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private The laboratories gone dark (invite only rp)


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Frost watched as the mare struggled to get up and continue to make her way towards the knife. She must want him dead more than Frost thought, but it didn't matter he brushed past her and grabbed the knife of the ground and put it in his coat. "Nopony is dying today got it!" He growled

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@@Frosty V, @,


Volt woke up.. still bleeding.. his shoulder hurting like hell


".. i .i need to go the the infermiery" he said... after lookinf at Moonlight he continued " we both need to go.. frosty... help us please..." he then got up helping himself with thw wings.. he offered his hoof at Moonlight "Frosty.. i need to talk with you... in private... no microphones"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight growled. "no NO i don't want to be here i belong in canterlot castle. not here not in this stupid bucking place" agter she yelled she was panting lightly. she then moves into a attacking pose despite her weaken state and broken wings. it puzzled her why did he take a blood sample.


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Frost sighed at the two. "Bucking idiots...no fighting...no killing...if you so much as throw an INSULT at one another ill just leave." He said as he walked over to Doc and scoffed. " Get up." He said coldly, putting his hoof over his shoulder and proping him up. He walked over to the mare and did the same. He began to walk towards the infirmary. "Dammit you guys are heavy!" He hissed

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" Listen to me little filly.. what is your name? I still don't know.. i should call you 666 but i hate this... you can't get out of here without being in a body bag do you understand that? I want to leave this damned place too and start a new life but i can't... same reason... or we get out of here in a body bag, or we don't get out.... that's the alternative... they want me to turn you into a brainless killing machine.. deactivating your brain to control you with a remote after giving you extreme powers... they want me to mix your DNA to the one of Bat ponies... creating a new "bat-alicorn" weaker than a normal alicorn but still lethal... to make this i need to make experiments on you... i don't care if you don't want, if i don't do it they will kill me, without me, they will kill you too, if i can actually turn you into an bat alicorn, you can easily break trough all off the doors and walls and get the hell out of here.... it's a your sacrifice you have to do.. i will pretend that i have deactivate your brain.. instead you will be coscient.. this will give you EXTREME pains... but it's up to you... or we die both, or you suffer like a beast to free both of us,... if ou want you can kill me after that.. i don't care anymore about my life.. just destroy this place and erase it from the earth... i will do the same with the other experiment.. the black and green spy... Nightstrike.... Come on Frosty i am not so heavy... carry her... we need to fix those wings... i can ..can aid myself..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight scowled not wanting to look at volt at all. she spoke in a somewhat angry tone. "my names moonlight" she didn't say anything after that not really wanting to talk to a foal murdering rainbow factory work such as volt instead she looked away from him.


@@Doc. Volt


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Frost entered the infirmary and layed the ponies down n the beds one at a time. He ran to the cabinets and got the different medicines required for each of there specific wounds. He returned to the beds and handed them each a bottle of pills. "Take one of these, both of you! It will ease the pain while I patch you both up. He said as he sat next to Volts bed and began to patch up his wounds. "What was it you wanted to say to me Doc." He stated

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@, @@Frosty V,


"Listen Frosty... i have a desease... ther's a killer in me... i didn't choose o work at the factory. i was forced too... just like you.. but you never worked killing all of those ponies... my mind.. broke... to resist my brain created another me... so my coscience would be clear since I wasn't the real Volt doing that stuff... but it's all a lie... i am weak and i did nothing to try to get away from this nightmare and stop this insanity... But i can't hold it anymore.. we need to destroy the facility... are you with me? We can't just set up bombs and go... we will be dead in 'ten seconds flat' as Dash would say before stabbing us in the eyes... we need to finish the experiments, giving power to... to Moonlight and Nightstrike, then they can help us break trough security while i make the generator roms overcharge... i know... it's not less mean of what i have done till now: still we are gonna bring suffer and pain to those two ponies... but at least more will be spared... i don't care if i die... you just try to stay alive... Rainbow Dash is the problem... if she sees you, consider yourself already dead... she hates unicorns.. more than my other me... by the way.. thank you... i need to stop taking those pills..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


moonlight was seemingly backing away from volt and frost. whatever experiment he's planning shed rather die. "what ever experiment your planning i don't want to be in it" she said fearfully while tears fell from her eyes. despite being slightly weaken. she's able to stand up now and walk. but she didn't fell like moving anymore tho


