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private The laboratories gone dark (invite only rp)


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@@Doc. Volt

Frosty smirked as he pulled back his lab coat to reveal a cleaver he had stolen from one of the labs. "Being locked away from daylight and being forced to do what I do.....can lets say....change you." He said with a chuckle as he let go of the coat causing it to cover the blade. "The fire alarm eh? It will clear the halls hopefully....give you some time before they realize what's happening." He said rubbing his chin.

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@@Frosty V,



Volt looked at the knife with horror


"..i.. i thought.. i thought you were not corrupted by this place... this.. this really is hell" Volt dropped on the ground "there is no hope...i.. i i am proud of you Frosty! no! please Frostly drop that knife... you didn't nothing bad here.. don't start now... you just followed my orders... don't let your soul get dark as mine...please.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Frost raised an eyebrow. "It's not like I'm going to go around and kill everyone I see Doc." He replied as he looked down at the knife and then back to Doc, "I will only kill if they attack me first Doc ok?" He said putting a hoof on his shoulder. "Now go get those explosives so we can leave this horrible place." He added with a smile "And don't die! Then I wont have any family." He chuckled

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@@Frosty V,


"please stop mentioning family.. i was not yuor father.. i was like an horrible boss, a tormentor, a jailer! And i'm sorry for that"


VOlt said outting his hoof upon Frosty's shoulder


"ok.. i go... wait ten minutes... then turn on the allarm.. me and nightstrike are going to get up in the elevator, we will hide over it, and when we get the allarm we will jump down to grab what we need"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


"Okay everypony let's do this. Volt I'm right behind you, just tell me where I need to go and I'll get there okay. Just take care of that memory device. I need it, and if you don't have it at the end. Well let's say that wouldn't be very nice would it?" He prepared himself for this next mission.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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(ooc: using my dad's smartphone.. hope he doesn't discover the forum XD last post for today.. merri xmas to all!)


"ok ok nightstrike i know... well.. not i don't know why you want it... by the way let's go"


Volt said while trotting to the side where Frosty and Moonlight came


"ok Frosty.. ten minutes from now... go! Come on Nightstrike, let's go... stay hide and if somepony spot you... stab him"


he then walked away looking for the elevator


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Wayzer, @@Frosty V, @,


Volt passed his security card over the console on the elevator unlocking it, then a little hum started to bug his ears moment before the doors opened, revelealing the inside of the elevator: four guards and a dead pony


"Oh my Luna Volt exclaimed"

"what is so strange doc?"

"arehme nothing" Volt was shaking.. did they see Nightstrike?

"We gotta go doc, you need this elevator?"

"ahm no...no i take the next.. i... i have some fever i think.. yes fever.. i go back in my office to grab an aspirine"



then the doors closed and Volt dropped on the ground

"phew that was close!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


NightStrike moved out of the darkness, "Ha, like they would ever see me. Those guys wouldn't notice an Elephant if it was right before them. Really if all your guards are like that I wonder why subjects never escaped." He trotted behind Volt and awaited the next elevator. 


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"maybe they sucks, they are brainles... serisuly we took half of theyr brain out and putted some science stuff inside... but it's impossible to get over level two without being dead...nopony ever escaped... no experiment, no prisoner, no gaurd, no scientist, not a single soul... i shall call the elevator again... nice hiding by the way"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Well if nopony ever escaped, we'll be the first to do so. I'm sure we will, with your knowledge and my skills I'm sure we're gonna blow the hell out of this place." He waited anxiously for the elevator to come. He wouldn't let anypony know but he was really excited.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"yes.. IF we escape.... i'm curios to see what HIM will do when we are out... if we are going out.."


the elevator door opened, nopony inside


"..so... guest first... jump in Nightstrike... level three... i hope that they will make enough caos to free the level or we will stay inside this elevator forever...."


Volt opened the trapdoor in the roof of the elevator


"can you jump over there? I have wings, maybe i can pull you up..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


moonlight flapped her wings a bit. "i have wings idiot" she said in a mocking tone before smirking



(hawiudhahdawuidhauwid awuidhawuidh awhduawhdu awhdu awhdauwdhaud hawudhawudh auwdh auwdh auwhd auwdh auwdha uwhd uawdh auwdh auwdhuaw dhaw) 


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@, @@Wayzer, @@Frosty V,


"oh shit!"


