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ooc Firestorm (OOC, still accepting)

Cerise Hood

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We could merge the two... Have it be that she was only just old enough to fend for herself and he spared her spiriting her away but abandoned her to take care of herself as he couldn't break his word so much as to keep and raise her. He leaves the royal service not trusting them anymore, and falls into the the story of the first one. Meanwhile she tracks him down subconsciously, either blocking out the memories of what happened or actually not remembering do to her young age. It could be an extra reason he eventually takes her in and protects her. The first one I mentioned happens and moves to present day. This has the added effect that Steal still lives with the secret he killed her family but she doesn't remember...

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Then Steel is even more EVIIIL then I thought.


And Dashian, I couldn't possibly do both. For a writer, having their work turned into a useless piece of nothing hurts. Especially for me.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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I don't think it would be more evil, instead write it to show how torn up by this he is, he's caught between his honor code and his commitment to his word. He can't bring himself to raise the filly because once she's old enough to be a threat he's supposed to kill her on his word. So abandoning her, let's him escape that because he'll never know if she lived or died out there. But that's not good enough for his honor code which forces him to quit the royal service and still he despises himself for what he did. It drives him to live a bare life in the streets, drinking and trying to do what little good he can. Then imagine that drunken, hungover surprise and disbelief when a year later the filly or some filly looking so similar to her begins to follow him about the city.


It can even be written that he isn't completely sure it is the same the same filly, sure he thinks it is given her strange powers but he left her so far away from the city he found her in and she doesn't remember him either. How could he be sure? And even if it was how could he tell her?

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Good. I really like what Torrent has come to, but one thing.



How did Astrid get her powers?


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Alright then. But this is about Astrid, not Steel.



How did she get thrown onto the streets?


How did she get her powers?


Why did Steel appeal to her?



You know, important stuff like that.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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@Torrent505, is it okay if I take your idea and expand uppon it now that I have the information I need?


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Of course :) as long you promise to share the end result with me so I can read it too ;) (can you imagine if I said no? I mean what type of person would throw out ideas like that, get people excited and then pull them away again hahaha)

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Awesome! I keep all my stories in this private folder on my laptop and so this will be the only one I have ever shared with others!


When would you like this done? Keep in mind I have school and homework and friends and sometimes I... uh... procrastinate, so it might take a while.

Edited by Starbound


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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I should run this by everyone in the RP, we could potential be getting three new pony's in the group at the Swamp.

@ and @

Have both asked to join the RP, Blissful chaos with one and River's Heart with two, their applications and characters are in the last couple pages. I looked them over and thought they were pretty good and they have my approval, but I wanted to make sure you guys are okay with new players joining the RP.

  • Brohoof 1
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Soooo are you guys going to head towards the swamp? Maybe let embers know what is going on? Sorry I haven't been leading or posting much today there wasn't much for me to say. Also had an exam in my night class today

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I would like to join with my OC Lost Flame her profile is in my signature


She seems okay to me, have you read any of the RP so far? I'd encourage trying to read some of it, or skimming it for a better understanding of the story. I'm putting a summary together for River's heart and can post it for you as well.


@@Starbound @@dashian500 @ @@Scribblegroove


I'd like all our original players to say hello to our new players, @, @, @@Waterfall,


Also if all the original players could give a brief description of their characters in the RP and what some of the important things that have happened to them are and any important background that would be helpful I'm sure.


And if the players joining could give a quick description of their characters as well that would be nice :)

My plan right now is to have all the new characters currently captured by the diamond dog pack in the swamp, if that works for everyone.

Edited by Torrent505
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Alright, here goes, then.




I have two characters, Winter Willow and Melody.


Both of them were gifted a little bit of Princess Celestia's power, so both of them can use (totally balanced) fiery magic even though Winter Willow is a pegasus. (Melody is a unicorn, so her magic is better.)


Winter Willow is the older sister, age ~13. Melody is the younger sister, age ~9.


Both of them are the Princesses' adopted children, so you will see that kind of stuff between Winter Willow and Melody and Luna.


