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Leif didn't join in he seen minx looking at him he just pulled out his pan flute "any requests" Leif asked mainly asking minx but he would accept one from somepony else Grells twitching got worse as time went on he really needed to get his fix before he went crazy


" 'Silence' is a good one." Dead Eye said. he was still pretty pissed that his leg was gone and his mood hasn't been improved by recent events. "I also like 'Turn that flute into ash'."



(Filler to fill a gap that needs filling and fills the void that needs to be filled by a filler that is used to fill the void)

Edited by Black Mask


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Feeling in a slightly better mood knowing he was on the way out of the underworld unharmed decided to join in on the jokes. "I bet most of the jobs you tell the souls are pretty HUMERUS and really hit their FUNNY BONES!" Tough Luck said, cracking up to himself. "HAHAHA that joke was pretty rib-tickling."


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

Avatar by Royal Samurott


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Feeling in a slightly better mood knowing he was on the way out of the underworld unharmed decided to join in on the jokes. "I bet most of the jobs you tell the souls are pretty HUMERUS and really hit their FUNNY BONES!" Tough Luck said, cracking up to himself. "HAHAHA that joke was pretty rib-tickling."


Dead Eye facehoofed,"That was just...'Sigh'." he said, feeling as though this boat ride was getting longer by the second. "How much longer do we have? This place is way too creepy." 


He then pulled a flask out of his pocket with magic and drank the contents.




My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Charon laughed at Tough Luck's jokes. "I'll have to use that next time I'm chatting up one of the souls." Charon's smile started to fade a little as they neared the entrance to the lobby.


Minx thought about it for a minute. "Uum. I don't know any songs. If you weren't listening before, during the fight, then I said that I hated music. Especially the song you were playing during the fight." Minx shrugged her shoulders and looked at the River Styx, back to Hades Castle.


Gareth adjusted his glasses and looked over to Charon. "Hmm. Here's a joke. When Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull came out, were you the skull that was stolen?"


(I'm not entirely sure if we're bringing real-world movies into this.)

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Charon pulled up to the lobby's entrance. "Okay everypony, hop off. We're here. Hey thanks for he jokes guys! You've made an extremely bony god laugh. Thank you." Charon was especially proud of his son for actually coming out to see him. "Oh, uuh Ocean Skies. That trident you have. It may look like it's made of water but hidden underneath the tips and hilt is Celestial Bronze. Be careful with that ya hear?"


Gareth hopped out of the boat and turned to his dad. "Dad? Thanks." He said. When Gareth hugged him, Charon knew that his son oved him, no matter what he looked like. "That's okay."


Minx flew out of the boat and hovered in the air. She felt extremely uncomfortable around Pan's son.



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A pony was standing there. he looked almost exactly like oceon skies his mane was waving like a small wave off the oceon. his eyes where dark blue. he had a trident that was much bigger then the one on skies back. the trident itself had seaweed and a water dragon design on it. oceon skies looked over and blinked. The stallian was tall. he smiled really big when he saw skies get off the boat. his coat was white but had a bluish tint to it.


oceon skies was slowly walking over not knowing what to say.

Edited by odd9120
  • Brohoof 1

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Minx noticed Poseidon as well. "Ah hell." she moaned. She flapped down to ground level and tried to stay out of sight of him. "I'd really hate for Uncle Poseidon to see me." she muttered to herself.


Charon waved over to Poseidon. "Hey Posidon. How ya doing?" Charon asked.


Gareth went to take off his glasses but then realised that he didn't have any place to put the staff so he just kept them on. 'Poseidon? Meeting two of the Big Three in one day? What is this, topsy-turvy land or something?' Gareth wondered why Poseidon of all ponies would be in the Underworld but then it hit him. 'Oh. He's here to see his son. That's good.'



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"Dad! Skies tackle hugged his father as poseidon smiled.


"I heard you guys really don't have enough pearls to get back so I'm here to help you guys get back to the other world," he says his voice was gentl he saw minx and blinked. "Wow hades mustve done some punishment knowing you you hate other demigods." He smiled warmly as he rubs skies head. "See you thought id hate you but it pained me to do what i did but you needed to face the world on your own. and doing good mr no flesh seriously i think someone threw you in a pooll of pirahnas."

