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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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She looked down again, a glimpse of fear go across her face. "Because I'm....different...." She tried getting up but failed, flopping back down. She pouted slightly, trying again, but to no avail. I forgot about these pills... Ugh... Oh well... They seem like very nice ponies... Maybe they can help me...

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Grell sighed "and so they beat you that's just wrong, don't worry about being different I'm different too" grell said "relax ok midnight sleep... relax... nopony will bother you here" grell was about to lay down when he frowned" this will never do " grell said as he eyed the bed

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Lux jumped up and was instantly awake, taking in the seven other pegasi in the room. He walked straight up to them. He closed his eye's for a moment, and when he opened them, they were all black. Only his red pupils could be seen. He walked over to the lead pegasi, pulling his necklace off, it immediately became a sword. "Begone! All of you! Or suffer the wrath of the Shadows!" As he said this, all the shadows in the room started moving. They seemed to move around the room and surrounded the pegasi. Lux then gave off an evil sounding laugh, a deep dark rumbling laugh.




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Jumping in between the pegasi and midnight. Thorn raised a shield "Could really use your hooves right now Grell I cant handle them all by myself." Swinging my my hammer wildly I catch the first pegasi In the face and send him crashing to the ground and ready for the next one.

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Grell calmly unwrapped his hooves "now which one of you want to die first " grell said using his magic to pull one he punched him three times and on the third he exploded into ash and dust leaving behind a lone bone when he another flew down grell turned slightly to see midnight cowering behind him -aww she's so cute -grell thought he lost focus and almost got hit by one of them when he poked him in the belly and he turned to ash and bones

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Lux disappeared in to one of the shadows and appered right next to Thorn. "Ok, one of the rules of being a demi-god, no harming mortals if we can help it. They can't tell the supernatural from the normal. So that means no killing them. I'm just going to scare the hay out of them. You make sure that Midnight Shine or what's her name is alright ok?" He'd whispered this all in Thorn's ear so that the pegasi didn't hear him. He then disappeared and reappeared if front of them again, waving his sword and just being as scary as possible.


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Teleporting by midights side Thorn put hoof on her and teleported them both into the corner covering themselves with a shield. "Focus Grell!" more quietely Thorn says "Stay by my side midnight this shield can hold in the heat of lava and steel you will be safe here."

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"it's all good the others left " grell called as he looked at the bed again with a frown he used his magic to gather the ash and dust when the voice in his head told him to focus on life as he did so the dust formed into the two ponies that died and they came back to life but unconscious "wow how did I do that " grell asked

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As Lux swung his sword around a few more times, the combination of the shadows seeming to come to life, his eyes, and three of their friends being attacked, and two of them dying, scared the rest of the pegasi off. As they flew off through the ceiling, Lux's eyes returned to normal as did the shadows. He turned around, sword becoming a necklace again, and put it on his neck.




He walked over to Grell and Thorn, grabbed them, and pulled them over to the two piles of ash that had turned in to two now unconscious pegasi. "Rule number one...well, I guess rule number one would be don't leave camp alone, but we're not at camp yet. So rule number one when out side of camp is don't interfere with mortals. You know that any one of us could have stopped them. Or at least, I've trained enough with my sword, seven UNARMED and UNARMORED pegasi would have been no problem for me to take care of on my own." He looked over his shoulder at the pegusus he'd heard them call Midnight Shine and smiled. "Hi, I'm Lux-Ignis Umbra by the way. Pleasure to meet you Miss...Shine was it? Midnight Shine? Pleasure to meet you. You can call me Lux. I promise I'm not always like this, it's just that MORTAL CASUALTIES are unacceptable in the best of times. When it's a simple bully problem, it's completely WRONG!" He took a few paces away, and breathed deeply. "Thank the gods that your dad is looking out for us tonight Grell, we could've gotten in some serious trouble if he hadn't been."

