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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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"Well we traveled together, he saved my life plenty of times. And you know, he is a joker. I mean he might not look like it, but when he was around those ponies he could trust, he seemed like an entire different pony. And he cares for ponies, I mean when he was commanding the Northern Armies, he personally went to the frontlines and helped out. He was that pony that everypony in the North could look up to," Majestic Bloom said.

"Well we traveled together, he saved my life plenty of times. And you know, he is a joker. I mean he might not look like it, but when he was around those ponies he could trust, he seemed like an entire different pony. And he cares for ponies, I mean when he was commanding the Northern Armies, he personally went to the frontlines and helped out. He was that pony that everypony in the North could look up to," Majestic Bloom said.

Draco chuckled "Heh sounds nice being with a pony you like. Instead of having one by one leaving you," he said as he downed another bottle of fire whiskey. "War never changes does it," Draco said as he placed a deliberate losing bet. "I wanna feel that power surge when ever I'm exhausted I miss that feeling when I see fiends running from me. Knowing I got a couple out of danger that's what I miss a purpose,"


A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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vatrana quickly pulled out a healing potion she drank it as fast as she could the bleeding stop she sighed in relief she then flies down to navy and grabs him and take's to the air this time flying towards the cloud cover. "mommy's here navy i am here no worries". she take's out a healing potion the potion was quite brand new she then shoves it into navy's mouth  and she made sure every drop went down. (as in swallowed).

(ARMOR! Not SHIELD! Plus, his magic is stronger than a drones by 10 fold. think outside the box a bit.) 


The alcorn shakes his head softly and slowly. He slowly extends his wings each wing was at least 5ft. long. He takes off into the sky in pursuit. "You can't fly away from an alicorn." He said as he aims with the rifle again. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vatrana took a deep breathe. and dove away from his view vatrana flew behind him and shot his back this time with explosives rounds "yes i can you cunt face alicorn!". she yelled 


(fnauwfawufha uwfhawufhwaufha hauwfhawufh auwhfauwhfauwh uawfhauwhfawu ). 


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The entire battlefield can hear a mechanically amplified maniacal laugh, "Hello everypony! I've been quite busy bankrupting nearby casinos, but I decided now would be a fun time to join you again, would you like some assistance?" he levels a heavily modified balefire launcher at the alicorn.

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The alicorn winces in pain as his skin and muscles tear apart from bone. He falls to the ground with a dull meaty thump!


"YEAH! TAKE THAT CUNT!" The colt yelled at the bad magical scawy pony and repeating the words his mommy said. 


The alicorn hears the sound of another pony. He conjures a shield and adds and extra, extra layer of shielding from the balefire bomb. "Do your worst." He said without a care of the world.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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End Game smirks, "My worst? I guess I'll just have to give the colt what he asks... Any votes for how to kill him, or should I just do this the fun way?" the launcher he's floating chirps happily, and in a young child's voice says, "Launch system initialized, is there anything else I can help you with, Mr. End Game?"

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vatrana started laughing  she then dove down to the alicorn then started throwing a butch of grenades 3 normal exploding grenades she wanted to make sure that she doesn't damage head too much since she would be placing it in a display case (she doesn't do that btw) the grandes were to break his shields after that she will shot him in the chest with lil gilda.


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"It never really does change," Majestic Bloom replied, nodding her head.


"The hell!?" One of the soldiers commented as they saw a alicorn flying. They had never seen such weirdness happening, a alicorn, a griffon, and a insane pony. They didn't know if it was even safe to be here.


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"So how are you feeling?" Draco asked as he looked at Majestic Bloom as he looked at her eyes. "Well do you feel alittle drunk?" he asked as he felt drunk alright from 3 bottle of fire whiskey. "You look alittle tipsy you know " he said as he eyed her stance as he notice her swaying.



A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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The launcher gives a short count down, after which a bladed rocket fires with a sincere, "If you are not the requested target, please clear the blast area." The green-glowing rocket embeds itself in the alicorn, then begins to tick ominously, "Have a nice day!"

