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private The laboratories gone dark (invite only rp)


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@@Frosty V@@Doc. Volt,


moonlight chuckled and desabled the illusion spell "aw thats cute anyway im eager to get out of this hell of a place. teach me some teleportating spells will ya" she asked in a rather strangely kind voice. she felt like laughing like a maniac at what frost said but that probobly would not be a good idea.


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Frost shook his head, embarrassed from his ramble. "Right...the most important!" He smiled and teleported so he was standing behind moonlight. "The most demanding!" He teleported again but it was to the ceiling and fell to the floor. Blowing the hair out of his face and grumbled. "One of the most complicated....one that has to he mastered over a time." He chuckled as he looked up at Moonlight and smiled. "Ok.....look around the room. Find a place you wanna teleport to, charge your magic till it feels just right and release!" He standing up.

Edited by Frosty V
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"eh eh we will see - no seriusly if you want we can stop here and do it - the manual  hard way! - no shut up.. come on Nightstrike... be strong"


then the Iron maiden started to stick every single needle In Nightstrike.. after that the pumo started to roar injecting the bllack liquid, after that the machine lifted to permit the rotation of the bed


"... how.. how do you feel?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Mmbleghmm..." That was the only thing NightStrike could get out. He was already in high pain. He new shouting it all out wouldn't help so he kept quiet. The pain was excruciating but he knew the worst had yet to come. This was painful but not much more painful as the other operations, and Volt said that it will be. Se he murmeled and prepared for the worst.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"WE DON'T HAVE TIME! move idiot! - let him breath poor dog! - no! you shouldn't be there move! pull that lever! - fine fine.. get ready friend.. last shoot"


He then triggered the last lever, turning the table.. now Nightstrike was facing the needles


"... close.. close your eyes"


the machine dropped upon Nightstrike again for the last time, injected the remaining blood and then retracted... Volt untied all the belts


"Here take this... "

Volt offered Nightstrike a pair of pills


"they.. they are a strong Painkiller... a kind of drug.. they should work"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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It turned out it would hurt more, a lot more. NightStrike tried to stand but he collapsed to the ground. He tried to levitate the pills but he couldn't and dropped them accidentally. He was panting heavily: "Just.... give....... me a few...... minute......" He mumbled. "I'll be able..... to..... go after....."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"sorry friend... i warned you... here take this.. we don't have time"

He then injected him a shoot of adrenaline

"i know this is monstruos.. you should need a rest period of a week after this.. i can give you just .." he then looked at a clock ".. 3 minutes... try to transform and then teleport us to the generator rooms"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight nodded. she then focuses on the part of the room her horn crackling with energy. she then teleports but since the spell takes practice her face slammed again'ts the wall  she then yelled. "im ok none of my face is broken don't worry " her voice was mumbled but understandable.


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Frost smirked slightly at the teleportation attempt, but it faded quickly. He trotted over and examined her face just to be sure. "You did very well for somepony who has never used magic before...and your age too." He said as he wiped a little blood of her forehead. "Wanna try again? Or do you wanna rest?" He said, knowing the filly would more than likely turn down a break.

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"er yea i guess a break can be good as much as i want to keep going my parents told me not to overwork my self" moonlight wiped the rest of the blood from her forehead. she was quite exhousted but she has the spells she needs to escape from this hell place. even if her parents are prolly dead least she can still remain in canterlot.


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Frost was surprised that the filly wanted to take a breather, but he didn't object and sat down in front of her. "Your very talented you know that? Far beyond were I was at your age." He said feeling happy for once in his life. "Where do you plan to go? I mean after you leave this place?" He asked

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"I'm doing fine!" NightStrike replied. He stood up kinda wobbly but at least he was able to stand on his own legs. "Ok I can do this. Well let's see if all this changeling stuff was any good." He concentrated intensely on the first thing that came to his mind, which happened to be Volt. Slowly but surely his coat turned blue, his mane became more lightning like and his cutie mark was slowly replaced by the one of Volt.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Frosty V


moonlight seemed to ignore the question not wanting to answer. "hey we should see volt again and that nightstrike pony whoever that is can we please" she said quite happily. really wanting to get out of the training ground "also i think i know the spells that will help us along the way".