(volt can force her into the experiment. also just get it over with :3)


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"as already said, we extract yor DNA, we mix it with bat.ponies DNA, then we will reomplant it in you after destroing your spinal cord with radiation, then we recreate it in a syntetic way to give you more reflex.. this also is going to give telekinesis power... i will not lie to you... it's gonna hurt as Tartarus..." Volt said coldy, his eyes empty starring at the vacuum of his soul

"now is time... the centrifugue should have finish.. let's begin the treatament"

he ended before grabbing an internal speaker

"I need two guard at infermiery level BRAVO-A"

"now if you excuse me... i have a job to do..."

suddenly two bug stallion entered the infermiery, taking up Moonlight


"carry her to the main laboratory...don't hurt her too much by the way... i need her alive"

Volt ordered coldy... his soul was dark again


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


(mah god dats just morbid)

moonlight screamed "NOO I DON'T WANT TO " she starts flailing again turning her head left and right in an attempt to bite. one of the stallions sadly. luck wasn't on her side for the moment she starts crying knowing this can and might possibly kill her.


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"further you aceept your destiny, less you will suffer" he said looking at Moonlight being strapped under a big machine, he then walked near her and whispered to her ear

"I'm sorry.... thers's just no other ways... and i don't want to kill you even if you want to... i need you.. and all the ponies after you needs you"

he then scribled something on a Calkboard, looking at some formulas, he took the DNA from the centrifigue and after irradiating it with UV rays he injected it back into the poor Moonlight

"Phase alpha is a go... please everypony leaves the room"

Then a symbol started to blink furiusly,


Volt wear a lead suit before pulling a lever

"I'm really sorry Moonlight"

A green bean started to scan her from the tail to the head


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight never screamed soo much in her life tears where rolling down her eyes. she really wished she can get knocked out right now but that seems really unlikely to happen. it hurt soo much she can't even move anymore as much as she wanted to fly away she couldn't.


@@Doc. Volt


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"I'm sorry" Volt said with a tear on his eye

"just a little more... you will be completely paralyzed... don't worry, it's just because you don't have more nerves on your back, we will put inside you our special syntetic compound"

he said before turning off the beam, than he pulled another level turning the bed backward... now Moonlight face was staring at the ground, from the machine a circular saw started to hum violently

"now we will expose your spine to inject the new spinal cord" he said coldly before injecting to her adrenaline

"this is to make sure you don't faint.. you must not be asleep"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight panting heavily she realised she was holding her breathe after she screamed while the laser was going. she continued crying. she really didn't to talk or even look at volt. she already looks like she's about to faint though despite volts words.


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The saw started to cut the skin in the middle of her wings, from the neck to the tail, then Volt typed on a computer

"we need to move fast"

a long line of needlestarted to raise over the exposed spine of Moonlight, before piercing into it

"Injecting compund.."

Volt pressed a button and a metalli looking liquid started to flown trough the needles

"this would last for a minute.. then you shouuld be able to move again"

Volt prepared the nest sequence of the project... beta-rays to start the Dna conversion


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight screamed again this time a alot worse scream.she was at the verge of completely passing out. she isn't even trying to be awake she wasn't simply panting anymore she was gasping for air now. the extreme amount of pain was making it difficult to breathe.


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Volt looked to an EKG linked to Moonlight

"Come on.. resist... we are at the final phase"

He then injected her another shoot of adrenaline while a medical laser was closing the cut on her back leaving a dark line on her skin

"we need to activate the new DNA, the mutation will be very slow and will operate only when you are sleeping... after we are done you can sleep... whn you wake up yo can enjoy you new powers" he said with an evil grin

"operation charlie is a go" he said before moving the bed into a steel sphere, electronic cannons everywhere around it

"i will shoot your body with beta rays and electrons, this should activate the mutagene"

he then slammed the steel door and proceded to type in another mainframe for the last phase, from inside the sphere a blue light was sorrounding Moonlight's body

"...she... will be.. perfect" Volt laughted maniacally.. the suffering of the other ponies always awakens the dark side of the Doctor..


