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The Void


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Lycantheo decides to do a few more things before he leaves. He first decides to give an important gift to his race of wolves. He doesn't remember any of them doing it before. He tries to introduce music to the island, hoping they will eventually think of other forms of art...

After this, he notices that his appearance has started to change... His face was wolf-like, and he had the claws of his creation as well, even their long tail.

Lycantheo introduces music and singing to the lycultors.


Acts Used In Post: 1

Acts Remaining: 1

Total Acts Used Overall: 7

Edited by LightningWing

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Emrakul's creatures had begun to refer themselves by using a series of thoughts that could roughly be translated to "intelligent life liquid". Since the communicated telepathically, the only way they could, they had no reason to invent a language and communicated by transmitting thoughts and emotions to one another. Emrakul was surprised at how complex some of their thoughts were for such a young race, but he found them a bit boring already.


He noticed that when one of his creatures was caught in a severe storm, it's body was quickly broken up and dispersed. He watched in interest as the pieces slowly drifted, reduced to a mere shadow of the creatures former intelligence. A storm of fragmented emotions swirled around like the water they were in. With only the most basic of instinct, the floated around. One attacked another, trying to eat it, and they joined together, creating a slightly bigger blob. This continued until the majority of the creature had reconstructed itself. It drifted with the current, confused by what had happened, trying to organize it's thoughts.


Emrakul shifted his attention to a group that had ended up in a small lake; it seemed the river that had allowed them access to the lake had dried up with the seasons, and they were now stranded. He watched as one tried to venture onto the land, but outside of it's watery world, it couldn't maintain it's form for long. It struggled to form a coherent shape, but splashed down onto the sand time and again. Emrakul wonders what would happen if his creatures could walk and hunt on land. He took one and modified it, adding and removing molecules and chemicals, until it was solid enough to maintain it's form on land. He watched as it twitched, struggling to register all the new things it could sense around it. It creeped to the side a bit, testing it's movements. When it was confident with moving, it began to change it's shape as it could under water. Emrakul noticed that the slightly more solid version was unable to strath as far as the aquatic one. It could still bend and reshape itself as well as any liquid, but it's volume and density were much more constant than the original creations. Satisfied, he made the same changes to all the creatures in that particular lake, as well as a few from other small bodies of water. Content for the moment, he watched.


Emrakul makes changes to A small number of his creatures to allow them to live on land.


Total acts used: 3

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 0

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Watching the other gods mess about with their creations on the first planet, Arkra was pleased to see that hers even with their simple knowledge had started to sing and began to make music. She had become quite fond of them, and decided to develop them a bit further. They needed a special gift. The goddess saw that they had thrived on sunlight and required mass amounts of what appeared to be heat energy, and so she touched the second planet with her gloved hand in various spots. Wherever the goddess had touched, a glowing orange lake made of pure energy appeared. She hoped for these to be places of gathering amongst the Nalimemoiri, and for them to thrive further.


Arkra creates lakes of energy across the other planet.



Acts Used In This Post: 1

Acts Remaining: 1

Total Acts Used Overall: 5

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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To, Asatya all of these new creatures and the changes and messages the gods were giving were confusing him. Also, it seemed as if the gods were no longer interacting together. He decided something must be done to bring the species, and hopefully the gods to work as one. Remembering back to the beginning of the void, Asatya created a new Plane of existance. He made it so that all sentient life could access the Plane when dreaming. There they would all be able to share feelings with no language barrier holding them back.


Asatya creates the Plane of Dreams

  • Brohoof 2
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Maat awakened, his power refreshed to the fullest and beyond. By the laws of the Gods, he now had two full events to use. And did he need them.


Upon looking into the world, he noticed a vast change. Creatures roamed the earth, some to worship the Gods. Maat had decided then, to create his own race.


Out of the twigs of the deep forests, Maat crafts an almost humanoid shape. It stands awkwardly and hunched, an appearance that screams dark. The beings would be capable of self-awareness and intelligence, but devoid of compassion and care. Their heart and soul would be contained in the deepest of forests, and they shall defend these and the creatures inside. They would feed of rotten nuts and dead leaves, not daring to harm the land they have been assigned to protect. Very few will breed, only the oldest and most intelligent and physically fit would be able to reproduce, keeping the population slim. These creatures would remain aggressive and loyal, vowing to spread upon the farthest reaches of the woods of the planet to keep it safe from harm.


They would be known as Denthrapos.


Wanting beauty, Maat used his power as a memorial for the Denthrapos day of creation. Being the creator of gravity, he also understood it most, and created a large rock of dazzling beauty. Pushing it into space at the right time, the rock began to orbit the sun. Maat created this rock specifically to pass above the first birth of a Denthrapos once every 50 times the planet revolved around the sun.


Maat used his power to create an object of dazzling beauty, in which during its pass would rain burning rocks across the atmosphere. This was to be known as an asteroid.


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Emrakul had been observing the other Gods and their activities with great interest, but had decided that, now, he wanted more direct involvement. Figuring that creating his own sentient race would be a good place to start, he focused on the waters that were so similar to his own body. He began to draw water together with little bits of living matter; a bacterium here, a protein there, a few lipids. Soon, he had a crude likeness of himself, a small blob of living, gelatinous liquid. The lights in his core flickered to a dull orange, showing annoyance and frustration. He played with different forms of matter, viscosity, and other traits until he arrived at one he liked. He breathed life into the blob, giving it true life and sentience.


Emrakul creates water elementals.


His lights changed to a bluish green as he "smiled." These creatures seemed like they would be quite interesting. He would let them name themselves, just to see what they would come up with.

He watched as they enveloped and absorbed various sea creatures to sustain themselves; being nearly 98% water, they were perfectly hidden in their natural habitat and therefore perfect hunters. He watched as they interacted, some splitting like bacteria, some fusing with others to create new blobs. His lights intensified as he watched with growing fascination. He eagerly waited to see if and how one of his creations might interact with the water cycle.


He gazed out upon the other sentient species, vague plans of introducing his creations to them in a sudden and dramatic way tugging at the back of his godly mind. He resisted these temptations, deciding to wait to see what they would do themselves.


But then he thought of a way he might quicken this event. He traveled to other bodies of water, bringing his creations with him. Soon, nearly every major body of water was inhabited by at least a small population of his creatures.


Emrakul spreads his creatures across most of the planet.




ACTs used: 2

remaining: 0




Another of the elements is given life, the water elementals were born! These elementals are unlike the air elementals in that they are both water and living material, and thus require sustenance to survive. They quickly form hunting bands capable of sneaking up and taking down almost any sized sea-creature much like wolves would hunt on land. Their natural ability to move quickly within and blend in with their environment makes them natural predators. One advantage the water elementals have in containing living matter, is the DNA it stores. This DNA effectively adds these creatures to the ever marching tide of evolution.


Although not having a voice with which to speak they are capable of an intimate almost sort of "telepathy" using chemicals they transmit through the water. This allows the sharing of both thoughts and emotions between their kind alone, and although using no words the meanings are quite clear.


The creatures soon form small bands centered around the strongest and most capable hunter in the group, who becomes the "leader." They also begin referring to themselves in what can be roughly translated to as "A'cir." A sort of ritualistic joining experience becomse popular among the clans where any new member must be physically absorbed and then expelled by the leader. This represents a cleansing from either the previoius clan or being a "newborn". A "newborn" is any A'cir who is formed from the splitting of an older A'cir which is represented by the term "rarak" which means "two births, one death." The individual didn't truly die, but becomes two further individuals. Another form of interaction is "le-reya" one birth many deaths, in which a group of weaker A'cir join to become one single more powerful entity. These interactions quickly become very complicated and incredibly intimate, leading the A'cir as a whole to feel more as one ever-living unit rather than seperate individuals.




