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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

The Void


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Thokal watched the small organisms proliferate, die, renew themselves. It seemed to be an never ending process, he didn't have pity for them but thought it was quite boring. He felt that a little twist had to be added, one that could change them, but it had to be slowly. He thought of a system, and after some time he thought he had found it. He would alter a few of the Organisms, they would be slightly more resistent, but mostly: they had DNA. So each time they split, chances were: they would mutate, giving them new traits,for the better or the worse. He knew that this could be dangerous, as now they were able to change on their own. But that was just his decision.


Thokal altered the bacteria to make them follow the rules of a basic form of Evolution.

Edited by Neikos el Presidente

I love you! <3

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Thokal watched the small organisms proliferate, die, renew themselves. It seemed to be an never ending process, he didn't have pity for them but thought it was quite boring. He felt that a little twist had to be added, one that could change them, but it had to be slowly. He thought of a system, and after some time he thought he had found it. He would alter a few of the Organisms, they would be slightly more resistent, but mostly: they had DNA. So each time they split, chances were: they would mutate, giving them new traits,for the better or the worse. He knew that this could be dangerous, as now they were able to change on their own. But that was just his decision.


Thokal altered the bacteria to make them follow the rules of a basic form of Evolution.




And so another basic natural law was put into place, adding change and growth to the simple little life-forms. The affects were apparent almost immediately with new strains of bacteria evolving rapidly in those around the lush equator where they thrived. These equatorial bacteria quickly began to overpower their lesser cousins and took their place. Some began to hunt others to gain nutrients (carnivores/omnivores), others stopped moving about on their own and let the nutrients come to them (plants), and others started eating those who stopped moving (herbivores). On top of this many new traits began to appear as time went on, every one differentiating the various bacteria more and more.


The lands of this planet remain a dull brown, although with the introduction of a certain new strain of bacteria some starts to take on various hues of red, blue, and green. These immobile bacteria are slowly forming the first multicellular organism, lichen.


OOC: This is all happening quite quickly because although time is now in place it is moving at a speed faster than usual due to your god's perception, what is taking many many years may seem like a few moments to your gods (for now, this perception can change).

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Amazed by how much had happened and how glorious the life upon the original planet was, Arkra decided to divert her attention to the other three neglected planets as the gods focused on the original one. She took some of the life and bacteria from the original planet and supplanted it onto one of its sister planets. It was her wish to see as much life as possible flourish, and one planet simply was not enough for the beauty she wished to see before her.


Arkra places the bacteria onto one of the other planets.


She then turned her attention back to the original planet, and thought that things were moving a bit too slowly. It bored and disappointed her to see this life with so much potential squander it on mere day-to-day living. So the goddess raised a mighty gloved hand, and decided to speed up the progress of evolution to see if they would advance.


Arkra speeds up evolution on the original planet.


Acts Used: 2

Remaining Acts: 0

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Amazed by how much had happened and how glorious the life upon the original planet was, Arkra decided to divert her attention to the other three neglected planets as the gods focused on the original one. She took some of the life and bacteria from the original planet and supplanted it onto one of its sister planets. It was her wish to see as much life as possible flourish, and one planet simply was not enough for the beauty she wished to see before her.


Arkra places the bacteria onto one of the other planets.


She then turned her attention back to the original planet, and thought that things were moving a bit too slowly. It bored and disappointed her to see this life with so much potential squander it on mere day-to-day living. So the goddess raised a mighty gloved hand, and decided to speed up the progress of evolution to see if they would advance.


Arkra speeds up evolution on the original planet.


Acts Used: 2

Remaining Acts: 0




Although her attempt was one one of life, it brought death to many of those she took to the closest world to the sun. A small portion of the life did survive though, a few hardy bacteria and lichens were able to eke out a hardscrabble existance without any water due to evolutionary paths they had taken. Slowly these few groups began to spread and evolve too, seeding the planet with life that could survive without water. The lichens of this planet though required far more energy from the sun due to the lack of water, and with no atmosphere this was easily achievable. To perfect the absorption of these light rays they take on a black pigmentation, this causes the world to slowly look as though some great weaver was spinning black thread into the dry earth of the planet.