(ooc: going away for ten minutes, i will be back asap)


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


the adrenaline worked for a few few minutes. before moonlight was super drowsy again. she screamed again a bit more worse and louder than before.tears was falling down from her eyes. she would really have a forever lasting grudge on volt. even if he wants to save her life.


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"LAST PHASE COMPLETE!" Volt screamed before opening the chamber

"now we just have to wait for the mutation" continued the mad scientist "you are stronger than what i have espected Moonlight.. now you can sleep... here" he then injected her a painkiller "sorry i coulnd't inject it before, because it would have interfer with the radiations"

he then united her, carrying her on his back upon a bed.. a normal comfortable one, he then talked again to the internal speaker

"need two guard on main lab" he then turned to the exhausted Moonlight "i am moving you to a monitor cell... should be more confortable then tied to a bed... oh wait" Volt walked toward Moonlight, a very small horn sticking out of her head "Impressive!!! The mutation already started!.. look! also the wings! and the skin!" Moonlight's skin was getting darker, and her wings were losing feathers, assuming a more bat-like apparence "Unbelivable! You are the strongest test subject ever!"

then two guards entered in the room

"bring her to a monitor cell... with calm.. don't harm her... she really really need some rest"

Volt said before dropping into a chair... he was also very tird and psycological exhausted... "what have i done?"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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(i do want her to only have 1 horn and 1 only)


moonlight had already fallen asleep. well unconcious to more precise. the experiment had a toll on her she was still breathing heavily this looks like she will be sleeping for a long while.


(you can time skip if ya want btw)


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 (ooc: sorry i thought she had a pair, edited)

 Volt was thinking on his chair in his office... well the correct word is sleeping.. tormented by Nightmares

"No.. NO! get.. get away! i didn't kill you! no no no!" he then suddenly woke up trowing a book against the door that suddenly opened


"Sweet Celestia Doc! Are you triing to kill me??"

"eh? wh.. what?" Volt said before grabbing another pill

".... you should stop taking those pills Doc"

"... you don't want to know what wil happen"

".... nevermind... how's the experiment working on 666?"

"On Moonlight?"

"... what??? You know her name???"

"eh.. no ehr yes... she screamed... she screamed that while under the experimt.."

"you know what happen to ponies that.... friend.. with experiments.."

"WHat??? i am not her friend!!!"
"nevermind... what you need to do to her now?"

"the physycal transformation is done... we need to train her on using her new magic and telekinesis..."

"so what are you waiting for? Keep going!"


The black stallion then slammed the door


"...I WANT TO KILL YOU!!! argh... shut up Doc.. let's go to see her... i hope she is allright"


He then walked out, toward the detentions cells... he stared at her from the outisde for a while before opening the door


"erh... good... goodmorning... Moonlight..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


moonlight seemingly lay there. she was awake but she didn't feel like moving at all.  her eyes are now red dragon eyes her wings were bat wings now. her coat is purple now instead of dark pink now. her mane remained sort of the same color. she also now has a unicorn horn.


(at this point moonlight will start acting like a complete douche now)


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(ooc: wow... looks very nice :) you should draw her)


"ehm... it .. it looks like you... you are... well.. complete... you look... erh... you look nice.... did... did you sleep well Monlight? To..today i shall teach you... to use your new powers.... i don't think if you.. you noticed that you are ì... are like a bat pony alicorn now.... are you ok? Need something? ... a a breakfast?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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(https://mlpforums.com/uploads/418c1505f74bf62653e752b7835d12eb.png i didn't drew that though a friend of mine did im bad at art atm but i may be able to show her pegasus self when i get the inspiration to draw her)


moonlight said in a slightly saddened tone. "what can a lab that kills ponies for whatever reason feed a test subject" her voice sounded diffirent too. it sounded more mature ish. but still sounds like a filly.


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