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open Time that Bonds~ RP


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Aixi choked back her tears she had to stop, this would surely make it worse. It would make everything worse. She had no feelings and it must stay that way for the greater good, she could only hurt him.She knew it would be wrong to allow him to get that close. 

This being said a certain calm took hold of her. It felt nice to be held again, or perhaps she had just one glass too many.


Getting back on her hooves Aixi stood firm. I want to talk to you about this again. But *hic* I would like to accurately calculate a few things. They must be in order if we have any hope in success. Meet me here in two days, be her by noon if you would like to help me... Oh, and please don't call me 'princess' I only used it to clear confusion, I no longer have the right to be called that. "


She didn't like waiting for responses so she continued on. "It seems I have a busy day ahead of me and day break is in only a few hours, I need my rest." 


Aixi walked towards her room stopping to look back at the pair. "You are both welcome to stay for a little bit, If you would like that is. It has been a while since I have had the company of anypony, let alone a stallion." She giggled to herself 

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Blue nods, "I'll be there, I shouldn't be working then, so it should be easy to get here by then." He turns to leave, but before doing so he looks over his shoulder and says to Aixi, "Aixi, you know where to find me if you need or want me, and sorry, force of habit when addressing the Princesses in Canterlot." He smiled.


@@Mr. Critical,


"Critic, same goes for you, but you probably don't know where my house is, it's on the other side of the town, just look for the house with the blue roof near a somewhat unmarked grave." Blue smiles, "Oh and thank you for...for helping me, and yeah..." Blue quickly puts in awkwardly.




Nearly out the door, Blue sighs, and looks back, "Aixi, think about what I said, ok?"


Blue then leaves the in, spreads his wings and lifts himself off the ground, and before heading home, he decides to do a patrol of the surrounding areas.


After a few hours and many repeated trips, Blue Blur was satisfied that everything was right for the night and heads home.


As soon as he opens the door, a familiar smell was wafting through his house. The smell of a little stray kitten that sometimes comes to him for food.


He opens the back door and puts some milk and biscuits out for her, she mews a little thank you.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Thank you Aixi. I'll stay here for a bit to keep you company for a while."

With that, Critic sat on a chair, while Blue Blur went off for a patrol. Things were getting interesting. If this being was a tough as Aixi had said maybe Critic would need back up. After he was done here, he would have to get back to the tardis and run some scans and tests. Find some ground on this creature.


Critic stayed in Aixis room for a while, making sure the intoxicated mare didn't fall over and hurt herself. She fell a couple of time, but Critic was there to help her back on her hooves. After which, he sat back down and startd thinking again. But he was no longer thinking of his plan for the creature. He was thinking of why he never heard of these soul reapers. He didn't think they were monsters. Quite the opposite really. They seemed more so of escorts. They she has suffered her because of one ponies lust for power. Oh crimeny, its the whole Sombra incident all over again. Critic thought to himself.


After a while, Critic became bored and decided to break the silence. Whith a friendly smile Critic spoke.

"Soooo, Aixi. Tell me about yourself. I'm not really going any where any time soon. And might as well get to know my commrad."

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Aixi closed the door behind Critic. What a strange night she had been having. So many visitors in one night, it was almost too much for her to handle. Aixi fell a couple more time stumbling about trying too keep her mind preoccupied. Her nerves lessened as the kind stallion helped her when he could, and she appreciated being left to her own thoughts, for at least a bit.


Aixi stopped swaying and slowly began to feel a little more chipper. She sat in silence staring at the moon. It seemed to almost touch the earth. She was lost in thought and almost completely forgot about her new companion sitting on her bed until Critic cleared his throat and broke the silence. He wanted to know more about her.


Aixi thought for a moment, "What all should I tell him, his request is fair"


Finally she answered, "That is fair, you must be able to trust me and that is a lot of information to have thrown at you. I will tell you of a better time, before this was my fate."


Critic sat in silence analyzing her story. "My father was King, he had ruled over our heard for 573 years he was kind and gentle ruler but he knew when to be strict. His wife, my mom was so beautiful, at least I think. I was never able to meet her. She had a rather quick untimely death, that is all I know about her, father didn't like to talk about her much. He took me in and treated me as his own. I went from orphan to royalty. My life was changed ever since that day. Father taught me the way of combat until he could no longer teach me. Once I had completed that I studied the laws of our people and learned about our duty. It was only 40 short years that I was in his company, he died at the hands of a guard."  Aixi took a moment to breath.