Whilst looking upon the forest home of the terrigenea he began to wonder of what else could he create to wonder around these forests so using the creation of Wood and stone he crafted a huminoid being call the throll


Acastus creates the earth elements


Acastus decides it is time to show himself to the Terrigenea and chose The son of a hunter called Swift and gives him the gift of of strength and tells the young hunter that his clan now have the power of great strength


Acastus gives the Terrigenea the gift of strength




The elements of the earth have now too been infused with life, although less intelligent than their air and waterborn cousins, they are a force to be reckoned with. Standing approximately 20-35 feet tall with long thick arms and legs made of stone, dirt, and plant matter they lumber through the forests. Slow to action, but incredibly resiliant and strong most creatures learn to simply simply leave them alone and everybody stays happy. The Throll are solitary creatures, not requring much in the way of socialization to be happy. They just simply wander the forests enjoying the sounds of nature, and as long as the nature from which they came is safe they are for the most part peaceful giants. Although they do not require much socialization, the Throll have an intimate relation with the forest and earth and are able to communicate with any other Throll simply by extending their consciousness into the earth.


The Terrigenea are the first mortal race to interact with the elementals, and the first meeting was not a pleasent one. A great Throll of nearly 40 ft walked in on a Terrigenea hunting party in wait, accidentally crushing one of the poor mortals beneath its mighty foot. The other Terrigenea fought back their fear and tried to take down the Throll, who simply continued walking at first unaware of the angry mortals. The Throll, who later came to be called "Thargven" in the now more developed dialect of the Terrigenea, soon fought back greatly wounding all but a few of the hunting party. The survivors ran for their lives and started telling tales of a great monster who roamed the forrest, soon however it was discovered that there was far more than one.


Almost every clan lived in fear of the Throll (even though the Throll were only slightly aware of this fact), and generally avoided them at all costs. This also drives the clan structure even deeper, for having something to fear strengthens community. This drives them to start living in clearings within the forest (created using crude tools, some of the first they develop) and stop their usually migratory patterns in preference of a safe "sedentary" home. This clearing they then surround with a crude wall with a village of sorts within surrounded by torches lit at all hours, for they were able to learn that the one fear of the Throll is fire. Unbenkownst to the Terrigenea however, is the Throll's hatred for those who defile their forest home. Soon many villages are attacked and destroyed by seemingly unstoppable Throll, who even agaisnt fire will not quit. Some Throll are taken down with the use of many torches, but for every dead Throll many more Terrigenea die or must find new homes.


Although Swift was not the only one given increased strength, his direct interaction with Acastus made him considerably more powerful than his peers. He spreads tales of a powerful being who came to him and told of the gift they were given. Most Terrigenea already believed in some form of spiritual power from the tales they had heard from the Krida, so they simply accepted this "god" to be their spirit. Swift was able to garner enough publicity and spread his tale widely enough that he attracted flocks of homeless Terrigenea followers. He soon had the mightiest clan in great forest, and with this clan he would attempt what many thought impossible even with their increased strength (for the Throll still greatly overpowered them physically). The Throll were now a major threat and many of his clansmen still showed fresh wounds from Throll attacks, Swift planned to drive them from the forest. He hoped that he could unite the entire Terrigenea people if he could accomplish this goal, so he and the strongest of his clan set out.


They travleled far and found an area deep in the forest that had been abandoned by the Terrigenea after the Throll attacks, and was far away from any settlements. They started setting fires everywhere, which almost immediately caught the attention of the Throll. Soon a deafening rumble was heard as hundreds of Throll poured into the area attempting to discover the source of such a flame, which the trees told them was of unnatural origin. Swift himself with a close band of clans-brothers lured the Throll horde into a designated area and kept them occupied while other Terrigenea did what hunters do best, spring a trap. Soon all around the Throll and Swift's clansmen was a wall of fire encircling them and controlled to move inwards. The Throll raged at this and went into a fury which made the entire forest shudder. The flames licked at the Throll and Swift and his clansmen tried their best to dodge both attacks and the fires the battle raged on.


For all of Swift's efforts the Throll just kept pouring in, the Terrigenea had no choice but to retreat. Many within the flaming circle died, although some escaped greatly burned including Swift. Those not within the circle followed suit behind their leader, with the Throll behind them roaring in ever increasing outrage as they stamped out the fires.


Upon their return Swift told his people that they must leave the forest at once, and that the Throll would surely kill them all if they did not leave. The people were downtrodden to hear that they must leave their ancestral home, but if their leader had been bested and with so many warriors dead what other choice did they have? A mass exodues occured, with the remaining Terrigenea going to the craggy highlands just south of the great forest. They traveled as far away from the forest as they could until the Throll were only memories, they then founded their new homeland. Swift's loss did not weaken the Terrigenea's views on him, in fact he became a hero and the first king of his people.




Ishmael heard how different species spoke and how his were nearly quiet. "That won't do. Take it upon thee to knowest what all sentient language speaks of and be capable of speaking to all sentient life."


Ishmael gave the astreals the magic of understanding languages, allowing them to understand all languages and speak in a manner that anyone can understand what they say, for all they truly used to speak was the wind.


Ishmael decided to test the language dropped down to the worldly plane and met with the astraels for the first time. He quickly took the position of their lord through little more than asking. The astraels innately knew who he was and let him take his place. He dictated that he did not want worship and soon befriended those who approached him. By the end of that day which seemed moments for Ishmael, he had established nearly nothing besides having the rest of them choose a single member to become their high lord when he was away. He told that one that whenever he wanted to speak to him, all he had to do was speak, that he would always be listening. He also told them to practice controlling the wind.


He departed soon after and watched them alter the wind, creating breezes to tornados. "They're powerful but control is important as well. I hope they see that." He leaned back into his cloud, making it a chair.


Acts Used: 4

Acts Available: 1




The Astrael's newfound affinity for language also jumpstarts their conversations, taking them from simply discussing the clouds to more interestin topics. Their natural curiostiy also brings them to peer down at the world below, wondering what could possibly be going on down there. This became much the topic of their discussion, none of them thinking to actually go and see what was down there. This conversation spread across the cloud until eventually every Astrael had it upon their "tongue." This was, until Ishmael arrived that is. An outside being greatly intrigued the Astrael and they flocked to see who this stranger could possibly be. Recognizing their creator they at first bow slightly, but then smile as they realize their god was among them as a friend and guest. They listen fervently to the what is said, and quickly choose the wisest among them as their High Lord. This High Lord was greatly honored, and knew that he alone was at the very ear of a god and close friend.


Soon after the departure of Ishmael this High Lord then went on to introduce the concept of the Tri-Duties. These included rotating shitfts in three camps which were weather study, philosopy and debate, and building. Those in weather study were to find out all they could about the sky, weather, and how to manipulate it. Those in philosophy and debate were tasked with honing their minds, and determining what answers may lie out in the world. Those in the building group found their job to be a very hands on and artistic one, they were tasked with creating beauty in the clouds for those who dwelled there. No longer would the Astrael simply lie among the clouds, they would live on pieces of beauty which were to be marveled at.


To the mortals on the ground the only differences they noticed were that odd shapes were forming on some of the clouds, and that the weather had become slightly more erratic.




Butio was happy with the Ungue. He saw other gods giving gifts to their creations, and Butio didn't want his to be too weak, so he decided to pay them a visit. A booming voice could be heard by the Ungue. "Congratulations, my people. You have proven yourself worthy of living in this world. I will give you a gift this day, the ability to levitate objects from a far distance away, and some objects that your normal strength would not allow you to carry. Continue to prove yourselves and I will provide you with more gifts!"


Butio gave the Ungue the gift of levitation.


The voice faded out as Butio drifted away. He hoped that his people would use the gift well.


