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ooc Fallout Equestria alternate.


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I'm starting to think that Draco is the really crazy one in the group. End Game is insane, but at least he hasn't gotten the party exiled then decided that such an action have him carte-blanche to slaughter the entire town.

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Melts them into nothingness

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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*Shoots the buttom from Three Wolf Moon* Oh oh I just got an idea. what if Draco's friend Draco mentioned is the Lone Wanderer and that 3 Dog is a ver articulated Diamond dog.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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