"I am sorry for your.." Critic began to stammer


Aixi cut him off quickly, "No don't be sorry, that is usually how our kind passed on and that was ok. It was the only way we did die, it is supposed to be peaceful. he live a very long life and was remembered as one of the greatest rulers, I was very fortunate to have become his daughter. I was the new ruler of the soul reapers, It was short lived but I made it a point to rule how I think my father would have."


She smiled remembering her past, "Is there anything else you would like to know about me?" Aixi watched the stallion, he seemed a little odd, but she rather liked odd, it made he smile.

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"No. I have no more questions that need answeing for now." Critic sat in his chair, more interested in this mare and her culture. Hopefully he could get a date and area to visit this strange place later. But for now, critic would wait in his chair, watching over the fair, yet hammered, princess. He's never really been one for drinking anyway. When you pilot a ship powered by a dying star, its always a good idea to be as clear headed as possible. Critic sat there basking in the silence until.


"So Critical. Tell me about yourself? Its only fair I guess."

Her voice was slightly more... cheerful. Though, the question did catch Critic off guard still.

"My tale is... an odd book. Interesting, yet not all that happy."

Critics expression darkened.

Aixi stared curiously to the stallion.

"How so?"

She asked.


"I was raised in an abusive environment, my town got in on the fun as well, and my sister only lived to see me in utter misery, and when she felt like it, pure agony. Both physically an mentally."

Critic went through the reason with sheer uninterest. As if taking stock in a box factory. Mostly because he hated that town.

"I left when I was fifteen, and I never looked back since. Though, I would occasionally run into somepony from my former home, I tried my best to blend into the crowd and avoid attention."

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Mr. Critical


Aixi felt for the first time in her life, true sympathy. She stared in awe at the Stallion. She had felt for the longest time that she had it the worst, that life was out to get her. Aixi had never run into anypony who had it worse and it humbled her.


Silently Aixi waited for him to finish his story, it wasn't all that long, but he seemed to just speak his story, not feel it. Once Critic had finished Aixi got up and lay next to him. She could tell he wasn't used to situations such as this one. Critic flinched and moved away from her.

Aixi smiled, she felt weird too, but she still had something to say to him. "I can not understand ever what you possibly went through. That would have been harder than anything I could imagine. Ponies are cruel things really, and I haven't ever, truly felt at ease living alongside them. You are a good pony and I admire your strength and courage. It would have been a lot to handle."


Aixi stared back at the moon she really did feel for Critic, time never erases the pain, it simply smooths it over.

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Critic looked to the soul reaper. She felt sympathy for him. A being who's very species was hunted to the brim of extinction by his very species out of fear, felt bad for him. This was... unexpected to him. Sure his life wasn't exactly ideal, but she is the last of her kind. Critic was beaten because they thought it was fun. A whole town in on the so called fun.


"Yeah, it was hard. But nothing compared to you though. But, I try to remember something though."

Aixi looked to Critic.

"I left that life behind in search of a better one, knowing that there must be something better. The whole planet is not out to get me, and I know there are good ponies out there. Just takes time in finding them."


That was critic's motto ever since he left Baltimare. well... one of them anyway. Aixi was a good pony to be around. Critic would never share that with her, or anypony. The only ones who know of this are Aixi, Celestia and Luna, and her. critic Went over to the window with Aixi, and we just looked to the moon, just admiring it and enjoying each others company.

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They Stared out the window,in complete silence for what seemed like an eternity. The stars were dim and the sky was turning light,

Standing staring in silence sharing the beauty of the early morning, Aixi pressed herself against Critic. Just for a second she wished to be close to somepony again. It had been so long since she shared the morning moon with anypony; this thought brought tears to her eyes. Blinking them away she began to apologize. more so to herself "I am sorry, it just has been so long, and it just felt nice being close again." With that said she timidly stepped Sideways.


They stared at the window and bathed in the quite morning. Aixi noticed the stallions stare piercing her thoughts, it really made her nervous.


after a moments pause she started again, "I have to meet somepony in a few hours, I would really appreciate the company until it is time to leave. I know you said you wouldn't I am just terribly good at isolating myself. I am sorry I have offended you.."


