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open Murderers Among Us


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(XD I my oc was my his room but okay)


"Well I guess we all have our secrets then. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have a dressmaker to listen too." NightStrike almost threw a knife at the door of his room, because he was expecting someone to storm into his room. But it was only Cain trying to talk.

"A spec ops group I never heard of." He thought "I'll need to investigate that too, but the only way getting information on them is either the princesses or the members of the team. Of which I only know Chain Mail who isn't going to tell me anything."

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"Doc! we have a problem! Ehi Doc! you look like you saw a ghost! Everything allright?"


"Y..Yes C..Contrail... wh..what i..is it?"


Contrail looked at Volt covered in blood from the head to the tail


"... you should take a wash.."


"s..shut up.. Contrail.. i saw.. enough.. dead fillies... in my life.. they are.. they are.. they are.."


"..dead?" finished Contrail




"ok Doc we know it.. we have some problems by the way.. you know the nes little filly? well.. in the surge.. the black out... ehm"


"what are you telling me stupid pony?"


"she and other fours escaped.. we killed them all but her... "


"what happened to her?"


"she left the factory.. flown away probably.. or felt in to the void who knows.."


Volt was shaking, the cold, the anger, the disgust for the dead bodies he had to clean away and now this news


"...Contrail... in the name of our old frienship you better start running"


tons of lightining strucked trough the roof hitting Volt


"... it's time to pay the bill Contrail.. you or her... the choiche is up to you... nopony ever survived my Tesla coils.. nopony..."

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"You know, I wasn't even top of my class." He said, ignoring Shadow. "No, that honor goes to the only ass hole that was able to kick my ass at every step of the way. What was his name again, Silent Blade if I remember correctly. Last I heard he was going on a one man invasion of the Changeling Kingdom. Knowing him, I'm surprised that we haven't gotten twenty thousand changeling heads on a platter about now." He said, knowing exactly how much he let slip, and let it slip on purpose.

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Volt was flowing near Contrail, his double Tesla Coil cannons ready and charged, behind Contrail o long whit stream, behind  Volt's hooves a short stream of purple elettricity


"so now we have to follow a Celestia damned fillies who is supposed to not be abble to fly" said Contrail


"it is your fault.. now my instruments say she stopped in this town, you go back Contrail, take care of the factory.. i'll kill her"


"are you sure Doc? you look a bit.. shocked?"


"...just do your job or you will be the next..."


"oki doki Doc.." Contrail said doing an hardturn


"..fucking moron..."


Doc landed on a desert city square


"now what the hell is this city? I need to find her... i need someone who can help me finding her... there must be somepony in this town that can accept a dirt job.."

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@@GameytheGeemer@@Doc. Volt


"CHANGELINGS" He thought. "I hate them, yet I owe them everything. Without them I wouldn't have to suffer but I also have my enhancements because of them. Stil they're hateful creatures that deserved to be killed"


"Well, I guess that explains why." NightStrike said. Then he trotted out of the shop "If you'll excuse me, I need to get some fresh air. I'll be back soon."


"I might just meet anypony interesting."

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"That's fair enough. I must bid you my temporary Adieu. I'm getting reports of a brand new comer in town. Trust me, I won't lose you 2." He said as he teleported off.

@@Doc. Volt,

"Yes, there are literally thousands of helping hooves in this city." He said to the pegasus. "Provided you provide the right price, and don't piss off the wrong ponies, you can get away with routine murder." He said.

"Now, who are you looking for and how much are you willing to pay?" He outright asked. It's not that he needed the money, no he was plenty wealthy for this town. He just enjoyed knowing that others had his same moral code.

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Nightstrike trotted trough the town. Then he saw Chain and a strangely familliar looking pony.


"Well guess who I meet here, another newcomer. I'm NightStrike and this is an acquaintance of mine Chain Mail. I heard from your conversation you needed help?"