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Dead Eye stepped off and saw that everyone was paying attention to the pony that seemingly just arrived. H took this opportunity to turn around and fill his bottle with water from the river.


"Might come in handy." he said to himself as he tucked it away.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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'Damn it! He saw me!' Minx thought. She then trotted out of her hiding spot and walked up to Poseidon. "Hello Uncle. Yeah, dad punished me to be with this group. The only reason why I got punished was because I wanted to fight. Then he said he was at the Gates of Tartarus, closing them up. I think they're closed now. Anyway, dad seemed really ticked off and me starting a fight was just the icing on the not so delicious cake." Minx said in annoyance.



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"Yeaaahh brothers not so compassionate at all" he chuckles as skies never looked so happy ever. "Thanks dad for the awsome trident" he says.

"Your welcome, his blue eyes spot dead eye he used the water of nyx and wraps around dead eyes hoof that wasn't there and a brand new hoof was given and attached to his leg he's a god giving someone a new limb was child's play in his book. "So is every pony tired of looking at the underworld and ready to go home?" He asked.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Minx thought that Poseidon wasn't so bad. But then again her father did paint him in a very horrid light. Nervously grinning, she backs away from Poseidon and goes stand near the boat, which just happened to be wear Pan's son was.


"Poseidon? Youhoo!! Can ya hear me or has water clogged up your ears again?" Charon laughed his head off.


Gareth had sat down on the lobby's floor and played with his spectacles, turning it from a bone staff into a pair of bone-patterned glasses and back again.



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"Oi! I heard that! Just because I'm a stupid bonehead doesn't mean that I can't hear you. Besides, Poseidon should be the one that's Piranha dinner. He practically lives with the things!" Charon yelled.


Gareth laughed at the antics between the two gods. He didn't expect his own dad to be so chummy with Poseidon.



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"Ohhh chiron comes back i see, so how's being the most boreing job been going with nothing bit heartfilled jokes going oh wait i forgot you don't have a heart or muscles, what if someone kicks you will you fall apart?"


Even blacky was rolling at this point

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Oh ya want to tussle pally? Well then. It's a goof off!" Charon challenged Poseidon.


"Wait a minute. What's a goof-off?" Gareth and Minx asked at the same time.


"A goof off is a competition between two jokesters and the more outrageous jokes the better. Whoever has the most outrageous joke wins the goof off." Charon explained.



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"Not today," he chuckles. "You already used up most of your jokes, these kids have to get home the last time we had a goof off lasted us 3 generations!!" He chuckles. "Where both very persistant when it came to that" he smiles as he looks down at his son. "Don't worry son ill teach you how to control water better"



dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Hmph! Fine. I see your point. Speaking of points, how's that trident doing? Taking care of it I hope?" Charon was a bit bummed out but he could see the reasoning behind that. Gareth wanted to actually see how far his dad would take it but was a bit surprised when he said that the last one lasted for three generations!


Minx's jaw just dropped to the floor. "Wait a minute. You're telling me that this bonehead can take you on in a goof off!? Not only that, but making it last for three whole generations!?"



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"Well yeah I'm the god of the sea not god of the jokes that's part of dionysis job" he says with a big grin. "Usally i win though when i start talking about how he has no brain and how can he smell when he has no nose i don't even know how he can talk he has no vocal cords, and yes my tridents just fine i had to add the seaweed to it its my prize possession."


Skies smiled


blacky pie jumped. "Yup!!!"

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Charon's jaw dropped. Literally. "Whoops! Look at that jaw go." Gareth picked it up with his magic. 'Eew. Get it away!" He sounded like a whining filly but even he thinks that's just gross. He threw it over to Minx who grabbed and chucked it straight over to Ocean Skies. "I don't like it when puns are made literal." Minx said.


"You know, I kind of need that jaw back." Charon said. He looked weird with only half a skull missing. "You know how I can talk without vocal cords. Magic. Nah, just kidding, I actually have no idea. See?" He takes the top of his skull off to show them that there wasn't any brain in there. Placing it back on, he then said. "I guess you could call me brainless."

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