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open Darling Foal Daycare


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/77766-darling-foal-daycare/


You are on your way to work when you see a flier that reads, "At Darling Foal Daycare, you're foal will be well taken care of and looked after! There will be educational games, healthy snacks and melodious lullaby filled nap-times. So bring your child to Darling Foal Daycare and don't worry about a thing." You immediately rejoice as you had been looking for a foal sitter for your foals! The next day you take your foals to the daycare and then go to work. Your mind is at ease because you know they will be taken care of. 


Meanwhile at the Daycare, the two unicorn owners 'Poof and 'Twinkle' are dealing with a crisis and a hard decision. There parents are sick and they need to go to Canterlot to take care of them! But, they have no one to take care of the fillies and colts, save for their son 'Pazazz'! But their son isn't responsible enough and they don't have anyone else to fill in. So finally with after writing down specific instructions and forcing their son to promise them multiple times that he wouldn't let anything go wrong, they take the train to Canterlot. 


A few hours pass with nothing happening aside from a little argument regarding juice box, between two foals, and Pazazz is bored out of his pony mind! But then his friends come in and convince him to go with them to the edge of the everfree forest to play. Pazazz agrees to go, thinking he'll be back in time, and that nothing would happen since the foals were all asleep anyway, but he was wrong. 


As soon as Pazazz leaves, the foals split into two groups. The two foals from before have some unfinished business and plan to end it now. Soon the daycare is split into two parts and the middle is a war zone. 

Edited by Sky Chaser
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Crystal trotted around the Drooler's base anxiously. She knew a great war was at hand, and she was determined to get it all, the juice and the victory!

For this she and her team had created a home base at the far end of the room. It was made intirely out of pillows and some furniture, butr the walls where near impossible to penetrate. The only weak spot seemed to be the roof, but none of the Sippy Cups could come close enough without being taken down with the pillow artillery for now.


She needed a plan. And she needed help. In times like these it was always that one mare would be there to lend a helping hoof, so she turned to her most trusted friend. Diamond Breeze (@, )

"We need a plan."


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Diamond looked up at the roof "uh, we need a big blanket for the roof, then the fort has no weakness, maybe more things to throw too." she said as she looked at crystal "so, where's puffy?" she asked as puffy was not on her shoulders bubbles is over in the corner, silly monkey. she thought.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Crystal froze in place upon hearing this. She frantically tapped her back with her hooves serching for her beloved stuffed companion, tough it was nowhere to be found! The pupils in her eyes shrunk to the size of mere pin pricks as a high pitched eep escaped her mouth. "Nooo! Puffy! Diamond quick we gotta find her!"

All her previous top priority mission objectives became nothing as she searched for her beloved plush all throughout the base camp.

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Sweet was watching the Droolers. She squinted her eyes. "We must get are base set up! Maybe we could use these chairs for the thingy that holds this up! And we can use that blanket!" Sweet put the chairs facing each other and put the blanket on top. "We need some cool things for our base. Hmmm.... how about this rainbow pillow." Sweet walked to the couch to grab the rainbow pillow. She put it it in the base. "We need things to protect our selves. Books! Those hurt. Especially big books." Sweet went to the book case and got some hard cover books. She set those in the base."I wish that everyone wasn't playing. We need to get prepared. The Sippy Cups need a plan!" Sweet sighed. She grabbed her sippy cup and drank some apple juice. She waited for everyone else. 

Edited by ZoeyandNicole
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Crystal still raged through the base, throwing up pillows and kicking around furniture in the process. Her beloved plush companion was nowhere to be found, and she was almost breaking down in tears. Her lower lip began to tremble as her brow furrowed. "N-No, not P-Puffy!" She said as she sat down in the middle of the chaos she just created. She looked around one more time, and she tried to swallow away the tears...


...But it was too much. Without her plush she was almost at the end of her expenses. The dam broke and a massive stream of tears flowed over her face as she cried for her lost friend,


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Firecracker excitedly hopped up to the door of the Daycare, tiny, yellow-feathered wings buzzing a mile a minute, her mother in tow. She was ecstatic to come here. She just knew she would make friends with everypony!
"YAY! More ponies to play with! I'm gonna have so many new friends! I'm so excited!" she squealed. Her mother chuckled.
"I'm sure you will. Let's go in."
They went in and got everything settled. Firecracker watched her mom leave, then looked for somepony to play with. 

