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Top 10 Video Games

Frozen The Unicorn

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I don't really like a lot of games from 2013, nor did I buy many but here I go.


10. Last of Us, Fun at first, beautiful story, but is very repetitive.

9. Pokemon X and Y, Didn't buy it but wish I could.

8. Plantz Vs. Zombies 2,

7. Payday 2, Really really fun... if you have friends if not it really sucks.

6. Crysis 3, Good game to play with friends

5. GTA5, Amazing sandbox with lots to do.

4.World of Warplanes, Good free game (even if I do suck at it)

3.League of Legends Season 4, It's league, need I say more?

2.Assassin's Creed 4, Took everything wrong with AC3 and fixed it

1. Battlefield 4, Great and awesome game if you ignore the net coding :)

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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10. Cube World 

9. Hammerwatch

8. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

7. Dark Souls II Network Test (I really have nothing to put here so I just put this in here...)

6. Bioshock Infinite

5. Ys I & II Chronicles+

4. Pokemon X & Y

3. The Last of Us

2. Path of Exile

1. Fire Emblem: Awakening

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Only from 2013 eh? Hm, most of the games I play were made before this year. Well, let's see ...


1. Tomb Raider

2. GTA V

3. Pokemon X

4. Arma 3

5. Don't Starve

6. Starbound


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's all I got.

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1. Pokémon X/Y

2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

3. Fire Emblem Awakening

4. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

5. Pandora's Tower

6. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD(don't have a Wii U, but I've played Wind Waker on GC and know it's a damn fine game, so yeah)

7. Shin Megami Tensei IV

8. Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon

Hm... that's all I got for this year. :P


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  • 7 months later...

My Top 10 games in no particular order. (Sorry 'bout that, folks!)


1 - DOOM 3.

2 - F.E.A.R 1.

3 - Planescape: Torment.

4 - Fallout 2.

5 - Max Payne 1.

6 - TES: Oblivion.

7 - Condemned: Criminal Origins.

8 - Call of Duty 4: MW.

9 - System Shock 2.

10 - BioShock 1.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't have a lot of games for 2013, but for all time...


1. Rogue Galaxy

2. The Last Remnant

3. Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2

4. Pokemon X/Y

5. Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies.

6. Metal Gear: Revengeance

7. Kingdom Hearts (ALL)

8. Persona 3/4

9. Shin Megami Tensei 4 / Devil Survivor 2

10. Batman: Arkham City (100% completion on this game. Honest)

Edited by Indonesia Best Pony



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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