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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@@SleeplessSketch,@, @@Lyridian,


Zach shrugged as Zoey's small outburst and smiled. "Aw come on. We couldn't let you do that! Besides, cleaning up after the little guy isn't that big a deal anyway. But yea I guess Dinner's good, to answer your question Dusk. The day's are going by so fast!" ((Yea Zach. 65 pages for not even two days is totally super fast :P)) 

  • Brohoof 1
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Nico nodded thoughtfully at her origins. "You were developed by Silph Co and Sarif Industries. That would make you an android, which is what you've already said. Is that why you have such nervous tics?" His surrogate family taught him to look at everything and nothing at the same time.



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Nik had been hearing bits and pieces of the conversation, but not enough. Time for some spying. His back bulged and Leech Seeds grew out.


"Don't get killed this time" Nik grumbled, tossing them towards the Batman wannabe. He heard something about an android. Probably the Poryon, there was a case where they gave someone a seizure when they looked at her insides.


((OOC: I know the seizure joke was in horrible taste)) 

  • Brohoof 2

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Nico felt a few things latch onto his head. He picked them up and looked at them. Looked like they were a Leech Seed group but badly copied. He crushed them in his hand and threw them across the room over to Nik. He then glared at Nik and his red eyes seemed to glow brighter. 'What did I say?' Is what the glare told Nik.

Edited by Roxas XIII



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Nik face-palmed. Those things died by the dozen, usually not getting anything important.


"Forgive me for being cautious of Batman wannabe" Nik snarled, thinking himself safe at the distance he was. He didn't really remember the Absol gjinka saying his name, so Batman wannabe was his new title

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Nico's ear flicked in the direction of Nik's voice. He wasn't saying anything insulting. Batman wannabe was a compliment actually. Just to be sure, he gathered a ball of darkness in his palm and lobbed it over to Nik. If it impacted, a ring of darkness would expand from the epicentre.



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Nik paranoia finally paid off. He whipped around and kicked the energy ball like one might kick a soccer ball. The darkness pressed against him for a few seconds, causing Nik visible strain but Nik finally followed the kick through and deflected the energy ball....right back at the Batman wannabe. While Nik's Mirror Coat was not passive and required the user to actually use physical strength, it was still enough to send the Batman wannabe's own attack  back at him

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Nico nodded thoughtfully at her origins. "You were developed by Silph Co and Sarif Industries. That would make you an android, which is what you've already said. Is that why you have such nervous tics?" His surrogate family taught him to look at everything and nothing at the same time.


"Well, the tics are brought on by the botched upgrade. The Dubious Disk was supposed to increase my battle prowess tenfold, but there were a couple..." Samantha twitched. "Glitches. All it does is make me a bit twitchy at times. Nothing too bad. I'm still better at battling than I was previously though, I'm just not as strong defensively." She explained. "I'm guessing those leech seeds were from that smeargle kid over there? I will say, smeargle is a very interesting pokemon. It can use literally every move besides chatter, selfdestruct, explosion, transform, and metronome. Very fascinating. His thing, though, looks like he can only do poor copies of the moves everyone else can use." Her irises rotated slightly, focusing her vision on the shadowy orb. Some interfaces indicated a shadow ball. "Would that even affect him?" Samantha whispered. "I mean, Shadow Ball is a ghost type move, and smeargle are normal-type. It should just pass right through him."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@, @

"Should have said it was Dark Pulse. Upon impact of ring of darkness explodes outwards. Speaking of which ..." Nico eyed the returning ball and managed to catching in his hand without exploding. He held it out to Samantha. "Want to look at it? Don't touch it though."



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Nik's jaw dropped. Nico had just caught the returned Dark Pulse...without using Mirror Coat and was doing so casually. Nik made some mental calculations. Let's see, Dark Pulse was doubled in power, then he tanks it....oh god, I am screwed if I fight him.


"I think once you have enough of us, we could all use Giga-Drain at once, keeping him pinned down while you beat him up" Nik 2 suggested. Nik chuckled, yes that was his offspring all right.


"Good idea" Nik complimented

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@, @

"Should have said it was Dark Pulse. Upon impact of ring of darkness explodes outwards. Speaking of which ..." Nico eyed the returning ball and managed to catching in his hand without exploding. He held it out to Samantha. "Want to look at it? Don't touch it though."


Samantha's irises started spinning wildly, changing the database entry in Dark Pulse to accommodate for this form of the attack. "Interesting. When I use Dark Pulse myself, I use it more just having an expanding wave come out from me in a circle, aimed at my opponent." She mused. "If you managed to catch that without after it coming back from a Mirror Coat, that's pretty impressive. You must be quite powerful yourself."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@, @

"No I'm actually one of the weaker ones at the Temple. There are monks far stronger then me there." Once he was sure Samantha had a good look at it, he chucked it back in Nik's direction. "Let's see you deflect that." He said under his breath.


