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private Big Band Beach Bash RP


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@@The-Master, @,

Flash nodded and hid his self pity as Amber went to sit with Rhythm, who had blurted out she wanted to do a collab before running off to get punch. It seemed odd to him though he didn't get much off it because of his lack of social skills. He simply put it off as her being nervous all of the sudden simply because that's what he would do occasionally if he got nervous. He looked at Amber with a confused expression. "That was...... odd. She doesn't seem like the type to get nervous like that..." he said quietly, watching Rhythm. "Do you think she'll be okay? She didn't even take our cups...." Flash looked some-what disappointingly at his empty cup now longing for more punch... and Amber....

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Okay...  that was strange. Even by her standards that was pretty odd and she wasn't even drunk yet. But that brings up another issue. One second she was blurting about collabs, which actually sounded like a good idea to be honest, the next she was off getting punch even though most of them still had half filled glasses aside from Flash. All this thinking was hurting her head.


The way she avoided her though...  it had to be something she did or something she said, Amber was sure of it. As as result she began to feel guilty over it, her mood noticeably dampened thanks to the fact she copes with difficult situations to the level of a five year old. But that also brings up another issue.


"I'm not sure." Looking back towards Rhythm she knew she had to try something. "I have to go talk with her Flash, I've done something wrong and I have to be sure she's okay. I've made two new friends I don't want to lose them that fast." Getting up off the couch she gave Flash a light kiss on the check before walking towards Rhythm. "Sorry, I'll be back in a second."


With no real idea how to approach the situation, Amber resorted to standing next to her looking awkwardly off towards the opposite wall. "I'm...  sorry. If I said anything wrong then I didn't mean anything by it."


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The gray pegasus hummed to himself aloud, his eyes dancing over the refreshment table and searching for something to break him in for the evening. His eyes skimmed for a bit, before they lit up with their usual ice blue glow at the sight of the bottle of Wild Pegasus. "Theeeeeeere we go~" He chuckled, pouring himself a glass before hovering back down to the main floor with the three DJ ponies. The only thing to worry about now would be waiting for the other two to show up, though it was quite likely that they would be arriving any minute now...


Outside, a silver carriage thumped to a halt in front of the apartment building, the two ponies pulling it detaching themselves from their harnesses. The taller one, a rather regal-looking pegazebra with a dyed green mane and sharp acid-colored eyes, gave the carriage a final lookover as he checked to make sure the wheels and doors were locked down as the shorter charcoal-colored pegasus beside him gazed around the area with interest in his red eyes. "Oh MAN, this city looks AWESOME! I can't wait to show these ponies what we can do!"


The pegazebra cocked an eyebrow at the younger stallion. "Blaze, contain yourself until tomorrow. This is a day to relax and enjoy the scenery, not to run around like a banshee and make a fool of yourself. Save your energy for when we perform." He met the pegasus's mock innocence with a stern glare, turning to face the apartment entrance. "Right then. Shall we go join the others?" Blaze grinned, following the bassist up the stairs and to the penthouse.


Back inside, Frost had found a nice spot to sip his glass of whiskey, leaning against the side of the couch that was facing the door. He watched the pegazebra and other pegasus enter, raising his glass to the former. "Theeeeeere you guys are. I told my sis you guys would get here eventually."


Spikes snorted, giving Blaze a sharp nudge that almost sent him off-balance. "If it wasn't for our favorite little guiding light here taking a wrong turn, we'd have been here way earlier." The younger pegasus quickly recovered, giving him a playful shove. "Hey, at least we're HERE. The gear's in the carriage, Frost, so don't worry about that. Thought we'd see what you two were up to before we-" Catching a glare from the pegazebra, he cleared his throat. "I mean before I went out for a bit of exploring."





Crossfade gave the other purple mare an odd look as she passed by, trying not to show that she was cringing in pain from the outburst. Shaking her head quickly, she offered a meek smile. "Yeah, I'm Crossfade, solo DJ and backup guitarist for Razorwing. Nice to meetcha!" In truth, she was surprised to meet a pony that was on-par with her usual hyperactivity on the best of days. She was going to be a fun one, that was for sure.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Rhythm looked up and shook her head. "Wha? OH! No you...you didn't say anything wrong...I was...just...thirsty..." She said, inching closer to the bowl of punch. "Uh...you and...Flash...sit and chat, let me just grab us some food...and stuff..." She said, turning her back on Amber to gather up a plate of goodies.







