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open Time that Bonds~ RP


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Critic brought her her tea. The refreshing aroma filled the air, chamomile tea was her favorite hot beverage. 

She looked at the nervous stallion who sat next to her. "Why are you so nervous around me?"

She really did enjoy making his face turn red, it was a kind of twisted game she had invented.


Aixi  placed the tea next to her and continued on "It's not as if I will bite you, unless your into that." She giggled and playfully nipped at the stallion's neck.

She watched his face grow red and she smiled with glee. She sat thinking to herself, "I will let him have the first move, and he has until after my tea. That seems fair enough. I do need to rest and we will have to find a cart in the morning so sleeping in in not an option. I will either sleep or not sleep at all.'


Sipping her tea Aixi waited, the entire cup was almost gone when she placed it back beside her."Who was that mare you were just talking to, it sounded as if you knew her." Aixi inquired curiously.

She didn't care much, she sensed no danger so she was not all that interested, she just wanted to at least make some small talk.

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@@PurplePony, (to violet)


Night Song looked up as soon as Violet had her arms wrapped around him, "H..h.."*hic* "Hello darling" he says with a drunken slur, "S..sorry I.." *hic* "got drunk, t..there was a." *hic* "pain deep down inside of me th..that I n..needed to d...drown out." He says hanging his head, Vi lifted up his chin so he could see the tears in her eyes, he looks away, "I can't... I'm sorry love."


He now had tears in his eyes, he knew what he did to her was wrong, he knew what alcohol had done to her before. He felt a terrible guilt, he looked at the pile of glasses on his table, his head still low in shame, He slams a hoof down on the table in anger. Anger, an emotion he had not experienced before, or if he had, he didn't remember.


He gets up from his table, "I'm going for a walk, or a flight, I don't know when I'll be back."


He then leaves the bar, and walks outside, sighing loudly he looks up at the stars and spreads his wings, getting ready to lift off the ground, but due to him being incapacitated from the alcohol, he crashes back down the ground with a very loud thud and an exclamation of "Bucking Tartarus!"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"That was a friend of mine. She would be assisting us in getting our ride tomorrow."

Aixi looked to Critical in surprise. 'Wow, that was convenient.' Aixi thought to herself. She spoke...

"So, Critical, since you are going to court me..."

'She's not...'

"And since you've never had a mare-friend..."

'She's really not.'

"I was thinking that maybe we could, I could..."

'She really is!'

"Get a little more comfortable with a mare."

'That's it. I've died. I'm dead, this is the after life. No other explaination.'

Critical looked to Aixi, face practically on fire from his nervous heat. He nervously approached her.

"O-Okay, what did you have in mind."

A smile spread across Aixi's face. She spoke...

"Well, why don't you try something."

Critical was going to have a mental melt down. He decided to take the initiative. Carefully approaching her, And then...


Critical planted his first kiss on his new mare friend. Heart racing faster than his tardis ever could. She was soft to the touch, and he was loving every moment of it. A minute passed and Critical retracted from his actions.

"Not bad Critic, but I know you can do better."

Critical was shocked. 'Alright then I guess we go for it.' With that, Critical leaned forward into Aixi, Giving her a deeper kiss than before. He was losing his balance a bit, so he wrapped his hooves around her, she did the same.

  • Brohoof 1
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He was so warm and inviting, as he held her passionately in his loving arms deeper and deeper Critic went. It was a breathtaking passionate expression of love. His first love. "mmmmmm" Aixi let out a short moan as she pressed her self closer, he tasted so good.

'It felt so nice, so right.' Aixi's mind exploded in thoughts yet remained calm. "ohhh." she said as she finally let go.


"That was an amazing kiss Critc."  She blushed 

It really left her speechless. She wanted more she lusted for more.

Aixi backed Critic into a corner of the room, a crazed slightly possessed kind of look took over her face. "Not bad Critic but I know you can do better." She said as she bowed down low.


She looked up at the stallion and batted her eyes. Anticipation coursed throughout her body, she was overcome by excitement.

Pouncing at Critic she pinned him to the floor.


