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Chain mail was somewhat glad, because, while he saw parts of his childhood home being destroyed, he still got the final push he needed for the princess to finally engage war. After all, if she were willing to slanderize the name of her late sister, than she shouldn't have a problem hiding that security was so feeble that a random unicorn could just walk in. "Stand down." He said, pulling out his own riffle and tracing him at Skuldaf's horn. It should only hit the horn, causing him to be unable to use this spell.

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Skuldaf groaned as he got up. At least the discharge of magic had ceased the pain in his horn. Skuldaf then grabbed Chain Mail by the throat. While this would usually not be a problem, the gauntlets on Skuldaf's hooves could drain energy and were doing so right now

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Or so, it was trying. Chain Mail's throat was protected, like the rest of his body, by his full body armor. It made him impervious to guns and magic. By nature, this was magic, so it would require direct contact to work.

"Is that the best you've got?" He asked, deciding to ignore what had proven to be true thus far and firing a military grade flash spell at point-blank range in Skuldaf's face to blind him.


"Don't fuck with the veteran of 1000 campaigns." He said, starting to punch in Skuldaf's face.

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Skuldaf ran one thought through his head. Well, that didn't work. Skuldaf the prepared his favorite technique. 

"Bye" Skuldaf said before red and black light blasted out of every pore in his body, effectively making the immediate area next to him hazardous. Though he was still blind, he had some breathing room now.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Unfortunately, all of that 'breathing room' would do almost nothing. Chain Mail had already come back full force. He saw the hazardous light gas thing, and said. "Well, an area toxification spell. Those haven't been used since the Gryphon Wars. He said, firing a wave of fire into the cloud of light.

"Which would explain why you managed to take down all those guards." He said, still firing the flames at Skuldaf.@,

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Skuldaf had enough of this. 

"Go away" the pony snarled before firing blasts off wildly. He was still blind but surely one shot would hit and sure enough, several energy shots were heading towards Chain. Just in case that didn't work, Skuldaf was preparing a explosive wave attack, a technique that would fire out a pressure wave towards an opponent

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Chain Mail had also had enough. Unfortunately, that meant actually using his skills that he learned instead of just spells. And so, he teleported behind Skul to dodge all of the energy blast and immediately shoved both of his hoof-guns in his face, or rather, one in his mouth and one at the base of his neck.

"Listen here, I'm going to end this. Fire off another spell and I blow you're brains out. I've killed thousands before you, and I'm not going to hesitate to do it again. You are going to blow up a large part of the castle and leave canterlot forever. There is likely a royal changeling in the castle as we speak. They will declare war on us on the day of the festival. If you don't do this, many more than you could imagine will die." He explained, keeping the barrels locked on for safe measure as he took the gun out of his opponent's mouth.

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Skuldaf hissed in horror at the proclamation.

"You're a monster" Skuldaf said, horrified at the brutal plan. But he wasn't in a position to negotiate. "Alright, just let me get up" Skuldaf said, relieved the guns moved away from his face. He picked some rubble up in his hooves and then tossed it into Chain's face. Before Chain could shoot, Skuldaf blasted the pony in the eyes once more, Skuldaf then leaped out the window, escaping while Chain was blind

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Hearing the window break, Chain swore in anger. He was so close. "I'm going to have to go about this another way." He said, thinking about where the camera room was. "Well, when the princess is away. The soldier will protect the nation." He said, his eye sight starting to come back. He teleported to it, and recorded  1 message to be broadcast as soon as he made it out of the castle.

"This is Grand General Chain Mail speaking. I recorded this message after the Changelings grew so bold as to make a direct strike against the crown. These animals have gone far enough. We need to raise troops in Canterlot, and have a military parade the day before the grand annual festival. We are not in open war, but the Changeling's intentions have been made overly clear by the events of today. Together, we can stop this menace." He said, adding the last line with a soldiers salute. It was ingenious in that it didn't have actually call for action other than raising a standing army. And with that, he teleported out of the castle.

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Skuldaf looked about in shock as he landed in the kitchen. Well, this was awkward. It wasn't the window he was looking for but it kept him away from the psychopathic soldier. Skuldaf heard a message being broadcast about going to war with the Changelings. The unicorn looked in horror as the voice called for a military parade. Skuldaf knew that heading into the city was a bad idea and now the Changelings would suffer for it. Skuldaf had one way out though. He'd have to stop this insane soldier and if that meant violating his promise to not use violence except in self-defense, so be it. His personal integrity was less important than the fate of an entire race. The unicorn then grabbed some rolling pins and other blunt objects before leaving the kitchen

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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However, by this point it would take a full on miracle to find Chain Mail as he was hanging around his private cabin now. And was surrounded by several booby traps as he watches TV. "Finally this stupid secret war will be coming to an end. He said, his helmet by his side as he sat down on his chair. He knew that he would have some enemies now, but it's not like death ever scared him.

