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private The laboratories gone dark (invite only rp)


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(ooc: wow looks nice)


"we.. we don't kill ponies... the Rainbow Factory does.. but this is another facility... under Cloudsdale... deep underground... in the Everfree forest... we don't kill ponies... we transform them in weapons... in soldiers.... like you.... we don't want you or the other to die... if we wanted to kill you... you would be already dead... so please eat something... today we have the training" He said before leaving a plate with a full breakfast... better than the mess that other prisoners are forced to eat "It's the best i could find.. i'm sorry"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight sighed in annoyance she then stood up and walks to her plate of whatever breakfast and starts eating. oddly she already knew telekenesis. though it was very weak her horn glowed crimson red 


(she learned telekenesis by reading random magic spells books from the castle library. but nothing else besides that).


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"oh.. wow that's rather.. interesting... you.. you can already control it... that's amazing.... well.... my assistent Frosty will teach you basic magic.... then when you are ready....  we shall destroy this place... please just wait... don't ruin this... i need to finish the other guy.. Nightstrike... then.. i will sap the generators... when everypony will be there trying to fix them, you shall break out... now you are weak.. but trust me... you have will have so much strengh inside you that you would hardly control yourself... " Volt started to look at his hooves "..if you want kill me then... just destroy this factory and kill the directors... i wuold love to dispatch of Rainbow Dash... but... it's like killing a god..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


moonlight finished her breakfast. and then surprisingly smirked at volt. "oh she's fast but she can be outsmarted anypony can outsmart a stupid retarted rainbow maned idiot pony. i've read some spell books in canterlot out of sheer boredome. illusion and invisibility spells can easily jinxed her" she smirked again.


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"C..calm down now Moonlight... it is the last thing to do.. first you need to ain strenght and learning magic... if.. if you are ready we can move to the training room... i think that we can find Frosty there... i.. need to make you wear those " he said showing a pair oh hoofcuffs and a wing holder "... it's.. it's because i can't simply walk with you like we were friend or they will understand.. i prefer to not call the guards.. please don't ruin this.. you are weak, this is the opportunity for you to learn and gain new power" he said before moving away from the cell door


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight growled then wears the hoof cups and wing holder.she does not like them one bit. she seemed really upset. but she has no other choice just yet she was still really upset tho. "fine lets get this over with


( i have a idea for rp when moonlights escapes the lab with nightstrike she should like get enrolled in the school for gifted unicorns.it would make an interesting plot and also. they shouldn't skip to frost instead let walk for a bit and let passerbys if there is any talk to them)


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 "i'm sorry.. let's walk... i take the longer route so you can memorize everythink"

He said before letting her walk out

"I'm right behind you.... don't ask me where is the exit.... i don't know... i only know that i entered with an elevator... i think that there is only one.... but it is in the level of 'directors'.. so maximum security and stuff... here we are in the second lower lever of the facility... under us there is the... junkyard.. of chemical compound and stuff... bringing death and desease to all the Everfree Forest.... there are five levels above us... here we are in the 6th floor: detention cells, above us there are the laboratories for ponies"

he said walking up a stair with Monlight

"then at the we have the weapon research labs...level 4... non organic weapons i mean... at level 3 there are baracks and staff rooms, level 2 is control room... i am the only Doctor allowed to go there.. my maximum clearance... then we have the first level wich i never saw... there is the escape elevator.. but also the director's rooms... i mean... the CEOs of the CWC...Cloudsdale weather Corporation... the monster who rules this place and the Rainbow Factory... they are so coward they prefer to hide under here than staing near off all that killing in their fancy floating city... still the first level is 700 meters underground... so we can't simply destroy the elevator and fly outside.. we need it working... also there are air vents... to make us survive in this place... but they are too  small for a pony... hell you must be a parasprite to go out trough them... and there aren't unicorns here able to perform such magic... by the way... if i may ask... how... how did you failed?"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight growled. "for the last got dam time i didn't failed i was born in canterlot. i was sleeping in my bedroom next thing i know i was being pulled into her whatever stupid reason " she frowned. "well no pony in canterlot will ever reconise me again like ever. if i had a cutie mark they possbly would have. " she looks away from volt. 


(also wouldn't you think in the surgery moonlight would get an infection from that? even if theres radiation.and or backpain of some sorts?)