Acts Used: 4

Acts Available: 1




At first the Ungue were fearful of the voice emanating from the sky, and oddly the Draconites they now shared their villages with didn't seem to notice anything amiss. As the message went on though their fear turned to surprise, and as the message ended they began testing the ability this voice had given them. Suddenly objects of varying sizes all throughout Ugnue-Lost Draconite lands were floating above the ground. The Ungue did not fully understand who gave them this gift or why, but their always working minds soon saw the potential. This gift would be one of great power if used correctly. The Lost-Draconites for now are happy to see their allies given more power (although they too do not understand from where, although both sides assume it must be one fo the Gods the Krida from the New Draconite Empire keep going on about), but are concerned what it may mean in their relationship if the balance of power shifts too greatly. For now they will simply wait and see, and the gift slightly lowers their concerns about an attack from the New Draconite Empire, since the Ungue have already started training in how to use their newfound power as a weapon. Although many Ungue and Lost-Draconites still remain on the move with their herds, some tribes settle down and found villages made from the earth itself (created crudely by the Ungue using their newfound powers). They then set up earthen corrals for their herds instead of constantly roving the landscape.


One young Ungue male was struck with an idea, what if he attmpted to levitate himself. He tried this, and found that he could fly through the air even faster than a Draconite and with far less effort. He practiced in secret for weeks attempting to hone his abilities, until one day he flew over his village and did aerial tricks that outdid anything even an experienced Draconite could accomplish. The boy soon was teaching other Ungue how to "fly" through the air and the practice quickly spread. This further alienated the Lost-Draconites, who felt that every adavantage they ahd once had was slowly slipping through their claws. Many Draconites looked to the sky wondering when their "god" would gift them something, some even started a form of simple prayer (now the third religion along with the Wolve's and the New Draconite Empire's) asking for greater strength and power. This worhsip was not to any one god, but towards any who would listen. This practice soon became widely popular both among Ungue and the Lost-Draconites, the system of prayer morphing from a sort of "wishing" to more intricate prayer with monuments being erected and "masses" being held.




Finally, Lycantheo decided to act. First, he wanted to stop Xrixe, who had brought death and destruction, and even left his mark on the grand, majestic amethyst mountain. He didn't want to upset the rest of the lycultors and was worried they would be upset and angry at him, but he knew he had to. He soon swooped down and brought lightning down upon Xrixe, then pulled the color of blood from the mountain with his celestial power. He hoped nothing like this would ever happen again. (I hope the mountain part doesn't make it too much for one act... If it does, I can make it another act entirely if you want)

Lycantheo takes Xrixe's life.

Lycantheo drains the amethyst mountain of its dreadful bloodstains.


He also notices that the lycultors seem to call themselves wolves. He was fine with this, and would have wondered where they heard the term lycultors anyway if they did call themselves by that.

Then, he realized that he kind of forced intelligence to the wolves, making them think too rapidly, causing them insanity and mental pain, and went to every one he could find and made them think more comfortably, fitting them. He felt a bit panicked when he realized that this was why his creations were acting out.

Lycantheo makes the lycultors think less rapidly, as this was causing them extreme mental pain and even insanity.


Acts Used: 6

Acts Remaining: 2




In one fell swoop the power of the god obliterated Xrixe and cleansed his dark monument to death. The lightning bolt left nothing of the feral mad-king, and his court flew from the scene in fear. As they looked up the mountain slowly drained of its red hue and returned to its majestic violet color. They then felt, as the other Wolves did, a being approach them and cleanse their minds as well. It was like a great fog was lifted, and the weight of a thousand worlds left their shoulders. For the first time they could remember their thoughts were enjoyable and slowed to a pace that was comfortable. No longer did the migraines haunt them, no longer did the insanity tear at their skulls. The island let out a unanimous sigh of relief, although it was quickly realized what they had done was sickening.


They realize that the old ones must have been right, those the traitor Xrixe killed were correct in asking for freedom from the pain. They too realized that the being who took away their pain, slain the traitor, and cleansed the mountain must have been their god come to. They then took it upon themselves to make it up to their god, electing a new leader of the "island" tribe and starting a cleansing process of both themselves and the land.




Thokal watched around him, he saw that the other gods were busy fitting their various creations. He realized that he had none that was... material, except the star. He shunned intelligence that was not one of the gods, it was dangerous to combine intelligence and power. But he also wanted to create something, but it would different from the others. He looked at the plant life, seeing how it flourished, died and grew back again, and created a new plant. To be exact a tree. The tree would seem ordinary at first, but inside it was much like an animal. It had nervous connections and sensors, it felt the heat around it, the moisture, the wind blowing, or the animals climbing onto them. Only, they had no brain and alone they would die. So he decided to group them together, giving them the ability to communicate trough impulses in their roots, effectively being able to reach consensus on several important decisions like the amount of fruit to bear, as well as whether the season was dry for everyone.



Thokal creates a tree, able of communication and simple decision making once they are grouped together.


Acts Used: 5


Acts Remaining: 0




The "tree-mind" is born, a being whose "conscious" if that is the correct term, is composed of many neural pathways found in these trees. The name isn't truly correct since these creatures have no brain, but for lack of a better word that is what they are. The tree-mind acts as one individual even though it is made of many, and through subtle acts it is able to affect its environment. In this way it soon spreads itself into a larger area, and even some new "tree-minds" begin to grow seperate from the original as animals remove the seeds from the point of origin. Soon there are several communities of "tree-minds" spread out throughout the great forest (their home region). These creatures come under the protection of the Throll, who see them as a sort of "cousin" and are able to communicate with them at a base level.




Seeing Liira continue to show herself worthy, Zalgo returns and gives her two new abilities as well as an increased lifespan. The ability to breathe acid and frost breath. Before he leaves he tells her he will show himself to her entire race in good time.


Zalgo gives Liira more power, and waits for the right moment to show himself to his entire people


Acts used: 5

Acts left: 0




Lirra had been patiently awaiting the return of her patron god and was able to handle the encounter much better than the previous. She was thrilled to find that her prayers and spreading of his religion had proven to put her ever further into Zalgo's favor, and with that came further gifts. She immediately felt her youth return to her, and even more powers were now awaiting use upon her tongue. The news that Zalgo would show himself to her people filled her with great anticipation. After his leaving, she begins preperations for his return through both increased orders to pray and to prepare for war. She eagerly awaits the moment of her god's return, for she plans on returning the "Lost-Draconites" to her dominion with the full power of a god behind her. She watches the sun-set as the nightly chants begin, and only what could be described as a smile forms on the scaly mouth of soon to be "Queen of all".




Looking down upon the Feralis, Ryadin was pleased with their growth, both culturally and economically, but worried over their lack of incentive for tools. He knew that their fledgling markets and trade routes would spread out of the jungle given time, and that his creations would eventually make contact with other species. Although the gift of telepathy would ensure that the Feralis would be able to communicate with the outsiders, once met, Ryadin worried that the lack of tool innovation would make the Feralis seem primitively weak, and easy targets for conquest. He thus decided to send his creations a dream in their sleep, a vision of the mighty civilization that they could become. "But first," his voice would boom. "First you must learn to craft the materials around you into ever-complex tools, if you are to achieve the vision you see before you."


Ryadin sends the Feralis a dream to encourage them to develop and use tools.




This dream although from some unkown source sets the Feralis community ablaze with talk of grandeur and expansion. Through the words of the Krida they assume a god, possibly their creator, has taken them under his wing so to speak. They soon begin experimenting with all manner of "tools," which although some are entirely useless, many others are extremely helpful. They become the first race to develop axes and shovels, which they used to help clear the forest and build better trade routes. They also begin to found more permanent housing created from the large influx of wood. At first these homes rot quickly due to moisture, but soon they discover that the wood when coated in a resin from a certain tree will not rot and even turns a majestic red color. Seemingly overnight the Feralis community goes from simple villages to some of the first "civilized" homes, they also find that these new innovations add greatly to their trade abilities. Soon the Feralis find their communities reaching the borders of the jungle, and the first few trade caravans take their leave in search of possible customers. (heading northwards towards the plains and steppes, since South of the jungle is the ocean).