@Night Song


Night had pushed Violet away, but there was nothing she could do about that. With a tear in her eye, Violet drug her hooves back to her room, occasionally looking back to see if Night would follow. She hoped he would, with all her heart she hoped this. Her hopes were let down as she entered the room alone. Without turning on a single light she went to bed feeling sad and a little defeated. 

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Critic was pinned down. A lusty mare on top of him with an insatiable hunger. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't getting into it a bit. Aixi delivered a deep kiss to Critical. Hitting his teeth to allow her tongue entrance. He of course obliged. There tongues met, wrestling with one another. Both struggling for dominance. Minutes went by and Aixi's ferocious tongue won. Obviously. She and Critical were panting heavily. Critical got into the groove of things. Scooping her up, Critical lead Aixi to the bed.

"Thought you'd want somewhere more comfortable than the floor. Don't want the tea to spill."


Critical gently sat his marefriend on the bed, lips intertwined once more. Aixi and Critical let out a small moan of pleasure every once in a while. Before they could go any further, Critical separated from Aixi.

"Before we go any further, you should know that.. this is my first time in this situation."

Aixi gave a sly smile and brought Critical into a warm embrace. She gave him a small kiss, and he vice versa. Critical stared into her eyes, mesmerized by her beauty. This will be his first time with a mare. And he was glad Aixi was the first.

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Night Song sighed as he picked himself up off the ground, his wing was bent and sore, but not broken. The crash had somehow sobered him up enough to see what he had done, he had hurt the love of his life. "I'm such a bucking jerk!" he thinks to himself, dusting himself off, he looks at the time, "there's bound to be a jewelery store open at this time of night." He thinks to himself again, he walks back into the hotel, sneaks into their room and withdraws a fair bit of bits from the vault, then sneaks out to find a jewelery store.


After what seemed like for-ever, he finally finds a jewelery store that was still open. He walks in and takes a look around.

"Good evening sir, how may I help you?" the mare behind the displays asks with a smile.

"I..I'm looking for something for my marefriend, I did something stupid, and hurt her, so I want to get her something to say sorry."

"Oh that isn't good. Hold on I've got just the thing." she pulls out a box from under the displays and takes out a beautiful blue diamond necklace with a blood ruby as a pendant.


Night Song sees it and his eyes light up, "It's perfect, I'll take it" he takes out the bits, "luckily my family is wealthy" he thinks to himself, then thanks the mare, who puts the necklace back in it's case and gives it to him.


he then makes his way back to the hotel.


On his way to his room he could hear what he thought was Critic and Aixi going at it. "Well they finally did it, good for them" he says as a rather big smile creeps its way across his face.


@@PurplePony, (to violet)


He slips into their room, and hides the box under his wing, and muzzles and kisses Violet to wake her up so he could apologize.

Edited by Night Song


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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@Mr. Critical


Aixi laughed a little, Critic is so sweet so innocent.She urged him on as gently as she could. Critic held her tight,and caressed her soul. She utters not a word, for the first time she is whole. Finding love is something she's sought. An eternity of happiness, what a beautiful thought. Their bodies entwined in an endless flight. Giving their souls to one another on this enchanting night. Aixi closed her eyes still unable to utter a word. No voices were needed, her heart he had heard. Together they drifted asleep, on this warm summer night. They slept together peacefully knowing it was right.


@Night Song


Night had woken Violet up, and she could still smell alcohol on his breath, she was unimpressed to say the least. She just wanted her pony by her side. What do you want. Night began stammering apologies, but stopped and simply gave her a box instead.

Violet unwrapped the gift box and gasped at the lavish jewels. "Oh Night, thank you. They are absolutely stunning. I know you are sorry... a simple I love you would have been enough. but ohhhh thank you!"

She pulled the stallion close and gave him a loving kiss. "it's ok she whispered."