Aixi continued to nervously ramble on, avoiding his gaze. She felt lost in her words as they just kind of continued to spill out. 

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She didn't want Critic to leave. Are there no surprises from this mare. Critic gave a chuckle, and drew closer to Aixi.

"Of course ill, stay. I don't have anything else to do, so you wont be keeping me from anything. So, I'll stay as long as you wish me too."

Aixi gave a small smile at Critic's response. She wouldn't be alone again, Critic knew she didn't want to be alone. He could see it in her deep eyes. He gave her a small embrace, startling Aixi a bit, and cut away before it got a little akward. More so than it already was. Nice move Critic. He regret nothing. He see's her lonely in her eyes.


Critic went to the couch to sit down, keeping the soul reaper company until she met the pony she was going to meet. Or until she told him to leave. Either way, he would stay. Staving off her loneliness. Even though he was on the couch, he could still see the sunrise. It was beautiful. Of all the planets he has visited, Equestrian sunrises were fantastic. Even more so since they were controlled by the princess. Giving it a bit more of substance.

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"It really did feel wonderful to be able to trust again." Aixi thought to herself as she curled up next to Critic


She would allow herself a moment to feel, she wasn't sure how many of those she had left. 


Aixi remembered the last words spoken to her by her father. "keep that chin up kiddo, you are better than you think ever possible, shoot for the stars."


"The stars truly are beautiful." She thought as the last of them were blotted out by the morning sun.


It felt too perfect. Aixi felt peace as she nuzzled Critic's shiny coat and together they admired one another's company in a peaceful silence.






Aixi's thoughts began to drift as she recalled the nights events, before her two pony friends had stopped by. There was an odd stallion, Aixi was having troubles remembering his name...

He seemed to care greatly about her, even though they had just met.


Something reminded her of him. His eyes were so captivating so magnificent and full of a mysterious wonder. Ir scared her but felt warm and comforting. This pony reminded her of him... "Why have I missed you so much, my love. You don't even understand the pain and suffering you have caused." 


"Guardian, right. That was his name. She shuddered as she remembered it. Something sent a chill down her spine.



Mr. Critical


Huddling closer to Critic Aixi pressed her muzzle into his mane. Breathing in she cleared her thoughts, "You smell so nice." AIxi giggled and got up.


Critic chuckled and thanked the odd mare.


She got up and began to head for the door. Suddenly Aixi stopped and turned around.. "I have to leave now. Thank you for spending your time with me."


Aixi blushed as she lowered her head. "Thank you." She whispered.

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Critic looked to the young mare walk to the door. She Said she had to leave. Critic understood. Though he wished it could last a bit longer. Critic liked being around this mare.  She was kind hearted, something Critic came across rarely. But, he didn't really try to find new ponies to talk to. Aixi was good company. A bit of a dark pat, then again Critic wasn't a ray of sunshine either.


Critic sat in her old room, for a while, contemplating his time spent with her. After a minute or two passed Critic made his way outside. It was a nice day out. But weather schedules could always change that in equestrian. Critic made his way back to the alley in which he parked his home. After finding the right alleyway, Critic began to look for the right garbage bin. He found what he was looking for. He lifted the lid and slid down the ladder. Good to be home. He thought. 


He was greeted by the same sight. The blue hologram of the woman in the center of the room. She looked to Critic with a smile.

"So. How was your night? Meet anypony special?

Knowing better to answer her questions regarding social activity, Critic rolled his eyes in annoyance and made his way to the console. But the tardis could see right through him. She knew he enjoyed Aixi's company as much as she his.

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She smiled as she watched the odd pony walk away. She felt happy.


Allowing herself a moment to clean her temporary home Aixi cleared her thoughts and prepared herself for the day...


She had an amazing night she thought, filled with such loving pony friends. Aixi smiled looking forward to making many new memories with her comrades, however she couldn't help but feel selfish she needed help but she shouldn't have asked. It felt so wrong to involve these wonderful ponies and she couldn't have anything go wrong. "No more blood will be shed on my account." Aixi thought to herself.