Lycantheo decides to do a few more things before he leaves. He first decides to give an important gift to his race of wolves. He doesn't remember any of them doing it before. He tries to introduce music to the island, hoping they will eventually think of other forms of art...

After this, he notices that his appearance has started to change... His face was wolf-like, and he had the claws of his creation as well, even their long tail.

Lycantheo introduces music and singing to the lycultors.


Acts Used: 7

Acts Remaining: 1




The "Wolves" as they are now reffering to themselves rejoice as they find a song rising in their throats, from what they can tell their prayers and cleansing rituals had worked. A beautiful howling song rises to meet the dawn, and the Wolves know that they are now truly free of their evil past. They vow from that day forward to never again eat the meat of another living creature, being omnivorous this is not too hard for them, and they quickly begin experimenting with the first modes of organized communal farming. The whole while they work at planting and growing, they contiue to sing and praise their god.


A popular new idea that spread across the island was the power of the amethyst mountain and how their god had touched it with his divinity. Some of the more crafty Wolves began making simple necklaces and other jewlery from small bits of the mountain. This new form of "art" as it was being called was seen as holy garments, and all Wolves began wearing them to ward off the possible return of evil.




Emrakul's creatures had begun to refer themselves by using a series of thoughts that could roughly be translated to "intelligent life liquid". Since the communicated telepathically, the only way they could, they had no reason to invent a language and communicated by transmitting thoughts and emotions to one another. Emrakul was surprised at how complex some of their thoughts were for such a young race, but he found them a bit boring already.


He noticed that when one of his creatures was caught in a severe storm, it's body was quickly broken up and dispersed. He watched in interest as the pieces slowly drifted, reduced to a mere shadow of the creatures former intelligence. A storm of fragmented emotions swirled around like the water they were in. With only the most basic of instinct, the floated around. One attacked another, trying to eat it, and they joined together, creating a slightly bigger blob. This continued until the majority of the creature had reconstructed itself. It drifted with the current, confused by what had happened, trying to organize it's thoughts.


Emrakul shifted his attention to a group that had ended up in a small lake; it seemed the river that had allowed them access to the lake had dried up with the seasons, and they were now stranded. He watched as one tried to venture onto the land, but outside of it's watery world, it couldn't maintain it's form for long. It struggled to form a coherent shape, but splashed down onto the sand time and again. Emrakul wonders what would happen if his creatures could walk and hunt on land. He took one and modified it, adding and removing molecules and chemicals, until it was solid enough to maintain it's form on land. He watched as it twitched, struggling to register all the new things it could sense around it. It creeped to the side a bit, testing it's movements. When it was confident with moving, it began to change it's shape as it could under water. Emrakul noticed that the slightly more solid version was unable to strath as far as the aquatic one. It could still bend and reshape itself as well as any liquid, but it's volume and density were much more constant than the original creations. Satisfied, he made the same changes to all the creatures in that particular lake, as well as a few from other small bodies of water. Content for the moment, he watched.


Emrakul makes changes to A small number of his creatures to allow them to live on land.


Total acts used: 3

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 0




And so a new species of the A'ci form, they are capable of holding their shape on land and appear as a sort of mobile "slime." They begin exploring their surroudnings outside of the lake, and find that although they are slightly slower they are still mighty hunters. The bodies of small animals too oblivous or slow to dodge them float within their bodies as they are sucked dry of nutrients. These A'ci also find that they are still capable of sensing what is around them and communicating through the use of chemicals, which they are able to release into the air as a sort of mist. For now they are in a very limited area, but as they slowly reproduce their numbers spread. (they are currently not near any major settlement of Mortal races)




Watching the other gods mess about with their creations on the first planet, Arkra was pleased to see that hers even with their simple knowledge had started to sing and began to make music. She had become quite fond of them, and decided to develop them a bit further. They needed a special gift. The goddess saw that they had thrived on sunlight and required mass amounts of what appeared to be heat energy, and so she touched the second planet with her gloved hand in various spots. Wherever the goddess had touched, a glowing orange lake made of pure energy appeared. She hoped for these to be places of gathering amongst the Nalimemoiri, and for them to thrive further.


Arkra creates lakes of energy across the other planet.



Acts Used In This Post: 1

Acts Remaining: 1

Total Acts Used Overall: 5




The Nalimemoiri in their slow but sure process eventually came upon every energy lake, and to them they were drawn like moths to a flame. Here their energy needs were met quite easily and after fully charging their beings, they went on their way to do more exploring (for they were always wondering if perhaps something had changed in their absence). These lakes of energy also helped greatly boost their reproductive rates, with so much excess energy they were able to seed the planet with even more of their kind.




To, Asatya all of these new creatures and the changes and messages the gods were giving were confusing him. Also, it seemed as if the gods were no longer interacting together. He decided something must be done to bring the species, and hopefully the gods to work as one. Remembering back to the beginning of the void, Asatya created a new Plane of existance. He made it so that all sentient life could access the Plane when dreaming. There they would all be able to share feelings with no language barrier holding them back.


Asatya creates the Plane of Dreams




And so yet another plane was created within the folds of the time-space continuim. If the mortals had been capable of sensing it, they would have felt a small ripple pass through the universe. This plane is open to any and all intelliigent beings, as long as they were sleeping and dreaming there was a chance they would find themselves on the plane (although it is not 100% guarenteed, many still just have normal dreams or only occasionally find themselves in the plane). Here the various minds of the world come together, but unkwowing that they are in anything more than a dream they pass on ideas and emotions without realizing the others truly exist. This in a way connects the races of the world, and gives common dreams to many of them. Elementals are barred from this dream-plane however, since they do not require sleep and thus do not dream.




Maat awakened, his power refreshed to the fullest and beyond. By the laws of the Gods, he now had two full events to use. And did he need them.


Upon looking into the world, he noticed a vast change. Creatures roamed the earth, some to worship the Gods. Maat had decided then, to create his own race.


Out of the twigs of the deep forests, Maat crafts an almost humanoid shape. It stands awkwardly and hunched, an appearance that screams dark. The beings would be capable of self-awareness and intelligence, but devoid of compassion and care. Their heart and soul would be contained in the deepest of forests, and they shall defend these and the creatures inside. They would feed of rotten nuts and dead leaves, not daring to harm the land they have been assigned to protect. Very few will breed, only the oldest and most intelligent and physically fit would be able to reproduce, keeping the population slim. These creatures would remain aggressive and loyal, vowing to spread upon the farthest reaches of the woods of the planet to keep it safe from harm.


They would be known as Denthrapos.


Wanting beauty, Maat used his power as a memorial for the Denthrapos day of creation. Being the creator of gravity, he also understood it most, and created a large rock of dazzling beauty. Pushing it into space at the right time, the rock began to orbit the sun. Maat created this rock specifically to pass above the first birth of a Denthrapos once every 50 times the planet revolved around the sun.


Maat used his power to create an object of dazzling beauty, in which during its pass would rain burning rocks across the atmosphere. This was to be known as an asteroid.




And so a race of plants is formed, with small numbers finding themselves within nearly every forest of the world. The Dentrapos quickly find allies the the Throll in the great northern forest, and are immediately able to communicate with them through the "tree-senses." Being simple creatures bent only on protecting the forests with no other goal in mind they do not partake in the same forming of communities or tools that the other races do. They simply wait and watch for any possible intruders on their domain as they slowly extend their influence. The Throll had already driven the "evil-mortals" from the great northern forest, so those Denthrapos found their job quite easy. In the equatorial jungle-lands of the Ferails however, they find many "evil-mortals" diggin up the land and felling trees. These jungle Denthrapos watch patiently and attack without warning, and soon tales of horryfying mounds of jungle grabbing Feralis and tearing them apart spread throughout the trade empire.


And so the "Crying Eye" as it would come to be called by future generations finds its home in the sky. In 50 years it will make its first appearence directly in accordance with the first planet, but for now it hides among the blackness of the Void. (for there are no other stars).