(If you'll re read it, he's only calling for a standing military to be raised as a show of military strength. Not an engaging of war. It's a common thing to dissuade potential aggressive nations from attacking.)

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(Skuldaf is a pacifist who lives in the boonies, he doesn't know that) 

Skuldaf couldn't smell Chain anywhere or find any sign of him. Perhaps the Princess would be willing to listen. Thankfully, finding her quarters was much easier(though it took quite a bit of walking to get there) due to the servants knowing where it was. Skuldaf knocked on the door and awaited its openining

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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(I know that this is usually an OOC thread comment, but I have to ask. WHAT THE FUCK!!? The servants in the most highly guarded institution of equestria openly telling an unregistered stranger where the throne room to the ruler of the entire nation. I enjoy messed up logic, but that's insane troll logic right there. Since his fight with Chain Mail is on camera Skuldaf would be the most wanted criminal in all of equestria right now.

And before you say he wouldn't be he's commited in the last hour

Breaking and entering, spying, reckless endangerment, destruction of private property, destruction of public property, assault, and resisting arrest) 

Edited by GameytheGeemer
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Celestia and Chain Mail are discussing war stuff in the thrown room of the old castle, Celestia continues "We cant risk open war with the threat of complete and total destruction, the changling empire also knows this, which is why they havent out right attacked either"



Skuldaf was on the city streets, tons of ponies walking by him on the way to where ever they are going, a few guards walk around, the city is large and constantly on the go 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Uhhhh my head what happend last night I feel like someone droped a a-bomb inside my skull wow that's strong stuff I drank last night what was it called again oh yeah applejack danials good stuff ah well time to get up" connor got up and noticed he was in his living room and it was a mess he then tried to head to the the kitchen but tripped on something."Oh shit" connor fell to the floor with a phump "OW OW OW OW OH MY GOD FFS WHY ME HUH CELESTRIA WHY?" Connor tried to stand up but it hurt like when you stub your toe whitch is a bitch by the way anyway connor looked over to see what he tripped over it was a mare "oh yes connors got the moves hehehe!"

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Skuldaf felt somewhat embarassed as he walked down the city streets. He had made a left instead of a right but now he was heading in the right direction. Skuldaf's patience was rewarded with the door opening to a tired looking Earth Pony. 

"You aren't Celestia" Skuldaf said in a matter of fact tone. 

"Of course not, I set up appointments with her" the pony scowled before pulling out a pen and paper. "Enter the Royal Court tommorrow, personal appointments need registration" the Eart Pony said before shooing Skuldaf out

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"I know that this isn't anything that anypony wants to believe. But if you're tying  my hooves here, I'll be taking a leave of absence for the next several weeks." He said, opening a panel on the side of his helmet, and levitated the playing disc to the princess. "I wouldn't want to be here when the bombs drop if I were you." He said, warning the princess for the last time as he walked out. "If you need me, I'll be in the Everfree forest." He added as he walked over the threshold of the castle room. And, with that he teleported off towards Ponyville.

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Volt was standing in admiration in his lab... tools were hanging everywhere, wired, capacitors, tanks of insulating transformer oil..

"For the love of Celestia! James was right for the first time of his life! those transistor are way better! i have almost doubled the output Voltage!"

Volt punched with his nose some buttons on an oscilloscope, trimming the scale

"It looks also that the resonance is almost 20.1% better... i can finally power my miniaturized Tesla coils!"
"I'm really pissed off by the way.. he should have told me that he switched the transistor i bought to the new ones.. bah i'm talking to my self again.."

"Volt was cutting some wires with his teeth"... well mpf.. i'll guess this .. umps.. will do the job.."
"A pair of battery were sparkling inside an old black bag, some capacitors, a printed circuit board with the new transistors and a tuning coil were standing inside the bag too, emetting creepy noises"

"Yeah perfect! now i need to test those babies... "

Volt swept his head around the strange looking collar, a small coil per side was emetting a short purple streamer, he then proceded to put the black bag on his back

"... i need a storm to charge myself, then i should try out the output power.. maybe i can fry something... well i'll guess i'll just try this in the forest near the dam.. so i would not break anything.. yet again..."


Volt closed the door lab with a slam, he then proceded upstairs, an old patent immage hangind on the wall



Oh wait... i almost forgot.." He runned back to the lab exiting with a bottle of Applejack Daniel in his mouth and an old record

"It is just to celebrate.." he thought ".. i am not going to get drunk in that damned forest alone again..."

"He then walked outside.. on the top of the dam he could see the entire small Ponyville, still the same after years, only new and different shops... behind him and his dam the new bright city was shining in glory ".. they don't understand..."


He then took off, heading to the Everfree Forest, a schematic paper flown away from his bag...



Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"hello are u awake" no response "I don't recognise her hmm I just put her on the bed and wait and till she wakes up then I guess" he then lifted the mare onto the bed and smiled to himself "they get prettier each time I bring em home oh well better get something to eat" he then headed to the kitchen

To get some food he checked the fridge and all he was in there was a big veggie mac "god I need to do some shopping here comes food poisoning haha" connor then munched his burger and threw away the box and went to the sofa he was gonna turn the telly on when he noticed someone on his couch "hmm when did I open a hotel for random ponies" he looked to see who it was a purple dragon "oh just spike I wonder if he knows what happened last night hay spike wake up" spike turns over "no twilight no please don't go please come back I miss u twilight" connor starts feeling bad he remembers the day it happened him and spike were hanging at connors while twilight was at a All-Princess Summit meeting at the crystal kingdom the were watching the news about the meeting when all of a sudden there was chaos and panic and the news pony said the princesses were dead and that the royal guard has found no survivors spike was hurt that night he still gets nightmares connor looked down on the purple dragon and said "I'm sorry man she was a awesome friend" and walked to his bathroom to take a shower

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Dirge was almost lifeless after today's training and induction to successor status. After being crowned successor to the Hokuto Shinken style, Two of his adoptive brothers left out of rage. It was not surprising, seeing as those who failed must renounce the style, have their hooves sealed, or must have their memories completely erased. The other used to work at the nuclear power plant, but has grown terminally ill due to a radiation leak. It was shameful really. But the fact of the matter was that the North Star style was too powerful for more than one successor. So many perks came with it... But so much sadness came along with it, as where the successor goes, chaos follows. But enough of contemplating. Master asked for some water when dirge was going deep into the city. As the temple had been kept pure, no technological advancements were built in it, which means that there was no running water. To cover the scars on his chest, dirge put a brown tattered clock around himself to cover his head and scars. He set out for the city to complete his chores.


( may I ask where I may find water? So that I can interact with you all?)

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Connor had just showered he decided to check on spike but when he got to the living room spike wasn't on the sofa there was a note and a small bag on the coffee table he went over and read it

-hay connor its spike thanks for letting me crash at yours I'm just gonna head back to pony vile any way I left 50 bits on the table as a thanks catch u later-

"Hmm I hope he's okay ehh what's the time?" He turns on the telly and put canter lot news on it said 4:30 "wow I slept in late huh lucky I haven't got work today" connor was gonna go out and then remembered the mare in his bed "well I should probably leave a note

-hay I went out for a bit feel free to stay there is no food in the fridge if u get hungry get some takeaway there's some bits on the table. Connor- "there we go well I'm off out then" connor grabbed his brown duster and his trench knife and put it in the side of his fore boot (hey eqestria's dangerous) and stuck on some shades with red tint and a brown cowboy hat and he left his house

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Volt was standing in the middle of the burning rests of some poor trees, like a sword painted in the ground a long stream was bringing light to a big portion to the forest, then a lightining strucked on the head of Volt


"Hell yeah, this eletrostatic field capture lightining even better than the old one! i can be almost every time charged" Then he proceded to shoot another burst of electricity to an innocence tree, setting it on fire


"This is so fun.. but i need to find a way to use this tecnology to help... maybe powering some devices wirelessly.. it can be usefull for hacking or stuff like..."Volt was bragging as usual, suddenly interupted by a pony teleported some feet away of his position... full of military gears...


(Gameythegeemer.. interaction now? blush.png )


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Connor was walking around canterlot taking in the sites and making sure to dodge any police they were a mean bunch if they caught u doing anything even if it was the smallest of crimes they would beat u within a inch of your life that was one reason he carried a knife the other changelings so connor was just walking about with no goal or place to be he checked his phone 5:15 "hmm what to do god I'm bored I know I'll go to the everfree forest there's always something crazy going on there" he went to the train station on the way he brought a bottle of vodka dragon standard strong stuff and a pack of smokes and a lighter he brought a ticket to ponyvile the closest stop for 25 bits "rip-off" he mumbled as he got on the train he then sat down and closed his eyes

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@@Doc. Volt,

(Sorry, I was only skimming around and just read through here sad.png )

"Well, this certainly is awkward." Chain Mail said, not expecting to have to deal with anypony during his 'vacation'. "Might I ask what you're doing in the outskirts of the most dangerous, and likely only safe, place in equestria?" He asked, noticing the cannon and fire. "Setting tree's on fire, no less."

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Skuldaf sighed as he kicked at the ground, not knowing who to ask for directions other than Celestia. Skuldaf rolled his neck before stepping out of the lobby of the sign in station. This trip had been an utter bust. Oh well, he was sure he could find some seeds in the Everfree Forest. Skuldaf headed back home to Everfree Forest at a fast jog

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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