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private The laboratories gone dark (invite only rp)


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@@Frosty V,


"then you must look for a rainbow maned light-blue pegasus eh eh - i mean... sorry... erh... Dash asked the... dispacth... of him... by the way.."


Volt stood up with a serius, military looking face


"are we ready? So let's get in the elevator... when the doors open, Moonlight go with the water, Frosty, you can either help me with the chemicals or go up with Nightstrike... you are looking for high ranked officers.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Frost just stood still his expression remaining emotionless. "Then it shall be her that falls....let me hope it is at my hoof." He said returning his gaze to the cleaver in his hoof. When given his decision he took the first one that popped into his head. "I shall go with Nightstrike...that way seems more suited to my emotions and skill set at the moment......chemicals frighten me to be honest." He said with a smile as he flipped his cleaver.

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@@Frosty V,


"so that means i have to carry volatile and explosive and biohazardous chemicals by my own,, when i have a monster inside me escorted  by a sadistic and mind-bucked vampire-alicorn? yep.... best day in my life.... you can guess...."


Volt stomped a little bug


"why the hell are you here? tsk.. bah... nevermind... let's go.. i hope she will act with responsability"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


"Ok to make sure you won't hurt yourself I'm gonna use that spell again you know." His horn lit up and a strange aura appeared around Volts head. "Ok I hope that helped a bit." 


@@Frosty V,


"Ok so they don't know you're a turncoat yet, so you don't have to sneak around. Once we go around killing officers we should be careful though. It won't take long for them to notice that something is wrong. Oh and you know your way around here don't you? I never been to that level before, so I won't be of much help there."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Frost turned his gaze to meet Nightstrike's, he nodded at what the stallion had to say. "Yes those are all good points, but I've only ever been to that level once so I might be a bit rusty on directions." He said, holstering his cleaver inside his lab coat. "Officers are a paranoid bunch, always covering themselves with bodyguards, locked tight offices, ect., so killing them will be easy....doing it without raising alarm could be tricky." He thought aloud

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@@Frosty V


(spoilers moonlight will fuck everypony up)


moonlight grinned and approached frost then spoke in a mocking tone. "hey ugly face " she grinned she then started coughing again her cough sounded a bit painful 


(dajidwiajdawidjai jwaidjaiwdj waidj)


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"Guess if Volt and Moonlight do their jobs correctly that shouldn't matter. They should be too busy with being electrocuted." He laughed a bit at that last part. "Ok I guess you know who the important officers are. How many are there what are their names and those things. I'd be happy to know."





"Oh and Moonlight... PLEASE STOP THAT AND TRY TO ACT MATURE!!! I know you're a filly but please!"

Edited by Wayzer


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Wayzer, @


Frost thought for a moment "Well the last time I checked there were about four main officers, names won't matter because those officers are easy to find...just look for the ones with biggest egis. By that i mean the ones who are yelling orders, smacking employees around." He said as he turned to Moonlight. "Hello Moonlight, go play with Doc or something."

Edited by Frosty V
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@@Frosty V, @@Wayzer, @,


"i feel sick guys.. let's move"


Nightstrike's spell worked too well... he woke up the other Volt


"i want to murder everypony up there eheh let's move!!!!"


Volt's eye filled with anger looked  in the eyes of the trio


"Or i'll just kill you all... i want to go out of there and you are easting my time" He said angrily


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Buck! can't that guy act normal for a few minutes." He thought. He replied angrily at doc. "Ok please... calm yourself down. It's 3 to 1 you know you don't stand a chance. So please act rational and help us get out of here. Cause this is of absolutely no use!" He focused his attention on the upcoming task


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Doc. Volt


Frost stared blankly at the Doc who had come out, replacing the one he actually liked, e had to put up with that monster since he was a little colt, and frankly he was on the verge of cutting the bastards head clean off with his cleaver out of revenge and rage, but the real Doc was still in there so he did nothing, but sit and stare.