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Acastus smiles at the battle of how powerfull the earth elements had become but also felt sorry for his people so to make sure they survived and were able to make a new home so he appeared to them a second time but in his animal form and led them to a new forest where in the middle there was a giant forest made City. The Terrigenea called the Forest Saltum deos The forest of the gods.


Acastus gives the forest city to the Terrigenea


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Butio laughed as they used their new abilities. Flying? He'd never thought of that! There must be something he could give to reward them for their clever behavior. He thought for a while, thinking of a magic ability to give them. "I've got it!" He said to himself, smiling. He was going to give them one of the Magics of Illusion.


Butio gave the Ungue the ability to turn invisible at any time they wanted to.


His voice was heard by his people once again. "Congratulations, you clever fellows! You have proven yourself to me once again! This time, I came back with another gift. A special one. I have given you the ability to hide yourself from another's eyes. I have given you the ability to turn invisible!"


Total acts used: 5

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 2

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Lycantheo saw that the Lost-Draconites were eager for a gift from a god, and were starting to pray. He decided to give them something, so he flew over to them. He brought with him an extra sharp spear, with a hidden sword in the side of it that could easily be thrown from the sky. He showed a few of them how to make it, and left.

Lycantheo shows the Lost-Draconites a new weapon.


Total acts used: 8

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1

Edited by LightningWing

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Ishmael, content with what was going on with his Creations, decided to look elsewhere in the world. He saw how everything was happening fast, and got an idea, albeit not from what he saw. He lowered himself onto the ground of the earth and located a rocky area of the world. "There are those of the wind, of the earth, of the water. There is one missing." He created columns of his smoke and incinerates it, making it a living creature.


Ishmael creates the flame elementals.


Ishmael made sure that they would be peaceful, as the power of fire was too great for him to allow them to be violent. He told them to make their homes out of stone and other nonflammable material.


Ishmael infuses their race with an innate knowledge of what is and what isn't flammable.


He departs soon after, hoping that what they did was good.


Acts Used: 6

Acts Available: 1

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Thokal watched his trees grow, and conquer other parts. He was proud of them and did not mind the other creatures eventual destruction of a few, as that was inevitable. He also appreciated the liking of the Throll give to the trees. He thought about making that bond deeper, more intrigued, perhaps not fusing the two together, but similar.


Thokal would try to slowly change all the small creatures in the forest, making them being able to interact each other trough their minds. Although no telepathy was to be used, they had to touch each other for it to work, special nerves would extend out of the middle of her spine. Those nerve endings would be highly sensitive, and if they touch another's they would bond temporarily allowing them to share thoughts, memories. The trees had the same fate, although it would be slower, those nerve endings took decades to grow and could be severed in mere seconds.



Thokal slowly mutates all low life in the forest, giving them the power to communicate to each other, the trees now also could do the same thing.

I love you! <3

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Butio frowned as he saw the fire elementals Ishmael had created. Fire had been Butio's first creation, to be a danger for mortals. To have mortals learn about. Something for mortals to fight. But now his fire was a peaceful creature? Unacceptable!


But Butio understood the power of fire. He could simply just make them all evil, as they could devour the world. Butio wanted to give them a choice. Some could be evil, and some could stay peaceful.


Butio gave each of the Fire Elementals the choice to either stay peaceful, as Ishmael created them, or become evil, causing havoc to the land as Butio wanted fire to do.


Butio hoped that they wouldn't all choose one side, as neither gods would be able to be satisfied with them.


Total acts used: 6

Acts today: 2

Acts left: 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Acastus smiles at the battle of how powerfull the earth elements had become but also felt sorry for his people so to make sure they survived and were able to make a new home so he appeared to them a second time but in his animal form and led them to a new forest where in the middle there was a giant forest made City. The Terrigenea called the Forest Saltum deos The forest of the gods.


Acastus gives the forest city to the Terrigenea




The Terrigenea had only just begun setting up a temporary camp for the night when a powerful looking wolf (animal, not the race) approaches Swift. Swift knew the prescence of the god, and he could sense it within this great beast. He took the wolve's cue to follow and instructed his people to march once more. Although they had trekked far and long, their feet seemed to lighten as they followed the wolf, and slowly but surely they reached their destination. The wolf lead them to the edge of another forest, quite different from the one they had left. The trees glowed with an inner light slightly, and there was complete silence. Many Terrigenea were reluctant to enter, but with Swift's urging they followed still further. Eventually they came upon a city made from the trees themselves, grand structures molded right from the living plants. The people marveled at this, and it erased any doubts they may have had in their minds of their god. This gift Swift promplty named "Saltum Deos" in honor of its origin, he turned to the wolf but it had already vanished.




Butio laughed as they used their new abilities. Flying? He'd never thought of that! There must be something he could give to reward them for their clever behavior. He thought for a while, thinking of a magic ability to give them. "I've got it!" He said to himself, smiling. He was going to give them one of the Magics of Illusion.


Butio gave the Ungue the ability to turn invisible at any time they wanted to.


His voice was heard by his people once again. "Congratulations, you clever fellows! You have proven yourself to me once again! This time, I came back with another gift. A special one. I have given you the ability to hide yourself from another's eyes. I have given you the ability to turn invisible!"


Total acts used: 5

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 2




The Ungue hear the voice of their god once again and shout with joy and cheer at the news of yet another gift. The Lost-Draconites eyes widen as suddenly Ungue across the steppes seemingly blink in and out of existance. The Ungue warriors (now already well versed in telepathic warfare) immediately add this new illusion to their repetoire and begin training. Average Ungue society however takes a blow from their newfound powers, the first major crimes beging to occur. Those who had once been too fearful to steal, attack, or kill now find that invisiblity erases that fear. Objects go missing in the night, Ungue are found dead who had been quarreling the day before, and all other manner of vile acts go with little just punishment (for how could an invisible person be proven to have actually done the dead). Instead vigilante groups soon form, who watch closely for any suspiscious activity and punish quickly and without mercy. Many innocents beome victims, and many wrong-doers never face justice. All of Ungue society quickly becomes wrapped around secrets, and plots.


The Lost-Draconites hold in their anger still, but the animosity towards their once weaker friends grows exponentially. How could the gods give yet another gift to these weaklings?! But then they watched the affect this new power had on Ungue society, and they laughed behind closed doors. Perhaps the gods had truly answered their prayers instead, and given the Ungue a curse rather than a gift.




Lycantheo saw that the draconites were eager for a gift from a god, and were starting to pray. He decided to give them something, so he flew over to them. He brought with him an extra sharp spear, with a hidden sword in the side of it that could easily be thrown from the sky. He brought it too Liira's mate and told him how to make it, and even helped him make one himself.

Lycantheo shows the draconites a new weapon and teaches Liira's mate how to make them.


Total acts used: 8

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1




OOC: Possibly due to my wording you may have misinterpreted something, the Draconites praying to receive a gift are the "Lost-Draconites" who live upon the steppes with the Ungue. These Draconites are seperate and quite different from those of the "Draconite Empire" that dwells in the Great Desert. Liira is the leader of the Empire, not the Lost-Draconites. (currently there is no official leader of the Lost-Draconites, Ungue, or Feralis, they still live in loose clan structures) Since this may be due to my wording I will let you alter your post if you want.




Ishmael, content with what was going on with his Creations, decided to look elsewhere in the world. He saw how everything was happening fast, and got an idea, albeit not from what he saw. He lowered himself onto the ground of the earth and located a rocky area of the world. "There are those of the wind, of the earth, of the water. There is one missing." He created columns of his smoke and incinerates it, making it a living creature.


Ishmael creates the flame elementals.


Ishmael made sure that they would be peaceful, as the power of fire was too great for him to allow them to be violent. He told them to make their homes out of stone and other nonflammable material.


Ishmael infuses their race with an innate knowledge of what is and what isn't flammable.


He departs soon after, hoping that what they did was good.