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@@PurplePony, (to violet)


Night Song smiles at her, he kisses her lightly on the cheek and goes into the bathroom, and brushes his teeth to get rid of the smell and taste of alcohol. "Why did I even get drunk?" he thinks to himself, "oh well, what matters is that Vi forgives me, and Critic and Aixi are finally together, it took that silly filly long enough to confess his feelings for Aixi." He chuckles a little at his final thought. Checking his breath, the smell is mostly gone, so he finishes with gargling with mouth wash and walks back into the bedroom, he smiles at Violet. "Gosh, she really is beautiful" he thinks "She's ALWAYS been beautiful you big dolt! You've just been too blind to see it, and too blind to see how she's always had feelings for you." another voice pops into his head, "B..Blue, is that you?" "Who else would it be? Look, my spirit may have passed on, but I can still watch over you, as always."  "But..." "But nothing! I love you like a brother, even after death, and you getting drunk like that, what the buck were you thinking!?" "But I...I hurt you by mentioning.." "You did no such thing, that was all in your head! Yes, I had feelings for Aixi, and I probably still do, if that makes sense, but no I harbor no ill thoughts about her name being mentioned to my spirit, and no I do not harbor any ill will towards her and Critic for loving each other! I am happy for them!" "O...ok Blue" "Now Go!! Vi is waiting for you, it is very ungentlecoltly to keep a beautiful lady waiting."


Night Song smiles and gets into bed with Violet, kisses her on the muzzle with sweet passion and snuggles up to her, "I will always love and protect you" he whispers.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critical was lying next to Aixi, in a state of pure bliss. He drifted off to sleep, with her in his hooves. An hour past and Critical had awoken. Still sleepy, but his mouth was dry. He got out of the bed, careful not to disturb his lover. He walked over to the sink and poured some water. He looked to his still sleeping lover. A smile on his face. His senses were back and he could smell the room. It was sour, and he knew exactly why.

Hey, you. I assume your night was magical.


It was too early for Critical to start dealing with her now. 'Not now sun Stone.' Critical exclaimed to her mentally.

What. I can't congratulate you on your first time pleasing a mare. Very nice by the way.

'Y-You saw that.' Critical could feel himself turn red.'

Of course not, I have some sense of privacy.

Critical sighed.

We have a mental link... I felt it. Every. Little. Motion. Mmm. You really went for the gold medal there, Critical.

Critical felt his heart sink and his face begin to burn. He wanted to argue, but it was way too early. He got back into his bed, careful not to disturb Aixi, and wrapped his hooves around her. Feeling her heat against his body, he drifted off to sleep.

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi awoke shortly before the sun, she yawned and looked over at her sleepy companion.She carefully crept out of bed being careful as to not wake him. 'That's the first time I saw him at peace' She laughed at her thoughts 'I really needed that to.'

She stretched out her wings and set off around the room, making sure she wasn't forgetting anything. She passed the almost empty tea cup, pleased that she allowed him that long. 


Finally satisfied that nothing would be left behind Aixi trotted up to Critic.and nuzzled his nose, "Wake up my intelligent little stud." She spoke softly admiring the way the first morning beams bounced off his face.

"Did you sleep well?" She gave a short laugh and a wink.


Aixi already knew the answer, she didn't need to hear it. She turned around and flicked her tail, "I have already packed up my things. I think you should do the same. I believe I shall head down to the lobby and see if I can't get anything to eat before we meetup with the others." 


Almost at the door Aixi turned around at smiled sheepishly at critic. "Thank you for last night. It was." Aixi let out a short sigh and stared lovingly at Critic before leaving.


Words couldn't really express how she felt. She felt content.

Edited by PurplePony
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Critical arose from his lovers words. Last night was fantastic. He got out of bed and tried to retrieve his balance. 'Okay, gravity, now is not the time to fight me.' he thought to himself. Exiting the door to Aixi's door, he made his way to the tardis. A triumphant smile on his face. Upon entering, he was greeted by the same blue woman. She too had a look of satisfaction. Before she could say a word, Critical put up a hoof as if to say "I don't wanna here it.". He entered the bathroom and fixed himself up. His mane was a mess. Like he escaped a terrible lab incident. Or more relevant, had the time of his life. His mane was fixed and he was about to rejoin his lover. That is until...


"Critical! Major danger detected! Very urgent."

Critical returned to the console room and sifted through the security scans. Probably another beast.

"What, is it our new enemy, well bring it on, because I feel like I can taken the world."

Critical was ready to take him on. A smile and an inflated ego. That smile will soon fade.

"No Critical, not him. Its... well. It's HIM."