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(ooc: the laser closed her cut on the back.. actually they use this kind of lasers to close cuts... they cicatrize the cut and those there can't be infection.. they are called chirugical lasers or something)


"that makes no sense! They bring here and in the Rainbow Factories only failures!.. ehmm... ponies who failed the test!... why they kidnapped you at Canterlot? And how did pegasi get trough royal guards? That makes no sense! Did you do something? are you parents important?... for the cutie mark... i am sorry... when we are outisde here i am sure you will find your destiny... they don't want ponies with a cutie mark... they prefer blank flank for testings..." Volt said looking at her in a sad way... he was really sad for a pony for the first time in his life after enetering in the nightmare of the CWC


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"thats what i bucking said earlier you crazy pony my parents live in canterlot castle they'll probobly never reconize me anymore like ever" moonlight sighed lowering her head slightly out of sadness tho she is quite eager to learn some spells herself.


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"they probably wil never see you again then... if they were so aggressive to take you, in Canterlot, to bring you here... they must have discovered something... probably.. probably.. they have killed them... I'm sorry Moonlight... also if they were still alive... they surelly wont recognize you... anypony would do... you are a bat pony alicorn now Moonlight... i just can't understand why... why you? Why in Canterlot? This is crazy... they could kidnap everypony from everywhere! we must discover what's going on and kill all of the directors... this can't go on!!!" Volt screamed hitting the floor with his hoof in anger "THEY CAN'T SIMPLY DO WHAT THEY WANT! WE WILL KILL THEM! " Volt saw himself on a shining pipeline...and started to talk to himself again

"i thouht you liked be here killing and torturing ponies"
"i still like it.. but my objective is changed"

"so you will help me? Escaping from here, freeing all ponies and then killing the responsables of this"

"of course... i want to see the moon again before dying"

"and i want to see the sun and fresh air"


(ooc: bold is for evil myself)


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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....Pain, all that pain. It's all he could remember from the very beginning. Since he was brought here as a young colt, he had to go through multiple experiments. Unlike newer projects, his one took years. You don't learn to become an invisible assassin in a day. Not even in a couple of years.


"All the ones I had to kill, all the suffering. And I even don't care anymore. I've just seen too much." NightStrike thought. "So they just fried my nerves hoping to make them quicker which seemed to work. Bad luck the pain center of my brain went on overkill." It wouldn't take long. "Soon the final experiment will be complete. And I will be able to turn into another pony. Then it's done, all the experiments. Then it's just the killing and nothing more."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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moonlight gave volt a awkward look. "well i hope i don't get a lot of attention from the princesses. knowing that im an alicorn hopefully hopefully that doesn't happen" she said in a really paranoid voice. her left ear and eye twitched she then quickly shook her head.


(t moonlight  she goes into the school for gifted unicorns then celestia and luna will know about her im sure celestia will be first to know. then luna will most likely have alot more interest in moonlight that celestia when she escapes for more knowledge about magic.)


@@Doc. Volt

Edited by moonlight7starshine


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@, @@Wayzer,


"trust me darling.... the royal ass... knows about this... i don't belive she doesn't know... this is impossible... well... you should get attention... you looks gorgeous.. ehm... i need to check another test subject... Nightstrike.... he is now in his detention cell... he is almost ready for his first mission... i want to ask him if he can join our revolt... i hope he will accept.. actually you were lucky.. our tecnique improved every year... he is here since he was a little colt... tortured every day... "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@Doc. Volt, @moonlight7starshine


Frost stared at the two ponies for a few minutes as they spoke, when the name Nightstrike was mentioned a shiver ran down his spine. He had heard stories about the subject, but had never seen him personally. He slowly walked over to the group and looked at the mare hoping he could help in some way. "Do..do you need to learn how to use your magic....moonlight was it?" He asked

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@@Frosty V


moonlight shot frosty a rather intimidating look. then smirked. "hello mr,frosty can you teach me invisibility and illusion spells their going to be super super usefull in the battlefield if not can you teach me other spells instead once that will be usefull in the battlefield" she said with a rather large amount of enthousism.