On the original planet the power of the god's once again worked its might. What may have taken what would have felt like eons to even the gods, suddenly sped up at an incredible rate. Although not permanent this temporary influx of evolutionary speed created many wondrous forms of life. First the oceans filled with life forms ranging from simple seaweeds to gigantic fish. On the surface plants began to change from lichens to grasses, trees, flowers, and all other forms of plant life. Also, creatures of all shapes and sizes began evolving, insects, mammals, lizards, amphibians, and many other new species filled the new biomes being formed. All of these amazing transformations appeared to be happening overnight to the gods perception. As the influx ended and the speed returned to normal these creatures could easily be seen going about their daily lives, and the various biomes were spread all around the globe. There were plains, deserts, cool mountainous, jungles, taiga, artic, and so many different types of biomes that had formed yet they did not change. The world stood perfectly aligned with the sun, thus the amount of heat gained in each portion was always the same.

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Seeing the creatures roam around aimlessly, Zalgo creates a great gift that the gods may use in the future, one that will allow the creatures they select to worship them and talk, as well as build creations for their masters "This will come useful" he thinks to himself, his greed resurfacing.


Zalgo creates sentient intellegence


Zalgo then looks through all of the species In the gods's world and chooses one as the first intellegent race. He takes a lizard and forms it into a humanoid shape then gives it wings. "I will call them the Draconites, and they will become my people" he says aloud as he gifts them with intellelect.


Zalgo creates the Draconites


Acts left: 0

Edited by Zalgo


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Seeing the creatures roam around aimlessly, Zalgo creates a great gift that the gods may use in the future, one that will allow the creatures they select to worship them and talk, as well as build creations for their masters "This will come useful" he thinks to himself, his greed resurfacing.


Zalgo creates intellegence


Zalgo then looks through all of the species In the gods's world and chooses one as the first intellegent race. He takes a lizard and forms it into a humanoid shape then gives it wings. "I will call them the Draconites, and they will become my people" he says aloud as he gifts them with intellelect.


Zalgo creates the Draconites


Acts left: 0




The concept of sentient intelligence comes into being. Not simple intelligence that is inherent in all life, but an intelligence that is capable of not only surviving but much more. An intelligence that can see opportunities, react to abstract problems, build tools, and worship the gods. This intelligence lays dormant in all species, capable of being awoken at the will of the gods or implanted into any new species they see fit to give this gift to.


And so the first sentient race starts its history on this day, a race of winged lizards known as the Draconites. They first form bands near their animalistic homeland of the great desert which lies in the shadow of the tallest of the amethyst mountains. Here they quickly become the top hunters, capaple of not only flying after their prey but raining spears down upon them from above. These bands soon expand and compete, driving some to leave the desert spreading the race ever farther outward. Those who remain fight over the scarce sources of water and prime hunting grounds, the first wars are fought and the winners decided. These tribal bands form the first communities, and simple proto-languages begin to form consisting of clicks and hisses. Where fate and the gods shall lead them is yet to be seen, but for now the first race lives a simple life of hunting, gathering, and tribal warfare.

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Looking upon the creation of the Draconites he takes a Mammal and gives it intelligence Making a Quandruped with Fur, claws and fangs

"These are my kind i will call them Terrigenae"



Acastus creates the Terrigenae

Edited by Twister XXV


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Seeing other gods creating worshipers, Lycantheo decides to as well. He takes a small furry mammal and gives it intelligence, as well as tweaking it a bit. He decides to place them farther away from the others, in a small mountainous tree-filled continent on the opposite side of the world.

The new creatures he has created were different then the others. They stood on their feet, and their claws were less sharp. They did however, still have sharp teeth, a little fur, night vision, and swift strong bodies. He made them a little stronger, bigger, and much, much smarter, thinking of tools and building , societies and nations, worshiping him, and other things no other creature had thought of before.

Lycantheo creates the Lycultors.


