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open The Dark Tournament III (Closed)

Literally Snails

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@Dawnpath@Abridged Yami,((OOC:Am i doing this shit right? I kind of have the sense that i won't win this match...)) Her horn glowed white as it acted as a flash-bang grenade. She was deafened too but she could still see due to her magically enhanced eyesight. She still got the hit however with half force... and that made her spit some blood out. That was it... she was mad as hell and wouldn't take it anymore. Once they both reached the ground she found her opponent's direction and made a quick teleport behind her. Her dagger once again on her mouth glowed as it got tied up with a tether of magic to her horn and together with her kinetic energy she empowered a deadly spin fast enough and sharp to cut hair in half. It seemed as if she would have to injure her opponent before she submitted.


(I would ask how you're doing it wrong. And I wouldn't know)


Solstices eyes narrowed as she jumped back. And closer, and she'd have lost limbs. Careful to stay out of range of the spinning pony, she thought out her last move. Deciding, she used her spear like a staff, using the blunt end to crash down towards the middle of the spinning knife-slinger while staying out of range of the knife.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@Dawnpath@Abridged Yami, ((OOC:I mean am i being too OP or what?)) As Selune's magical tether made contact with the spear the seemed to keep the momentum on the end and spinned around it a bit. Getting a good grip Selune used all of her strength to try and push the weapon away from it's user.

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@Dawnpath, @Abridged Yami, ((OOC:I mean am i being too OP or what?)) As Selune's magical tether made contact with the spear the seemed to keep the momentum on the end and spinned around it a bit. Getting a good grip Selune used all of her strength to try and push the weapon away from it's user.

(Not that I know of)


To the suprise of the stands, Solstice just let go. But she let go of it awkwardly, so instead of just pulling it away from her, Selune fell backward and the shaft hit her in the head, the head of the spear having gotten stuck in the ground.


She quickly dashed at the now-downed pony, her own strength having brought her death-spin to a standstill. She took her fist up under her ribcage to further the stun of falling down and getting cracked with a spear and pinned her opponent by the shoulders. She actually kinda found her opponent... cute. She brought that thought to the back of her mind, cursing her bi tendencies. (Have fun)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@, @Abridged Yami,


To the suprise of the stands, Solstice just let go. But she let go of it awkwardly, so instead of just pulling it away from her, Selune fell backward and the shaft hit her in the head, the head of the spear having gotten stuck in the ground.
((OOC:Stuff like that happens only at children when they play the game with the rope... and in Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan movies)) "I CAN'T LOSE!!! NOT TO YOU!!! NOT TO ANYONE HERE!!!" She made a tremendous focus as all her magic got gathered at her body and she exploded outwards. Now if her opponent would stand more than she would this would be her loss... she just had to stand up and make sure to hold her feet more than her opponent.
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Blue Hurricane rolled his eyes at Selune's burst. 

"An explosive wave? Please, that's only used to get an opponent off you, using it like that just wastes magic. She's losing control" the pegasus analyzed, knowing that cornered unicorns usually fired explosive waves in a desperate attempt to escape

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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(OOC: Since you deigned it appropriate, I have decided to tell you my character's job. She is also an assassin for a religious order, having trained for her job since the age of 9. The runic marks around her hoof allow for brief bursts of magic, like this)


