Pegasus nearby, she turned to get a better look. He seemed to have an air about him, and something told her he might be the instructor, so she cantered up to him.
"Umm, sorry if I'm late. I got a little lost on the way here," she said.

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@,@@Mint Drop,


"You're not late. We're just jammin' right now and sharing what we all can do." Thunder Dash stated.


He then prepared to do a rapid piece that he learned by ear. "Check this out." He stated as he then began to play the piece. His hooves were moving everywhere all along the piano.


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hmmm...Now that I know what I'm up for, here's a little ditty I highly enjoy in 9/8 time.  Played this a few years ago, still one of weirdest jazz pieces I've ever done (because of the weird key signiture).  I am one more for the swing and jive type jazz from the 30s and 40's....but I'll play anything instrumental.




"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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(OOC: Hey Treble, make sure you put that in third person form)


@@Treble Bolt


Thunder Dash turned to treble and listened carefully. "I wasn't really one for the 9/8 time sig. Instead, I would use 3/4, but count in triplets, which makes it less confusing." Thunder Dash said as he continued to listen. 

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When Sam finally reaches the lake, he meets up with his friends to start to do some business with some. Whilst doing the deal, his conscience kicks in. Sam's not so sure of being back into the bad business, but his mother is no longer able to pay for his time at the camp, and Sam want's to continue to enroll in the music camp.

"All this hunger and hustle, all I wanted was a cheeseburger..."


Soon after he returns to the camp and goes to his room to write a song for Salem. 

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After a long day of laying down fat beats and criticizing on the other ponies music, Wolf decided to head outside and take a dip in the nearby Lake. He rushed to his Cabin and put his swim trunks on.


As Wolf is walking down the trail to the lake, he spotted Salem on the edge of the Lake. He asks her to dance with him in his Cabin to one of his favorite music producers, Pierce Strine.


"We could still dance, but I don't have no rhythm"




After the two dance, Wolf told Salem to start a campfire outside his cabin. While she was doing that, he went to tell his fellow ponies and ThunderDash about a small party near the campfire. Along with that, Wolf brought Marshmellows.

"All I needed was a stick, grab the marshmallows"



The morning after the Campfire happened and breakfast with the other ponies, Wolf went to Salem's cabin while she was practicing violin.

He told her that he had written a song and wanted to perform it with her at the lake once she was done practicing.


Wolf had patiently waited for 11 Minutes, and the two head out to the lake.


He then performed his song, which was called Bimmer.




After he was finished, Salem gave Wolf a small peck on the cheek, and they both returned to where the other ponies were performing their music.


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(@, You keep timeskipping, which only DMs are supposed to be allowed to do (In other words, only Thunder should do that) and barely any time has passed with us. It's like you're in your own little roleplay separate from ours. )

Symphony gaped at the Pegasus' talent. She was just about to say so when somepony else cut her off. They started  talking, and she staayed quiet. When they were done, she tapped his shoulder.
"You're really good at that," she said, smiling somewhat timidly. "I'm Sweet Symphony."

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@@Mint Drop,


"Oh thanks!" Thunder Dash said. "Let's see what you can do. Do you sing? If so, what song would you like to do?" Thunder Dash asked as he was sitting by the piano. He really wanted to accompony a singer, yet the room was already filled with musicians doing various stuff.  

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Guardian watched as another new pony enters and talks to Thunder Dash. All he was able to get out of the conversation was sing, and this peeked his interest. After finishing his little beat with a crash, he silenced his drumming and just awaited patiently while twirling his drumsticks.

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"Actually, singing is the only reason I'm here, i don't have any musical talent otherwise," Sweet Symphony said, becoming aware of being the center of attention. She wasn't shy, but she was sometimes self-conscious when it came to her singing in front of new ponies.
"Um... A song I'd like to sing? Um... I couldn't..... I'll just listen to everypony here play.

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Solar Nova waited patiently for Thunder Dash as he talked to the new pony. He noodled on his guitar. He wondered what it was that this new pony played...


But for now he was just happy to noodle on his guitar. Maybe he could get a new song out of his noodling.


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(can i join? XD)


Volt was returning to his lab after a week of long and hard work, the only thing he wished was his soft clous sofa and a peacefull listening of some trotting stones... but  in the sky the epic sound of stringed instruments reached his hears.. "Maybe i should check this awesomenes.."


Thunder Dash just finished talking to the new pony.. Volt landling exactely in the midle of the stage introduced himself "Hello everypony! i just heard some amazing music here, can i stay and listen to ya? I can't play any instrument but i love music, expecially trying to reproduct it in the same way the atrists meant it to be... you see i'm an audiophile... maybe i can help you with those amplifiers... they.. uhm just don't sound right never tried vacuum tubes instead of those pegasus transistors? ho the o'l hearth pony tecnology.. well i'm talking too much and the quiter you are the more you can hear, show me off everything you got! Oh by the way the name is Volt, doctor Volt"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"You mean the old vaccum tubes used during the times of Eddie Van Hooflen (Eddie Van Halen ponified)? I prefer the bright distorn from this baby right here." Thunder Dash stated pointing to his 75-Watt Line 6 Spider IV. "This sweet girl's got presets featuring those from the old marshall plexi drive amps, which were like killer back then and the modern VOX vacuum tubes of today." Thunder Dash explained.  

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