Acts Used In Post: 1

Acts Remaining: 0

Total Acts Used Overall: 3

Edited by LightningWing

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Ishmael watched as his peers crafted sentient life out of animals, using their godly powers to enhance the intelligence of mere creatures. He watched the clouds drift and then looked onto himself. His form, that of clouds for the most part, would be the only thing that would be capable of worshiping him to the extent that he desires. He took a piece of cloud and began to spin it into a mini vortex. Content with looking at how it spun, he rose a creature out of the vortex. It was at first a formless wind, changing constantly. Soon, it developed a more congruent shape, that of a bipedal creature. "This being shall be my creature, capable of walking on clouds and wingless flight. They shall have the ability to see me when I go down to their domain, the land of clouds."


Ishmael crafted the sentient being of wind which he did not name them, but instead allowed them to name themselves.


He instilled several thoughts into them, enough to give them the idea, but he did not force them. He saw how they flew into the air and began to put together clouds, creating a stronger cloud that was pure white and that they could use while building. They were capable of walking on the cloud and would not need to eat. Their bodies would regenerate upon being lost like the creatures down below, except there would be no blood, only wind. They soon came to call themselves Astrael, taking upon the last three letters of their god.


((This is what they look like:))


Posted Image



Acts Used: 3

Acts Available: 1

Edited by Linguz
  • Brohoof 1
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Thokal saw what was going on, and did not agree, as for him, intelligence was priceless. He tried to do something incredibly bold, which would probably infuriate the other gods, but still, he felt that he had to do it, for the fun at least. He used all the powers he had to alter the way the other gods are able to change their creations. He had made them able to mutate earlier, gave them time and death, and now he would give them at least some kind of freedom, another barrier from the gods, as from now on the creations were able to choose their gods, and only the gods they worship will be able to change their fate directly as they will have to take care of themselves, or abide by the rules of said god.


Thokal adds a bound between the creations and the gods they worship, giving them the ability to choose the gods they feel is suited for them, and thus limiting the intervention from any other god that was not being worshiped by them.


Acts Used: 4

Acts Available: 0

I love you! <3

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Seeing as the other gods were making intelligent species, but Thokal put a barrier in between the people they created and the gods, Butios got an idea. He would create a creature that wasn't very powerful, but still be able to survive on it's own. This would be so if he would turn on Butios, he wouldn't be powerful enough to help the other groups. Butios picked up an animal and started shaping it, giving it dry, brown skin, a skinny body with weak arms and legs, and claws on it's fingers and toes. Butios would call them, Unguiculatum, or Ungue for short.


Butios creates the Unguiculatum.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Ryadin frowned, not wanting to be left out of the process. "It seems that the other gods mold their creations after their own images. Very well then..." Concentrating for a bit, he looked around until he found a creature that mirrored his own image, a white tiger. Taking the creature, he reformed it, evolving its paws to become more adept, and giving it the gift of intelligence. Knowing that the other gods had also created creatures, and wishing to allow his own to be able to interact with them, he modified the tiger further, allowing it to use basic telepathy as a method of communication.


Ryadin creates the Feralis.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Looking upon the creation of the Draconites he takes a Mammal and gives it intelligence Making a Quandruped with Fur, claws and fangs

"These are my kind i will call them Terrigenae"



Acastus creates the Terrigenae




And so the second of the sentient races comes into being, the mammalian Terrigenae. This race finds its first communities forming within the expansive pine forests of the northern hemisphere, for now far removed from the lands of the Draconites. Their increased intelligence however does not drive them to change their behavior much beyond increased group hunting and socialization. WIth such powerful natural tools as claws, fangs, and fur they see no point in crafting weapons, meager homes, or tools. They do begin forming a proto-language of their own howerver, using grunts and whistles to aid in their hunting techniques. They quickly become the dominant predators in their area, although with the abundance of wildlife in the forests they don't feel the pressures of competition nearly as much as the Draconites. This lack of competition tied in with their preference for their feral tools keeps the drive to alter their actions strong.