Winter Willow is a pegasus, bright green mane and tail, white coat. Melody is a unicorn, light grey mane and tail, white coat.




Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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@, @, @@Waterfall,



The firestorm RP all begins with Celestia catching a mysterious illness, it is very severe and in a matter of hours she dies. Her death is not a gentle or quiet one, instead the sun rages out of control and a firestorm engulfs the planet. Only a lucky few survive, if you can call being plunged into an eternal night and a slowly freezing planet lucky.


In the northern boundaries of Equestria near the crystal empire something awakens, it merges with the remains of Sombra and overtakes a dying stallion fusing with him to create North Wind. He is a spirit of cold, darkness, fear and death. He wishes to see the world die slowly, for the world to freeze over as all life struggles in fear to survive. However something catches him off guard and delays his plans, a small filly with the power to control cold and so she is able to control him.


Ice Crystal however is not able to delay his plans for long, merely to change them. North Wind begins to manipulate her, convincing her that she can become a princess and rule the world, with his help of course. So North Wind sets out with the new goal not to kill the world but to enslave it for this filly which is now his puppet.



Our group of heroes began to form just outside of Ponyville several lucky survivors with various different backgrounds:


> Wanderlust: an earth pony stallion who has wandered beyond Equestria and all across the world, he is a herbalist with a deep hatred for diamond dogs and a past much darker than he lets on.

> Embers: A unicorn on the edge between being a colt and a stallion Embers was aspiring to be a warrior and learning to be a swordsman when the firestorm struck. He hasn't taken the end of the world very well and seems to have his sanity hanging by a thread or has it already snapped or is it all an act?

> Sapphire: she's in love with Grell. (Uh... Really that's all I can say for her right now, we really need to see her develop a bit more haha)

> Grell: like an undertaker the unicorn Grell has a deep knowledge and respect for death, though he fights it as much as he embraces it. He is the groups medic. He also fights with a scythe and has the ability to kill with a look, though to do so knocks himself unconscious. He can also revive someone who dies though if he does that he loses his magic forever.

> Steel: a moody and dark Pegasus stallion that keeps mostly to himself Steel was once an assassin for Luna. He has a strict honor code and his word is worth as much as his life to him. He also has a demon sealed within him, this demon know as spawn is very dangerous and Steel has no control over him only the ability to keep him suppressed.

> Runedawn: this earth pony stallion is a blacksmith and forger from an ancient order know as the Earthstikers. He has the ability to use and craft runes, symbols of great magic and power. He has a strong spirit, heart and mind. His ancestry gives him a deep connection to the planets core and the ability to magically interact with the earth itself.

> Willow: a Pegasus filly coming to age Willow is a heart healer meaning she can see into the hearts of other ponies and help work to heal the damages done to them. She was adopted by the princesses and considered both of them to be her mothers. When Celestia died it effected her greatly as she had been at Celestia's side trying to help heal her only to be teleported away as the end came. It was also found out that Celestia put some of her magic to control the sun into Willow.


This was the original group that set out together, (we gained a couple later and lost serval player who quit the RP) they decided to travel to Canterlot to see if they could find Luna or anything that would help them in this dark world.


During their travel they met a pack of diamond dogs that lived in the Everfree forest. These dogs attacked them, first wanting to use them as food or slaves and then realizing the power Willow had to steal that power for their own. The group fought the Packs Alpha a dog named Rex and their Seer named Mad Dog. In the end the group was able to defeat them but spared the dogs. It was later revealed Mad Dog had succeeded in stealing some of Willows power and contacted the other diamond dog packs alerting them to the group and the power they had.


(This concludes part 1 of the summary I am now creating for the RP. What do you guys think? I'm stopping here because I'm tired and will post the rest tomorrow)

  • Brohoof 1
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Haha, who would have thought that we would be gaining members? This RP has really made a comeback, I remember when a few peaple were going to leave...But thats OK! were doing better now, all thanks too torrent!

  • Brohoof 1

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