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Volt made a little jump backward


"Oh.. erh ehi.. hi there"


"damn it! a guard i must find a way to get out of here!" Volt thought


"erh n..no .. nothing here.. just trying to make a campfire that's all... it happened that some trees cathed fires that'all..."


Chain mail was looking at his weirds dual tesla coil guns hanging on his neck with theyr wires just under his wings


"... those... those are.. nothing just a new.. new costume! yeah! that's it...! you know.. for the Luna celebration..."


Volt started to make some steps backward


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Skuldaf gave a nod to the eagle as it flew off. He'd have to remember to give that eagle a nest as a way to repay the favor it gave him by flying him to the Everfree Forest. Skuldaf had landed at the edge of the forest as the eagle refused to go towards the center. Skuldaf heard voices talking behind a tree and stepped forward to see two ponies talking

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Doc. Volt,

"I wouldn't go back to Canterlot. Or even leave the forest. Especially for the festival. Not with all the crap that will be going down that day. You know, seasonal crowds, massive prices, the changeling invasion that will happen when the cities guard is lowered. You know how it is." He said, stressing the last of the reasons not to take part in the conversation.


"In fact, I don't believe I've introduced myself. Grand General Chain Mail, veteran of a thousand missions." He added, clearing up any suspicion that he was a guard. "On leave since the princess refuses to raise a standing army."

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Dirge saw a strange glow, about a mile away in the forest. The hokuto dojo where he trained was well hidden by nature, and the fact that somepony might be trying to burn down the forest was concerning. He ran as hard as he could to where the flaming trees were. When he arrived, there, he saw two ponies conversating with trees in the background. He slowly approached, making sure the tattered cloak hid his scars and face. They had no business burning down the trees. He appeared in front of them and shouted.


" strangers from the city, why are you defiling this land? There is nothing for you ponies here... I ask humbly that you please leave the land in peace. There is no need to destroy what is beautiful."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Connor awoke to see a ticket officer talking to him connor looked out the window he noticed the train had stopped moving and was at a station he looked at the station board -ponyvile- "I'm here then better get off" he turned around to the officer "thanks for waking me man I apritiatat it" the officer said it was no trouble and wished him a good day he got off the train and the fresh air hit him like a brick wall "man it smells sooooo clean oh well to the everfree forest" he then left the station and went on his way to the forest

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"Grand general veteran of a thousand missions. and they say that i have the biggest Ego of all Equestria.. wel it looks like a nice guy" Volt thought


"well nice to meet you.. don't know what are you talking about... i'm Doctor Volt, Doctor Electron Volt, but friends call me only Doc or Volt, as you prefer..."... Volt paused a moment to think.. that surprised he resumed ".. wait a moment! Changeling invasion? I BUCKING KNEW IT! and i'm ready for it baby!"


Volt lifted in the air, made a spin than a thunder roared and a lightining strucked him, he returned on ground at high speed, shooting a concentrated stream of electricity to a tree just near Chail Mail, turning it in a fine black mist


Volted noticed a Pony talking at him about the trees or something like that


"Oh sorry, hi there... what's the matter?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Skuldaf growled at the callousness Volt and Chain showed to nature and saw another pony approaching them angrily. 

"I agree, this forest is home to many" Skuldaf said, moving to the side of the stranger. While Volt seemed to be alright, if a pyro, Chain took too much enjoyment in the mention of war

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"oh ehi guys.. i am not fighting this guy if you think so... i'm just live praticing with my new electric weapon on those useless trees ... look at the beautifull power of the lighting! a pure stream of 2 houndred thousand volts concentrated in to a single lethal burst! it could tear in half a tank ahaha!"


Chain mail was smiling at Volt.. something in him was remembering of himself... while the other two ponies seemed angrier


"... erh do you guys have any problem? i can go pratice in another place of the forest if you want.. there are so many trees to hit!"


Volt charged himself again with a lighting but he was interupted before the shoot...


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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" killing the trees is as bad as killing a fellow pony or a changeling. Life is life and we of the hokuto, the North Star, consider it sacred. To take innocent life and destroy the homes of others will eventually cost you your own head. So I must ask you to stop this foolish notion of violence against nature. It's not fair that you gain enjoyment at the sake of nature's expense."




( fancy seeing you, dragon :D. Loving the skyrim references.)

Edited by Dirge of souls

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"So, changelings are living in ponyville. That said, I'm going to be weathering out the invasion here. Namely because it would be stupid to try and fight off MILLIONS of the insects. Tell me where they gather most and I'll get rid of them, even if the rest of Equestria is slaughtered by the millions I'll at least have ONE city survive the initial onslaught." He said, determination in his voice. War was his specialty, and even with out an army he would wage one here, on a new homefront.

He was working slightly delayed, bogged down with memorizing every single detail about everything that could be useful in war, and with the rate that everypony else is posting.

"Also, while I don't know anything about this North Star group. It's better to test against nature than die while protecting yourself from something you don't know if works." He added, weighing in on the last part.