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Frost thought for a moment before nodding. "Sure we can, come on.....but remember..everypony still thinks your a prisoner Moon." he muttered as he opened the door and peered outside. "Okay...coast is clear come on." He said, his tone full of caution

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Volt turned.. only to see himself in front of him... his brain finally collapsed




he then jumped away and started to trown at the other Volt everthing he could find, knifes, jars, books



 he then trown at the disguised Nightstrike a bootle of nitric acid... htting him right in the face and in the body...

Nightstrike's skin started to dissapear... Volt discovered in horror that the other Volt was actually Nightstrike.. he saw the flesh dissapear, letting only the bones to appear.. then nothing remains... not even ashes




Volt started running like a little scared colt around the laboratory, banging his head against walls




Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Frosty V,


(dang volt)


again moonlight was not a good actor  instead of looking scared she looked depressed. she was really eager to get out of here no matter what it cost. she looks at frosty with a curious gaze "i wonder how he will react if i drop water on him" she chuckled lightly. at the though. 


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@@Doc. Volt,

Volt couldn't notice it but NightStrike was far from dead. He was just.... hard to see. It seemed like something went wrong after he was hit by that liquid. Now his fur and skin seemed to blend especially well with his surroundings. Which worked surprisingly good in a dark laboratory.


But NightStrike was still very angry of course.

"BUCK IT VOLT!!!" He grabbed him and held him in place. "You are getting dang insane here! I'm gonna use this spell wherever you want it or not." Then his horn glowed and smoke seemed to form in the air. Then the smoke hit Volt.


It was an interrogation spell. Used to clear up the mind of shocked victims so they could say something useful. NightStrike hoped it would help against Volt's bipolarity too.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Volt drop on the ground


"what.. what happened?"

"... you chose wisedly your friends pal"

"... why?"

"nothing... i will be gone for a while... your brain is too clear for me now.. i prefer darkness... i will be forever inside you by the way.. eh eh see you soon.. your body will be mine!"



Volt woke up "My.. my mind... he.. he is gone!"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,

"You know... I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about." Then he lifted his knife "So let's go Volt. I'd like to meet those other ponies. They have to be around here somewhere. BTW did you just leave Moonlight alone??? With nopony with her. I don't hope so....."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"ehr what? ... My mind.. i .. i can see what i am thinking! there is no more fog! I...I... i can everything! i know hoew to reach the escape elevator!... wait.. Moonlight? ... erh no she.. she is supposed to be with my assistent... Frosty.... he is teaching her magic... she.. we... i turned her from a pegasus  to an alicorn bat pony... so she never used magic before... we... we should met them... i need to reach the third level to take my Testa coils, instruments to sap the main generators at the bottom level and to build the device.. you asked me to build..." Volt then paused... enjoing the new freedom inside him

".. i wish... i wish i could forget everything too... forget HIM... by the way.... can you teleport both of us?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Frost walked down the hallway in silence until they finally reached an elevator. He let moonlight on first and then followed after her. He pressed a button to the floor that Nightstrikes cell was on and stood back. When the elevator started to move he looked down at the filly next to him, she was giving him a curious looking stare, letting out small chuckles. He smirked "You had better not be thinking up more pranks moon." He said, his smirk widening

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@@Frosty V


"maybe or maybe not" she said sarcasticly letting out a big evil grin. "who knows i might get bored and have nothing else to do and killing ponies probobly wont work since il get in alot of trouble" she smirked


(ahfowahfoa random giberish awjiawfoaj)


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Frost chuckled at moonlights awnser, but what she said next caused his face to go from funny to serious almost instantly. "I wouldn't joke about those things....it might be a thought programmed in after the transformation, but i would like to keep your morals good....and at your age I need to start

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@@Frosty V


"i am totaly not planning to dump water over you and laugh my flank off" she said sarcasticly as she continues to trot to wherever doc volt is wanting to know who is this nightstrike. 


(aoifhoawufhfh more gibberish ahwaifhaowfahfoi ignore this wjap)


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@@Doc. Volt,

"Well we need to escape the prisoner level first Volt." NightStrike replied "Afterwards I will probably be able to teleport the both of us, though teleporting over long distances was never my strongest feat. I can't do so here of course. It would be quite easy to escape if I could just teleport out of the room right?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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