Acts Used: 6

Acts Available: 1




The fire elementals first appear in the crag-lands the Terrigenea had recently passed through. Here they make their first homes in the many caves located upon the rocky walls and between boulders. Although great power lies within them for destruction, their nature is not so. They are content with slowly expanding their homes by heating the rock and forming various shapes. Soon the crags are filled with amazing sculptures no mortal could dream of creating by hand. They too find that although they live without a need to burn objects, and they fully understand what is flammable, they still may only reporduce by lighting more aflame. In this way they start a tradition of gathering brush from just outside their rocky homeland and starting it ablaze. In this way a few give their being to create more (for a fire elemental does not die, but much like the A'cir they can split into smaller flames which can later grow).




Thokal watched his trees grow, and conquer other parts. He was proud of them and did not mind the other creatures eventual destruction of a few, as that was inevitable. He also appreciated the liking of the Throll give to the trees. He thought about making that bond deeper, more intrigued, perhaps not fusing the two together, but similar.


Thokal would try to slowly change all the small creatures in the forest, making them being able to interact each other trough their minds. Although no telepathy was to be used, they had to touch each other for it to work, special nerves would extend out of the middle of her spine. Those nerve endings would be highly sensitive, and if they touch another's they would bond temporarily allowing them to share thoughts, memories. The trees had the same fate, although it would be slower, those nerve endings took decades to grow and could be severed in mere seconds.



Thokal slowly mutates all low life in the forest, giving them the power to communicate to each other, the trees now also could do the same thing.




With this gift the animals of the forest spread basic information much easier (they still are not sentient and thus are only capable of base thoughts and emotions). These thoughts are shared through "wires" that extend from the nervous system of the animals through the spine and create "tendrils" that flick back and forth looking for connections. (They look like this.) Most of these connections stay within the same species, but on occasion different species interact and do learn from one another. The tree-minds and regular trees too join in this circle of communication, with the "tree-mind's" connections growing twice as fast as normal trees. Through this connection the animals are able to tell when the tree will bear fruit, and other facts that can be understood as base level concerns for survival. The "tree-minds" are capable through this connection of even more control of their environment, gaining the ability to temporarily "mind-control" animals into doing tasks for them. This use of mind-control spreads the region in which the "tree-minds" live considerably, and soon the entire forest hums with their light mental thrum. The Throlls rejoice at the introduction of this form of communication, suddenly their sense extended not only to the trees but to the animals that interacted with the trees as well.




Butio frowned as he saw the fire elementals Ishmael had created. Fire had been Butio's first creation, to be a danger for mortals. To have mortals learn about. Something for mortals to fight. But now his fire was a peaceful creature? Unacceptable!


But Butio understood the power of fire. He could simply just make them all evil, as they could devour the world. Butio wanted to give them a choice. Some could be evil, and some could stay peaceful.


Butio gave each of the Fire Elementals the choice to either stay peaceful, as Ishmael created them, or become evil, causing havoc to the land as Butio wanted fire to do.


Butio hoped that they wouldn't all choose one side, as neither gods would be able to be satisfied with them.


Total acts used: 6

Acts today: 2

Acts left: 1




The fire elementals sudenly become divided. Many choosing to live as they had creating further works of beauty in the crags, and many others feeling their existance was far too dull and that destruction was their true calling. Soon the two camps were known as the "Frria" meaning "Beauty through flame" and the "Frrerre" or "Destruction through flame." Those of the Frrerre soon left, feeling their "talents" would be put to better use where there was more to burn. Those of the Frria camp stayed behind, not stopping their brothers (for what could they do, flame could not harm them?) and continued in what they had been doing since they were created.


The Frrerre that left the crags soon found a world full of potential for destruction, and they began burning anything they could get their hands on. Entire praires went up in smoke, the forrested hills ran thick with smoke, and water was boiled until nothing remained. In their path they left the land scarred and black and many more Frrerre were birthed in this process. As their numbers grow increasingly higher they approach the new home of the Terrigenea. Swift had just began setting up the first form of monarchial rule for the Terrigenea, but soon their new home would become a death-trap. (the Terrigenea are unaware of this, and do not even realize the Frrerre exist).

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Ryadin finally realized that what he desired most out of this world was balance. He approved of Butio's choice simply because he saw it as the balanced thing to do. Unfortunately, he realized that the chaos of the Frrerre was destroying the land faster than it could rebuild itself, and the Freerre were multiplying rapidly. Soon the entire world would be engulfed in flames-this he definitely did not approve of. To combat this, he gave the Feralis a limited control over water, power enough to effectively mobilize against the Freerre that may soon head their way.


Ryadin grants the Feralis the ability to control water.


Total Acts used: 5

Acts Today (so far): 1

Acts Left: 2


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Emrakul was pleased to see that a large group of flame elementals had decided to incinerate the world. He didn't want to see the world burned, but this was sure to start a few wars, and wars were almost always interesting. He was particularly excited to watch an A'ci fight a Frrerre. Would the watery slime extinguish the flame before it dried out too much to be a threat? Even the land A'ci were dependent on water. He knew the majority of his creations would be safe beneath the waves, so he wasn't too worried.


Struck with a new idea, Emrakul traveled to the plane inhabited by the spirits of the dead. It was chaotic and unorganized, but peaceful. There were no laws or figures of authority, but they were not needed, since none of the spirits seemed to want to do anything. Emrakul created a being to live in the plane. He gave him immense power, as well as intelligence and immortality (how could a creature living in the plane of the dead die?) but confined him to the plane of the dead. He gave him no knowledge, no personality, nothing that could influence his actions. He named this being Kozilek and waited to see what he would do.


Emrakul creates Kozilek, a powerful being confined to the underworld. He does nothing to influence him, but waits to see what he will do with his power.


Acts total: 4

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Ishmael did not like Butio's actions and glared at the god. Instead of confronting the god or the creatures directly, he went to the forest that was previously inhabited by the Terrigenea. He copied the Thrall's existence into the new forest, as protectors of it against the fire elementals. He made sure they were far from Saltum Deos and on the edges of the forest.


Ishmael brings Thralls to the Terrigenea's new forest.


He would watch as fire and rock collided. While he did so, he leaned into his chair and materialized popcorn which had yet to be made for him to enjoy the fight.


Acts Used: 7

Acts Available: 1

  • Brohoof 1
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Lycantheo sees the other gods creating elementals, and starting wars. So he flew down to a storm cloud and looked at it...

He kicked it and watched as lightning flew everywhere. He experimented with this, and eventually managed to create lightning himself... He created a a new elemental of lightning, who he would let them name themselves. They were like large, swift, agile birds with lightning bouncing off of them, no matter how small the spark. The color of lightning even varied between them. They were vastly intelligent.


Lycantheo created the lightning elementals.



Total acts used: 9

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Ryadin, having finished what he was doing with the Feralis, was pleased to see that the world was being balanced again with Ishmael's act, his own, and Lycantheo's introduction of a new type of elementals to represent lightning. In order to further balance out the world, he decided to introduce another type of elemental, to represent the elements that were still unrepresented. Contemplating balance, his eye fell upon the sun's rays...and also of the shadow it created.


Ryadin forged two more elementals, both of which he allowed themselves to name. One race of elementals represented light, spreading serenity and harmony to those simply near their presence. The other race represented darkness, spreading hatred and despair to those they touched. He scattered them equally around the world, and to both races he made very clear that they were not to disrupt the balance of the world. Finally, he thought. The elements are all represented.



Ryadin creates light elementals.

Ryadin creates darkness elementals.


Total Acts Used: 7

Acts Today: 3

Acts left: 0


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Butio sighed as he saw that some of the Ungue had become thieves. He needed something to help the Ungue out, something that could know who was a thief. Butio got an idea.


