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earth pony Dark Destructor / Malic


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Name: Dark Destructor


Gender: Male


Hero or Villain: Villain


Secret Identity: Malic


Power: Ability to fly


Bio: Ever since he was a young colt he had always felt an evil presence in him. But after nothing happening for years - at the age of 23 he gained his powers and nopony has known about it.


Backstory/Origen story: At the age of 23 when the Nightmare Moon incident occurred the purple smoke had once flew right through Malic and his evil side soon grew stronger. The puff of smoke had also given him the power to fly.


Appearance (Finished in Paint as I didn't have a red): Posted Image


How he got into the real world: He was walking around in the Everfree Forest to look for something to use to attack Ponyville when he found an odd portal. He was hesitant but walked in. He ended up in the real world and became a Villain in the real world.

Edited by Derpy.H


Youtube Channel:

https://www.youtube....er/GamingDerpyH SUBSCRIIIIBE!

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