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unicorn Enigma

Victoria and Co.

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Name: Enigma

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Unicorn

Appearance: Enigma is your average pony, he has white fur and a light grey mane. His hooves are a dark black and his cutie mark is a mysterious symbol. He always wears a dark black cape that is slightly tattered at the end.

Cutie Mark: A mysterious and ancient symbol

Personality: Enigma is a loner. He doesn't make too many friends, he doesn't stay in one place for too long. He is usually cool, calm, and collective, taking in what there is too know and how it can affect the future. One of his few friends is Doctor Whooves, who he has worked with on multiple occasions. He takes a while to open up to others, but will nonetheless, if given time. His past is a touchy for him, since he hardly remembers anything of it. Although he holds incredible power, he hardly uses it, and usually prefers to go without any show of magical abilities. To the few that know him, he is recognized for his seemingly weak and helpless facade that hides power unlike any other.

Story: Enigma is a very unique pony. He's a unicorn, but he lacks the usual magic that most unicorns have. He is still capable of magic however, but only on an extreme level. After each exertion of his abilities, he is left incredibly weak for sometime. Of course, the magical abilities he does have, while at full strength, are enough to Discord jealous.

He wears a cape on his back, and through that cape, he expresses the majority of his mysterious magic. Enigmais able to transform his old cape into anything he desires, such as wings, arms, legs, armor, weapons, tendrils, you name it. Anything created with the cape is indestructible, unstoppable, and immensely powerful but only for as long as Enigmacan supply it with energy.

Even with this great power, Enigma is considerably weak when compared to other unicorns. He can't move things, learn new spells, or use his powers on a lesser level. Because of this, Enigma may only use his strength when he is in desperate need of it.

While his emotions show no direct link to the intensity of his magic, he is considerably more threatening when enraged, anxious, or saddened. On several occasions, when under the influence of the said emotions, Enigma has been known to lose control of his own powers and destroy large buildings, castles, and even towns.

Enigma holds one other factor that sets him apart from everypony else; his eyes. His eyes are a stunning light-gray, and almost appear to be completely white in some instances. His eyes are a key to his second and final magical power, his ability to impersonate or infiltrate another's mind. Enigma can change his eye color at will, based on a memory of any other pony. When his eye color changes, his appearance, actions, speech, and personality change to that of the chosen pony. If Enigma were to impersonate somepony and then proceed to look that pony in the eye, he would be transported into the inner conscious of that pony. This power, similar to his other, takes quite a bit of energy to perform and, unlike the other, can only be done when in complete control of his emotions.

Due to his mysterious powers and nature, Celestia keeps a close eye on Enigma, making sure he doesn't stray too far from his own conscious...

Edited by King of Magikarps


This is something I do? This is something I do.

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