Diamond winced as the mare yelled at them, her ears going flat against her head. "Uh...yes...we are...mind...not yelling?" She asked, glancing over at Scribblegroove and rolling her eyes jokingly, wanting to hear him play but not wanting to be rude to these two mares who both seemed nice.

Something something something something


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Scribblegroove looked at the screaming mare as she interrupted their conversation coming up the stairs. "Excuse me miss, but would you mind keeping your voice down? We're not yet in a metal concert..." He said with a dissaproving voice.


He then turned to Diamond, but made sure the others could hear. "Then why didn't you say so darling! I just came up with a few new things that I want to record, so this a perfect oppertunity to show you how I work!"


From all the way downstairs, out of Scribblegroove's bags, empty music sheets and three quills came floating up with his magic. "Advanced telekenesis studies is nice if you want to write music as fast as you can think it!" He said chuckling. He then started writing down notes on three different papers, all with a different title. He turned to crossfade: "One of these is going to be something to dance to for sure!"


He started to walk towards the studio, mumblinf three different melodies at a time, scribbling it all down what was now already the 3 pair of papers. (thus 9 pieces of paper in total)


"Diamond, are you comeïng? I'm about to start..." Scribblegroove was a bit too enthisiastic to show off, but he'd be just as eager if there wouldn't be anypony arouns. His new music fascinated him! He started to feel it flow through his body. "This is what I was made for..." He whispered.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Amber actually remained silent for a few seconds, enough time to get her head around the situation. “Well, you just seem a bit…  down. You were happy before but something’s changed.” She felt like it might have been a bit direct, instantly regretting her choice of words. “We’re friends aren’t we? I’m just looking out for you.” I guess that’s what friends do. It seemed right.

Edited by The-Master


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Flash had blushed while Amber trotted over to Rhythm to see what was up, smiling like an idiot. He looked around to see if anyone else had noticed but he let out a sigh when he thought no one had. Flash watched the two mares talk, focusing on Amber most the time. He also really wanted more punch.... but they were there, he was here and he didn't want to make it seem like he was eves dropping on them. so he sat there with his laptop and created a blank song and began to mess around with it a bit.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Rhythm nodded quickly, still loading the plate with food...not actually seeing how much she was putting on. "Don't worry Amber, we're still friends...and nothing's gonna change that..." She said.
Though she knew why she felt so nervous...she refused to really accept it. Rhythm had always had people crawling all over her...and she could usually have whomever she liked, as odd as it sounded. So for her...thinking she had a chance with Amber meant she could just...take Amber, but she couldn't...which was the hard part, since Amber and Flash seemed to really hit it off.
She looked around at Amber again and forced a smile, which looked convincing. "You two chat for a bit, I'm gonna go upstairs and check out the recording stuff, okay?" She asked, holding out a plate of food that was...well...towering in cookies,  mini sandwiches, cream puffs...and much more.





((Just gonna wait on everyone else before I make another post, sweetheart. And I'm gonna be gone most of the day today, I'll be back on later tonight probably.))

Something something something something


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@, @@Scribblegroove, @


"Oh. Well, why didn't ya just say that in the first place? I would have complied or somethin'. Anyways, the name's Flashdance! Call me Flash, or Dance if you so need to. I'm the stage hooves for the Bash, so expect more yelling from me during. I suggest earplugs, since you two don't seem to enjoy so much noise. Man, you two aren't gonna love the acts..." Flashdance responded, the last part of her sentence being right under her breath. Already, she could tell that those two must not have applied in a rock or electronic group.


Ignoring Scribblegroove and Diamond, she looked back to Crossfade, who appeared to be right in her alley. Perfect. "You're with Razorwing? DUDE, I got a couple of your songs on my iPony! You guys are freakin' awesome!"

