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open Saving the Elements of Harmony


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Okay then. Double save.

"Uh, thanks again, Slipstream."

I was put down and I took my fighting stance and entered the theta state.(real thing where my perseption to receiving information is increased.) I began to observe the angered beast looking for some form of weakness in its rocky hide. There has to be something on this thing. A crack or crevice showing some weakness.

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When steel was pushed out of the way he took flight he dove at the beast his daggers held in front of him he spun his body as his the hide would have saved it if it hadn't been for steels daggers being enchanted he sliced through going by in one side and coming out the other leaving a pony sized hole in his wake he was covered in blood and guts steel flipped his mane and threw himself on top and shoved one dagger into the top of its head

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"That is disgusting..." Slipstream said looking at Steel with the expression one makes after drinking spoiled milk "that is absolutely disgusting. Never do that again." Her face returned to its normal expression as she looked at the work Steel had done. The beast was thoroughly dead. "It is an effective method though."


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"Okay now. Since Steel has killed, or at the very least labotamyzed,our quarry I have one question. Does anyone here know where to go now?"

I asked to the group. Hopefully we could get at least a certain sense of our direction needed to proceed. If not, we could just ask around if they've seen anything suspicious... besides an attacking cragodile.

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(OOC: One last trick, ever seen what happens to dead crocodiles?)

The Cragodile may have been dead, but it wasn't neutralized. Nerves that worked on reaction began spasming, thrashing the beast's tail all about, tearing up the turf and smashing boulders next to it

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Oh by the elder gods why is that thing still alive. It was thrashing about like a madpony... croc... thing. Oh well. It was lifting terrain from the ground and tryed to end one of us as a last resort. I saw a tail in my periferal vision but it was to late to react. The tail swung at me with full force, sending me head first to a tree. Upon impact I crashed through it and was stuck half way, and unconcious.

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I awoken after my unfortunate impact with the tail of the Cragodile. I found myself imbeded in the trunk of a tree. I tried to free myself. It was a tight fit and it would not let me go without a fight. I struggled for a few minites until I was finally free. Besides a few cuts and a gash on my forehead, I was relatively fine. I made my way back to the group and hopefully the finally dead beast. I had a slite limp to my right fore-hoof. I saw that Steel had gone to clean himself of the gore.

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"Ah, your back." Slipstream said to Mr. Critical "Now you were asking about where we go from here. I took the liberty of flying up and I noticed that the castle is very well guarded, more so than usual. I also noticed that there are some balconies that don't have any guards on them and the treeline is very close to the guards stationed behind the castle. What plan can you make with that information?"


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Hm, this was good, unguarded balconies and a close tree line to the guard station. This could serve us well.

"With some time, I could formulate a good sneak attack. If this goes well, we could get in, grab dash, and get out without causing to much of a scene. However, I suggest we rest and wait for night fall to have a better chance at stealth."

This could work. This could actually work. That, or there expecting us and its a trap.

"Before we go, id like a few minutes to heal myself."

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Steel had returned.

"Were going to rest until tonight. Heal our wounds and such. Hopefully, I'll have a plan ready to go by then."

I felt the gash on my head, it has already begun to heal. Should be better by sundown. I began to limp my way over to an inn. I purchased a room for us to rest in until tonight. I'll be able to rest, heal, and finish my plan for tonight. If all goes well, we shall be ablw to pull off the the first rescue of our mission.

(I'm going to bed now. Its 11:19pm where I am now.)

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@@Mr. Critical,


"Ehm..  Mooneyes approached Critical." He looked a bit shy "I'm sorry I wasn't of any real help during the fight. But I might help you right now, I once had a mentor who has taught me a special spell once. It works especially well against those small cuts and bruises." He looked at Critical "So can I help you?" He asked hopefully.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"Your concern and help is apreaciated, but not necessary. I've recovered from a lot worse than a ston crocodile. But thanks for the offer."

I layed on the bed and began to sleep, awaiting for tonight. So, we have a medic on board. Is there anything that kid can't do.


(I gotta go to school now. I'll be back later.)

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(Before I go you guys, I need to tell you my internet is going down for a bit. So I won't be as active. I'll have the bill paid later. So until then, I'll see you later.)


Word lmt word lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt wrd lmt


(I'm bqck you guys.)


I awoke from my slumber, it was sunset. Excellent, I should be able to finish up the kinks in my plan, before the others arrive. I got out of the bed and looked around the hotel room I rented for the day. Kinda cozy, nothing like my home in ponyville, but satiable. I winder where everypony else is?

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Mooneyes woke up somewhere in the middle of town. He practiced his offensive spells all night, he must have passed out during his exercises. And now he was really tired.

"Well, I hope I'll be able to fight a bit better later, they are going to need all the help they can get if they are outnumbered."

Then he trotted off searching for his friends


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Slipstream flew overhead and saw Steel waiting at the door to Mr. Criticals room. She decided to fly down and join him, she assumed that this meant that the team was gearing up for the fight at the castle. "Whats going on?" she said to Steel as she landed next to him "Has he finished his plan?"


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"What is it you do exactly?" Slipstream asked cautiously as she reluctantly took the weapon and rag "Your not some kind of psychotic carpenter who plays with weapons on his down time, you would have to be an assassin maybe." Slipstream pondered the question of what Steel did before the quest until she got fed up with lock picking. Slipstream grunted, wrapped Steels weapon in the rag, placed it on the ground then bucked the door in. "After you." she said to Steel in her usual cocky tone.


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Steel sighed "I would have done that but I didn't want to pay for the door and you're right I was an assassin I can break into almost any building and there has yet to be a target I couldn't kill" steel said "and you're paying for the door If you would Have waited a second longer so I could pull the tools out I had it unlocked " steel put everything up and went back to polishing his tomahawk

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Everyone seemed to be here. Now we can get this under way.

"As we all know, the element of loyalty is being held in the castle. So I have developed a plan on getting her out. However. Since I do not have a layout of the castle's inside, it will be up to you to get to her after infiltration. From expieriance I know for a fact that guard is enchanted to make each member identical. To help you get in, I would suggest stealing a set of armor to help blend in. From what Slipstream has Informed me, there was a few balconies unguarded. That could be an ideal place for your entry. If I'm right Ms Dash should be held in the dungeon area. To help ensure your success, I will be implimenting a distraction for the guards."

That was my plan, a good ol fashion distact and enter. Hopefullybit will work.

"If all goes well, we won't need to kill any guards, but if you are caught, I sugest you neutralize them, by any means necessary."

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"I like the plan but there is one problem" Slipstream said "armor slows me down, my main advantages are speed and agility, by putting me in armor you get rid of those advantages." Slipstream was getting almost angry about the topic. She felt very strongly about her advantages an she needed to keep as many as she could. "What if I flew higher than they could see then dove down right onto one of the balconies, Steel can come with me and you can distract them on our way out... I just really don't want to wear armor, it destroys my tactical advantage to the team... you understand?"


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The Wendigo licked its chops hungrily. Its species had nearly gone extinct when the Fires of Friendship ignited but against all odds, some had crawled back from the abyss. This particular Wendigo had been chased out of his normal feeding grounds by a rival female, causing him to flee. Unfortunately, he had fled to Equestria, a land nearly free of hate. Wait, there was some down there. The spirit grinned as it silently flew down to feed off of and increase their fury

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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