Butio grabbed the first Ungue he found, not even bothering to know it's name. Butio whispered in it's ear, "I am leaving you with the duty of making sure that the Ungue people do not commit crimes. I am giving you the abilities to see invisible Ungue and knowing if another Ungue is levitating something, also knowing who it is. Abuse these powers, and suffer the Wrath of Deus Butio!" Butio placed the Ungue back on the ground and Butio drifted off, out of sight.


Butio gives an Ungue the abilities to see invisible Ungue and know if an Ungue is levitating something.


Total acts used: 7

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Lycantheo saw that the Lost-Draconites were eager for a gift from a god, and were starting to pray. He decided to give them something, so he flew over to them. He brought with him an extra sharp spear, with a hidden sword in the side of it that could easily be thrown from the sky. He showed a few of them how to make it, and left.

Lycantheo shows the Lost-Draconites a new weapon.


Total acts used: 8

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1




As the Lost-Draconites applaud in secret the humor of the gods for giving the Ungue such a "gift" yet another reason to celebrate comes to them. A being whom they immediately fall to their knees in worship of comes bearing a gift, and new knowledge. They knew this to be one of the gods, and the Ungue simply stood smitten by the fact that they were no longer the only favored children of the divine. The god presents the Lost-Draconites with a powerful new weapon, an odd amalgamation of spear and a new form of weapon, a sword. Never before had swords (or metal for that matter) been used, and this new weapon could greatly turn the tides of any battle in the right hands and with the right training. The Lost-Draconites form their first true militias training under the use of this new weapon, which is just as powerful in the sky as on the ground.


The Ungue, for all they have received, still covet this new weapon. The Lost-Draconites share the weapons themselves on occasion, but those who know how to make them keep it a closely guarded secret. This greatly angers the Ungue, who feel their now lesser allies were holding out on them. The first official “spies” are gathered by a local rising Ungue tribal chief aiming to become lord of the Ungue (he had heard tales of Liira’s dominion and craved that sort of power). They are sent to try and find out anything they can about this new weapon, as the night falls the first of these invisible spies take to their mission.




Ryadin finally realized that what he desired most out of this world was balance. He approved of Butio's choice simply because he saw it as the balanced thing to do. Unfortunately, he realized that the chaos of the Frrerre was destroying the land faster than it could rebuild itself, and the Freerre were multiplying rapidly. Soon the entire world would be engulfed in flames-this he definitely did not approve of. To combat this, he gave the Feralis a limited control over water, power enough to effectively mobilize against the Freerre that may soon head their way.


Ryadin grants the Feralis the ability to control water.


Total Acts used: 5

Acts Today (so far): 1

Acts Left: 2




As the sun rises the Feralis find they have a strange new gift, perhaps from one of the gods? They found they were able to manipulate water to their will, and although this skill developed slowly, it quickly became an incredibly useful tool. For one, the swampy lands in the deeper portions of the jungle could be cleared easily now, rivers could be deviated and turned into canals for new trade routes (this also begins the use of some of the first barges and simple ships). These boats, although structurally weak, were kept afloat through water manipulation (this also means the boats are capable of moving quite fast and with no current or wind). The idea to try the ships on the sea soon forms and the first few ocean-going vessels are created, introducing a whole new realm of possibilities when it came to trading (if they could find anyone to trade with that is).


The people also rejoiced at this newfound abilities power to fend off the Denthrapos, who could have the very water pulled right out of them until they were nothing more than a decomposing pile of twigs and dirt. This form of “attack” also works towards those who break the law (which in this trade society had begun happening around the same time as it did in the Ungue, just not on the same scale). Those caught stealing had their paws drained of water until they shriveled off, those caught breaking trade pacts, their heads. Soon every village had a set of dried body parts hanging from one tree or another, reminding everyone what breaking the law meant. Unlike in Ungue society however, law in the Feralis community is determined by the trade council of the city or village. They vote on whether the accused is guilt or innocent (although this is not always a far process it is more fair than the New-Draconite Empires “Courts” which are run by anyone Liira decides to appoint and are mainly used just to get more taxes out of the people and kill those she dislikes behind closed doors) after examining evidence.




Emrakul was pleased to see that a large group of flame elementals had decided to incinerate the world. He didn't want to see the world burned, but this was sure to start a few wars, and wars were almost always interesting. He was particularly excited to watch an A'ci fight a Frrerre. Would the watery slime extinguish the flame before it dried out too much to be a threat? Even the land A'ci were dependent on water. He knew the majority of his creations would be safe beneath the waves, so he wasn't too worried.


Struck with a new idea, Emrakul traveled to the plane inhabited by the spirits of the dead. It was chaotic and unorganized, but peaceful. There were no laws or figures of authority, but they were not needed, since none of the spirits seemed to want to do anything. Emrakul created a being to live in the plane. He gave him immense power, as well as intelligence and immortality (how could a creature living in the plane of the dead die?) but confined him to the plane of the dead. He gave him no knowledge, no personality, nothing that could influence his actions. He named this being Kozilek and waited to see what he would do.


Emrakul creates Kozilek, a powerful being confined to the underworld. He does nothing to influence him, but waits to see what he will do with his power.


Acts total: 4

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1




For now the Frrerre and the A’cir will not be meeting, but perhaps in the future once both have spread even further. The land A’cir are now more populous, but still away from any major centers of habitation.


The Plane of the dead felt the first touch of a god since its creation. Those who had died waited here eternally, finding nothing to do but sit and wait upon the endless expanse, but they also felt no need to do anything. They were perfectly happy to do nothing, think nothing, and feel nothing. This all changed with the new creation Kozilek however. A great monster with a mind capable of knowing all facets of the plane of death. He knew the story of every dead creature, and through these stories he built his personality. At first only curious, he then took on the amalgamated personas of the dead. He knew all that had happened, felt all the pains, and all the joys of living, even though he was neither dead nor alive. He attempted to reach the plane of the living, wishing to experience more for himself. He wandered the plane of the dead, crushing many beneath his feet (the spirits simply reformed since they are dead anyway). Unable to find any way out in either the plane itself or the memories he delved through, he decided to build experiences for himself. He found that when he addressed the dead they did as he told them to, following orders to a fault. He set up mock battles in which he took place, grand feasts, and all other manner of events with which to subdue his growing boredom.




Ishmael did not like Butio's actions and glared at the god. Instead of confronting the god or the creatures directly, he went to the forest that was previously inhabited by the Terrigenea. He copied the Thrall's existence into the new forest, as protectors of it against the fire elementals. He made sure they were far from Saltum Deos and on the edges of the forest.


Ishmael brings Thralls to the Terrigenea's new forest.


He would watch as fire and rock collided. While he did so, he leaned into his chair and materialized popcorn which had yet to be made for him to enjoy the fight.


Acts Used: 7

Acts Available: 1




Unbeknownst to the Terrigenea, they were now surrounded entirely by those they had just fled. Had they known they most likely would have assumed the gods to have abandoned them, or to be most unusually cruel.


The forest had new protectors, and the Throll could sense the growing threat far before it had a chance to reach the forest itself. The grass spoke to them of beings made from fire itself who burned everything in their path while laughing with glee. As smoke grew upon the horizon from the grass fires the Throll stepped out onto the plain, and waited. The Frrerre slowly but surely approached and seeing new targets for destruction they gladly charged head on. The Throll and Frrerre fought viciously, many Throll melted or burned to a charred husk, while countless Frrerre were stamped out or torn to pieces. In the end the Throll succeeded in holding off the invaders, their immense strength giving them victory once again. From the bodies of the fallen Throll new forest would grow faster, and these would be most sacred to the Throll of Saltum Deos. Before the battle ended scouts from Swifts new kingdom came upon the battle, for they had seen the smoke rising upon the plains. They returned to their king with word of fiery men beat off by none other but the Throll. At first Swift was fearful, but he then realized from what the scouts were saying that had the Throll not been there their new home would have been reduced to ash. He waited, hoping to perhaps keep an eye on these Throll first and see if they were different from the ones in the northern forest.