Solstice waited for the absolute last second before the have hit and teleported inside the blast radius, the explosion having already passed. "Such fighting is pointless, neither of us are willing to kill each other and you are tiring faster than I. Just stay down; surely you've got a home, or a pony, to return to." Her brain was in overtime and full of adrenaline, and she was having a hard time keeping her killing tendencies contained. She didn't want to kill this cute mare, she wanted to bring her to the Temple and show her the Lunar Religion, and then get to know her story. And the secret to being cute. But she had also killed mares much more beautiful, and much less spirited, than this unicorn. Our lady's wisdom is infinite, but I wish she'd illuminate my path a little brighter... "Losing is not shameful, it allows us to learn. You've gotten a few good hits on me," it was true; while she'd been ignoring it, some of the debris from earlier had scraped her, and she hadn't been quite as fast as she'd like to get away from the deathtrap, but it was nothing fatal.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@,((OOC:My Character in not an assassin but i consider such mistakes for rookie characters. Also i am confused your character is a unicorn? I had the idea she was a pegasus. Also... does losing mean i no longer get to participate in the whole thing? Also what the hell are those brief bursts of magic you're talking about?)) "Losing? Weak-minded fool! I care not for losing! There is so much more than victory here that you are so blind to see it! I fight not for money, nor glory! I fight for goodness! I fight for my friend... while you all are just selfish barbarians fighting for money! It's your kind that made this tournament a reality! And because of you last tournament almost gave someone the power to destroy Equestria! The sole thing that gathers in here is monsters! I can't... my friend is depending on me! I promised Terra..." She bent a knee down... this was frustrating for her to say the least. She grunted in pain and closed her eyes, they were shed with tears and she could not bear it... "I don't care what pain this fight takes on my body... i have a purpose... and you... you have none." She had done so much to enter the tournament... and to enter without achieving anything... losing on the first match of hers... why... 

((OOC:For various reasons and this one included i'm almost brought to the point of crying by this moment. I also think i didn't do good that i exposed lots of Selune's abilities in my profile, and the fact that i didn't use Simularcum/Mage Duo or Projection was from the fear it was too powerful. I think this was my downfall. Though i can still say she was fighting in projection mode i guess. The fact that this fight is also forced to end doesn't help me either.))

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@,((OOC:My Character in not an assassin but i consider such mistakes for rookie characters. Also i am confused your character is a unicorn? I had the idea she was a pegasus. Also... does losing mean i no longer get to participate in the whole thing? Also what the hell are those brief bursts of magic you're talking about?)) "Losing? Weak-minded fool! I care not for losing! There is so much more than victory here that you are so blind to see it! I fight not for money, nor glory! I fight for goodness! I fight for my friend... while you all are just selfish barbarians fighting for money! It's your kind that made this tournament a reality! And because of you last tournament almost gave someone the power to destroy Equestria! The sole thing that gathers in here is monsters! I can't... my friend is depending on me! I promised Terra..." She bent a knee down... this was frustrating for her to say the least. She grunted in pain and closed her eyes, they were shed with tears and she could not bear it... "I don't care what pain this fight takes on my body... i have a purpose... and you... you have none." She had done so much to enter the tournament... and to enter without achieving anything... losing on the first match of hers... why... 


((OOC:For various reasons and this one included i'm almost brought to the point of crying by this moment. I also think i didn't do good that i exposed lots of Selune's abilities in my profile, and the fact that i didn't use Simularcum/Mage Duo or Projection was from the fear it was too powerful. I think this was my downfall. Though i can still say she was fighting in projection mode i guess. The fact that this fight is also forced to end doesn't help me either.))


"If I fight for money, why would I do something this dangerous? It goes beyond the rational boundaries of greedy stimulation. Somepony small-minded, petty, and generally stupid might enter this for money, but I'd like to think that I'm not one of those things. I am fighting to end this tournament."


(As a general rule, Unicorns are supposed to have stronger magic. I don't feel like we did anything broken or OP, either. I never read your character page, and had to spend plenty of time trying to figure out what exactly you were doing. I didn't read your page because the search function is disabled, which is how I normally read OOC pages and follow those links to pages. I'm sorry that you are on the point of tears, but losing this battle doesn't kick you from the RP, especially since you're not dead. And I'm sure you could try to bribe the corrupt tourny head for a second chance.)


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@,((OOC:You seriously don't see the link in the signature? Oh wait you're on the phone... and again i should have asked if i could create clones)) "You idiot fool... speak earlier. You had the chance. Fine... i'll grant you this battle. But i swear to you... once this tournament is over i will come again to you. And i will beat you... but i have one wish before i decide what to do. Will you be my friend?"