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Crossfade grinned at the new mare with a newfound light in her eyes. So, not only had she heard of her brother's band, but she was a FAN. Frost was going to flip when he heard about this! "Awesome! Glad to hear you're a fan, my brother is DEFINITELY going to wanna meet you." That was an understatement, she thought to herself. Her brother wanted to meet EVERY mare. "Actually...I was gonna go back downstairs to check up on him, make sure he's staying out of trouble. Maybe I can introduce you to him." She gave Flashdance a wink and trotted back downstairs to find her brother.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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The usually outspoken Amber was for once struggling to come up with the right words, if there were any. Her thoughts of Rhythm were...  conflicting. Something still didn't sit right with Amber, but she seemed genuine enough. She still felt...  You know those nerves you get before a gig, when you're about to go out on stage in front of hundreds of ponies? Imagine that, but your mind is just as muddled as the rest of your body. She hadn't even taken notice to the growing pile of food accumulating on Rhythm's plate. "Yeah... okay. I'll just be down here till my gear arrives. I'll, um, see you later then."


She jerked forward a bit, instantly pulling back out of some reflex, but once she got a hold of her self Amber leaned in and gave Rhythm a small peck on the check. Well, that was the intention, but she found herself lingering for a bit longer than intended. Regret and embarrassment hit her quite hard, nervously looking off in some other direction while she tried to find some words to back it up. "So...  yeah. I'll just be off then."


Amber quickly turned back and walked off towards Flash while still trying to look reasonably composed.  She couldn't fight back the occasional glance back at Rhythm, but she managed to keep herself in check till she sat back down next to Flash. "Hey again. Looks like Rhythm's off to look at the recording stuff so It'll just be you and me for a while. I'm sure you can handle that."


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Flash had been too busy writing music that he didn't even notice Amber kiss Rhythm. He looked up apon hearing her voice and offered her a bright smile, but it faded as he looked passed her and saw the amount of food Rhythm had collected on her plate before exchanging a worried look at Amber. Flash opened his mouth to say something but figured it would be best to not say anything.


Instead he again had pressed himself close to Amber, setting his laptop at his side. Flash played with the idea of nibbling on her ear again as he thought of something to say. "I think I can handdle it." He then leaned up toward her ear, aiming on nibbling the tip of it. He reached it and froze. She had said to leave her ears a lone so he quickly had to settle on something else. "You're really pretty... I..... I kind of like you...." *...what did I just say...?* Flash thought as he backed up a few inches, worried about the kind of reaction he was going to get from Amber. *Take it back! What are you doing!?* Flash retreated back more as he yelled at himself for being upfront with Amber.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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At first Amber was contempt to play it off as a playful gesture. It was just Flash coming out of his shell after all, no harm in- "Whoa, slow down there." She said as he began to lean towards her ears. But that quickly became the least of her worries when he began to speak again. "Thanks, I-  wait, what?" The weight of his words came down pretty hard, causing her to freeze up momentarily.


"F-flash, I'm flattered. Really I am," What was she supposed to say? Sorry, but I'm a 'one night stand' kind of mare? "I just...  don't want to see you as 'just another'. You're a really sweet colt, and you're adorable, and I couldn't live with myself if I did something like that to you. You're sensitive and..." She kinda trailed of slowly, looking down at the ground with a rather hollow gaze. 'Buck it.'


Amber leaned in faster than he could react and kissed him. Acting on impulse alone she held herself there for a good while, almost melting into it. By the time they separated she wasn't too sure what to think, her mind was a mess. "So that just happened." She said coyly.


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Rhythm froze as Amber kissed her cheek. A blush spread over her face and she stood there frozen for a moment as Amber went back to sit down with Flash. She put down the large plate of food and took a deep breath, turning to walk over to Amber and Flash again...just in time to see her move in for a long kiss with Flash.
She stared before quickly turning and walking towards the stairs, waisting no time in running up, bumping into another mare on her way. "S-Sorry..." She mumbled, slowing for a minute but...not exactly focusing on it as she moved into the empty recording studio, walking past a purple mare and a beige colt who were moving towards the other open studio, slumping against the opposite wall by the door leading into the recording room. She put her head in her hooves and stared at the floor...not crying. She...felt a little hurt, but she felt more...annoyed. She just needed a moment to sort this out for herself.




Diamond nodded at Scribblegroove and smiled at the two mares before moving towards him, watching another mare run past and into the other recording studio. "She seems eager." She said, watching the mare go as she walked into the recording studio her and Scribblegroove had been in earlier. "Alright, Scribblegroove...go ahead."

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Flash listened carefully to Amber's words, his self confidnece going down as she attempted to put him down gently. He only nodded, not making eye contact with her as he processed everything she said. By the time she had trailed off Flash wasn't really paying attention anyway and was caught off guard from the kiss. His eyes were wide with surprise as he was trying to figure out what was happening. When Amber pulled away he still sat there for a few seconds still not sure what had happened. After a few seconds Flash recollected himself as he now looked at Amber confused. "W-What was that for.....?"