He began to think. If it wasn'tthe beast, then that means... Critical's eyes widen in realization. This wasn't Aixi's enemies. It was his. His most guarded secret. If she was correct. Critical will have to face Equestria's most infamous criminal. They shall soon facethe very slayer of the sun itself.

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@@PurplePony,  (to violet)



The morning sun shone through the windows and woke Night Song up, he yawns, making sure to face away from Violet so he doesn't yawn in her face. He then kisses her and muzzles her to wake her up, if he knew Aixi and Critic, they would want to get started on the next leg of their journey as soon as possible.


He gets up and goes to look at the armor, once again he thinks of how they may die in the journey and that the armor really isn't necessary, he wraps it up and goes downstairs, he asks the owner of the hotel to send it and Violet's armor to his parents' house in Canterlot.


The owner nods and does as he asks.


Afterwards he goes back upstairs and back into his room, Violet is still asleep. so he goes up to her and kisses her, "wake up beautiful, it's morning and we need to prepare for the next part of our journey."


He sits down next to her, and strokes her mane gently, "she's so beautiful, if it wasn't for this journey, I'd propose to her right here and now. But we gave our word to Aixi that we would help, we can't skiv out on that now." he sighs.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critical  was having a panic attack. This not a time nor place to face each other. If the Sun Slayer was here, then the mission got severely more dangerous. Critical was curled into a ball of fear on his couch. Shaking like an earth quake. He really didn't want to face this. At least not now. He gathered himself and got to his hooves. Now was not the time to cowar. He had a mission to complete. And he had a ladty waiting. Gathering his pride, he asked the tardis to meet the team as a wagon. This was a long journey, so might as well rest ip for the conflicts they shall face. And if they meet... him. Then Critical will have some explaining to do. 



Critical met Aixi outside. Sneaking up on her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. He told her that their ride will be here shortly, probably as soon as Night Song and Violet get here. Critic didn't mind though. But the thought of him still lingered in his mind. However, Aixi's presence did ease his worries a tad. Little did he know, two hooded figures watched in the distnce, carefully waiting.

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@Night Song

Violet awoke for her sleep. Night was tenderly stroking her mane gently waking her. "Oh dear what time is it? I need to get my things together." Violet exclaimed jumping out of bed.


She dashed around the room Putting her things in bag, she took a look at the box. 'That necklace is so pretty, I do hope I get the opportunity to wear it.' She placed the box into the last bag. She looked slightly ridiculous packing all of her bags at once. Practicality is something the two of them hadn't quite thought of. Violet stood waiting at the door as Night grabbed the last of his things. The pair lugged their belongings to the lobby, Luckily just in time as the cart was just arriving. 


@Mr. Critical

The group had eventually gathered and were settled. Aixi couldn't help but notice how awkward Critic was acting, it was more so than usual. It made her feel rather uneasy. "What's wrong all of a sudden?" She asked him concerned. 

She smiled mischievously as she remembered her new game, "When I left you this morning you were all smiles." She nibbled Critics ear and laughed.

Critics worried face turned red, As Aixi sat rather pleased at the entertainment value of this game.

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Critical looked to Aixi. He didn't want to tell her yet of this thing that had come to this point in time and space. Maybe he won't have to. Maybe they wouldn't have too. Critical gave a smile to Aixi's teasing. He really did like it when she did so. He gave her a kiss. Critical saw Night Song and Violet aproaching. Thats when he gave the signal to the tardis. As the two aproached, So did their transportation. A large box like trailer being pulled by two burly stallions. Critial helped Aixi with her luggage. He didn't have any, so might as well be a gentlecolt. 


@@PurplePony, @@Night Song

They all got onto the trailer. It was like a miniature hotel. Two beds, a crate of food, and a small place to put our things. 

'Wow, nice place Sun Stone.'

'It was nothing. The Stallions up front aren't really there, just a perception filter around some wheels.'

The team looked around the trailer, trying to get familiar with their new suroundings. 

'Hey Critical. Why don't I just materialize you to the destination. And finish your journey in three seconds.'

'Because A, we probably have to interact with other towns. B,whats the fun in a journey if you just skip the journey. And C, You're still refueling on Argron radiation.'

Critical finished his mental conversation and looked to the others.

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The group bounced along in the cart. It was quite spacious Aixi noticed, this puzzled her. 'How could he arrange something like this in such a small amount of time." Certain things didn't match up in her mind.

