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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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"Close Combat and Power-up Punch sound like good moves to have. I sadly can't learn them because they are Fighting type moves and I'm a Water type gijinka. Speaking of which, what kind of gijinka are you?" Melissa whistled slightly and waited for a response.



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"Gallade." Rune said. "Dual-type Psychic and Fighting. I suppose it's fitting I'm also on the school's fencing team, considering the arms of a normal Gallade have retractable blades at the elbows. It actually reminds me of a video game I've played one time. This man was a head of security for a company that made bio-augmentations, which were basically super high-tech prostheses. The company's headquarters gets attacked, right, so the main character almost dies, but with the power of technology they bring him back, but he's mostly augmented, and when you see him without his coat, he looks like it's only his head that is human, and even then it's still scarred. Anyways, what reminds me about it is because you can do takedowns, lethal or non-lethal, and the lethal takedowns involve blades inside of the man's arms, sometimes they come out of his elbows. I think it's pretty cool, but fighting with your arms at that angle would probably be pretty difficult."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"You're also on the school's fencing team. That's cool. I think the game you described was Deus Ex. I think although I could be entirely wrong. It's great that you're a Psychic-Fighting. I've got a cousin, who's also a gijinka, and he's a Normal-Psychic, although sometimes he's also a Normal-Fighting. Do you know if there's a swim team here?"



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"Deus Ex! That's the name." Rune said, snapping his fingers. "But switching between Normal-Psychic and Normal-Fighting? That'd make them a Meleotta, right? I'm not sure any other kind of pokemon or Gijinka can even do that. And as for a swim team, unless they had to can it this year, we do. I'd ask either a coach or someone in the main office though, they'd most likely know."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"I think he's a Meloetta. I'll have to ask him when I see him next." She thought about the possibility of there not being a swim team. At her old school, she was the captain and everyone thought that she had an unfair advantage because she could use Aqua Jet when they couldn't. Then they expelled her. Just for being different! "I wonder where everyone else is?" She wondered out loud.

Edited by Piece Bot



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Dark marands over to his dorm mates,
"Hello again!"
Before they could react, he threw his arms around @Ampharos Dustin in a hug,
"Tis good you joined me!"
Then promptly jump at Joshu and hugged him as well.
"Do either of you know how to get to 'Battle Class'?" He ask as let them go.

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@@DarkDarsi, @@Ampharos

"About time you showed up. Do you know where my earpiece is? I can't seem to find it anywhere." Joshu simply said. He then held up his map and munched on a piece of toast. Swallowing it, he then said, "Do you have your glasses or did you leave them in your top hat again?"



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Razor tried to stay very attentive to what time it was. I will not be late. I will not be late. Thinking one simple goal would help her. Not that Razor was late to everything but keeping up with going somewhere and finding how to get there were two tasks she found difficult to perform. Shaking off the Lhee's last comment Razor waited a moment then "What class do you have first?" For me its.. history? I hope there's someone I know in there. 


(Umm.. so like the schedule I have for Razor is history then battle, but i can switch them if- you know.. everyone has battle first x: )


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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"Earpiece? You mean that one in your ear?"
He says pointing to said earpiece, he then lent back towards Dustin { @Ampharos } and whispered,
"I slipped it back when I hugged him"
He stands properly, and answers Joshu's next question,
"Yes I have it right here in my..."
He stops while reaching for his hat, which isn't there,
"Am I wearing a shirt? I'm not aren't I?"

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@@DarkDarsi, @Ampharos

Joshu raised a hand up to his ear and sure enough, his earpiece was in there.

"What .... I could've sworn I didn't have it in there and anyway, yes you are not wearing a shirt but no worries. I brought one of your shirts for you, including your top hat." With a flourish, Joshu produced a plain white shirt and Dark's top hat. He handed the pieces to him.



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@,@, @,


Dusk took a few breathes to himself trying to calm his hot rising blood as Nik proceeds to mock his statements with sarcasm. After hearing Zach's opinion about Nik's immaturity...it got Dusk to thinking as he examined Nik more closely. He couldn't have said it better himself, even if he tried. Zach was looking pretty cool right now, with his cool and collected way of dealing with the "problem"at hand and that death glare, ohhhh boy that Death Glare!


Dusk looked back towards Amaya of whom was looking quite pale from the conflict at hand. Poor Amaya wasn't having much luck though, but even WITH that timidness of hers she still managed to speak her mind and stand up for a friend, now that took courage! It did make him chuckle silently under that mask of his when she "accidentally" knock her phone on Nik's chin, but he made no reaction or response to it, silent revenges for the win.