She trotted out the door making sure to stick to the shadows. It seemed to take a fair bit of time to make it to her destination. Aixi let out a tiny huff as she plopped down under a tree. She sat smelling the plush grass and admiring a yellow butter cup growing under the leafy tree. She took time to admire the flower, when suddenly *Thump,thump* Her heart jumped and began to race away. Aixi lifted her gaze slowly taking in a brilliant bright shining gold coat.




She nervously rose  to her feet, "I am sorry I left so early in the conversation we had last night, you just caught me off guard, you look similar to a pony I knew previously. I really do appreciate you. Thank you for coming out today."


She looked at Guardian seriously, her eyes hardened."I will give you a day. to think about my offer."


Guardian nodded solemnly seeing the urgency in the mare's eyes. "I understand," He said and they sat together under the tree as Aixi continued her story.



Not too far away..



Blue Blur

It was around this time Blue was circling the town, he loved this place and every pony in it he began to feel peace, knowing that he was no longer alone and had a further purpose to fulfill. He noticed his new mare friend just outside of the town. Blue decided to go over and say hello. "I really have grown to like her company." he thought with joy, as he took his time pondering what exactly to say to her.


"It truly was odd" he thought, "how fast somepony can come into your life and make an impact."


Mean while @Guardian


Aixi told Guardian of her people, and her duty. All the while Guardian nodded adding the occasional "Mhmm", or "I see."


"That is my story." Aixi finished 


"Now I have traveled for a lengthy amount of time, and I have never stumbled across any pony with the amount of spirit particles that surrounds your aura. This can only mean one thing. You are the pony I have been searching for." As Aixi finished her sentence she noticed a red glimmer cross the blacks of Guardians eyes. It made her skin crawl.

*Thump,thump* her heart continued to race on.


She paused allowing herself to breath, something didn't feel right. "I wish to teach you my heard's ways. To control your spirit power. You are an essential role in returning the peace to the land. I need your help to sleigh my demon when the time calls for it. This is your decision to make, you don't  have to help me if you do not wish to." Aixi stammered on.


"Do not worry, Aixi I will help you." Guardian stared through Aixi, she could tell he was sincere however, and wanted to help..


Aixi began again "Please think it over for a day, I will meet you later, I know this is a lot to ask but I want to help you too." she however, was interrupted. 



~Blue Blur

Blue Blur swooped down toward his friend to excited to notice the other pony who was with her."hey!" He shouted gleefully.





In the same instant guardian lost control of his other side. "Now, Run!" the blacks of Guardian's eyes turned red,and his expression seemed uncharacteristic. 


He clearly was not himself. An explosion of spirit particles launched toward Aixi with the clear intent to kill.



~Blue Blur

"Aixi!" Blue called out as his body blocked the enormous spirit force.


He fell hard into Aixi's lap, He began to stammer as sleep slowly claimed his body.




Guardian stood watching, he was horrified at the scene that lay before his eyes, the red glare had left him. He was left to decide how he was going to confront his own demons.

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@@PurplePony, (if you don't like anything, I'll change it)


Before the sleep completely took him over, Blue Blur looked up at Aixi with tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry Aixi, I..I failed you." He mutters, "I made a promise and gave you my word, and I failed in upholding it. I'm not going to make it." Those were his last words before the sleep finally took him. He closed his eyes and his breathing slowed down dramatically.


Blue Blur wasn't asleep, not like a normal sleep anyway, but it was the sleep of eternity, and there was only one pony who knew how to wake a pony from this sleep, and that was StarSwirl the Bearded, but he was long gone, and not even Princess Twilight knew the correct spell, and even if she did, it would be too dangerous, and a waste of effort and energy, Blue wasn't worth it. Not in his mind anyway, he knew, that if a pony was under this spell, if they slowed their hearts down completely they would die. He does just that. His heart went, "Thud! Thud! Thud!" loudly, then suddenly stopped. His chest stopped rising and falling with breath and there was no breath coming out of his mouth or his nostrils. He had forced himself to die.

Edited by Blue Blur


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Guardian stood his ground in shock. He has done something that he never wanted to do, and that was kill another pony. He backed away slowly, tears swelling in his eyes. His breathing increased as he began to panic. How could anyone be near him now if he cannot control the beast withing. He turned to flee but pain forced him to the ground. He wanted to scream, but it was too much for him. His muscles expanded and contracted. He lost all control of his body. Slowly, his fur changed to a darker color, his once blue eyes disappeared and in their place were pools of blood red iris'. His smooth teeth curved and sharpened into lethal weapons and a low demonic aura slowly swirled around him. This was not the Guardian Angel that everyone once knew and loved, this was now Tempting Demon.