Melissa ducked just in time to feel a ball of dark energy sail past her head. 'What was that?'



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Nik shrieked and stuck out his hands, bracing himself against the blast. He slid back, his feet scrabbling for traction. Deflecting it with brute strength was impossible, not at this rate. Nik had a strategy though, an insane one. He brought his tail up, bracing it against the energy ball. Giga-Drain activated, sucking off energy from the Dark Pulse. It was weak enough to deflect. Tiring of the game of catch, Nik simply crushed the weakened energy ball.


"Son, get ready for some new siblings" Nik snarled, 3 new clones shooting out of his back. So far his son's strategy seemed the soundest, but Nik would need a few more, maybe by tommorow he could do it 

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@, @

"No I'm actually one of the weaker ones at the Temple. There are monks far stronger then me there." Once he was sure Samantha had a good look at it, he chucked it back in Nik's direction. "Let's see you deflect that." He said under his breath.


Melissa ducked just in time to feel a ball of dark energy sail past her head. 'What was that?'


Samantha quickly typed up on her PDA 'Snowpoint Temple'. "Ah... I see why, must be because of the Regigigas that's there. Either way, you're still quite strong." She said. "And try not to hit someone coming in the room. A Buizel Gijinka just entered behind that Smeargle kid and almost got hit smack in the face with it." She said, pointing with her long sleeves to the door.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Whoops. She ducked though. Although that nose doesn't look good. I'll go see if she's okay."


Melissa looked up from her ducking position and saw Nik slide back a few feet. That Dark Pulse seemed to bristle with power. An Absol gijinka walked towards them.

"Are you alright Miss?" The gijinka asked her. This must have been the psychotic one that Nik was talking about.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" Melissa looked at the gijinka with an odd look.

"I was just wondering if you were ok because of your nose. It looks broken. By the way, I'm sorry about the Dark Pulse ball." He never saw it coming. Melissa went to punch him but he ducked out of the way. "What was that for?"

"That was for making me duck and causing this guy here to slide all over the place." Melissa glared at him.


Nico backed away and headed back to Samantha. "She's fine." He sat down and clutched the Absolite tightly.



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(I cant.... Amaya right now... How do my own character??)


Amaya giggled at Zoe's and Dusk little outburst before boldy hooking her arm through Zoe's. " Poop?" She echoed, looking up at Dusk with a mock horrified look. "No thank you, sir! That can be your job Dusk....all yours."


At the mention of dinner, Amaya remembered the fact all she had for subsistence that day was a tea and slice of pie. And apperantly so did her tummy. Amaya blushed as her stomach growled loudly.

"Yes.. Dinner is a good idea.."

Edited by Lyridian

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Nik snarled with anger as he saw that the Dark Pulse had nearly hit Melissa. Any thoughts of cowardice were gone and Nik jumped forward, his tail coiling around Nico's throat and holding him up.


"If you ever touch her, I will slowly eviscerate your intestines and then use them as a condom while I fornicate with your skull.....ergo, I WILL SKULL F*CK YOU!" Nik roared, his teeth gritting hard enough to nearly crack. Nik suddenly paled as he realized who he was talking to. Oh God. So, this is what Dusk felt like when he choke slammed Nik. This new emotion Nik had felt was certainly powerful if it gave him enough motivation to do something to bold. 


Still, he needed to harness it better as that energy burst had left him and he was practically crapping himself in fear of the Absol gjinka

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Whoops. She ducked though. Although that nose doesn't look good. I'll go see if she's okay."


Melissa looked up from her ducking position and saw Nik slide back a few feet. That Dark Pulse seemed to bristle with power. An Absol gijinka walked towards them.

"Are you alright Miss?" The gijinka asked her. This must have been the psychotic one that Nik was talking about.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" Melissa looked at the gijinka with an odd look.

"I was just wondering if you were ok because of your nose. It looks broken. By the way, I'm sorry about the Dark Pulse ball." He never saw it coming. Melissa went to punch him but he ducked out of the way. "What was that for?"

"That was for making me duck and causing this guy here to slide all over the place." Melissa glared at him.


Nico backed away and headed back to Samantha. "She's fine." He sat down and clutched the Absolite tightly.


"You sure? She tried to punch you. I suppose it's because you kind of threw a dark pulse at her, but even so, a bit uncalled for, considering you didn't even mean to hit her." Samantha thought out loud. "Either way, you seem to be clutching that bag around your neck quite frequently. Are you nervous or something? Also, I wouldn't recommend using too many attacks outside of battle. Last year there was a big fight without the teachers supervising it and a couple kids got expelled."