The Draconites on the other hand have begun advancing even further, this in part to their less feral attitude and the ever increasing competition. The first warlord has appeared. A fearsome young Draconite female by the name of Liira gained power through her charisma and by challenging all the regional tribal leaders to duels to the death. These duels to the death have become very common in Draconite society, helping decide marriages, early business transactions, and all manner of other disputes. They involve intricate flight coupled with spear combat in a game of life or death. One such dispute it settled was who would lead the tribe, single-handedly she beat every tribal leader. Soon she had nearly 20 different tribes under her rule and was subjugating other nearby tribes into either joining them or providing tribute. The Draconites greatly revere those capable of besting their leaders, and they quickly swear their loyalty to her. The name Liira has become synonymous among the desert Draconites for leader, and many Draconites flock to join her mighty tribe. After many a rowdy celebration Liira chose a male to take as a mate, later having the first "royal" brood that will populate the desert Draconite regal bloodline for years to come.


The displaced Draconites find the lands outside the Great Desert to be far more capable of providing for their peoples, abundant in both food and water. The lands surrounding the desert are a vast plain of steppe like lands home to many grass eating quadrupeds that roam the landscape. Many form small roving villages which do not partake in the same feuds and duels of their desert brethren, instead experimenting with the first forms of animal domestication.




Seeing other gods creating worshipers, Lycantheo decides to as well. He takes a small furry mammal and gives it intelligence, as well as tweaking it a bit. He decides to place them farther away from the others, in a small mountainous tree-filled continent on the opposite side of the world.

The new creatures he has created were different then the others. They stood on their feet, and their claws were less sharp. They did however, still have sharp teeth, a little fur, night vision, and swift strong bodies. He made them a little stronger, bigger, and much, much smarter, thinking of tools and building , societies and nations, worshiping him, and other things no other creature had thought of before.

Lycantheo creates the Lycultors.




Yet another race is born unto the world, the Lycultors. These peoples have the smallest continent all to themselves, almost more of a large island than a continent really. A grand ametyhst mountain rises up at the center of the continent, imposing and grand. The quiet decidious forests sit empty of large fuana, most are small rodents and various avian creatures. The Lycultors find themselves already imprinted with foreign thoughts and knowledge, this quickly draws them together. A fairly advanced language almost seems to roll off their tongues as the first tribes form. The words spoken are not those of the sane though. They speak quickly with constant racing thoughts, the influx of intelligence being a massive shock to their systems and warping their minds. They begin arguing in extreme voices, praising some unseen god who they somehow know gave them this cursed gift. The mental pain is immense, every thought bringing with it migraine upon migraine.


Slowly the tribes continue to form around attempts to appease their creator, to either remove the pain or embrace it. They fight constantly using tooth and claw for the sacred mountaintop, hoping to reach up into the very heavens to beg to their god or thank him. Sacrifices are made, cannibalism, and all manner of dark acts grow in popularity as their minds slowly drive them down roads of greater depravity.


The first "high-priest-king" Xrixe arises leading the cult of Lycantheo, wearing a robe of woven bones and bathed in the blood of sacrifices. He had been given this status due to his incredibly devout act of murdering and eating over 5 different tribes. He quickly unifies the tribes under the opinon of praise for their creator, he sees the gift as something to cherish. Those who stand agaisnt him now have their blood spattered across the mountain, changing the bright rainbows to deep red hues. The night falls as the Lycultors sing chanting songs into the heavens and beat the drums of sacrifice, the first music of this young world.




Ishmael watched as his peers crafted sentient life out of animals, using their godly powers to enhance the intelligence of mere creatures. He watched the clouds drift and then looked onto himself. His form, that of clouds for the most part, would be the only thing that would be capable of worshiping him to the extent that he desires. He took a piece of cloud and began to spin it into a mini vortex. Content with looking at how it spun, he rose a creature out of the vortex. It was at first a formless wind, changing constantly. Soon, it developed a more congruent shape, that of a bipedal creature. "This being shall be my creature, capable of walking on clouds and wingless flight. They shall have the ability to see me when I go down to their domain, the land of clouds."


Ishmael crafted the sentient being of wind which he did not name them, but instead allowed them to name themselves.


He instilled several thoughts into them, enough to give them the idea, but he did not force them. He saw how they flew into the air and began to put together clouds, creating a stronger cloud that was pure white and that they could use while building. They were capable of walking on the cloud and would not need to eat. Their bodies would regenerate upon being lost like the creatures down below, except there would be no blood, only wind. They soon came to call themselves Astrael, taking upon the last three letters of their god.