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The grenades blowing up around him weakened the shield enough for the rocket to pierce the rest and into him. "Good bye. My blessings to you ponies." He said as if it was a normal day; accepting his fate towards death. "I'll see you ponies in hell. Then we might have fun." He ended and waits for the bomb to blow.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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before the thing exploded vatrana flied down to him and sliced his head with a wing blade then flied away. "mission acomplished" she said with a grin she then landed a few ft away from end game and placed navy to the ground she held the alicorns head with her left talons.  


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One of the soldiers just simply stared before motioning to his companions to start moving back to the regiment. They had somethings to say about this event.



"Y-yea!" Majestic Bloom said stumbling around, unable to get a footing of where she was walking. 


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Navy sees the head in her big claw. "W-why do you have his head?" He was frightened a bit as he looks at it in terror. Then notices ponies with really sacwy weapons and cool looking uniforms.  He hides behind his mommy shaking like a leaf from what's approaching.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Vatrana grabbed frost with her tail and places him on her back. she then places the head inside one of her bags on that is empty that is. "il explain why i have his head later ok frosty? il protect you if those armored ponies attack trust me". she then loads her magnum with normal bullets for now.


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Blacklight after finishing his third bottle, paid the bartender before heading back to Ruby, nearly falling over a few times in the process. Finally making it over to her, he says, " Hey, hhooww yoouu beenn doooinngg?" his speech slightly slurred as he leans heavily against a machine.

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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ruby chuckled she then steadied him with a wing. "now don't fall over whiskey lover" she chuckled a few time's  she then trots to his side and places a wing over his back to steady him.



(fbawuifawubf bawufbawuifbwa uawbfawbfb awufbawufbaw baufbawba).


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The soldiers started moving backwards, noticing that they've been spotted. They drew their rifles, while trying to be in a non-threatening glance. one of them spoke out, "We are from the North, we are Northern Union soldiers, who are you griffon and your companions?"


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The bomb explodes, and the blast cloud becomes a large smile. End Game approaches the soldiers, "Well howdy there, the name's End Game and I have to recommend that you don't go anywhere near the cloud of mist that used to be an alicorn, it's highly radioactive and such."

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"That is noted," One of the soldier stated. Then he motioned one of the soldiers to tell the regiment what had transpired.

Then the soldier spoke again, "So, exactly who are you guys anyways?"


Ms. Maple along with her regiment waited patiently for news of what was happening.


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The soldier nodded and canters back to Ms. Maple. 


Navy looks at the group and slowly walks up to them. "You're not bad ponies?" He asks. they looked neat. "What are you? Are you here to save us from bad ponies?" He asks again as he looks at the guns and uniform. Fancy...

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"I'mm fffiiinne...I ccaann hold mmyy whiskey." Blacklight responded as Ruby steadied him. Turning to her he said " Yyyyoou knnooow Ruby...havee I ttoolld you how bbeautiful you lookkk iinn thhat dress.." he stopped hiccuping for a moment before looking at Ruby again.  

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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ruby chuckled and talked in a slightly seducting tone. "gesh blacklight how much did you drink?". she said teazingly.




Vatrana unsteathe's her revolver. "good now please stop trying to take over the wasteland because the only thing that is gonna come out of it is war i am sure of it  anyway's my name vatrana i am a mercenarie in gawd's talon's i came here for this alicorns head now excuse me while i go claim my prize and not be late". she then spread's her wings and took to the skie's and was on her way back to junction r 7 flying at top speed with navy frost safely in her talons.


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End Game smiles, "As I said, I'm End Game, the first, best, and only balefire bomb expert this side of the Zebra colonies. And this is Tachikoma, my new friend." he indicates the heavily modified balefire rocket launcher, "So who are you guys? You look like a military, but none that I've worked for before..."

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"Not toooo muchh.." Blacklight replied as he began counting using his wing, "...only three-four bottles. Ttthoough I doonn't think it mattters muuch right?" he said matching the same tone. Why is she looking so hot right now... he wondered as he stared at Ruby.



"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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