-A Little Later- 

Firecracker's mother had packed some juice for her, and she was just about to have some when another pony walked by and took the juice box. 
"HEY!" She shouted. "You stole my juice box!"
The ponies got into a fight, but they were told it was naptime, and postponed their argument for later. 
After the pony taking care of them left, everypony split up into two teams; ponies who were on her own side, and the ponies who were on the juice stealer's side.
She saw a small plushy on the juice stealer's bed and took it with her.
"She steals something of mine, I steal something of hers," she grumbled. "That'll show her!"

"Lookit, guys!" Firecracker exclaimed, proudly displaying the stuffy she had taken. "This is the juice thief's!" She said, beaming at the ponies who had joined her.


~Angel Light~
Angel Light was guided into the daycare by her mother.
"Mommy?" she asked, looking up in the direction she assumed her mom's face was in.
"Yes, Angel?"
"Why aren't Cumulus and Cinnie coming?"
"They're in the older kids section, honey, and besides, they have school."
Angel sighed. She wasn't good at making friends.
"Don't worry, your cousin Guardian Angel will be there."

Her mother brought her into the daycare and explained to the owners the fact that she was blind, and that she had her own special toys; A puppy plushy named Softie - named for how it felt in her hooves, as shecouldn't see what it looked like - and a little ball with bells in it - she liked the sound of that, too.

She heard the argument but didn't move from where she was playing with Softie. She didn't want to get in trouble.
When it was naptime, she curled up happily with Softie and fell asleep.

When she woke up, she heard hooves going in different directions and wondered what was going on.

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Sun Sparkle shot to her hooves and dashed towards where Sweet Apple was making a fort. An idea popped into her head and she whirled around and headed towards the drawing table. She swiped all of the crayons and papers off and began trying to push the table towards the fort. Unfortunately her tiny body wasn't strong enough to push it. Stomping her hooves in frustration she ran back to Sweet Apple.

"Come on! We can use the table! And put it-put it in front! And it'll be like a wall like Canterlot!" She exclaimed, her wings flapping rapidly, but not lifting her off of the ground. 



Tick Tock watched the fillies on the Sippy Cup side of the day care, from under a few pillows that he had hid under. When fillies started taking sides he had just run over and somehow ended up on their side. He saw one of the fillies--Firecracker holding a plush toy, and saying something about it being the juice stealers. He whimpered and covered his face with his hooves. 

"But--" He began to whisper. "What if they get mad at us?" He asked. 

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Diamond walked up to crystal and gave her a hug "don't worry we'll find puffy, we are gonna find puffy." she said as she stopped the hug and went searching for puffy, a little bit later she saw puffy in the hooves of firecracker and ran to crystal "crystal, crystal, firecracker has puffy!!" she said.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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@, Crystal felt the comfort of her best friends hug, and she calmed down a little. She sighed as she hugged her back and wiped her eyes as they broke appart. A few minutes passed before Diamond returned with horrible news. "WHAT!? How could he! I know this is war but that's just a war crime! They'll pay for this, oh yeah they'll all pay..." 


"Drooler army!" Crystal screamed, wanting the attention of everypony in her group. "The enemy has taken a hostage, namely my beloved Puffy. We shall not let them have this advantage over us. We will strike hard, fast and loed. They will not know what hit ém untill it has allready been done. The priority: Find and secure the hostage. Any questions?"

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Any questions?


Cleo scrambled from under the temporary pillow tent that she had made, dragging along her own toy, Grey. 


" But, what about our toys? What if the enemy tries to steal them?" Cleo pouted, clutching her toy close to her. " Someone's gotta take care of them, right?"


Signature by Azura

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Guardian shook his head no when asked if there were any questions. Instead he stood straight like a guard and saluted at the end, which caused him to accidentally hit himself in the head with his toy guard soldier. "Ow." he said, trying to play it off. Only for a single tear to fall from his eye.

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"Ow." he said, trying to play it off. Only for a single tear to fall from his eye.


Cleo stared at him, her purple eyes wide. How did he not cry? That looked like it hurt! " Wow..." She whispered, still hugging her toy donkey.  


She then turned forward again, a determined look on her face. She would try to be as brave as him in battle, to strive forward without shedding a tear. 


Signature by Azura

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Angel Light, who had wandered overwhen she heard somepony yell, heard a familiar voice say, "Ow!"
Unaware that there were several other foals there, she took a step forward and said, "Guardian? Is that you? Are you okay?"

Firecracker saw the two together and heard Sun's plan and darted over, beaming enthusiastically.
"That's a good plan! I'll help you! Those juice stealers won't have a CHANCE!" Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Mint Drop,@,  

Sun Sparkle bounced on her hooves excitedly and ran back over to the table, using her head to push the table inch by inch to the fort. Well she thought she was pushing  it. In reality she was just rocking it. "Come on! Push the other side or pull it!" She cried, her wings buzzing behind her as she put all of her strength into moving the table...An inch forward. 