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@,((OOC:You seriously don't see the link in the signature? Oh wait you're on the phone... and again i should have asked if i could create clones)) "You idiot fool... speak earlier. You had the chance. Fine... i'll grant you this battle. But i swear to you... once this tournament is over i will come again to you. And i will beat you... but i have one wish before i decide what to do. Will you be my friend?"

((The answer would've been no, and I would've been sorry to relay that one. The possibility of a Naruto scenerio was to great. (I.E. So many versions that it was imposible to keep track of them all, thus becoming OP) Also, no cross-dimension portals, or planet-destroying type of moves.)


Sostice blushes and stands rigid, "U-um, yes. Yes, I would very much so like to be friends with thee!" She was blushing, and her speech had reverted to the speech of one who spent to much time with Luna, "That would make me... happy, if I could be thine friend!"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@,  Selune took her cloak and as she shed it on top of her both her and the cloth and slowly and calmly retired from the battlefield. She was dead silent and with closed eyes... despite what she had said on stage she was robbed of something that time... and it wasn't victory. She was robbed of her smile... she would find it maybe tomorrow but as for right now she didn't know what to do. Who would help her in this? None was truly her friend here... she was alone again sensing inside that she had lost something precious.

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@,  Selune took her cloak and as she shed it on top of her both her and the cloth and slowly and calmly retired from the battlefield. She was dead silent and with closed eyes... despite what she had said on stage she was robbed of something that time... and it wasn't victory. She was robbed of her smile... she would find it maybe tomorrow but as for right now she didn't know what to do. Who would help her in this? None was truly her friend here... she was alone again sensing inside that she had lost something precious.



Solstice's eyes followed her opponent of the field, noting the expression and the way she walked, and deflated a little. She didn't mean what she said. Perhaps she would like to be rivals, but she wouldn't want to be my friend. Nopony wants to be friends with me. Perhaps it's best that way; my luck is not grand when it comes to the living. She collected her things and re-cloaked herself, a nagging thought disturbing her normally frigid atmosphere, But I meant it.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Blue Hurricane smirked. Moving in the fast lane had given him great eyes and he had seen Selune's weakness. He'd make sure that she'd get freedom soon enough, freedom from life. The pegasus giggled, before looking over at Solstice, scoffing at her weakness. She cared for an opponent? Even someone who was Blue's friend could at best accept a compliment from him

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@,((OOC:You seriously don't see the link in the signature? Oh wait you're on the phone... and again i should have asked if i could create clones)) "You idiot fool... speak earlier. You had the chance. Fine... i'll grant you this battle. But i swear to you... once this tournament is over i will come again to you. And i will beat you... but i have one wish before i decide what to do. Will you be my friend?"

(So... I start the countdown, right? She hasn't gotten up yet? Also, you two where the last ones I would have expected to get in an argument. The infighting wasn't nearly this bad last year.)


The ref stood behind her and started to count up from one. "ONE! ...TWO! ...THREE!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@, Selune had some answers however to give and she forgot to do that. She approached her former opponent and said. "My name is Selune Darkeye. Since you are the victor you deserve this."  She gave her her dagger. To the victor go the spoils don't they say? "If you indeed want to be my friend... take my dagger and carry my wish forth. I couldn't succeed. I failed my friend Terra to whom i swore an oath... but if i can still complete it even through you... i want to."

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@, Selune had some answers however to give and she forgot to do that. She approached her former opponent and said. "My name is Selune Darkeye. Since you are the victor you deserve this."  She gave her her dagger. To the victor go the spoils don't they say? "If you indeed want to be my friend... take my dagger and carry my wish forth. I couldn't succeed. I failed my friend Terra to whom i swore an oath... but if i can still complete it even through you... i want to."