Dusk continued his observations to Zoey where she blatantly refused to teach Nik much of anything about the art of Dark-Type moves, at least Dusk knows that Nik doesn't know much about ghost and dark type stuff at his leisure, it was good knowing that was Nik's ulterior motive in the long run when he decided to be sensible and sociable towards him.


It was nice knowing that Dusk wasn't ultimately alone with his dislike of this one person...though to really HAVE this much hostility to one's self from this many people...it didn't make any sense really. There was no ultimate gain to have from any of this, this is a learning environment where friends and rivalries were just fine and helped students make each other strive to become better than what you once were from the start of this experience of your life. But to be such an antagonizing person to everybody, you would not go very far in this school system, plus this was a private academy for gijinkas, one would imagine making as much friends here would be easier than the average school considering the similarity in context. Dusk was analyzing this behavior way more than he would like to, but it just seemed like Nik didn't fit in with the whole Student criteria...he was more like a saturday morning cartoon villain. Though to be fair, it was still much too early in the school year to make long analyzed assumptions like that, besides....Dusk was just floating there silently thinking to himself while everyone else was talking to each other. He had this inquisitive pose about him too, he was holding his chin with his hand and nodding or shaking his head slightly to the right to himself as he thought about this.


He finally snapped himself out of his zoned out thinking daze and looked up at everyone, whom were all still very much dealing with this problem. He decided to be coy and cool about his response...sort of like a mixture between Zack and Zoey...zack and zoey...haha they both have Z's...


"Wow..I was floating here thinking to myself for almost half an hour and you're STILL HERE? You're pretty dense man...take your naughty boy attitude and take a hike, it's too early to deal with you and your sketchy personality and I'm pretty sure almost everyb-...no wait, sorry... I'm positive everybody can agree with me on that."  Dusk said folding his arms and standing up straight. He wasn't so use to being so hostile before but...he can't STAND bullies. He's put up with too many of them over the years to take any more of their flak and his patience was on a thing string already.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Dark accepts the items but gives Joshu { } a down glare,
"Pants... You think I can wear this top section, with these shorts?"
He pulls out the glasses case, puts the rest of the items in his pocket* and sighs,
"Oh well! Classes with no shirt!"
He takes the map out of Joshu's hands again,
"So! Onward! To..."
He looks dramatically towards his friends,
"...BATTLE CLASS!" He says with equal drama and points the map towards a door.

*Animal crossing style

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@@DarkDarsi, @@Ampharos

"How could I have been so foolish? Of course they don't go with those shorts. What was I thinking?" Joshu merely sighed and finished off the rest of his breakfast. He the gestured for Dark to sit down.

"Sit and please wait for Dustin to finish his meal .... or talk. Whichever comes first as he's been rather silent."



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Nik snarled but backed off. "Alright, my question has been answered" Nik said, walking off. "Dusk, I'm only here to win, me being a "naughty boy" has nothing to do with it" Nik sniffed as he turned on his heel and walked away. That had not gone well at all. He had gotten into a confrontation and gained nothing from it. The more he thought about it, the more Nik began to realize that he'd have to take a different strategy. Attempting to bully information out wasn't working well, he'd have to come up with a better plan. 


Perhaps call in a favor? No, he had no favors to offer or any up. Nik realized that he had dug himself into a hole from his miscalculation. There was very little he could do now, a situation which enraged Nik. He had to be the best!  Nik only saw one option open to him, make friends with the ones who hadn't sniffed him out yet. No backhanded comments either, he had to stay nice. This was going to be painful.


@,  @@Suitaloo,  

Nik teleported to the only energy signature that was near battle class and saw two there. One of them had already seen him, but the other was a fresh slate. 


"Mind if I sit here?" Nik asked, pointing to a chair next to Rune. The Smeargle gjinka realized that the "act nice" routine didn't hurt as much as before. Must have been the lack of sleep

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Melissa looked up as Nik Teleported in.

"Look who it is. Are you making friends again? Or are you just trying to learn some new moves?" Melissa sneered at Nik and crossed her arms over her chest. 'If he talks to me, I'll just ignore him.' With that notion in mind she moved away and sat a few chairs over from where she was originally.



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"Go ahead, I don't mind." Rune said to the Smeargle Gijinka. Rune turned back to Melissa. "I sense some hostility in your voice. Learning some new moves? That's kind of the point of this class, and I'm not really sure how making friends is much of an issue." Rune stated, somewhat confused.