The form of Guardian Angel was no more. The now prominent being controlled the body. Slowly, his eyes opened and looked around. Finally they landed on the mare, "Hello Aixi," his voice low and demonic, "it has been ages since we last saw each other. Am I right...my love?"


(DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. Oh snap! lol I hope you all like this as my return to the RP)

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In a single instant Blue's spirit was gone. She could feel the rage and vengeance swell throughout her entire body. "how could this happen?" she thought remembering her promise.

The only promise she made herself was to allow not a single drop of blood to spill on her behalf. This is the exact moment she wanted so badly to avoid.


Aixi shot up, consumed with rage. "how dare you take innocent ponies!" She shouted furiously at the monster that stood before her.

His eyes were blood shot and crazed. She didn't want this to be the end. 

This wouldn't be the end.


Aixi shook her mane out with confidence and stood firm. "How dare you love me after everything you have done, and continue to do? When will it be enough? When will you have enough power to satisfy your greed? Give your host his former body back!"

Aixi continued to shout. "My name Is Aixi, Princess of the forgotten Soul Reapers! In the name of my people you will be vanquished! Your soul is not mine to judge. Now tell me. 'Moarte" if that is still what you go by now, are you prepared to face judgement? "


Aixi stood her ground analyzing her enemies movements, she would allow him to strike first and be on the ready to take to the air. 

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@@PurplePony, (we will have it that Night knew Blue, as his parents are upperclass and it pays to know the guards personally)


After another great music lesson, Night Song decided to do the second thing he loves, the only other thing he loves, possibly more than music, and that is flying. He leaves the music college and spreads his wings to take flight. Lifting himself off the ground, with a big smile on his face, he starts flying towards Blue Blur's house.


Landing in front of the door, he raises a hoof to knock on the door, as he does, the door slowly opens and Night pokes his head in, "Hello Blue? It's Night Song." No answer, "hmm must be out the back." Night thinks to himself, as he walks in to go to the back, he goes out to the back and Blue isn't there. "Something's not right here, Blue NEVER leaves the house without locking the doors." With that final thought, Night Song spreads his wings and rapidly flaps them, quickly rising into the air. He starts circling around the house and it's closest surrounding areas. With no luck he starts flying through the town.


Normally Night Song was a happy, optimistic and easy going kind of pony, but when he sensed or saw something wrong, he becomes reckless. He flies through the town, nearing panic mode. Hearing what sounded like a mare shouting in anger, he rushes to see if he can help, but then he suddenly sees a familiar form, he rushes right at it. He gets to the form of Blue's lifeless body... "B..Blue..W..what.." Night says, "P..Please Blue. Wake up!"


He looks over to Aixi, who of course he didn't know, but he had a feeling that Blue had known her. "What happened, why isn't he breathing?"

Edited by Blue Blur


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critic sat in the console room reading a book. He grew hungry, and went to fix something. However. Fate called him into action. The sound of the cloister bell went off and the monitors shown the words anomaly detected. Critic rushed to the console and flipped various switches and levers. The monitors now shown the source of the anomaly. And what he saw made his heart grow heavy. Standing with raw rage was Aixi looking to another pony he did not recognize. But what brought the pain was the now lifeless body of Blue Blur. Somepony Critic would have called friend, was now gone. The image then went to Aixi, approaching the assailant. I had to get to them.


Critic climbed the latter to the outside, rushing to their destination. It took him a while but he had found them. There was now another pony there, another unrecognizable one but most likely not a treat. Critics attention was then brought over to the other two. Aixi and the Assailant. He heard the new pony's cry for answers. Critic turned his head to the new one, and motioned to the possible assailant. Critic went over to the side of Aixi awaiting for either of them to make a move.

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@@Mr. Critical, @@Rokkurin, @@PurplePony,


Night Song didn't recognize the new arrival, but the fact that he stood with the mare that was moments ago holding Blue Blur's body, made him sure that the new pony was on his side.