Solstice took the dagger tenderly. It felt rather light to her, as she tested the balance. "You want me to use the wish to bring your friend back..." she mumbles, turning the dagger over her hoof. Eventually she nods and accepts the knife. "Very well. My name is Solstice. Just... Solstice."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@"A long time ago... Terra Lionmane an earth pony stood by my side... he became my friend when none would do so to a strange zebra-like unicorn... When my skills in divination manifested and were out of control... he calmed me down and scolded all those who called me "Eye freak". When we were separated from Manehatten where we met... i promised that when i'd find him i would have done an equally daunting task as his. I couldn't..." 

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Solstice took the dagger tenderly. It felt rather light to her, as she tested the balance. "You want me to use the wish to bring your friend back..." she mumbles, turning the dagger over her hoof. Eventually she nods and accepts the knife. "Very well. My name is Solstice. Just... Solstice."

"Nine and Ten!" The ref finished her countdown then gestured to Solstice. "That's it! The winner, by knock out, is Solstice!"


"That wraps up the final match of the preliminaries!" Topaz announced, "Everybody stay tuned. The second rounds should begin shortly."


(@synangel @GameytheGeemer )


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@, "A long time ago... Terra Lionmane an earth pony stood by my side... he became my friend when none would do so to a strange zebra-like unicorn... When my skills in divination manifested and were out of control... he calmed me down and scolded all those who called me "Eye freak". When we were separated from Manehatten where we met... i promised that when i'd find him i would have done an equally daunting task as his. I couldn't..."


Solstice could understand this pony was important to Selune, but she couldn't discern what had happened to him. Either way, the arena was not the place. "This is a conversation that requires privacy. It is time for us to leave," she says, interrupting her.


And so they left.

Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Thunder looked up to the screen "ok wonderful....that means that I'm gonna start soon" mumbled thunder. Not really ready for his up coming match. But how could he be. He already found everything tough as it is. This next match was surely going to do a number on his body.


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(you forgot to mention me)

"I will enjoy watching, or hearing about your failures in the ring" she said looking at the stage. The corners of her mouth turned upward for a second before returning to normal. This was as close as a joke she could somewhat smile at.

Graceful shook her mane.

"To wish for the dead is to deal with the darkness beyond sight. Something apart of me"  She had hear Solstice and Seluna. Her father dealt with things of that matter to create her and her brother. Just to think about what he had done to them, boiled her blood.
She looked down at her bracelet around her legs. she took off the top bracelets, but keep the bottom ones on. She had planned on removing the bracelets the further she went in, but should blue prove to be a powerful opponent she would drop her final bracelets to match him.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@, "So what do we do now... am i still allowed to stay here or do i have to watch from the sidelines? I hate this... i hate being inactive Solstice... i want to do something, to prepare somehow, to... GAH!" She grunted smacking her hoof down in anger... she was burning with passion and frustration. Dissapointment now fueled more this feeling and she wasn't sure she could hold it. She twitched as she showed to everyone how her restraints were slowly coming off.

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@, "So what do we do now... am i still allowed to stay here or do i have to watch from the sidelines? I hate this... i hate being inactive Solstice... i want to do something, to prepare somehow, to... GAH!" She grunted smacking her hoof down in anger... she was burning with passion and frustration. Dissapointment now fueled more this feeling and she wasn't sure she could hold it. She twitched as she showed to everyone how her restraints were slowly coming off.

Solstice did something unexpected, even to herself. She gave Selune a hug. "Listen, I understand what your saying, because recently one of my friends went sailing. I didn't expect her to come back, and in a way, she didn't. But I can't pretend to know what your going through. Especially since we've been friends for about ten minutes. "


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@, Selune felt the sudden hug and this shook her. She accepted it and it's warmth that felt good... it reminded her of the time Terra used to comfort her. She didn't have to be alone... that's right... even through this there is some way to actually do something in this tournament, though she did not know what. She returned the hug with the same and greater intensity. She was thankful of this... "I'm glad you did this."

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"If you're done making out with your girlfriend, perhaps you should sit down before I hit you" Blue laughed, his mockery echoing out loudly. The pegasus had recovered from his battle against Mao and was using his new found energy to taunt Selune for all he was worth

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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