((This is what they look like:))


Posted Image



Acts Used: 3

Acts Available: 1




And so the first race of elementals is formed, an intelligent race composed only of wind and air that come to call themselves the Astrael. At first they are but curious, not requiring any fuel but that of the sky they call their home and fearing no predators they take a slow thoughtful look on things rather than rushing. They begin forming a small band atop the cloud their god provided them, building and creating a proto-language using the various cries the wind produces. For now they feel little drive to do more than laze around and play among the clouds, this also slightly alters the weather patterns in their area.




Thokal saw what was going on, and did not agree, as for him, intelligence was priceless. He tried to do something incredibly bold, which would probably infuriate the other gods, but still, he felt that he had to do it, for the fun at least. He used all the powers he had to alter the way the other gods are able to change their creations. He had made them able to mutate earlier, gave them time and death, and now he would give them at least some kind of freedom, another barrier from the gods, as from now on the creations were able to choose their gods, and only the gods they worship will be able to change their fate directly as they will have to take care of themselves, or abide by the rules of said god.


Thokal adds a bound between the creations and the gods they worship, giving them the ability to choose the gods they feel is suited for them, and thus limiting the intervention from any other god that was not being worshiped by them.


Acts Used: 4

Acts Available: 0




Since no gods but Lycantheo and Ishmael had given their creations any inkling of the gods existance this ACT has little immediate repercussions. In the long run however, this change will give the mortals one advantage over their creators. They are free to choose who they worship, given the freedom to choose who will claim their souls. However one aspect of the ACT was unable to be formed. Although the mortals are free to worship who they choose and go to that god's resting place of choosing alone, no god can directly block out the powers of another. All gods are equal in strength, incapable of stopping one another entirely. The difference in choice of worship is that the mortals themselves are altered, and no god may impose their ideology upon them. This does not prevent speaking to, influencing, or other indirect means of introducing religion. It only means that the gods cannot bring the mortals to worship them through direct force.


The Lycultors still worship Lycantheo, having now gone down the path of their own choosing to revere their creator. The same goes for the Astrael in their minor worship of Ishmael, although their concern for who they worship isn't a major priority for them at this time.




Seeing as the other gods were making intelligent species, but Thokal put a barrier in between the people they created and the gods, Butios got an idea. He would create a creature that wasn't very powerful, but still be able to survive on it's own. This would be so if he would turn on Butios, he wouldn't be powerful enough to help the other groups. Butios picked up an animal and started shaping it, giving it dry, brown skin, a skinny body with weak arms and legs, and claws on it's fingers and toes. Butios would call them, Unguiculatum, or Ungue for short.


Butios creates the Unguiculatum.




The Ungue find their first homes just south of the great desert and bordering the steppe lands many Draconites now call their home. They have yet to come in contact with the Draconites, but a meeting is inevitable as the two groups expand. For now they begin developing more tools and weapons than many of the other races to make up for their lack of inherent abilities. They quickly create the first Atlals (spear throwing device) that allows them to throw spears much farther than their strength would normally allow. The most ingenious tribes are those who prosper, usually absorbing what is left of the others after they become the most capable at collecting food.




Ryadin frowned, not wanting to be left out of the process. "It seems that the other gods mold their creations after their own images. Very well then..." Concentrating for a bit, he looked around until he found a creature that mirrored his own image, a white tiger. Taking the creature, he reformed it, evolving its paws to become more adept, and giving it the gift of intelligence. Knowing that the other gods had also created creatures, and wishing to allow his own to be able to interact with them, he modified the tiger further, allowing it to use basic telepathy as a method of communication.


Ryadin creates the Feralis.




The first multilingual race forms, capable of speaking with any other sentient race through telepathy. The Feralis soon find that standing on their hind legs in a certain manner works much better with their newfound upper appendages, although they do not develop many tools relying more on their inherent speed and hunting abilities. They find their homes among the great trees of the equatorial jungles, abundant in food and resources. Their natural affinity for language draws them together, and they begin to form the first trade routes and currency throughout their jungle homeland.