'Oh well, I will let him come to me, in the end it's all the same.'She thought.

"Oh my, is this ever going to be a long ride." Aixi exclaimed "We have quite a bit of ground to cover. I still can't believe you all decided to come it baffles my mind really." 


Aixi shocked herself at her words. She sounded ungrateful, that's not what she meant she just couldn't believe any pony would throw their life away. It just didn't seem fair to her, and as spacious as the room was Aixi did prefer her privacy, she didn't doubt that the others did too. 'One room for months of travel, no thank you. I would rather sleep outside.' She shuddered at what she might see rolling over in the middle of the night.


Aixi felt uncomfortable and didn't really know what to say, longing for a comfort she spoke up, "It's going to be a long enough trip, I was going to wait until a little later to break into it but i suppose we should enjoy each others company." 


Walking over to her bag she reached in and found the bottle of wine she had bought from the bar. She popped the cork and cracked a smile, "As long as I am not pulling the cart, we should be good!"

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'Aixi, if you could see my mind...' Critical thought to himself. Everypony seemed to be on the cart. So the court began to move shortly. And Aixi brought out some whine. It was a little too early for Critical. He sat on the bed and began to fall asleep. He waited for peace to take hold. Buuuuuutt...

Hey buddy. Enjoying your ride.

Actually, its not that bad.

Well hopefully you and your lover enjoy it. There are some features inside the cart. The entrance to the console room is under yours and Aixi's bed.

'Is that why there's only two?'

There was a long pause. Critical could tell what her answer was. Sleep wasn't really taking its effects and awoke. Only a few seconds have passed.


Critical walked over to the three. Aixi still holding the wine. He heard her quip about pulling the cart. He knew nopony would have to pull and gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah, its going to be a long trip ahead of us, but we could find something to do along the way."

The next town couldn't be that far... right. Critical was sure he could find something in the tardis for his friends to do and say he 'conveniently found it.'

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@@PurplePony, (to Aixi)


Night Song shook his head as he saw the bottle of wine in Aixi's hooves. "None for me thank you Aixi... the last time I drank alcohol..." he swallowed hard as he remembered how he badly hurt Violet with his actions and his anger, he did not want to repeat that, not ever again. "the last time I drank alcohol, I badly hurt the pony closest to my heart, i don't want to risk doing that again, thank you all the same though" He smiles as he takes out a bottle of non alcoholic cider and pours himself a glass.


Taking a sip, he thinks of what Blue had said to him, "How am I going to tell her? How am I going to...how am I going to confess my deepest feelings to her?" He asks himself.


@@PurplePony (to violet)


Night Song felt a bit more comfortable with showing affection to and with Violet, now that Aixi and Critic had each other. He leans in and gives Violet a hug and plants a kiss on her cheek. He smiles, "Vi?" he asks a little nervously, without waiting for a response from her, he continues "there is something I need to tell you.." he pauses for a moment, "I love you Vi, I always will, and...and if I die, I want you to know that I always have loved you, you were always beautiful to me, but I had been blind, blind to your love for me, blind to my own love for you,and blind to your beauty."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Aixi laughed at Night, "Oh it is ok, don't worry. More for me, I won't force you to drink my alcohol."

She took a deep sip, not bothering with the glasses. 


"there is something I need to tell you.." he pauses for a moment, "I love you Vi, I always will, and...and if I die, I want you to know that I always have loved you, you were always beautiful to me, but I had been blind, blind to your love for me, blind to my own love for you,and blind to your beauty."


"Oh, uh thanks. I love you to, you know you mean the world to me." She said looking at Night slightly confused. "But I would love to get to know my friends, my allies, if it takes a drink, you know what? I am ok with that." Violet blushed, now didn't feel like a good time for love confessions.


"I will drink with you Aixi." She walked over to the other bed and joined Aixi taking a deep swig of alcohol.

"Oh, this is really good."

She took another sip before passing the bottle

A sly smile crept across her face.


"I am glad you like it, and that I don't have to drink alone." She thanked Violet and began to drink..

"So you have to tell me Aixi," VIolet began with a nasty grin on her face."Was it good?"  