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@@Frosty V,


"oh here you are timewaster! "Volt said patting him on the shoulder "Come on... i let you two alone... teach her... but.... don't be friendly in front of other ponies... we are undercover now do you understand that? And if sompony is around just call her 'subject 666' ok? I know it's mean but we can't blow the cover ok? I go to met our old 'friend' Nightstrike"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Frost shrunk back, ears going flat as the alicorn shot him a look. He slowly nodded his head as she asked for specific spells. He knew he was more than capable of teaching the mare these spells, but given the fact she just recently aquired the powers it would be difficult even at alicorn status. "Alright...but be warned...take it slow or you could get exhausted rather quickly...here..why don't you levitated something first? Just get a feel for the magic." He suggested

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@@Frosty V, @, @@Wayzer,


"Not here Frosty! she is a prisoner! Go into the training room near the laboratories at the 5th floor, close yourself with her inside and don't let anypony, the password is 'Enlightment'... see you soon... good luck Moonlight... hopefully tomorow we will be outside of this nightmare... teach her well Frosty... i want to see the sun again..."


He then walked away toward the detention room number 18:Nightstrike


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@Doc. Volt, @moonlight7starshine


Frost jerked his head to look at Doc as he spoke. "R-right...sorry Doc...just eager to get out of this hell hole is all." He muttered as he processed the information Doc had given him. Enlightenment...what an ironic password he thought with a scowl. "Come on moonlight....erm...666 lets get to that elevator." He said as he stopped to look over his shoulder. "If anyone asks us questions just act scared and I'll get us through." He muttered as he walked out into the hallway.

Edited by Frosty V
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Volt was walking trough the laboratoris down again to the detention cells


"shit when i let him go, he will surelly kill me"

"then if he tries kill him!"

"oh it's you again" Volt said looking to himself reflected on a metal sheet along the wall

"it's Nightstrike mate... one of my best..'creations'.. he is a bloody assasin... with extreme ability as a spy.. he will be right behind you in a second.. faster than a lightining...  darker then shadows"

"bah just fry him with your Tesla Coils"

"shut up.. i need an allied not an enemy"


Volt was standing in front of the cell number 18

"well.. let's go..."

he opened the door

"G..goodmorning Nightstrike.."

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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NightStrike heard the hoofsteps of somepony coming to his door. He doesn't hear it that much except when they start a new procedure. Though this time, it was definitely only one pony and no more. Most of the time the researchers would be accompanied by guards.


Then Volt came into the room... alone

@@Doc. Volt,

"So what are you up to this time Volt, is this another one of your psychological experiments. "They are even worse then the physical ones. The pain is nothing compared to having the feeling you aren't able to control you own thoughts. They tried to make me into a killing machine and that kinda worked." NightStrike thought in the meanwhile.

"I killed hundreds of ponies for you, what is it this time? Even more?" he asked.


After that he sighed


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Volt nooded

"Not today Nightstrike.." He then closed himself inside the room with him, hoping to gather more confidence with him

"i need you.. that's true.... i maybe also need you to kill ponies... that's also true... but i am asking you this for me.. well... for ponies after you that are going to suffer your same pain... i am not asking for the sake of my superiors"

he then sat down near the closed door

"I am tired Nightstrike... and my desease is getting worst... i have a monster inside me... i want to destroy this place... to get out of here... i know you may think that this is another psycologial test or trick... i have nothing to prove you this... i just ask you to trust me - the pony who tortured you all day long since you were a colt - shut up! i need him to escape from here as much as i need Moonlight!"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"Haha, all very cool Volt. But give me any reason why I should do that, why I should risk my life for you. I don't have any family at all. No friends, and nopony outside of here has ever heard of me!" He started panting heavily: "And now you dare to ask me to help you! After everything you have done to me, you come here and say sorry for torturing you for years. It was all the fault of the monster inside me, no hard feelings right? And you expect me to HELP YOU!?" Then he calmed down a bit:


"And who is this Moonlight you talked about? As you might have noticed I'm here in a detention cell with no outside contact. Even my hearing can't pick anything up outside of these walls.


Another one of your victims perhaps?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"arh ehm" Volt looked at his hhoves like they were covered in blood

"She..she is a new experiment... bat ponies... new.. new tecnology.... she arrived a weeks ago... she is with us.... Listen... we are, i mean.. i am not asking you to help us..i mean me.. you can kill us after that if you want... we are asking you to help preventing THIS to happening again... destroy the laboratory... destroy the factory.. destroy the CWC and kill all of the directors.. that's just what we ask you to do... if you do nothing.. more ponies will die in the same way... i don't care for our life.. we don't care if you don't want to do it for your life... just do for the life of others"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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