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"good night mister? I am here looking for a small pegasus, you shall not ask why, i am in charge of putting end of her life. money are not a problem as long as the job is done. The Cloudsdale Weather Corporation shall pay for all the hooves needed.. and i talked enough, if you are the right stallion then you should already know that the CWC is a great deal"


Volt looked to a black unicorn approaching


"..is.. is that you? no no this is impossible... you died.. no..."

"well goodnight sir, i shall introduce my self, i am Doctor Electron Volt, lead engineer of the Cloudsdale weather corporation"


*thinking* "i know him.. where did i saw him? he is so familiar.."

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@@GameytheGeemer, @,

"Ok." Shadow Strike said, staring at Chain Mail. He'd said that only the team and Princesses knew about it. Then why did she know about it? I've DEFINATELY heard about that team… she thought. She sat down.


@, @,

(@ Doc. Volt--We're still in the room with the pegasus device, I think. You may want to come back)

Silver flew up into the vent. The room below was in total chaos. She flew out of the vent into a corridor. She could see an open window. "What luck." She mumbled, flying through the open window. Now, to go to the ground. she thought.

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"So you want me to kill a reject, with preferably as little damage as possible so that more colors other than red can be extracted from the fur. Seems simple enough, especially seeing as how it will be over kill." He said, showing a disturbing amount of insight as to what goes on at the weather factory.


"As for death, it's often less real than you might think." He said.


@@Doc. Volt,@,  


"Also, why on earth are you looking at me like that."


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"what?????? how do you know??? it is supposed to be a secret!!"

Volt took off, charging his coils




Volt looked at his leg, a portable device was ringing


"Doc... here's Contrail.. we have a problem with a device here... we need you to come back here... she is not a thread now"



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@@GameytheGeemer, @, @,

(Right, my pegasus filly has escaped now too.)

Silver landed next to three unicorns and a pegasus, who looked familiar. "Oh, your the guy who gave the speech at the Rainbow factory. Speaking of that, have you seen my friend any where? She escaped too, but I can't find her." Silver stopped. Why was she talking to this guy? What a stupid thing to do. She started backing away slowly, hoping her grey coat would blend in with the ground. Although the bright blue hair was a bit of a giveaway.

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@@GameytheGeemer, @,


"WHAT?? what??? what are you doing here?? WHY THOSE PONIES KNOW! WHY A FAILURE IS HERE! WHAT IS SO WRONG?!?"


*to himself* "calm down Volt... calm down... you are just tired... it can't be real... they don't know.. he is not that pony of the test"


"now... everypony just calm the hell down... let's start this again... YOU! yeah you! blue mane! did you pass your fly test??"

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@@Doc. Volt,

"Technically, no. You see, in the last part, a bird stopped under me so I pulled up to avoid hitting it. Then I fell and landed on the judges. Witch, of course led me to being failed." She replied, hovering in mid air. She flew over to the pegasus stallion and looked at him. He looked slightly crazy. She made sure to stay slightly out of reach, though.

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Volt took off with a jump, made an hard turn and landed upon the little grey filly crushing her to the ground


"Well miss, it looks like you shouldn't be here.. Contrail.. bloody idiot.. he let escape two of them... well now..."


Volt was looking into the filly eyes, his face filled with anger, electricity blazed around him


".. i should kill you now.. in this precise moment, and then carry your little body with me... but i need you... oh yes.. you will help me taking care of your friend.. the other little filly..."

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@@Doc. Volt,

"Fine." Silver gasped, hardly able to breath. It wouldn't be hard for her to escape the pony, she was a fast flier. Her cutie mark reflected that. She looked into the other pegasus's eyes. He was quite clearly angry; no, furious. She didn't recognise the name Contrail, either. There was no way she'd help them find Cheeky.

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"fine then sweetie... and don't try to escape, or you will taste those.." Volt without letting the hooves looked at his right coil around his neck already charged

"...also the CWC would not let you go far away.. i am only an engineer, i should not be here with those... " Volt whispered "..mud ponies.."