"Y..you mean he's dead? and that that pony killed him!?"

Night Song didn't wait for an answer, he gently put Blue's body back on the ground and says, "Rest in peace buddy."

Standing up he joins the mare and the newcomer, his usual, happy, optimistic self was being replaced by the much darker, reckless, angry self.

Not a lot got him angry, but one of the things that did, was an innocent pony being hurt or worse, killed.

The pupils in his eyes grew small and his nostrils were flaring with anger.



He charges right at the assailant, in his anger and recklessness he forgets all about his wings, so he charges full speed at the assailant, but the assailant dodges his charge, fires a beam at him, the beam would have been lethal if it wasn't Night Song remembering his wings in that split second, he tries to fly into the sky but the beam goes right through one of his wings, causing him to crash down to the ground in agonizing pain.


"GAH! YOU'LL PAY!" Night Song shouts as the pain takes him over.


((if you don't like any of this, I'll try and change it))


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Tempting Demon lets out an evil laugh at the pegasus' pain. A sadistic smile now plastered on his face. "Aixi, I am no longer that weakling that you once knew. No, over time I became stronger, but all I was, was just a ghost of my former self. But now, with this new body, I'm stronger than before!" he laughs uncontrollably. "This stallion has power, so much power that even the Gods shall fear me! I shall use this power to destroy everything and build a new world. A world of hell and death. There is nothing you can do to STOP ME!" he laughs again. Hell fire sprouts up beneath and and in a second, he is gone. His laugh still lingers in the air after he is gone.


Unknown Location


Guardian awakes to see nothing but darkness all around him. The last thing he remembers was him killing another pony. He shakes his head in disgust, no that was not him. He would never do something so cruel. He finally realizes just what happened. That demon that he has held prisoner was out. But it was using his body, so there must be a way for him to regain control. How though? This has never happened before.


Guardian lowers his head in shame, and defeat. How can he save anyone now? A tear falls down his cheek. Its over. He lost.

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Critic watched the entity in the stallion take his leave. He was pondering of his new adversary. If this was the being Aixi had spoken of, then Critic will have to put some effort into this one. He had toppled false gods off there thrones before, but this one was different. Just standing in his presence, I could feel pure hate. Critic looked over to Aixi, still in anger, yet receding slowly. Hoever now is not the time for war. Now was the time to grieve the loss of the fallen.


Critic turned and saw the lifeless body of his former friend in arms against this new foe. Such a waste of life. Never has Critic ever wanted to see a good warrior die. Even in the battles he was in. Blue laid upon the ground. He was gone, and Critic was powerless to save somepony close to him. A pony with the power of time and space at his very hooves, could not retrieve a common life. He was familiar with the rules. Once somepony has witnessed history, he was forbidden to change it. The consequences were something he didn't want to test.


Critic looked back to Aixi, still staring at the beings last known location. Now tears were forming in her eyes. Critic knew not of what Blue meant to her, but it was most likely something special to her. and then, there was the new guy. Critic knew nothing of him, but from his current state, he sure knew blue. Critic walked over to the stallion. He was a shambling mess, balling his eyes out. Critic hated seeing sentient life cry. Critic placed a hoof an his, offering comfort. The new stallion looked to critic, yet Critic said nothing. For nothing could be said to ease this pain.

Edited by Mr. Critical
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@@Mr. Critical,


Night Song was in pain, not only physically but emotionally. Blue Blur was a friend of his family's. He had been since Night Song was a little foal. His parents are going to be so upset. Yes being a guard, being a Vice Captain of the guard was a dangerous job, but he was still so young. He was like a brother to Night Song.


Night looked up at the pony who had his hoof on his shoulder, "B..B..Blue, h..h....he's g...gone." Night says through tears, "H...he was like a b...brother to me."


The pain from the blast that went through his wing had now become unbearable. "ARGH! It hurts! What the buck did that f..f..freak do to me!"