Edited by GameytheGeemer
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"ow Celestia.. now my life is a closed circle! today i've been closed in prison for not having a stupid paper, now i'm taking Yoga lesson from a pony who tells me that i'm gonna die if i destroy some targets.. oh sorry... Treeeees.... i should have just stayed in my dam... too much ponies for a day.. well mate i respect what you have to say.. if you like this forest so much i'll just stop.. i praticed enough"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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(Likewise Dirge :) Skulaf was made up on the fly by my sister)


"Indeed. You're going to leave the forest now, please" Skuldaf said, horn crackling. He was a pacifist and hated fighting, but it might be necessary if things escalated any more. He wasn't too worried about Volt, but Chain was dangerous, a psychopath

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Volt looke frowned at Chain Mail.. "Ok guys you are just crazier! i've got the Pacifist, the Hippie and the Warlord!! there are no changelling stuffs in poniville! Only in the forest! i can snipe them from my dam at night! why are you so crazy? Those are trees! made for fire! that is a small town! not a place to nuke mate! everypony just calm your tits! we can have a peacefull talk!"


"EHI Hippie! what are you trying to do with that horn? i'm a pegasus but i hope you noticed my Tesla coils... don't even try to mess with me!"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,

"Well then, if they are only in the forest, I'll have my hooves knee deep in blood if they find me. Don't know why, but they absolutely hate me. Probably has to do with the secret war I've been sent on." He said, walking his own way to build a house.

(Yeah, way to many ponies here.)

Edited by GameytheGeemer
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@@Doc. Volt,

"It would still be best if you told me about where the changeling you saw, that tipped you off to the invasion, are. I don't want EVERYTHING to be destroyed." He added, wanting to get a full account of this. After all, very few ponies alive knew as much about fighting changelings as him. 

"A-are you alright?" Skuldaf questioned to the rambling pony. He was paranoid and blood thirsty, a lovely combination. "I don't think there are any Changelings" Skuldaf started, awkwardly scratching the ground to break the tension. It was never comfortable talking to a psycho

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Ehi look Jarhead... i said that there are NO  changellings in poniville.. it happens that i see them running trough the forest with metal sheets and tools, stuff like that.. probably stealed from the town.. sometimes i'll just sniper them with my .22 caliber rifle.. that's all


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Dirge lowered his hood and revealed is face. His gold mane was a stark contrast against his dark purple coat. He looked at the pony who was destroying the trees solemnly, with sorrow in his eyes. " I thank you. Go in peace." He turned to the pony, skuldalf. " thank you for the help, kind stranger. May I ask your name? I am dirge, 62nd successor to hokuto shinken, or the divine hoof of the North Star fighting style. It's very nice to meet you." A slight smile formed on his face.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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" and i am the bucking son of Thor! lord of lighting! EHI YOU! volt pointed a hoof at Skudalf "what is yor name? How it comes that you don't know what changel things are? those black insect ponies! where do you live?? in a cave?? or on the mountains?... No no no let me guess.. you and your new friend are from the reign of dragons am i right?.. let's have a party then! to the craziest ponies ever!"

VOlt opened a bottle of Applejack Daniel, drinking half of his content.. then he trown it at Chain mail for a drink


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Connor was now at the edge of the everfree forest he has seen a lot of lightning coming from the center and decided to check it out as he was walking he lit a cigarette and started smoking it he had a thought in his head he had a mate in the equestrian military who said they were fighting the changelings but in secret and to not tell anyone also that we were gonna lose no matter what that was depressing connor was now close to the center of the forest he could hear ponies arguing about trees and stuff he got closer and hid by a tree and saw 4 ponies they all looked unique

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Skuldaf blinked at Volt's display before talking to Dirge. 

"I am Skuldaf, unit 16 of the project" Skuldaf droned, giving a curt nod to Dirge and Volt. "I live in the mountain of Everfree and I haven't seen any Changelings" Skuldaf explained to the crazed Volt

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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That stopped Chain Mail in his tracks.

"By your own statement there have to be at least 1 Changeling in Ponyville to keep an eye on supplies.The materials you described are, if I'm right, standard material for their warmachines. So, there is an unknown secret military base on Equestrian soil that's building War Machines." He said, responding to Dr. Volt's statement. He caught the bottle, took off his helmet, revealing his grey mane that somepony might recognize him as on a few newspapers. He drank the bottle in 1 go.

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"Oh perfect! *hik* another pony! *hik*! what is your talent? no wait, what is your craziness? your eeeeelemtn of disharmony? I am doctor voltlove, no wait... strangelove! and i have a doomsday machine ahahahahah! isn't that funny? a machine that would do doomsday!"


"what? warmachines? Oh you mean that steampunk-looking tank? i have seen one rolled over by a combine ahaha!!"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"And, just because you haven't seen any Changelings means nothing. They can shape shift. Hell, your best friend could be a changeling living in disguise, having killed the original or worse, as it waits for the best moment to kill you and everything you love. I've seen enough ponies die at their hooves. Trust Nopony." He said, giving a really cryptic warning.

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"ehi ponies.. i'm half drunk but sure you are still saying thigs without any sense... they will understand if one is a changellings! no memories i think... this is just crazy.. they come here at noght and steal.. they tried shooting down my dam times ago... with some fertilizer... they blown themselves up ahahah! it isn't just crazy?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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" drunkeness and a quick temper shall make a fool of you soon enough, friend." Dirge said to volt. " and it's nice to meet you, skuldalf. And you say you are a unit of a project? And what is all this talk of war? I will admit that in my training, I've seen strange creatures, east of the hokuto temple where master, one of my adoptive brothers, and myself live. I have given chase but... They always seem to disappear."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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