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private A Loving Home


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/79235-a-loving-home/#entry2037509


Sweet Melody burst in through the front door of her family's new cottage. She breathed in the fresh, sweet smelling air and took in just about every nook and cranny of their new home. Her personal belongings as well as some groceries were floating behind her in single file, and as she walked through the house they dropped gently into wherever they were supposed to go. 


"Oh this is just wonderful! Everything's so close by! There's a school for when Angel gets older and everyone so friendly!" She said to herself as she trotted up the spiral staircase. There were five doors going down the hall. One for her and her husband. One for Repsol, one for Arctic and one for Angel! She then turned around quickly and glowered down at the first floor, pointing her voice towards the door. "Now kids, do not fight over the rooms okay? Every room is just about the same, except for a few inches and a reading nook in the third one." She said, saying that last part quickly. 

Edited by DarligPegasi
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Repsol lazily trotted into his new home. His eyes pinned onto his gamepony the whole time. He turned towards the first door and quickly claimed the room as his. A few inches wouldn't really make such a difference, and he didn't like reading anyway. With this room however, he was strategically placed to always be first to the shower, or kitchen when there was food!

After looking around the room for a while he trotted back into the living room and threw himself upon the couch.

"Hey mom,  did you manage to see any cool places around here? Like a pub or something?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Forest watched his wife enter their new home. He had taken time away from the Wonderbolts and weather control to watch his family move in. He always made time to see his family even if it did cause him some trouble with his fellow workers since they would have to cover for him. Forest was carrying some bags from the wagon to the cottage. he did enjoy knowing there was a forest near by he could train in and have normal walks in the wood. 

"Full of energy as ever" Forest said setting somethings on the floor. "You could have at least have brought a cottage with wider doors" As soon as he got to the living room he fell to his knees and extended his long wings. He closed his eyes.
"You telling them not to fight?" he said with rising an eyebrow at her. "they are sibling, fighting is going to happen" He said smiling. he could remember how his own sibling would have fun fighting each other. He looked at Repsol on his game.
"I did see a place. I Think it was called the Sugercube Corner" Forest said shifting his wings.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Calling after her mom, Soul (Yeah, I updated her profile) stumbled through the door. "I call the one with a reading nook!" She galloped upstairs to the large room. She quickly pinned a drawing of hers to the door to symbolize that this room was hers. She then dashed outside to start unpacking the contents of her old room. Or as she preferred to call her, her studio.

Crystal Patch -- "Let the party begin!" 

Everlasting Wave -- "Bring out the turntables!" 

Arctic Aurora -- *Ignores and works on art* (British Accent) "I-I'm sorry. What was that?" 

Ember Mist -- "Whatever." *Starts Reading* 

Silver Night -- "Would you like some tea?"

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Angel followed her family's voices into their new cottage, smiling. She was excited to be at the new place, though it would take her some time to get used to the layout.
As she got in, she heard her mother calling down to them, from what seemed to be a second floor. She heard her father nearby as well, and trotted over in the direction of his voice, softly bumping into his leg.
"Daddy, can you show me where my room is?" she asked.


@@Snowy Storm

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Sweet Melody laughed softly at her husbands' response, and smiled fondly when her eldest daughter 'called' the third room. She had figured that would happen and was glad it did. Arctic was extremely talented and did need more space to be honest. She entered her and Forests' room, grinning at the space and began putting up some lavender curtains as well as arranging where the furniture was to go. She stopped mid-organized and poked her head out of her room to call down to everyone else. "Get settled kids and then we'll go to the local restaurant to have lunch!" 

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Repsol trotted into the room he claimed as his, and took in his surroundings a little better.  It wasn't a very special room. there was place for a desk, a bed and if he placed things strategically he could maybe fit something like a wardrobe in. He huffed once and sat trotted out again, this time in the direction of the other rooms. Eventually he came by the room of his lil' sis.@,

"Hey sis. so, this is gonna be your place, huh?" He said as he looked around the room a little.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@Mint Drop
Forest was off in his head remembering things when he heard Angel.
"Oh I'm sorry Angel, daddy was just remembering things" He picked himself from the ground. "Sure I'll show you to your room then we can go eat"
He could hear the other two already had there rooms picked out. Which made picking her room easy. 
"Take my wing" he lead her to the last room. He knew she didn't like any one bring up her blindness, but he couldn't help making sure she was safe
Entering the last unclaimed room, he looked around. He almost felt bad. While her room wasn't too different from the others, it did have a wonderful view of when Celestia would bring down the Sun. He wanted to do something for her to see, but he was no unicorn. He sighed and smiled at her.
"Here is your room, I'll bring in your things while you settle in


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm, (Awh.)


