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ooc Fallout Equestria alternate.


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I think I've figured out how this RP would end... (presented in the style of Fallout)

End Game joins up with the Steel Rangers (reformed or otherwise), appreciating that there are other technophiles in the Wasteland.

Following the collapse of the Enclave, Ruby and Blacklight become liasons between the surface and the pegasi.

Majestic and Cryptical would either go back to the North and attempt to make it more civil, or walk the Wasteland as mercenaries for hire.

Canonical characters would do what they were meant to do, as opposed to going on our little misguided adventure.

Moonlight would fly around until power-creep got the better of her and she joined the reapers, eventually leading to a climactic duel between them and the rest of the Wasteland, there are few survivors on both sides.

Draco would die alone and friendless, brooding about his past and believing no one has gone through as terrible of things as he has till the very end...


Please feel free to correct me if I forgot a character or made a mistake about your character's normal actions.


I'm getting cynical aren't I?

To be honest I don't know how I would continue... it's too non-structured for me to figure out what to do at this point... My finger is hovering over the abort button guys.

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Well the correction is that in the North after the Siege of Manecowy, the Northern Union had been stomping on the slavers and raiders and are in the process of rebuilding Manecowy back to its glorious state. So when they return, Majestic Bloom and Cryptical Code would probably have a near civil world, minus the occasional slavers and raiders.


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I've sent a message of the vague idea to Fractaluna here, and Moonlight if you want to join in to discuss about it tell meh.


And personally I don't think so. Its a tank. A Zebra tank at that. Either you can lift several tons of pure steel or whatever is used to run the tank, and crush it, I don't think so. :|


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well theres plenty of reaper ponies out there but moonlight prolly wont fight a reaper til the group reaches hoofington and or stable 99.

I've sent a message of the vague idea to Fractaluna here, and Moonlight if you want to join in to discuss about it tell meh.


And personally I don't think so. Its a tank. A Zebra tank at that. Either you can lift several tons of pure steel or whatever is used to run the tank, and crush it, I don't think so. :|




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Fallout logic don't question it.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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