As Nik started charging towards Nico, Samantha started thinking up a Nasty Plot, just in case something went down. Things looked like they could get hairy.

Edited by #Suitaloo



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@, @

Nico cleared his throat. "Is that so? In that case, I'd better not let that happen." He got his left hand to take out the Absolite. He then got his right hand, which contains his watch, and placed the mega stone in it. A bright flash emitted from the watch and he transformed. A pair of wings grew on his back and his fur became longer. He smiled widely. "I told you not to get me provoked. And now you're in for it."



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@, @

Nico cleared his throat. "Is that so? In that case, I'd better not let that happen." He got his left hand to take out the Absolite. He then got his right hand, which contains his watch, and placed the mega stone in it. A bright flash emitted from the watch and he transformed. A pair of wings grew on his back and his fur became longer. He smiled widely. "I told you not to get me provoked. And now you're in for it."


Samantha began analyzing the Absol Gijinka. 'Mega Evolution. Interesting. That bag must have contained Absolite.' She thought to herself. She kept brewing up her Nasty Plots if it became a double battle. It was starting to look like a battle was inevitable.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@, @

Nico cleared his throat. "Is that so? In that case, I'd better not let that happen." He got his left hand to take out the Absolite. He then got his right hand, which contains his watch, and placed the mega stone in it. A bright flash emitted from the watch and he transformed. A pair of wings grew on his back and his fur became longer. He smiled widely. "I told you not to get me provoked. And now you're in for it."


Nik snarled with anger as he saw that the Dark Pulse had nearly hit Melissa. Any thoughts of cowardice were gone and Nik jumped forward, his tail coiling around Nico's throat and holding him up.


"If you ever touch her, I will slowly eviscerate your intestines and then use them as a condom while I fornicate with your skull.....ergo, I WILL SKULL F*CK YOU!" Nik roared, his teeth gritting hard enough to nearly crack. Nik suddenly paled as he realized who he was talking to. Oh God. So, this is what Dusk felt like when he choke slammed Nik. This new emotion Nik had felt was certainly powerful if it gave him enough motivation to do something to bold. 


Still, he needed to harness it better as that energy burst had left him and he was practically crapping himself in fear of the Absol gjinka

((That was a little much Dragon))


Several thick, spiked roots smashed out of the ground and a steaming green gentleman was in between the two boys, his sword shoved deep into the floor. "ENOUGH! Nik, this is the second fight in two days. We're gonna go see the rest of staff and discuss what to do with you... As for you... I haven't seen you yet. You aren't getting off easy. And take the stone off your wrist. Now come along. We'll see what Darius and the others want to do with you."


((Posting from mobile))

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Nico sighed and turned back into his regular self. He placed the stone in thepouch on his neck. "I'll probably get expelled for this. Doesn't matter anyway. I'll most likely not see you later Samantha." He gestured for the teacher to lead the way.


((We should wait until Evil Dragon Master gets back))



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Samantha let out a gasp as she saw the Serperior man stop both Nico and Nik in their tracks. 'He must be a staff member if he can hold both of them back at the same time.' She thought to herself. She went over to the Buizel girl and said. "Wow. That was a bit crazy. What made you want to hit Nico? He seemed like a nice enough person to me. Granted, he did kind of throw a Dark Pulse at Nik a bit unprovoked, but either way, it seemed a bit uncalled for." She thought out loud. "My names Samantha by the way, and yours is?" She asked, extending an arm.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"My name's Melissa." She shook Samantha's arm and quickly took her hand back. "Is that what his name was? He never said it. The reason why I wanted to hit Nico is because he made me duck my head, which caused blood to flow onto the bandage. He then said that he threw the Dark Pulse, unintentionally making me duck and it made Nik slide a few feet. Now tell me why I shouldn't have hit him."



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"My name's Melissa." She shook Samantha's arm and quickly took her hand back. "Is that what his name was? He never said it. The reason why I wanted to hit Nico is because he made me duck my head, which caused blood to flow onto the bandage. He then said that he threw the Dark Pulse, unintentionally making me duck and it made Nik slide a few feet. Now tell me why I shouldn't have hit him."


"Because it was unintentional? I'm sure he didn't realize that you had a broken nose." Samantha said. "I don't know, it seems like it was just a misunderstanding to me. Whatever." She said, shrugging. "So, are you a friend of that Nik kid? I'm getting the subtle vibe from him that he's just trying to cause trouble." She really did notice that he was a mixed Alpha and Omega personality, based on her CASIE modification. Alphas did tend to cause trouble, but, especially around Nico, he reverted to an Omega. This information could be useful to her later. She decided to save it in a document on her PDA.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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