Angel took his wing and followed him up the stairs.

At the end of the stairs,go right, she thought, mentally taking notes as her father led her to her room.

"Thanks Daddy," she said, smiling happily up in his direction. Somepony who didn't know her condition would think she was staring at his neck for no apparent reason.

Facing her head forward, she trotted until she reached the wall, then held a hoof to it as she started walking around the room, trying to map it out.


((Just saying her room is immediately right because I can.))

Edited by Mint Drop
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@@Mint Drop,
Forest walked back down the stairs to gather her things. He would love to teach her to fly, but he couldn't. He shook his head and picked up her things. He thought about getting a dog for the family, He didn't see why not, or a cat. He wondered if his wife was going to like that idea.
Walking up the room he saw Angel holding out her hoof towards the wall. 
"What are you doing?" He said watching her. Even if it was bad, he couldn't help but smile to see her walk around as she was.
"Would you like help putting your things way?" He said putting her things down.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm
Angel had nearly figured out her room when she heard her father enter and ask what she was doing. She froze as her head turned in his direction, a surprised smile on her muzzle.
"Trying to get used to my new room," she said, resuming her walking.
Her father then asked if she would like help unpacking, and she beamed, cantering in the direction of his voice. She bumped into his leg, like earlier, and backed up a couple of steps.
"Yes, please!"

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Aurora shrugged. "Yeah. I like the reading nook. And the space." She then turned around to start unpacking her boxes full of art supplies. Hearing that Mom wanted to take them to a restraunt made her groan. Reluctantly, she trotted down the stairs of the cottage.

Crystal Patch -- "Let the party begin!" 

Everlasting Wave -- "Bring out the turntables!" 

Arctic Aurora -- *Ignores and works on art* (British Accent) "I-I'm sorry. What was that?" 

Ember Mist -- "Whatever." *Starts Reading* 

Silver Night -- "Would you like some tea?"

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@@Mint Drop,

"Alright, but let's unpack after we get back from lunch. I'm sure your mom doesn't want us to keep her waiting" he said ruffling up her mane. While he did love all his children he could help, but gave more of his time to Angel. He turned towards the hallway, looking around he saw Aurora going down the stairs.

"Is every pony ready?" he called from the hallway. Walking down the hall he saw Respol.

@@repsol rave,

"How do you like it here so far? I know you haven't see much of the town yet, but I really think you'll like it here" Forest said smiling.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm
Angel heard her father leave the room and followed the sound of his hoof steps, trotting out the door. She heard another set of hoofsteps going down the stairs. Being dependent on hearing, Angel had grown used to telling who was who in her family whith the rhythm of their hoof steps. Meaning she was able to tell that the pony going downstairs was her sister Arctic Aurora.
She turned right and followed the wall, trotting past her father and brother. She came to another doorway and faced her head in the direction of the gap. There was some noise coming from the room that sounded like unpacking.
"Mommy?" she asked aloud.



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@@Mint Drop,


Sweet Melody stopped mid unpack and turned to face her youngest foal. "Oh hi, sweetie!" She exclaimed trotting up to her daughter and giving her a gentle nuzzle. "So? How do you like your new home? Do you like the feel of it? Is there enough space for you?" She asked. She seriously hoped her daughter had enough room and wasn't cramped or anything. She didn't want her little baby crashing into anything and having her first memories of being in her new home being her taking a trip to the doctor!

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@@Snowy Storm,"Yeah, the house seems nice enough. And the village really does seem friendly, tough i havn't really seen any ponies my age yet... I hope i'll make some new friends here soon."  To be honest Repsol didn't really know what to think of this place yet, but he knew how much his parents had looked foreward to moving here and he wasn't going to be the one ruining all the fun. He offered a sheepish smile.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave
"I'm sure once we settle in you'll have new friends to hang out with and maybe even a girlfriend or two." he said smiling at him. "Don't tell you mother I said that"

"Come on your mother is waiting for us" Leaving the room he headed down stairs. to see what the others were doing.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Angel smiled happily as she felt her mother gently nuzzle her.
"Yup!" she chirped, wings buzzing. "I'm already kinda used to my room. It's really big! Daddy's gonna help me unpack later."
She beamed in her mother's direction. Just a bit down the hall, she heard her father say something about supper. She was actually pretty hungry as well, so she decided to bring it up.
"Are we gonna go for supper soon? I think everypony's hungry."