Aixi snorted almost shooting wine out her nose. The question caught her off guard but she enjoyed where this was going. The purple mare sat watching her carefully.


Aixi smiled and answered her question. "Well, it was a close second, but you can't fault him for not knowing what to do."


The pair burst out in giggles taking turns passing the bottle back and forth. Aixi continued, "But in all seriousness it was great.".

"Bet i could do better." VIolet answered

Aixi retorted back glancing at Night, "I bet I could do better."


Laughter erupted from the two as they continued to talk for hours. Violet tipped the bottle upside down and drank the last drop, "Aww it' all gone."


Aixi laughed "No it's not." she got up and trotted over her bag fetching yet another bottle. 


Violet laughed as Aixi rejoined her and the pair of them drank to new friendships.


It was quite sometime later and the sun was beginning to set. Aixi noticed that they hadn't stopped and she was beginning to wonder why. "Violet, I will be right back why don't we gather up our boys and start some dinner?" She asked slurring slightly.


@Night Song

"Yeah, that's a good idea, supper." Violet stammered as she went off to find Night.

Violet stumbled into her love, "Hey babe, we should supper now, giggle *hic* whoopsies,!" She looked up at night and smiled, "I love you."

@Mr. Critical

Violet left, allowing Aixi a moment to be alone with Critic she headed back to her room to give him a kiss and ask him  what the plan for the evening was.

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Critical watched the group talk amongst himself. He was happy everypony was getting along. Though he was getting bored. He was about to slip into the console room before he heard...

"Was it good." Violet said.

This made Critical stop in his tracks at the foot of the bed. He went over to the separation wall. Listening in on their conversation. Yeah he knew it was wrong but in a way it did involve him. He heard their conversation go on for a while. He got bored as the mares continued. He slipped under the bed and ended up at a secondary portal entrance coming out from under his red couch.


"Heeey, buddy. Come to visit."

"For a bit, yeah. Thought I'd do a system's check and see how that re-fueling process is going."

Critical remained in the console room, doing various checks and keeping a monitor tuned to the disguised part. Watching his friends in case they start to wonder where he had went. Thankfully they didn't. He had to head back, because Aixi was coming to look for him. He had to get back to their room. Before she found him missing. snuck back through the couch and came back on the other side of the bed to greet Aixi.

Edited by Mr. Critical
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@@Mr. Critical,


Night Song sighs, Violet was drunk, or close enough to being drunk. He didn't like her drunk, she could get..demanding, but then he remembered the other night, so he let it slide. He hugs her, "It's alright darling, and yes we should probably have supper now." His stomach growls, "Yes, supper would be an excellent thing to do now." He reaches into his packs and pulls out some rations, he wished for something more...substantial and a little heavier, but none of that would do on a journey like this, let alone keep for very long.


He gives Violet her rations first, kissing her lightly on the cheek, "I love you" he whispers into her ear before pulling back from the kiss, then serving his own rations. He then pours himself another glass of non-alcoholic cider. He smiles at Violet, and suddenly Blue Blur's voice rings out in his head again.


"I know what you're thinking, don't! Not until this journey is over, you can make love yes, but don't make her pregnant, not until the journey is over."


Night blinked hard, sighs and stars to eat his rations.

Edited by Night Song


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Interesting" NightStrike though to himself when he suddenly saw that big trailer passing by on the road. He was walking in the forest when he heard it passing by. As he made his way to the road he could just get a glimpse of it in the distance.


He decided to follow it discretely. He wasn't quite sure what to do, but as always his curiosity got the better of him. He was sure to keep his distance though while he followed the tracks of the trailer. NightStrike hasn't seen anything like that traveling this road for a long time.


And above all, it might bring some action to his life. Traveling and adventuring alone was relaxing but not having any contact with other ponies for over 10 years (except for the occasional bandit he had to shoot) might be a bit too much. He would get as much information about them as possible before he would show himself to them. Gathering information and analyzing before taking decisive action has kept him alive till now, and he was not changing that habit anytime soon.


He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and continued to walk trough the forest alongside the road.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@Mr. Critical,

Aixi strolled up to Critic and began rambling, "Hey you, were did you run off to? It doesn't matter I was just lonely." She said as she fell into his mane attempting to cuddle.