"..but.. trust me, they will never let you live.. even if they decided so you will be an UNPONY... a vaporpony, or what else you prefer.. also nopony is gonna belive you.. are the rules clear? maybe i can let you go if you help me finding your... friend... maybe you shall live forever togheter and happy away from Cloudsdale.. who knows... " An evil smile appeared on Volt's face... there is no way that the CWC would let them live

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@@Doc. Volt,

"Mud ponies. Well, it looks like you just pissed off the wrong boss." Chain Mail said,  pulling out his sword. "You can keep your bits, I'm already rich enough. Dr. Electron Volt, consider yourself and the entire Cloudsdale Weather Corporation black listed, unless you care to apologize." He added, strictness in his voice, betraying that he has a lot more power than he initially let on.


"As for how I know about the colors, I happened to do some breaking and entering before I left the military. Namely on all of the Grade XXX security clearance files. That's where a lot of things that are completely top secret that nopony is supposed to know about are." He mused, laughing as he put up an invisible energy absorption spell.

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"don't you see that i'm busy now?.. ehi what the hell?" Volt looked at his portable control device


"Zero Volts!! zero bucking volts! how in hel.... YOU!" Volt turned his head to Chainmail without letting the filly "... what did you do? " his voice was weaker... like his entire body was running on electricity and that has been just sucked away


"you better stop with that unicorn's stuff... i need electricity for my coils to keep those fillies.. surelly she failed.. but she look quite fast.. you could have been really good with the Wonderbolts lady" Volt said to the filly


"and what should i apologize for?"

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(everytime i join a roleplay starting post are the hardest to do)




volt could see a purple coated pony with red dragon eyes and bat wings she was wearing a cow girl hat which covers her horn. let the filly go she ain't going to the rainbow factory the pony said in an angry tone.

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"what?? you know too??? the CWC is going to kill me... kill you.. kill us all... probably they will nuke the entire town!! ahaha" Volt was starting to drive insane


"so let me check this, we got the angry wizard" Volt looked to ChainMail "a miserable filly who weren't able to avoid a pigeon!" Volt stomped her little wings angrily "a random silent black stallion who remember me something" Volt turned his head to Nightstrike "and now a weird pony who likes to hide behind a Celestia damned ten gallons hat!!"

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moonlight signed agrily she then adjusted her hat to hide her horn. "ever heard of genetic mutations idiot? i was born with these wings  like i said let go of the filly or i will tear you apart like a cloud" she then goes into a battling pose with her wings spread.

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@@Doc. Volt, @@GameytheGeemer,

Shadow Strike looked at the filly. She felt bad. Silently, she moved closer to the two pegasi and used her magic to teleport the filly out from under the stallion. Note to self; alert the princess about the Rainbow Factory. she thought.


Silver nodded in thanks to the unicorn mare, before taking the oppurtunity to run down the street. Of course she could fly, but for a stallion that spent most his time in the clouds, she figured he probably wouldn't be able to run very well. She was sheltered by houses here, so he wouldn't be able to swoop down on her. Of course, she hadn't failed her flight test. She'd passed it. However, her brother had only just failed. So, naturally, she'd sneakily swapped places with him whilst he was sat in the cart, when the guards had been distracted. Silver was actually a very talented flier. She was just protecting her brother.

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"wait? what??? what the hell did you just do?!?? the filly must... take.... her... away... the flock.. the factory... i.. i can't..!"

Volt felt into the ground... "i.. i can't move... i need electricity..." "you don't understand... the must.. not live... they would break... the flock name... you must take her and her friend... or everything will fall apart.. we will fail.. we will fall..." Volt was struggling for keeping his eyes open, the magic field was sucking away every single electron ".. i need a storm..."

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moonlight broke into a evil grin she then walk in front of bolt and lowered her head to his ears "not so strong now? eh i would torture you right now but no we aren't in an alley way or a dark place to do so" she walked back slightly and raised her front hooves to stomp on volt "good bye worker of the rainbow factory" she then starts laughing maniacly. 


(OOC: sorry if it was hard to understand)

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