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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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"no no its not you" grell said with a weak smile, he grabbed the skull he held it close and changed his expression to be calm and board he used his magic to grab yet another apple and ate as he poured another cup of coffee and drank he tired to relax but he just couldn't

((rainbowdashlover19 won't be on this weekend and has asked me to control midnight until she gets back so she's going to just autopilot but if she needs to talk or do something then I'll post for her))

Midnight smiled happy that she hadn't made grell mad she nomed her apple and waited for lux to speak

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(((REALLY SORRY! I'm a cashier at a store and thanks giving last yesteday was insane. I got to go back again tonight so I won't be posting to much until saturday. SORRY AGAIN!)))


Lux looked around at the group. "Alright, well, we could get going. If we do though, I need to stop by some where to make sure that someone I found before I met you, Grell, is alright. She's a half-blood as well, and she was keeping a few monsters at bay with a bow. I left her a way to contact me, but the fact that she hasn't yet is slightly worrying. Anyways, I'll answer any questions you guys have about the camp on the way there. That sound good?"



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"well there is no time like the present." Getting up Thorn checks his bag and makes sure that its good to go then puts it on. Looking at everypony he smiles and starts chewing on an apple. "If I stop by the smithy on the way out I can help to make your none of our weapons receive any wear and tear, that way I can also learn of my abilities I suppose."

  • Brohoof 1
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Grell stood up and opened the jaw of the skull "well then let's go maybe the monsters are still there" grell said as he put several apples into his bag and drained his coffee grell put his scythe away and unwrapped a hoof just in case

Midnight nodded and stood by grell

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(((I'm actually going to be able to post until 7 tonight, so I'll take control of my character until then, then Dashian500 can take over. I'm going to redo Midnight's post)))


Midnight smiled, and with her moon blade in hand, walked to Grell and made an adorable face of determination. "I'm ready whenever you guys are!" (((she gets more outgoing the better she knows ponies)))

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(((Ok, so the pony I was refering to was Arctic Auora's. If she doesn't get on or respond, then...should we say she disappeared?))) Lux nodded. "It'll take a while to walk there. I flew over here pretty fast when I felt something was amiss."  He got up and grabbed his necklace, letting it slide out in to full sword size.

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((sounds reasonable ))

Grell smiled at midnights adorableness and unwrapped his other hoof when he seen lux pull his sword "careful to not touch my hooves you could die" grell said as a reminder to everypony "so if it will take a while then we better get walking shouldn't we"

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Midnight smiled and then noticed Grell unwrapping his hoof. She blinked and looked at Grell. "Wait a second... I thought your hooves kill things? Wouldn't they kill the grass and plants and such???" She cocked her head slightly, really confused. She didn't want the plants dying.

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"sometimes they do but it's rare, normally it's ponies that die but sometimes when I get really mad I can cause tress and flowers to wilt and decompose " grell said "but since in clam the chance of plants dying by my touch is rare" grell said as he rewrapped his hooves and put his foreleg around her

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Lux walked over and unlocked the door before looking up at the still large hole in the roof. "Better fix that soon or else something nasty might get in here. I'd hate to have to come back and use it again only to out that some kind of monster's hiding in here."

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Midnight giggled and leaned on Grell, smiling up at him. "That's good. I was just worried. I didn't want everypony thinking weird things about you." She rubbed her head against his neck, her moon blade resting in her holster on the opposite side she was leaning on. "We ready to go?"

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"I carry a pony skull and sleep in a coffin it's safe to say that they would be right to think I'm weird " grell said -maybe I was wrong maybe being with somepony wouldn't be so bad - grell thought as midnight nuzzled him -when were alone maybe I'll tell her how I feel -

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Midnight shrugged. "You got a point, I guess... Everypony always looks at me weird 'cause of my eyes," she giggled, still nuzzling him. He's so nice and gentle... It's hard to imagine he's a death demi-god... I wonder if he likes me... Maybe I'll talk to him during the venture...

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Lux really hated to break up the moment, but they really needed to get going. He cleared his throat for their attention. "Ahem....Are going to get moving? Maybe when we get to camp, you could have some of Aphrodite's kids help you figure out what's going on hmm? And Midnight, where we're going, no one will think your eyes are weird. Trust me, after fighting monsters like a hydra, it's hard to think of some one as strange because of their eyes. And Grell, death touch isn't creepy, it's actually kinda cool. You just need to learn how to control it. Thorn, there's a whole cabin full of Heaphestus's kids that all like fire as much as you do, and can help you learn how to make even better weapons then you're doing right now. Camp will be paradise compared to the life you guys are living right now if I'm understanding your guy's stories correctly. No pony will think you're weird or strange. And the food is amazing, especially the cheese! To die for! (kudos to who ever got that reference) I'm just kidding, but the food is pretty good there. It's a place where you can be your self and learn more about who you really are. Anyways, I'm done preaching now, lets get moving." (((I gotta go soon. You can just say you guys are walking. If anyone talks to me, just use the @[member thing and I'll try to answer everything next time I get on. Later guys!)))

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"well I like your eyes they're so unique " grell said "I like anything that's different" grell smiled trying not to show that he liked midnight, he was after all a loner and had tried to walk alone because death always claimed the living and seemed to claim those he cared for

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Midnight blushed, then looked at Lux. "Let's get going!" She smiled, walking to the door, dragging her splinted wing on the ground a little as she tried to awkwardly position it so it wouldn't get in the way. She looked back at Grell. "Oh and about your hooves: they're epic!" She giggled, walking out.

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Looking at everypony Thorn starts walking out the door. "I will meet up with you all outside town i am gonna stop by the smithy and get a few things then I should be good. Come on everypony idle hooves don't get things done." With that Thorn headed off into the town.

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Midnight waited outside for Grell, her eyes darting around, kind of paranoid the ponies would come back. She knows how these ponies well and knows they don't back down easily. Lux did scare them quite bad, though... Maybe they really won't come back... I kind of hope they do.... I wanna see Grell in action again...

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.grell nodded and walked out the door -cool, now my touch isn't going to do much good if I can't control it but when I can I'll be unstoppable - grell thought he seen midnight looking around "don't worry if they come back then they want to die and I'll gladly send them to the underworld "grell said

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Grell smiled "of course they're lucky that they lived last time " grell said as he walked, he held the skull in his magic ready for to use it if he needed to, he doubted he would because if his death touch.

($ok so now I have control over midnight I'm just going to auto pilot her unless a post is needed for reasons that should be obvious I don't want to have her do something the rainbow dash lover wouldn't )

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Silver looked up from his smithing to see his friend lux approaching with a whole host of new ponies. "Welcome back!" He said, "Clearly your mission was quite successful!" He turned towards the new recruits, and hearing a few stomachs growling, happily asked, "Now who's hungry?"

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Aurora prepared her bow to start shooting the monsters. The arrows flew out, piercing the monsters as they rampaged through her room. Before she knew it, she was surrounded by golden dust and scraps of paper everywhere. "NOOOOOOOOO!!" She cried. She collapsed sobbing. "Why? Why me?"

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Lux left Grell, Midnight, and Thorn in the very capable hooves of Silver. He thanked Silver for the food, then decided to head back to check on the filly he'd seen earlier. He landed outside the hole in her wall and found her laying on the ground cry uncontrollably. He walked over and and sat down in front of her, trying to comfort her. "Hey, there there. It'll be alright, you took care of those nasty monsters pretty easily. They won't be coming back here for at least another hundred years. It'll be ok. Here, are you hurt? Do you need any help?"


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