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ooc Firestorm (OOC, still accepting)

Cerise Hood

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Steel can fight read stalk sneak pick locks steal lie and lose his temper

Grell can heal se and talk to the dead kinda fight and pass between the realms of life and death oh and make a killer apple pie

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Steel can fight read stalk sneak pick locks steal lie and lose his temper

Grell can heal se and talk to the dead kinda fight and pass between the realms of life and death oh and make a killer apple pie

Oh my gosh, thank you so much, you just made my day :)


Sapphires also kinda useless, apart from helping grell xD

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Lol I wouldn't have even noticed it if it wasn't for you guys and now I can't get the image of an epic final battle and grell walks in with a pie sets it down and it just turns into a giant monster that just starts wrecking everything :P haha

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If anyone is wondering why ice crystal acts the way she does, well north wind is not a good parent...


1. He lets her eat whatever she wants. (Sugar, sugar, sugar!)

2. She now sets her own bed time. (Between sugar rushes)

3. He dresses her in magic ice armor that affects her mind and thoughts (he just wants her to be happy)

  • Brohoof 1
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(Uh not yo interrupt Embers walking into walls and such but when he walks into that wall he's not going to hurt himself at all if he opens his eyes quickly afterwards he'll see a faint layer of gold magic fizzle away. It looks a little like golden fireworks with the cracklers in them. Sun shard magic, it's not just a sword you know. :P )

Yeah i know, hes just wollowing in self pitty xD And he is feeling really crappy :P

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Yeah i know, hes just wollowing in self pitty xD And he is feeling really crappy :P

Haha okay well the Sun Shard is semi-sentient so it's going to pick up on Embers' emotions and start trying to do things to cheer him up. It's not very powerful yet so, it can't do much but it's bonding to him and will want to make him happy :)

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Feel free to have Steel join Wanderlust and Embers while they are drinking, I find the idea of a bunch of ponies gathered round passing cider and just sitting and talking hilarious XD plus with after that fiasco with sapphire he might want it. I'd invite Grell too but I don't see him as a drinking man :P maybe I'm wrong haha

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