Volt jumped


"WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU DOING HERE??? you and Frosty are supposed to attract theyr attention so i and Nightstrike can take the chemicals for the explosive and the memory device! you almost killed my heart!!!! What do you have in your brain???"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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NightStrike easily jumped trough the trapdoor. "Enhanced movement doc. you should know man. You added it for me. Ok so let's do it. Where do I need to go doc. I can kill some of the guards but please don't send me into an overprotected area. Cause I won't thank you for that!"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Wayzer, @,


"damn Nightstrike! it was supposed to just be a walk with all the labs empty but now that the plan went to Tartarus thanks to Moonlight we have to use another tactic..."


"break trough and kill everypony is a suicide... we don't have weapons... i don't have any chemicals so smoke or other stuff are worthless.. but i have an idea"


Volt took from the ground a bucket filled with water near am abbandoned cleaning cart


"ihihi... they are gonna have a rather.. shocking-- surprise" he said while sparking some elctricity from his front hooves


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


moonlight simply grinned and smirk. "don't know maybe some of the radiation you used one me and i wanted to kill your poor heart but that didn't work sad isn't it? maybe go look in a mirror" she said with a very grim smile.


(hafahwufhawujawdjioawdajwid e)


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@, @@Wayzer,


"ah ah very funny.. you  are acting like a complete jerk Moonlight... you don't need to joke over my... problem... i don't want to see him again... not now, not ever... so what are we going to do? follow the old or the new plan? Atract them somewhere else or zap them to death with that?"

Volt showed the bucket, making sure not to look inside the reflection


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Frost turned the corner calmly and walked towards the group, cleaver in hoof."Sorry Doc. little miss "Thinks shes a god now." Went ballistic." He said with a serious tone and an emotionless face. "Alright Doc now whats the plan?" He asked, his voice becoming more and more frantic.

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@@Frosty V, @, @@Wayzer,


"you are here too? Damn what a nice family we are... we can't divide from each other! there some serius love here eh? Bah... get inside the elevator... when the doors open, moonlight or you if you grow wings meanwhile trow this water all along the main lab corridor... i will zap them in no seconds... then... we gotta run like hell... grab chemicals, go back to the elevator, go down to 6th level, plant explosive, run again up to second level, kill all the directors, grab a pass key an get up to the first level, grab another pass key without being killed from Rainbow Dash and leave... PIECE OF CAKE!" Volt said in a mocking tone


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Ehm why not combine both plans. Moonlight will throw the water everywhere. I'll go and kill the directors and go for the pass. Then you'll zap the guards while Frosty causes as much chaos as he could. If we do it all right it is one heck of a plan I'd guess. I'm ready for anything"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Doc. Volt

"and then i get to give you a heart attack so you can die the most painful way possible" she grinned "alright gimme the water".

she starts to laugh then she cough and wheeze for a few seconds. before grinning again.


(derp derp derp derp derpd erpd erp derpedperpdeprepde).


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@, @@Wayzer, @@Frosty V,


Volt turned to Nightstrike after listening to Moonlight


"oh yes you are going to take the pass keys and leave us behind exploding in the facility and letting us with Rainbow Dash.. how cute of you!! - NO! stop it! Moonlight!! stop this!!!! it only make my situation worse... stop... that... please.... i ... can't control him if you keep mocking US..."

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt

NightStrike replied indignantly:

"I have no intention of leaving you behind if you where thinking that! I might be a spy but that doesn't mean I'm a traitor!"




Then he turned to Moonlight a little annoyed: "Please will you stop mocking Volt now. We have no use of him going mental now have we?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Wayzer, @, @@Frosty V,


"agh... thank you.. no i don't think you willl betrayl us... HE wanted to test you or something... i don't know and i don't care... i just want to get rid of him... i hope that modding the memory erasing device could 'kill' him... Frosty's father was working over it times ago... he was... he was a good engineer...." Volt said sadly looking at the ground


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Frost would have loved to have knocked the little bat alicorn clean out, but the situation said differently. At the mention of his father Frost's expression did not change. He simply looked at his reflection in the cleaver before speaking up. "I know he was till the end Doc, but whoever was responsible will pay his due in time." He said coldly

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