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@@Mint Drop,@@Snowy Storm, @@repsol rave, @,


"What? Oh yes! Silly me! I already forgot and I'm the one who suggested it!" She laughed and began trotting into the hallway. "Okay every pony! Let's go!" She descended slowly, taking care to keep an eye on Angel. Once they had been at the house for awhile, she wouldn't have to watch her daughter so closely, but for now, she would keep a close eye to make sure nothing happened. "On the way here I saw a pretty little cafe with an H on it, would you guys like to go there and then go to Sugarcube corner for dessert?" She suggested. 

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Angel giggled and followed her mother's footsteps down the hall. She heard her start going down the stairs and decided to try it on her own. Everyoiny else was probably downstairs, anyway. Inching forward, she felt the edge of the first stair, and started slowly making her way down.

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and maybe even a girlfriend or two."
At this Repsol only blushed slightly. He waited a few seconds for the heat to dissapear from his face before trotting after his dad.

He heared his mom's suggestion and perked up a little. "Sounds great mom! i'm pretty curious about this Sugarcube Corner thingy. They say a pretty interesting mare works there..."

As he noticed what he just said he stopped dead in his tracks.

"N-Not in that way!"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,


Sweet Melody's eyes widened and she let out a somewhat fillie-ish squeal ignoring her son's protests.. "Oh my goodness, Reppie! Are you interested in a mare?" She cooed, wrapping her hoof around her son. She now wished that she had packed her camera in a much more obvious box, instead of with all of her other obscure things. "Our little foal is growing up so fast!" She exclaimed to Forest, but as quickly as she said that her face hardened. "But you know Repsol. Any mare you date has to pass my tests before I deem them good enough for you!" She stated. And she meant every word although she hadn't exactly planned out the tests that the mare was going to have to pass. She made a mental note to think of them on the way. 

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@@DarligPegasi, Repsol felt pretty much mortified of embarresment at the moment, and a deep red blush was evidence for this. "Mooooom!" Repsol said in a really drawn-out, irritated tone. Somewhere deep down he was thankfull for his mother to behave this way tough. He knew that she would always have his back, even if sometimes this could get a little... out of hand.

He smirked a little before forcing his blush away as much as possible. 

"Let's just go eat now, okay?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave@@DarligPegasi,
(Hahahaha, I'm laughing from reading those posts. xD Best reaction ever, Darlig x3 Anyhow, here's Angel for you to lie to about dating xD)
As Angel got to the bottom of the stairs, she heard her mother squeal like a filly. Having no idea what 'interested in a mare' really meant, she tilted her head in confusion.
"Why're you so excited, Mommy? He just thinks somepony's neat," she said. "And I thought Repsol was already a big pony."

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@@repsol rave,@@Mint Drop,


((Oh gawd, this is like Sweet Melody's nightmare! xD))


Sweet Melody froze in her tracks. She had completely forgotten about toning down the 'big pony' stuff when Angel was around! She didn't want her little foal to grow up to quickly! And she had planned on giving her the 'talk' when she was at least 18! Oh me and my big muzzle! She chastised herself. "Uh..Uum! Well Angel, sweetie. Your brother is a big pony, but when big ponies start to find other ponies neat...They start to um...To grow a spark! Yes a spark of specialness in their heart," She explained, poking Forest in the chest for emphasis, "and when their spark gets big enough other ponies start to be able to see the spark but some ponies are bad and want to steal the spark so that's why I'm excited because I get to protect your brother from spark stealers..." She trailed off and smiled wide at her youngest daughter. "So that's why you should never grow a spark and never think a colt is neat, and stay close to mommy forever, kay? Okay, wow I am so hungry! Let's go eat!" Sweet Melody finished quickly and began trotting out the door quickly. She was hoping that her half hearted and improvised speech would simply confused Angel so she didn't ask anymore questions. And if that didnt work, the unicorn would just avoid the topic for the rest of her life. 

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