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"You felt something, I could tell. What was it?"




In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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" since your probibly gonna kill me anyway, im gonna have to say no, and run the other way." rears up and runs the oppisite way, putting as much distace between the dragon and himself, dodging rocks, under trees,, and just generally trying to lose the big thing.

after awhile he comes to a stop and looks around, cocking his ears, noticing no sounds, he sighs and follows a river, eventaully making it to a waterfall, and behind that, a cave, smiling he trots into the shallow cave, it has just enough room, for him and mabey somepony else, but will keep himself well hidden for the time being.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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AshWing found some arrows in the knee on a dead pony ¨why are there bones here?¨ he asked to nopony after that he walked to a open grassland where two manticores comes out from the bushes on the other side ¨i guess i need to fight them seeing its no other way¨ and started to attack them with his hooves

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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((Hey, I don't mean to sound rude or anything ponys, but can we please have a bit of a connection here or something? I mean, we had something going earlier with Scout and Midnight and then that angry Brony came along and kinda crushed it...I know I'm not the creator of this thread or anything, but it's never going to move forward without some action or meeting of some sort....Please....))



Six could only smile at the mare, she was trying her best to be nice, and he admired it. When she lowered her head, he nudged her playfully and smiled, "yer tryin too hard, jus loosen up a bit" he said.


"I don't mean to be that way, sorry." She laughed softly and nudged him back with her hoof. She was about to say something else when she heard a giant thump on the ground, like something landing on the ground. Something that weighed a huge amount. "Um...this really doesn't sound good..."

"Hidden behind my grin is something cunning, and possibly wicked, but it is always honest."


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midnight looks out of his cave, "time to move." he climbs up the rock face and looks around, before moving deeper into the forest, listining for anything and everything.

"hello?" he whispers quietly hoping somepony can hear him."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Miss cowered in the bushes fearful of whatever it was in the distance that had made that noise. With Sixs hoof still over her mouth, she stayed quiet, her eyes moving quickly back and forth in a panic What if something else is in this forest besides ponies.... Shuffling in the bushes near her made her jump back from Six to the other side of the bushes, almost bumping into another pony, Midnight. "Eeek!!"

"Hidden behind my grin is something cunning, and possibly wicked, but it is always honest."


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midnight breathed a sigh of relief, "sheesh," he nodded back at cloud, "sorry this is the everfree after all."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Rearing up on her back hooves, Miss let out a smalll whinny. Moving backwards till she fell back into the bushes and her top hat landed on her face, blocking her view of the two ponies in front of her. I'm fine, I'm fine! I'll get up in a sec." Miss rolled on her side, her hat still stuck around her mouth. She went to shake her head back and forth, trying to remove the hat.

"Hidden behind my grin is something cunning, and possibly wicked, but it is always honest."


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midnight blinked "yeah....you okay? im sorry if i scared you."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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"Sssshing!" said his blade in a quick hiss as he unsheathed it.

"It over...now!" he said as he went to deliver the blow but then everything went black.


He then awoke in a forest and started to walk but then he noticied a group off to the distance and started to pitifully move his body toward them. Then realizing how tired he was stumbled and hit the ground hard. There he fell into the blackness...


A figure in light forest fatigues appeared off in the distance.

It was very hard to tell what he looked like due to the camouflaged fatigues but he seemed to be carrying some gear.

As he slowly approached the group he fell and was unconscious.......


(How is this as an intro? Note: The last paragraph is from your prespective)

Edited by Danger Dash
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"Yeah, I'm okay...Thanks though." She turned to Midnight extending her hoof. "No worries, I'm just a really clutzy person actually...So, don't be surprised I fell over." Leaning forward to take her hat from Six, she flipped it in the air, back onto her head, trying to retain her dignity. Edited by Cheshire Pegasister

"Hidden behind my grin is something cunning, and possibly wicked, but it is always honest."


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Six merely looked with a raised eyebrow and merely shrugged. <As if ah care who woke ya up> he thought. He knew it wasnt very nice, but as of now, the stress of being here with no explanation was thinning to get to him.


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"Hey...None of us meant to wake you up. We are just as...well...as confused as you are!" Miss saw her friend in distressed and stopped in to stop early fighting, hoping that things went the right way 'Maybe he's just as lost as we are...or maybe, just maybe, he knows something we don't. Someone has to know...'

"Hidden behind my grin is something cunning, and possibly wicked, but it is always honest."


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Ashwing jumped up a tree ¨well i know your just going to the forest gem if its thats what your wondering if i know something you dont know¨ ashwing said ¨maybe its responisble for this¨ Ashwing quickly said jumping tree from tree up the waterfall ¨you coming?¨ he asked them.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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( I'm totally gonna be the black sheep here and have an actual character from tehs show lol )


Discord awoke on a tree branch, he groaned and stretched, then scratched his ear before realizing he was on the large branch "how in the world ...? "He thought. He looked up at the sky and stretched his wings "well, might as well find out where I am "He then flew for the sky, but as he got to the treeline he hit some kind of barrier and fell to the forest floor with a thump.


He groaned in slight pain as he got back up "Is this another way of Celestia trapping me?" he said aloud. He then noticed Valiant on the ground nearby. He went over to him and looked him over, then slightly kicked him "Hey, you awake?"he said with a slight growl, since he was getting frustrated over the whole thing.

Edited by love4shadow

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( Siggy by me. If you would like a signature, please message me )

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