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open Robots and Foal-sitters (Reboot) (SoL, Comedy)


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Shardz yawned, and streched.

"Hmm, That was a nice nap!" She said, with a bit of perk. Virvidian, was a bit startled.

"Good Morning!" (He knows how to speak, say words, and eat, But he doesnt know anypony.)

Shardz was happy to see that He was atleast polite to wish her good morning. 

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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'Yeah... sorry about the door... I just saw this poster about a filly needing babysitting or something... and I do like fillies and babysitting them so... i just had to do it... and about how i got here... i was just roaming around asking directions and well, here i am!' Lightning Dash said. 'And... are you a robot?!' He added. 'Oh I forgot to introdude myself, im Lightning Dash and this is Lightning Sketch.' He added. 'Hi!' Lightning Sketch said.

Edited by ~Glaceon~


Signature by the Epic And Artistic,  Azura!!!

Whoever looks at this signature they should play U.N. Owen Was Her?

My OC Ponies: Astral Dash I Lightning Dash I Lunar Dash

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Shardz stumbled, but then got back up.

She walked Forwards to beth, then tapped, Well, atleast, tried to tap on her sholder.

"Beth, May i speak with you, Ipkiss and nano for a moment? Its kinda important."  

Shardz said, then tried to get nano's attention also.

"Meet with us Outside, Okay?"

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Pat: "If we get anymore ponies coming through that door, we could put on a circus! You may want to rethink security measures around here Nano."


Patterson commented on the number of ponies who have walked into the lab.


"I uh, guess we'll keep Galatea here busy."


He said, feeling a little left out. 


'What's so important that he's telling Nano but can't tell me?'


He wondered.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Beth looked down at shardz. "Okay sure," said Beth as she looked towards Ipkiss. "Ipkiss, come on Shardz wants to talk to us outside." she said while gesturing with her head towards the door. Ipkiss nodded and got up. She went towards the door with Beth and Shardz. 

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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"Pat, come with us. Tell river when we are done discussing it."

Shardz said, and dragged both Pat and nano outside, using magic, although, with teleportation..



"Can you tell them the changling secret? Best explained if you say it.."

Shardz, whispered to ipkiss

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@@Toon Richard, @@Pat.Rio.T., @@Toon Beth, @,


Nano held his hoof to his forehead as if he had a headache. Of course, he was incapable of experiencing such; it was more an expression of exasperation on his part. "Yes, I am a robot... Greetings to the both of you, Lightning Dash and Lightning Sketch," he said halfheartedly. At the remark from Pat on security measures, Nano sighed. "Yes, perhaps I should..."


Then Shardz was trying to get his attention. He looked down at the filly curiously - but before he could ask what it was about, he was being dragged outside. "Ah, wh-what is the meaning of this?" he yelped, mildly startled.


Galatea watched the ponies leaving, wondering exactly why they were all heading outside to talk rather than talking inside. Grown-ups could be so strange sometimes, she thought.

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@Toon Richard


Pat: "Uh what? Huh? Oh, I-uh, OK..."


Patterson replied in response, caught a little off guard by Shardz' request while being lost in thought. Then he was dragged away helplessly by Shardz' magic.


"What the! Huh? Who...? *Sigh*  I-uh, can walk you know..."


He said as he was taken outside.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Shardz became serious, which made her seem cute, but the tone was still there.

"This is kind of important.. Seriously."

Shardz said, with a serious look. 

"So. Here's something to know. Im allergic, to changlings. I dunno why or how." She said.

She sneezed, then sniffed.

"Now, Notice, that as i get close to ipkiss.. AAACHOO!" She sneezed away from ipkiss, since she was right next to her.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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ipkiss was a little nervous, she knows that Changelings are not very welcomed towards ponies. She looked towards Beth to help her out here. 


Beth sighed, now our cover has been blown. "Relax people, Ipkiss is a friendly one, she does not feed off of love she eats like a normal pony" said Beth. 

I shall conquer the world!! With PONEHS!!!!





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@@Pat.Rio.T., @@Toon Richard, @@Toon Beth, @,


Nano looked from Shardz to Ipkiss, processing what he had been told. In the future from which he had originated, Changelings were all but extinct; as such, he never really had the opportunity to encounter one or even learn of the species in itself. So knowing that Ipkiss was indeed a Changeling didn't affect his opinion on the pony one way or the other, namely because he was attempting to figure out what it meant to be a Changeling. Picking up on certain bits from the rest of the conversation, he assumed Changelings to be shapeshifters of some sort and that they seemed to have a kind of stigma by the way Shardz went out of her way to assure them that Ipkiss was a "friendly one."


And that was all he could figure from being informed that Ipkiss was a Changeling. Even then, he wasn't sure why Shardz had to pull them aside to tell them such. His expression betrayed his thoughts; some intrigue, but mostly confusion.

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'Coulda been worse...' Shardz thought. 

"Well, I always assummed it was magic.." Shardz said, then did a legthy Lecture on how changlings do their metamorphasis..

"And thats, To my understanding how they do it!" 


She was looking at nano now.

"So, Lets go back inside, hmm?" Shardz said.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@@Miss Reaper,@@Toon Richard, @@Pat.Rio.T.,  


'Yeah... what should I do here first? And probably, who am I babysitting anyway. And why is other ponies here? And i thought I had to babysit one filly only... (OOC: Remember the second post?)' Lightning Dash said. 'Hey what does this thingy do?' Lightning Sketch said. Then suddenly there was a little kaboom. 'Sorry about the explosion... Lil' Sketch over here is a curious one...' Lightning Dash said.


Signature by the Epic And Artistic,  Azura!!!

Whoever looks at this signature they should play U.N. Owen Was Her?

My OC Ponies: Astral Dash I Lightning Dash I Lunar Dash

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@@Toon Richard, @, @@Pat.Rio.T., @@Toon Beth,


Nano nodded to Shardz, heading back inside the lab only to be faced with questions from Lightning Dash. "Well, it would seem that several ponies had come for the same purpose: to assist me in foal-sitting. However, while there was originally one filly, which would be Galatea over there" - he gestured towards the filly in question - "but, there have been a few... incidents that have taken place since then. It's a long story..."


Moments later, the robot colt tried to warn Lightning Sketch about touching things that shouldn't be handled carelessly, but it was already too late. He cringed at the explosion, knowing that once Galatea was her normal self once more, she would be shocked to find her lab in worse of a mess than she had left it. As it was currently, though, Galatea was badly startled by the small explosion; the filly jumped nearly a foot in the air as she let out a squeak of a yelp, before she started to shiver while looking around for the apparent source of the boom.

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"YIKES!" Shardz said, startled from the explosion, She jumped a bit, not too high though.

"That almost made me have a heart attack!" She said, trying to settle down.

She tripped, and got back up.

"Heheh.. Still, not used to the small size, yet.. " Shardz laughed nervously.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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(OOC: Facepalms. Facepalms everywhere! Lol)


'Sorry... I am just the curious type :/ And sorry about the explosion...' Lightning Sketch said. 'Well ok... but remember curiosity killed the cat...' Lightning Dash said while doing a facehoof 'Plus he isnt really like this... I guess he is just excited to meet a filly his age...' He added


Signature by the Epic And Artistic,  Azura!!!

Whoever looks at this signature they should play U.N. Owen Was Her?

My OC Ponies: Astral Dash I Lightning Dash I Lunar Dash

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