Tick Tock whimpered once more and ducked out from under his hiding spot. When choosing sides he had dropped his clock plushie somewhere and he planned to get it before somepony else trampled it or worse took it! Gathering his courage he dashed out but his nervousness combined with him looking left and right but no in front of him, caused him to trip over the rug 

Edited by DarligPegasi
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@@Mint Drop,

Guardians ears flicked to the sound of a familiar  voice, "Angel Light? Is that you?" he asked wiping the tear away and looking around for the voice. Sure enough his eyes landed on his cousin. "Light! It is you!" he cheered as he ran to give her a hug. "Its been so long, how have you been?"

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Suddenly, Angel felt two forelegs wrapping around her in a hug, and she hugged back.
"I missed you! I've been okay. I'm glad you're here, Cunulus and Cinnie can't be here because they have school... I'm not good at meeting new ponies."

Firecracker enthusiastically darted over to another table leg and pulled it in the direction Sun was pushing it in.
"Sweet Apple! We need your heeeelp! Too heavy!"
Noticing a colt running somewhere, she called out to him.
"Hey! You! Pony! We need your help moving this stupid table!"


@@((We need you guys)

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@@Mint Drop,

Tick Tock scrambled up from where he had tripped and froze in his tracks. "Uh-Uhh Um," He stammered, sweating nervously. "Okay..." He headed over to the table, ears down and gaze averted. He began pushing against the table with his shoulder, but finding that uncomfortable he turned around and began pushing against it with his rump, using his back legs as a back up force. 


The table began to move with the three foals moving it, and Sun Sparkle directed her gaze to Firecracker. "So where should we put it? Uhh Captain Firecracker!" She announced happily. She knew from her parent's stories that the leader of the royal guards at Canterlot were called Captain's and since Firecracker was their leader it would only make sense for her to be called one too! 

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@@DarligPegasi, Firecracker looked around and saw a corner. She pointed towards it.
"There! If we have it on its side facing away from one of the walls and get something else to be another wall, that means less ways of those Droolers getting in!" she exclaimed, wings buzzing from excitement.

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Mint Drop,

"Hey, its okay. I know meeting new ponies is hard, but everyone here is very nice." He looks around at the daycare turned battlefield, "Or not" He chuckled nervously. "And don't worry, if anything happens I'll be there to protect you, I promise!" He declared, saluting  like a guard. Only to fail and smack himself in the face....again.

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(That's the most adorable thing i've read all week :wub:)
Angel smiled in Guardian's direction, comforted by his words. He was right up there with Cumulus in for ponies she could look up to, even thought they weren't that different in age. Ages aside, she thought of him as a big brother rather than a cousin, and what he said reinforced that. 

She heard a small noise like a soft thunk! in his direction and frowned slightly.
"Are you okay?" she asked.

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@@Mint Drop,

Guardian chuckled nervously, "I just accidentally, hit myself in the head...again."  He is glad that he was going to have a family member around here. This may have only been his umteenth time coming here but that is beside the point. He does everything he can to make sure nothing got too out of hoof, and when he went to the potty, things got out of hoof.


(OOC too much?)

  • Brohoof 1
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@@LittleRawr,"Cleo is right. We need somepony to guard the innocent while the rest of us are at battle. This is a task that claims a great amount of responsibility, who's up for it?" Crystal looked over the group. Some ponies seemed like they where familliar with eachother. This comforted her a little, as much as she tried to be a leader, the stress of loosing one of her very best friends to the hooves of the enemy was really wearing her down. 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@Mint Drop,


Sun Sparkle nodded enthusiastically and began pushing the table again, her rapidly flapping wings causing her back legs to rise into the air and give her a little extra force.


Tick Tock sighed and began backing into the table again too. "I wanna go back to my pillow cave." He whined, his ears drooping. "Scratch that, I wanna go--My CLOCK PLUSHY!" He shrieked, interrupting himself. He had completely forgotten about going to retrieve his dear possession. He stopped pushing the tables and dashed towards where he had last seen it. 

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Virvidian just rolled his eyes. He really wasnt that talkative, and preffered some peace.

He just decides to wrap himself in his scarf and stay put. 

He wasnt one to fight.

"this whole thing seems stupid."

Virvidi said, and streched. 

"Why must we have to fight over a dumb juice box?"

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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