Night Song curled up in a ball, trying to get rid of the pain, but nothing was working. "W...who are you? D...did you k..know B...Blue? A..and w..who i...is th...the m....mare?" Night asks, thinking that maybe a conversation would help him forget his pain, he looks over at Blue's lifeless body, tears streaming down his face. "S..such a innocent, decent life, g..g...gone to waste. I..I'll make the freak pay! I s...swear it Blue! On my life, I will avenge you! I..I'll avenge you brother!" Night shouts  through gritted teeth.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critic looked down to the stallion. His pain was fairly visible, and not just the physical. Critic began to look over the burn. He may not have been a doctor, but his eyes could see flaws in things most normal ponies would miss. By looks of it, the burns from the blast has damaged the skin. It was relatively mild damage compared to what magic could do from what critic has seen, but painful none the less.


The stallion swore vengeance on the entity, saying he would avenge his fallen friend. Critic stood, above the new stallion.

"What is your name?"

The stallion merely spoke.

"N...N-night Song."

He stammered his response a bit.

"Well, Night song. I may not have known Blue as long as you have. In fact I had only met him last night."

Critic turned to Blue's corpse for a second before returning his gazed to Night Song. HE extended his hoof to lift him up.

"But you should not kill the entity out of vengeance. Clouds the mind and better judgment of the ponies. Believe me, Ive seen great warriors fall to lesser ponies because of there clouded thoughts."


Night looked to Critic in disbelief. As if I had spoken in another language.

"T-Then what should I do?"

Critic drew closer to him so he could not mistaken his words.

"Fight not for Revenge. Fight in their memory, for the dead do not rest easy in vengeance

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@@Mr. Critical,


Night Song nodded, his anger and recklessness fading away, he becomes more of his usual self. "You're right, besides, Blue wouldn't want it that way." Night sighs, he was still in pain, but hopefully the pain was more superficial than it actually was. Wiping the tears from his eyes, Night Song says, "I'm sorry, I'm not normally like the way I was before, but I just cannot stand to see an innocent pony get hurt...or killed. Whenever I see something like that, my darker, reckless side shows it self." He takes in a deep breath, and then lets it out, "You're probably wondering why I called him brother? It is because he and I practically grew up together. We both grew up in Canterlot, though he was of middle class and my family upper class, but my parents always say that 'class' should never separate ponies."


Night Song know in full composure and control of himself, walks over to Blue's corpse, kneels down and says, "I hope you find peace in the after life, you will always be in the hearts and minds of my family, and those you helped." He then embraces Blue's corpse, "my next song and performance will be dedicated to you and your memory."


Night then looks up the other stallion, "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Critical. My name is Mr. Critical."

The stallion looked to Critic.

"uh, I think a real name, rather than a nick name would be better."

"That is my name. Well, now it is. Its been so long since I used my real name, I sorta... forgot it."

He looked to Critic in surprise. It has never been heard of for a pony to forget there own name. It was unheard of in all of history. And Critic would know.



"He deserves a proper burial. One fit for a warrior."

I motioned to Blue. Night Song nodded in agreement. Critic turned to Aixi, She still stood there frozen in time to others. Critic walked over to her. He saw tears streaming down her face. Critic placed a hoof on her shoulder. She was startled a bit and darted her head to the new presence. She looked to Critic his face now heavy with sorrow. With that she broke down. She let everything out she was in far more pain than anything she probably ever knew. Seeing this, Critic brought her a bit closer to comfort her in her time of need. Critic may not have known what he meant to her, but from this display, it was far more than anything he had ever experienced.

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@@Mr. Critical,


Night Song looked on to Critic and the mare, the mare was really crying over Blue. Had Blue met a special marefriend and not told Night Song? No, Night Song would have been the first to be told if Blue had a special marefriend. He shakes his head to clear his mind. He embraces Blue's corpse still. He could tell that Blue had meant something special to both Critic and the mare.


He takes another look at the mare, "She certainly is a very pretty and beautiful young mare." Night Song says to himself, and gathering up his courage he walks over to them.


@@Mr. Critical, @@PurplePony


Night Song clears his throat, "Mr Critic, ma'am?" He says to both Critic and the mare, "Did...Did Blue mean something special to the two of you as-well?" Night Song pauses for a moment, "I swear, that his death will not have been in vein. If you two are going after the attacker, I want to go with you. I grew up with Blue Blur, and he trained me to fight when needed."




Night Song then turns his full attention to the mare, "Ma'am, my name is Night Song. Blue Blur was like a brother to me, and I can see that by the way you grieve, that he meant something special to you, if I may ask, were you and Blue lo..lovers?"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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