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open The Trotting Dead : Second Chance RP


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"but.. but isent it the end of the world? she said looking up at him into hes eyes which were full of warth and confert. Hes the only reason she cryed, he melted her heart that was hard  as bedrock. He was truly a angel sent from god to fix the world. To fix a world that already ended,

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Guardian chuckled at the thought of it being the end of the world. "As long as there is someone out there, with the will to live. To fight this horrible nightmare, than it will never be the end of the world." he said, "We just have to make sure that we do our best to see it through."

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"its good for you to have hope..Many ponies don't have it these days" she says cuddling agenst him sighing wiping her tears away.

"im sorry for crying like that its just i havent meet a nice pony in a long time to talk to" she said as she yawned getting up streaching.

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Guardian yawned not soon after Betta. "Its getting late, i'm going to go to bed so i can get some more strength back. Don't stay up too late now, ya hear?" he called back to her as he made his way inside and found a place to sleep. He unceremoniously flopped down where he thought was good enough for him and fell asleep.



(I'm going to bed too guys. I'll post either before or after church)

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"You don't know she could be a ninja!" she says laughing as she walked up to the pony." you can stay if your not planning anything bad dear" she said strickly. "Unless you try to hurt us You know what will happen,,, Are you gonna hurt us?" she said looking her in the eyes.

"oh she pasedout" she said laughing "what do we do now gurdian should we trust her?''she says as she drags the pony to the couch and puts her on it and takes the bag hidding it. " When she wakes up they can take care of her i guess" she says walking to the door."Ill guess ill go outside"

Cuppa groans as she woke up with a pounding headache. "God.. What happened." She looked around the room and saw the girl who warned her about stuff last night and slowly walked up to her. "U-um... H-hi... I'm Cuppa Cake..." She looked down on her feet scared of wha tthe mysterious pony will do.


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Waking up from a long rest, probably the best he's had in a few weeks, Hunter is greeted almost instantly by the light of the sun trying to make it's way through a thick cloud layer. The fresh air from ontop of the bakery is pleasing to his lungs and calms him down a bit, hoping that he can get through today without any more needless arguments. Jumping from the roof and heading inside. He takes a bite out of his last apple, looking down at it and realizing it won't be enough. He starts to rummage through the counter, shelves, anywhere that might have a bit of food, but all he is able to find is flour and sugars, not the kind of food he needs. He thinks of heading upstairs, but he stops before he gets to the kitchen door, thinking about how he was yesterday. 'Maybe I should just leave them be for now.' as he goes back to looking, hoping he missed something. 

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Guardian awakes to the rays of light burning his eyes. He stretches and rubs his eyes to drive off the grogginess of a goods night sleep. He trots his way down to the first floor to see Hunter rummaging through the bakery. "Morning Hunter." he said yawning a little bit.

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Leans back against the counters and mumbles a pretty unenthusiastic "Good morning" back to Guardian. And leans a bit, putting his arms down almost trying to distract himself, but he can't seem to get a question off of his mind. Turning to Guardian, hesitating for a second, he asks "Do you think Betta hates me? I mean, when your first encounter with someone is said person pointing a gun in your face, that tends to leave the wrong impression." 

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Betta yawns walking up and rolls over. She sees shes on a roof ! She smiles looking at the sky and gets up streching and looks around. A couple trotters walking around not really anything else. It makes sense after last night of what she did . Raided some camps and got some food. She though some trotters atlest would follow her after all that gun firer. She got a sword she found and began chop off there heads.

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Guardian thinks about what Hunter said. After a few seconds he replies, "Its understandable the way she acted in this age. Its sometimes easier to distance yourself from others to not cause harm than to be the one that brings harm to everyone." He gave a comforting smile. "But the more you talk to them, the better you get to know them and help anyway you can."

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Betta finshes With the trotters and flys in through the roof with the sword in her mouth  " Good morring!" she says Landing beside The Griffin. "i went and got some food last night for ya guys just in thank you for not killing me'' she says inportantly and feeling good that they did not kill her.