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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"I-I..." Regret, that was definitely the feeling. Amber regretted plenty of things she’d done. She shouldn't have been so hard on her father; she shouldn't have blown all her cash on partying; she shouldn't have done allot of things. All of it seemed so small now. Toying with other ponies emotions, that was low even for her. She was leading him on, but whether it was out of guilt or pity she didn't know.


"I'm so sorry... I have to go." Amber​ didn't wait for another response, she was already up and galloping towards the stairway before Flash had a chance to say anything else. Venting her frustration into the nearest wall, Amber smacked her head against it despite her still throbbing headache. "I'm such asshole..."


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Flash sat on the couch alone, crushed, confused, worried, heartbroken and mad, all at once. He knew he shouldn't have came back down those stairs. He should have known they would just hurt him again, and he mentally kicked himself for being so stupid. He should have just turtled like he always did, but he decided to get himself hurt instead. The longer he sat there the more angry he felt. Not at Amber, but himself. Why, of all times was he so careless today. Still, that didn't alleviate the fact Amber had screwed with him when he honestly thought he may have found a nice mare.



Flash got up from the couch, making sure to put his stuff away this time and hide it before he marched up the stairs, making it very clear that he wasn't happy. He soon found Amber and glared daggers at her. Though, he didn't say anything. THat was the whole point of going to find her was to give her a piece of his mind. But again, nothing came, so he settled with waiting for her to notice him in his rage.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Frost smirked. That was just like Blaze, with his unnatural amount of energy. It was a good thing while playing concerts though, that was for sure, especially since a drummer needed as much energy as possible in a metal band. "Well hey, if you wanna go explore, don't let me stop ya, bud. Go nuts." Spikes Royale gave him an odd look, as if wishing for the pegasus to reconsider. "Do you really think it's wise to let him run amok the night before we perform, Ark?" The guitarist merely shrugged, pointing a hoof at the charcoal-colored pegasus amusedly. "Does that look like the face of a colt that can hold in his energy for an entire night? C'mon, let him have some fun for tonight. Besides, you and I need to have a talk."


As Blaze bolted back down the stairs towards the ground level with a quick goodbye, Frost trotted over to the pegazebra and put a hoof around him, finishing the last of his glass. "Now that you're here, I was thinking about grabbing my sister so the three of us can go upstairs and practice for a bit. Get our shit together and the like, y'know?" Spikes glanced at his friend out of the corner of his eye, regarding him with caution. "I...suppose we could, yes. You'll have to give me a moment to get my bass up here, though." The gray pegasus chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. "Attaboy. Bring Crossfade's guitar up while you're at it, I'll meet you upstairs in the studio."


The pegazebra nodded, worming his way out of Frost's grip and exiting the same way Blaze had gone. Shaking his head, the remaining pegasus turned around just in time to see a teal-colored mare sprint upstairs, clearly upset about something. Cocking an eyebrow, he shrugged and trotted upstairs himself, running into his sister halfway up. "Oh, hey. Was just about to grab you, Spikes is grabbing our equipment so we can have a little test run to make sure our instruments are working properly." The mare blinked, clearly surprised by the sudden change of events. "Oh, they're here? About time they showed up..."


Frost smirked, giving his sister a nudge as he continued upstairs. "Hey, you act like they weren't going to show up in the first place. Not like you to be so pessimistic." Giving her best impression of a pout, the pegasus mare followed him up. She hadn't been up here long, but what lay before them was anything BUT low-tech. From what could be seen, the equipment inside was nothing to shake a stick at. Frost trotted over to the seemingly vacant one, poking his snout in and gazing about the room with a whistle. "That...is some nice tech right there! C'mere Fade you gotta see-" It took him a few moments to notice the same teal-colored mare from before sitting inside, making him pause mid-sentence. Something was...off.


"...oh, hey, I didn't see you there," he offered, trying not to scare her off. "Is...uh...everything alright?"