She laughed as she caught herself. "Whoopsies, didn't mean to fall for you."

She cracked up a little more at her joke, she thought she was too funny.

Stammering on she continued, "You know, I really like Violet, I didn't at first, but she's ok. *hicough* You know what? She has a really nice but. Yeah I noticed when she was leaving, its so round and perky. I am kind of jealous of it." 


Aixi laughed on,"Oh, why did I come in here? Right! I thought that we could all eat some dinner together. If we stop I could prepare something for us and the ponies pulling the cart. Gosh they must be exhausted! We haven't stopped once for them. How cruel of us, I should have thought about that I am sorry." Aixi exclaimed with great concern.


"So how about it? we should stop the cart and rest for the night?" She asked

Leaning into Critic she whispered,"Plus I would prefer to sleep outside. It just seems more private that this, sorry." She looked around the room. 

There was nothing wrong with the cart, she simply wanted space and to keep watch over her group.

@Night Song


"Daw thanks Nighty Pie, I wuv you too, but do you think we could eat with the others? It's just I am finally making friends with Aixi and she really fun!.I bet you and Critic would be great friends. We should be close, we are protecting each others lives after all. You know something? I kind of really like Aixi, I didn't before. I thought she was a just a poor queen, past her prime. But she so cute, and fascinating, and her eyes! Her eyes are so pretty." Violet exclaimed.


She didn't get why she like Aixi all of a sudden, maybe she just became more real to her. They did just spend hours talking to each other and sharing common interests. 

She looked at Night a little more seriously as she spoke, "I joined this fight to be by your side. I love you Night and if we die we die fighting so we can continue loving. Initially that was it, that was the entire reason. But Aixi opened my eyes, and really we are fighting for a better tomorrow so every pony can love and be free. Isn't it wonderful? She exclaimed wonderfully.


Violet clearly wasn't thinking about the upcoming war,be that intentional or not. She thought to herself 'I just want to spend time with everyone here, it's just so nice right now now..'

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Critical blushed to the point his face resembled a tomato. He would like another night of fun with Aixi. But now was the time for food. He sent the signal to stop the cart. He went over to the others who had already gotten off the cart. Aixi followed suit. Critical ad another job. Checking the food rations. He went over to the stored food and to his dismay, he made a discovery. Most of it was alien fruits and vegetables. He felt himself panic a bit. But, then he began to think. Would they really think of him differently, or... nah. He'd expect better from them. He trusted them, He just hoped they didn't ask a bunch of questions about his travels. There were things Critical would like to forget. He wasn't going to be the one to bring it up.


@@Night Song, @@PurplePony,

Critical had gotten various vegetables together. Some Baru roots. Silurian lettuce, and a couple of equestrian carrots. Lastly some common noodles. He got them into a  bag and brought them out to the camp sight. He got the fire started and filled the pot with water and some spices he had acquired on Tarrus. Hopefully they would like it. The taste was amazing the first time he tasted it. Like nothing he's ever known. The Baru root had the same enzyme that bonded with saliva to change it to something you have a craving for. Minutes passed and finally their dinner was done.

"Soups on everypony!"

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@Mr. Critical,


The group sat around the campfire, To Aixi's surprise Critic had prepared the meal. The aroma filled the night air and it smelled wonderful. Aixi watched every pony and after a moment she began to eat her soup. 'Ohhhh it's sooo good,' Aixi thought to herself.

She began to indulge in the soup nearly consuming the entire bowl, when suddenly she recognized the taste. It was a living soul. 

Staring in complete and utter shock Aixi looked at the bowl. In complete horror.

She looked to Critic in a panic, "What was that?" she managed to stammer

'What did I just eat? I couldn't have. What if I had finished it?' She thought.

Aixi stared at the pot longing for more, yet she couldn't finish her bowl. She had only tasted that once before and the memory scared her. 

"Critic, you must tell me. What did you do to that soup?"


It was impossible, how did it taste like the only thing she was not supposed to eat, the one thing she longed to eat? She felt emotions take a hold of her as she stared angrily at Critic.


She was more angry with herself for wanting more, shame gripped her as she sat staring at the near empty bowl.

Edited by PurplePony
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