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"I JUST WANT TO KILL PONIES! I DON'T CARE WHO!!! i want to smell theyr flesh burning from my electricity.. looking in to they eyes till i see the vacuum... yes.. yes... this please me.. get into the elevator... i want theyr blood... turned into red mist..."


Volt entered into the elevator, his hoof ready on the button


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Ok, but if you screw this up for all of us. You are being the one that will be a bloody pile on the floor understand!!!!" He was really pissed off that his spell had the opposite effect. And to make sure he didn't attack doc himself he focused his attention on Moonlight.


"This is all your fault you know....."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Wayzer, @@Doc. Volt,


moonlight glared at nightstrike. "do i give a fuck? course not" she then turns her attention to volt. she then slaps him "hey wake up retard we have things to do".  she then start's coughing again.


(nopony is gonna comment on her coughing that sounds painfull?).


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@, @@Wayzer,


Volt turned angrily to Moonlight


"touch me again aand for the love of Celestia i will eat your limbs! "


Volt was really geeting angry, he was going to punch Moonlight but instead he hitted the ground


"Buck!!! Stop!!! you are making this worse!!! we don' have time! don't wake him up!! he is of no use! and the hell Moonlight! what's the bucking problem with you?? stop coughing damn it!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Really Moonlight... you should give a fuck. If only one thing goes wrong we will all end up dead. This is no game you know! This is about pony lives."


Then he finally noticed her weird coughing

"And what's up with that weird cough of yours. I don't know but it sounds ehrm.... painful" 


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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@@Doc. Volt,


"buck you i can't stop it  your stupid crazy experiments did something to me". she then start's coughing more painfully now. "got bucking damit it hurts". she stomped a hoof on the ground.


(adhawudhawudha whduawhdu hawudhauw haduwah awudhawidhauiwdha)


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@, @@Wayzer,


"what? my experiment? i.. i don't know.. there should  be nothing wrong!!! you were cool for abaout a week! no problems at all! i.. i can't say what is it without diagnostics tools... since when this think started? how do you feel? what can i do?!? I need the lab, examiners, computer stuffs!"


Volt was actually very worried, a part of him was worried that without her he coulnd't escape, the other part, near his hearth, was really worried for her... actually.. he did that to her in the first place.. he is responsable for all


"please tell me!!!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


she sighed before coughing again. "well it's started about well few hours ago it only gotten worse then oh and i feel like shit".


(the idea here is i make moonlight really sick to the point of near death but i wont kill her off though to make things more interesting).


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"oww.. shit.... "Volt paused for a moment thinking


"maybe.. maybe i know what is it.... maybe... your body.. is rejecting the new DNA... we have to extract it.. or you will die!"


Volt started to walk in circle around the trio


"we should go back to the lab... i hope to be able to do something.... but even if the process is a succes, you will lose all your power and all of your force... you will not be able to walk for a week! DAMN IT! why my plans get ruined everytime before i can actually TEST them!?!?!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,  @@Wayzer,


"well it may not be my body rejecting the dna it might be a lung infection or something worse that will give me a slow and possibly painful death and is not dna related". she starts coughing again this time with a bit of blood. "well well shit". she sighed and sat down.


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"i don't care.. you need medical help.. NOW! we can't wait, we must get the buck outta here and seek for an hospital.. maybe some painkillers can help you... but i left them at the lab.. if you want i can go back and grab them.. just tell me!"


Volt never thought he could be so scared of the health condition of one of his "experiments".. was her really his friend?


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


"if i can dam make it there tell me the reason why the hell cant we just delay this for a while when i am not coughing blood or coughing in the first place it will ruin my sneakyness ". she cough's again coughing up more blood on the floor she then sighed.




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Volt looked at Moonlight for a while


"you know.... i didn't understand a buck of what you just said!!! If we wait it will be only worse! you are going to lose all the forces and faint and then.. bye! say hi to Celestia from me! Come on! where is the ball-breaking, angry and filled of herself Moonlight???"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


moonlight glared an volt for while. "if i randomly faint in a middle of something i am going to blame you and i will slap your face then shove your face into a mirror then tape it there until you die got it?" she said with an angry glare. before coughing blood again.


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