((EDIT: Ninya'd)

Edited by Suitaloo



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Thank you. I have no clue why she is mad at me" Nik said innocently, his tail tucking into his pants. "So, what moves do you hope to learn?" Nik said, attempting to sound more charitable. "I came to learn the mechanics of dark and ghost moves, so I can actually use them" Nik informed

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Thank you. I have no clue why she is mad at me" Nik said innocently, his tail tucking into his pants. "So, what moves do you hope to learn?" Nik said, attempting to sound more charitable. "I came to learn the mechanics of dark and ghost moves, so I can actually use them" Nik informed


"Well, I haven't really met most of the newer students here yet, so really I just met both of you within 15 minutes, can't say I know what made her mad at you either." Rune said. "As for what I'm here to learn, that'd probably be more to perfect my Fighting and Psychic type moves. Also preferably to perfect my Close Combat so that the Defense and Special Defense loss isn't at as great."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"I don't think that's going to work. Close Combat lowers your defenses because your funneling your energy towards pure attack, if you do what you plan, the power of Close Combat will drop" Nik explained, somewhat unsure. "Still, all power to you" Nik praised, knowing that flattery helped

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"I don't think that's going to work. Close Combat lowers your defenses because your funneling your energy towards pure attack, if you do what you plan, the power of Close Combat will drop" Nik explained, somewhat unsure. "Still, all power to you" Nik praised, knowing that flattery helped


"That's a good point. Though, I am more specially defensive... I wonder if it would be possible to offset the defense reduction by lowering special defense more..." Rune pondered. "Well, that's pretty much what I'm here to try and find out. And if you ever want to spar, I'm open for it as long as I'm not doing anything. Give you a chance to try to train your dark and ghost moves. That should also give me a chance to train my defenses for use with Close Combat."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Nik's jaw dropped. This whole "nice" thing was awesome. He was already getting twice as far as as before. He should do it more often, it benefited him more.


"Yes, that would be nice" Nik managed to sputter, already thinking of how to be nice to certain others. Maybe send a gift basket or something 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Dusk merely watched as Nik had backed off from the group and walked away. I'm only here to win were the words that rung in his head long after he was gone.


"Then you'll never get far.." Dusk said as he muttered to himself starting to feel like his words will never penetrate someone's heart colder than his. Dusk sighed as the confrontation was finally over. He looked to his friends and rubbed the back of his neck as he began to stammer his response.


"W..Was I too mean? Did I sound too mean? I'm sorry, I'm not too good with confrontations either...it WAS a bit over the top." He said chuckling a bit to himself a bit...worried again. He had displayed his nasty side once again and he didn't know what the others thought of it, he was scolded time and time again to keep his "cool" from friends back at his original home.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Dustin hadn't even noticed the antics of the two boys in front of him until Joshu spoke directly about him. "Huh? Oh sorry... Was just kinda thinking about stuff... You guys can go ahead, I haven't even gotten anything to eat yet." With a farewell wave Dustin got up from his seat and finally decided to go get his food. Should pay attention a little more. Those guys seem to be quite fond of me for some reason.... I wonder if I'll see Amaya again...



 Zach scoffed as Nik left and shook his head at Dusk's question. "No he's an asshole. Haven't known the guy for 10 minutes and I already dislike him. Felt the air around as hostile the moment I saw him. I swear it was so strong I almost actually saw the aura." Zach shook his head again, sitting down and remembering the times he trained with a Lucario gijinka he met after he left the tribe. The man had taught him how to sense the air around people, since that was the closest a Samurott could get to seeing an aura. Zach spread himself across his bed again and sighed. "Why are people assholes? Like what's the point?" He shook his head again, a motion he seemed to be doing a lot. "Nevermind. Let's just get something to eat quick. That wasted a pretty good amount of time." 

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@@Ampharos, @@DarkDarsi

"Okay then. See ya in class then. Come on Dark." Joshu stood up and headed towards the door, then realised that Dark had the map. 'What am I going to do with him? He's insufferable.' Joshu thought to himself and attempted to take the map out of Dark's hand. "Dark, can you please give me the map? We've got to go to class now and both of us know that your sense of direction is useless."

Edited by Piece Bot



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"Hmm? Oh yes, the map!"

Dark hold it in-front of himself. looking like an explorer from those old paintings,

"I can read it now, come along

He takes a few step before stopping and turn back,

"I'll let you take this though, just in case"

He says holding out the map to Joshu.

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