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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Guardian was surprised that Betta went out and got food for, not only her, but everyone else. He smiled, "Wow Betta, that was very kind of you to do that for some pony, and griffion, that you only met yesterday." he said. His stomach grumbled. "And at a good time at that too. Does anyone know how to cook?" he asked.

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"Well i do" she says smiling at him. "Well i guess i will go make something for you guys!" then she goes down stairs and looks through the 3 boxes of food she found "scavging". she picks up a can of beans and begins to serch for a can opener she swore she got from "scavinging".

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"You are too kind." Guardian said as Betta goes to make something to eat for them. He then thought it would be a good idea to freshen up since this is going to be his first cooked meal in a very long time. Looking around, he spots a doorway leading into the washroom. When he enters he tests out the sink to find out it works. In a matter of seconds, Guardian cleans off his self and goes to see if Betta is done yet.

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"UGGG i cant find a can opener" she says to her self in frustration while looking in a box. Then a thjough pops into her mind . "mabe i can bite it open!" she thinks while biting it as it does nothing to make it open. WHen she looks up from her can she sees Gurdian and blushes pointing at him. "U saw nothing!" she says as she puts the can down .

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Guardian chuckles at the display set out in front of him. Betta was trying to bite the can open. After he stopped he trotted up to her. "Do you mind if I get it a try?" he asks while he holds out his hoof in waiting for an answer.




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"uhhh sure... But my spits proble on it" she says cofused as she hoofs him the can . 

( f sdf sdfsd f fsd fsd fs fdf fd g  ast  fe tg fre f te  ehy frt g fret  fr tf g g tg tr hg rth tr hr th rh  hyt h ythj tyh ty jyt j ytj ty jty j yt jty j tj t ew try  gr t5 g h r ghy t ghtju h ju ty h juyt h tju yt h)

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Cuppa looked through a keyhole to see the two ponies from last night with cans of food. Her stomach grumbled at the sight of the food. She opens the door and walks in. She smiles shyly, "Um.. H-hi I'm Cuppa Cake." The pony with yellow coat was studying her making her blush, "W-what's your name?"


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Guardian looks down at the can that Betta hoofed to him. He put his other hoof on top and in one swift moved, tore the lid completely off. He then handed it back. "Here you go." he said nonchalantly. 


He then took notice to the mare that walked in who introduced herself as 'Cuppa Cake' "Well hello there. My name is Guardian Angel, or Guardian for short." he said bowing to show respect.

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"oh its you from last night!" she says smiling. "i saw you kinda left but anyway im Betta, Betta Fish Freak." she says shaking her hoof"

She new this pony would be harmless but who knew? she kept her mind ready just in case behind that smile. Not minding that she thought this pony was pretty shy.and pretty cute...

Again She was surprised from Him tearing it off. It was kinda scary so she dident let it show on her face but she just wanted to yell OMG HOW DID YOU DO THAT but she held it in for the pony that just entered there domain. A bunch of stuff raddled through her mind and she felt Bubbly.

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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He peaks his head out from the other room to see the new pony, and like he always does, he's not sure what to think of her. But he tries his best to put his best hoof, or in this case talon, forward. He stays back a bit, making a grab for a can with his tail, pulling it to him and puncturing it with his talons and pulling the top off before digging in. It felt good to have real food again. As he was about half was done he turned his head to the new pony. 

"You can call me Hunter." he says trying his best to form a smile

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Cuppa smiled. "So... How did you guys get here? I mean, how did you manage to escape all the trotters and find this place?" There was silence. "It's okay if you dont want to tell me. I'll tell you my story. So I was just making cupcakes then this weird looking pony banged against my window. I ran and ran. I just finished my last cupcake crumbs two days ago. Trotters chased me then I stumbled across this place..."


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"I just got lucky I guess. Was just staying off near the edge of town when this all started. I thought I should run but I didn't really have anywhere to run to, no home really. I have more then enough experience to handle myself in the forests though no supplies so I came here to try and get some food first. That was weeks ago, or was it days..." pauses for a second "Guess I lost track of time out there. Oh well." shrugging it off "And then I found this poor bastard starving in the streets." pointing over to Guardian with a chuckle. 

Edited by Doomguy
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