The beaten Frrerre if captured (for a Throll at full run can catch almost any being) were pounded into oblivion mercilessly for their impunity, their fiery screams could be heard throughout the plains and just barely within the city of Saltum Deos itself. The Frria too heard the screams, and they lamented for their brother’s foolishness. They crafted a monument to the fallen, and then went about their daily activities. The few remaining Frrerre who hid or somehow evaded the Throll retreated back to the nearby mountain range hoping to escape further wrath. Here they would regroup, rebuild, and plan their revenge accordingly.


The popcorn was very delicious, tasting (like all food does to the gods) of sweet ambrosia, but also with a taste of butter and salt.




Lycantheo sees the other gods creating elementals, and starting wars. So he flew down to a storm cloud and looked at it...

He kicked it and watched as lightning flew everywhere. He experimented with this, and eventually managed to create lightning himself... He created a a new elemental of lightning, who he would let them name themselves. They were like large, swift, agile birds with lightning bouncing off of them, no matter how small the spark. The color of lightning even varied between them. They were vastly intelligent.


Lycantheo created the lightning elementals.



Total acts used: 9

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1




And so was birthed the elementals of electricity and lightning, an offshoot of the air element. These creatures soon came to refer to themselves in what translates as “Thunder Birds” (they look quite like this). They quickly meet the Astrael and with their quick minds and the Astrael’s ability to speak to any creature they hit it off from the start. The Thunder Birds effectively become the Astrael’s eyes and ears in the world below, looking down and gather specimens for study (a few unfortunate mortals experience flight first hand, although all are brought back down to earth fairly unharmed). The mortals marvel at the now common sites of the Thunder Birds who are capable of covering vast distances in a matter of seconds. The Astrael of the philosophy and weather duties quickly gain invaluable input from the Thunder Birds. Many Thunder Birds also begin to create nests on the tallest mountain peaks (living together in large communities), where they start to lay eggs that will birth the next generation. (they die when the egg hatches)




Ryadin, having finished what he was doing with the Feralis, was pleased to see that the world was being balanced again with Ishmael's act, his own, and Lycantheo's introduction of a new type of elementals to represent lightning. In order to further balance out the world, he decided to introduce another type of elemental, to represent the elements that were still unrepresented. Contemplating balance, his eye fell upon the sun's rays...and also of the shadow it created.


Ryadin forged two more elementals, both of which he allowed themselves to name. One race of elementals represented light, spreading serenity and harmony to those simply near their presence. The other race represented darkness, spreading hatred and despair to those they touched. He scattered them equally around the world, and to both races he made very clear that they were not to disrupt the balance of the world. Finally, he thought. The elements are all represented.



Ryadin creates light elementals.

Ryadin creates darkness elementals.


Total Acts Used: 7

Acts Today: 3

Acts left: 0




And so even the light and dark now have living vessels capable of interacting with the ever-changing world. The light elementals who refer to themselves as the “Seraphim,” reach out to those they find and help them. Although unseen their touch is one of kindness, laughter, and joy. They find the most downtrodden and lighten their day, fill them with the courage to survive, and also fill the hearts of the powerful with generosity. In opposition the elementals of shadow who refer to themselves as the ‘Umbra,” fill those they meet with hate, discord, and sadness. They drive mortals to evil acts and fill them with destructive emotions. Together the two elementals balance one another, neither side fighting, just simply fulfilling their duty in keeping the world balanced. “Where too much light shines the shadow falls, and where the light will not shine, the candle flickers to life.” becomes the motto of both unseen sides.




Butio sighed as he saw that some of the Ungue had become thieves. He needed something to help the Ungue out, something that could know who was a thief. Butio got an idea.


Butio grabbed the first Ungue he found, not even bothering to know it's name. Butio whispered in it's ear, "I am leaving you with the duty of making sure that the Ungue people do not commit crimes. I am giving you the abilities to see invisible Ungue and knowing if another Ungue is levitating something, also knowing who it is. Abuse these powers, and suffer the Wrath of Deus Butio!" Butio placed the Ungue back on the ground and Butio drifted off, out of sight.


Butio gives an Ungue the abilities to see invisible Ungue and know if an Ungue is levitating something.


Total acts used: 7

Acts today: 1

Acts left: 1




The young Ungue female named Valni cowered at the sight of this powerful divine lord. She panicked and began reciting the memorized prayer, but upon hearing his words she stopped. She listened closely fighting off the overpowering feeling her senses were receiving from the presence of the god. As the god departed and she was left alone she thought for a long while on how to best act. Her father had recently been killed an innocent man by one of the vigilante groups, and perhaps this was her chance to change things. She tested her newfound powers in secret first, hoping to discern how great they were. She found that not only could she know when and where levitation and invisibility were in use, but she could sense who had done it and even pick up on long dead trails left behind.


She approached one of the vigilante groups just as they were asking a witness to one of their “trials”questions. The boy accused stood by crying out that he had never stolen the object, and that the man upon the stand was framing him. They had a fight earlier and now he wanted to see him dead. The vigilantes were not concerned at first by Valni’s presence, for many people came to get entertainment out of these “trials” and she was merely a bystander for now. As the questioning went on however, she used her powers to discern that the witness had indeed stolen the item in question himself. She ran up to the man accusing him and yelling for the whole crowd to hear every little detail of his crime, the vigilantes and crowd were stunned. They had seen people rise in anger before, but never give the details of the crime. The witness stood mouth agape and the only words he could find were “How could you know, I.. I…” She then told them how a god had given her great powers, and that she would now begin determining the truth behind false claims. She smiled as the witness turned accused was executed; her work was only just beginning.

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Butio smiled as he watched the young Ungue named Vaini help out the Ungue people. She had not abused her powers at all, and he did not have to curse his people.


Butio floated off towards where the Frrerre retreated to. Butio wanted to help them out, so he gave some of them more power. Butio took a few Frrerre and mutated them, making them as large as a Throll. Butio hoped that this would help them defeat the Throlls, as Butio was angry at Ishmael for protecting the forest.


Butio mutates a few Frrerre, making them as large as a Throll.


Total acts used: 8

Acts today: 2

Acts left: 0

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Ishmael laughed as he saw the larger Frrerre and went to a different place. There, he decided to play a joke on the world. He created a gerbil. There was nothing special about this species.


Ishmael created gerbils.


Posted Image


Acts Used: 8

Acts Available: 0

Edited by Linguz
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Acastus grew angry at Butio as he tried to help the Frrerre Defeat his creation the Throll and from his anger a new race was born they were called borok Huminoid beings Who are full of hate and anger for anything and everything and with out realising it he realesed them into the world.


Acastus Creates the Borok


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Emrakul never expected Kozilek to inherit his boredom. He felt sorry for this kindred spirit, but still felt that the world wasn't ready to accommodate a being of such power lumbering on it's surface. He decided to give him a way to observe the world without being able to interfere directly.


Emrakul appeared to Kozilek and apologized for his mistake. He created the Seekers, smaller beings that could travel between the planes. They are able to give their visions and memories to Kozilek, and Kozilek is able to inhabit their minds to experience the trips firsthand. However, only his mind goes with the Seeker, his body and his power remain in the underworld. The Seekers are also able to take objects and even creatures between the planes, effectively killing or resurrecting them. However, their power in this regard is limited; they can only do this when Kozilek tells them to.


To a casual observer, a Seeker appears to be a wispy cloud of black smoke, with a pair of glowing eyes in the middle. They are insubstantial, and thus impossible to harm by normal means.


Emrakul creates the Seekers.


Acts total: 5

Acts today: 2

Acts left: 0

Edited by Evilshy

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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It seems to Asatya like the Gods are still only working to further their own creations. The plane of dreams seems to have connect the creatures a bit, but to Asatya it is not enough. He needs to do something big, something that will get all of the gods' attention. They need to realize that all of these creatures and elements will cause chaos in the end. Too many beings of sentience have been made. Asatya decides to take a stand against it...



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