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Rhythm looked up, giving a small sniff. Thinking about it had made things a little worse but she still wasn't crying...though she was close. She quickly got up and shook her head. "No no...I mean...yeah, everythings fine. I'm fine...we're all fine..." She said, taking a deep breath. "Just...me...making stupid assumptions. I don't often do that...I mean, how was I supposed to know that they were flirting? I mean...I did know but...like...Never mind. Just...sorry, did you want to hang out here?" She asked, stepping out of the way of the recording equipment.


Meanwhile, downstairs, Star was sitting alone in a corner plucking her guitar quietly, though she seemed content as she scribbled notes down onto a piece of paper.

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Amber certainly wasn’t surprised to see that Flash had followed her, but what had surprised her was the look he gave her. Whatever she’d brought out of him it wasn’t good. Amber rubbed her eyes before turning to confront the situation head on. “Look, I know I screwed up. I’m probably the biggest asshole you know.” The words stuck to the edge of her tongue. “I just didn’t want to hurt you, but I went and made it worse. I may have even you as a friend.”


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Flash continued to glare at Amber as he came closer to her. He then spoke in a low and harsh voice that showed his strain to keep himself from bursting into tears. "You get one chance to make it up. You better make it bucking worth it." he hated that word, buck. It always had a sour taste to it, but it felt appropriate for this situation. "And to think I had a shot at a relationship..." the words left his mouth with the intention to hurt Amber. He hated doing that too, but again it felt appropriate. He then waited to see what Amber would do, or if she needed time to come up with something worth his while.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Amber couldn't blame Flash for his reaction, or could she? After all he had basically thrown himself in her direction after clearing their differences. Sure, she'd acted out of line, but so was he. These thoughts she kept to herself, boiling away in her mind. "Fine, fair enough." Her tone was no longer sympathetic, displaying more of an air of confidence around her. "If you'll excuse me I'm going to go talk to some of the other musicians. I think we both could benefit from it." 'And maybe I wont screw up this time.' She thought to herself. Amber turned and left up the stairs, she'd had enough of this whole thing. Maybe Rhythm would understand, after all she was the closest thing she had to a friend right now.

Edited by The-Master


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Frost blinked, hearing the mare out. "
Relationship issues, huh? Sorry to hear that, I can understand how that feels..." He thought back to the numerous mares that had shot him down over the years, remembering all too well how badly those had gone down. "But hey, we've just gotta hang in there, eh? Keep rolling with the punches and show them what-for." He gave the mare one of his token grins, taking off his guitar and setting it inside.

You're welcome to stick around if you like, we were just planning to practice up a bit and get our instruments set up for tomorrow." The pegasus winked, spinning around to face his sister, who was retrieving her purple and black ivy vine-patterned guitar from the pegazebra as he trotted up to the two. "So, we all set?"

Spikes gave Frost a stale look, gesturing towards the stairs. "
Well, seeing as our little noisemaker isn't here..." His gaze was returned with a shrug by the gray pegasus, who was pointing at the studio. "Don't worry about that," he offered, a determined look on his face. "I'm sure that synth drums will work just fine for now."

Muttering something about 'defeating the purpose of practicing,' the pegazebra trotted into the studio with the others, checking out his charcoal-black bass.

Edited by Seraphim


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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"W-Wait.... what.... A-Amber wait! I-I didn't mean...... it........." Amber had already gone up the stairs leaving Flash crushed even more now that he saw her leave him for good that night. He looked around frantically for anything he could do but his over thinking mind came up short and left him sitting where he had been sitting. This was never how it happened in movies. Amber was supposed to feel bad and... his mind froze. That was one less thing in the world he could trust, all those movies were wrong. "How could I be so stupid...." 'Perhaps you should go apologize, and then what? Have her get mad at you more? Make her think you're a bipolar freak? Then you can sit here depressed if that's what you want to do Flash...' he thought to himself as he curled up on the ground.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Rhythm got up, wiping her nose on her hoof. "No...not relationship troubles, just...troubles...but its my own fault. I'm just...well my brains telling me weird stuff that its never told me before." She said, walking towards the entrance. "And I can get out of your way...you guys have a good...thing..." She said, pausing at the door for a moment before stepping out and looking around. She saw Amber walk up the stairs but ignored her...not in a bad way, she just assumed that the mare had other things on her mind...Rhythm didn't know what had happened between Amber and Flash so...yeah.
But...Rhythm also didn't exactly want to get in between them...for fear of saying something stupid. She turned and stepped back into the recording room. "On second thought..." She gave Frost a small smile, blushing.

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