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Midnight quickly left the safety of Thorn's shield and ran to Grell, hiding behind him and peaking up from behind him adorably. "A...are you sure they're gone...?" She looked up at Grell, the tears still in her eyes. She felt safe and secure with Grell by her side. She had no idea why

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Grell nodded "I did what I felt I should have done I have no regrets" grell said as he wrapped his hooves then he looked down at midnight and smiled wiping away her tears "I'm sure it's safe " grell said as he wrapped his foreleg around her "I'll keep you safe "

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Lux calmed down. He walked outside and watched the other pegasi take off before coming back inside and closing the door. He turned to Midnight Shine and smiled. "Yes, they're gone. I watched them leave. It looks like they're heading back to Cloudsdale." He walked over to the bed and lay back down again. "Whew, I am going to have a headache in the morning from using my abilities so much." He rolled over so he was laying on his side, facing every other pony. "Anything before I turn in again for the night?" He asked, looking quizzically over at all of them. He sighed. "Look, I need to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled like that. I'm very sorry."

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Midnight blushed, looking down with a small smile on her face. "I...I really am thankful for you guys protecting me like this... No one has ever protected a demi-goddess like me before..." (((the town she came from shunned demi gods, therefore NO ONE liked her. Her father wasn't even really that fond of her)))

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As soon as Midnight said that, Lux sat straight up. "A demi what? You mean you know already? gods, that makes my job a little easier. Did you, by chance, ever visit Camp Half-Blood?" Lux sat forward, thinking this could make his job quite a bit easier if she'd ever been there before.





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"a Demi-what now " grell asked curiosity getting the better of him "and don't worry about it Im used to be yelled at and worse and nah I don't have any questions for you "grell said as he lead midnight to a bed "now then relax ok if anypony else comes I'll protect you "grell said as he reached out with his magic and grabbed his skull

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Lux looked up at the stars through the hole in the roof. "A demi-god. You know, one parent is an ancient immortal greek god while your other parent is a mortal. Thus, a demi-god. Though, some beings call us heros instead. Like the heros of ancient times, Hercules and Achilles."

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Lux nodded. Slightly disappointed but understanding. It seemed that recently, only a few found out about the camp and left. All the rest stayed in the camps magic boundaries where they were protected from monsters. He was one of the few who actually left on purpose to find new demi-gods and bring them back to the camp. He merely nodded and rolled over. "Okay then. Night you two. Thorn's arleady asleep, isn't he? If you're not, night Thorn!"

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Grell smiled "my dad gave it to me iv carried this with me since I was eight "grell said "funny thing is I only just found out about this little trick " grell opened its jaws and it turned into a scythe "my dad is thanatos found that out today to" grell pushed down on the top of the skull and the blade and handle disappeared into the skull

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Midnight smiled as her hoof started glowing. "This is my gift from Mother..." A beautifully crafted crescent blade appeared, on it two handles to hold it with. It looked as if it was carved out of the moon itself, and even had a slight glow to it. "This possesses the powers my Mother has. And it is as sharp as a steel blade. It can cut through ANYTHING with ease..." There was a slight hint of sadisticness in that last statement.

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Grell smiled "well you seen one of my gifts although I can't really control it, that's what happened to those ponies I touched, I killed them with a simple touch that's why I wrap my hooves " grell said he frowned at his bed again he used his magic and turned it into a coffin and smiled "you need to rest midnight " grell said as he climbed into the coffin "goodnight midnight " he closed the lid and got comfortable

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Midnight put away her blade and laid there for a moment. She looked at the coffin. Quietly getting up and walked over to it, she analyzed the contraption. She backed up a little, unsure. She shook her head then climbed on top of it, laying down and smiling slightly. "Goodnight....Grell..."

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Grell heard somepony climb on top of his coffin he was about to open it when he heard midnight say goodnight grell smiled and went to sleep

((I'm going to do a time skip))

A few hours later grell woke up and had to use the restroom so he teleported out of the coffin and went upon returning he seen midnight he used his magic to grab a blanket and cover her he then teleported back into his coffin and went to sleep

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