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Zalgo finally decides to present himself to his race. He chooses Liira as the first to show himself to. When she is alone he enters the room she is in, although he is invisible. His deep voice echoes through the room telling her how he created their race. Then he appears in a solid form in front of her and says "Liira, you have proven yourself as the most worthy Draconite for the gift I've been working on. A gift that will grant you great power. Should you decide to accept me as your lord, I will give it to you. It will be of great use in conquering the other tribes and perhaps the... Other races. And should you prove yourself more worthy, I will continue to bless your people with gifts. Now, do you accept?" with the promises of even greater power than she had now, Liira couldn't help but say yes. 

"Excellent." Zalgo said. "I will now bless you with the touch of Zalgo."

Zalgo stretched out his long arm and put his hand on Liira's head. She immediately began glowing with red light and she floated into the air. Then, after around a minute, Zalgo pulled his hand back.

"I have gifted you Liira, with the ability to breathe fire and lightning from your mouth, as well as increased reaction time and speed." Zalgo said as he started to disappear "I must leave now, but don't worry, I will come to you again with more gifts. Your race will become the most powerful of all, and you will be it's champion. Now go and tell your kin and subjects about what I have told you"


Zalgo gifts Liira with a great weapon, so that she may become his champion


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The goddess watched as a certain trend developed amongst the gods, and they created all manner of grotesque beasts. She did not approve of this uncivilization, and saw it as an offense to the flourishing world. The only ones that drew any vague manner of interest in her were the first elementals, yet they were lazy, and still squandered their potential. Thus the goddess turned away her attention from the original world, and focused on the second world where she had repopulated bacteria. They were dark and primitive creatures, but perhaps she could craft them into something appealing.


She took several of these blackened beings, and combined them into what would be the first of an all-female race that could reproduce non-sexually. They were beings of shadow, bipedial and shaped in a graceful humanoid fashion resembling her, with long tails. Arkra decided to prevent insanity and deprivation that she would gift them with a simplistic intelligence, and allow it to grow slowly over time. She called them the Nalimemori.


Arkra creates her own race on the other planet, the Nalimemori.


Acts Used: 1

Acts Left: 0

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Asatya looked at all of the other sentient beings, and thought they were great fun, though he did not think to create a species so tied down to these new planets. Instead, Asatya created spirits he dubbed the Krida. Appearing in any shape or size they please, the Krida are able to go between diferrent planes in the Void, communicating with all, but can not physically affect anything. Also unlike the other beings, the Krida are do not form societies with one another. They prefer to be around other creatures. Asatya created them to spread one of his new favorite pastimes: the telling of stories, jokes, and riddles.


Asatya Creates the Krida

Edited by matau
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Zalgo finally decides to present himself to his race. He chooses Liira as the first to show himself to. When she is alone he enters the room she is in, although he is invisible. His deep voice echoes through the room telling her how he created their race. Then he appears in a solid form in front of her and says "Liira, you have proven yourself as the most worthy Draconite for the gift I've been working on. A gift that will grant you great power. Should you decide to accept me as your lord, I will give it to you. It will be of great use in conquering the other tribes and perhaps the... Other races. And should you prove yourself more worthy, I will continue to bless your people with gifts. Now, do you accept?" with the promises of even greater power than she had now, Liira couldn't help but say yes.

"Excellent." Zalgo said. "I will now bless you with the touch of Zalgo."

Zalgo stretched out his long arm and put his hand on Liira's head. She immediately began glowing with red light and she floated into the air. Then, after around a minute, Zalgo pulled his hand back.

"I have gifted you Liira, with the ability to breathe fire and lightning from your mouth, as well as increased reaction time and speed." Zalgo said as he started to disappear "I must leave now, but don't worry, I will come to you again with more gifts. Your race will become the most powerful of all, and you will be it's champion. Now go and tell your kin and subjects about what I have told you"


Zalgo gifts Liira with a great weapon, so that she may become his champion




Liira for all her strength could do little but awe at a being who gave off such power, she became physically ill for nearly a week afterwords. She emerged from her tent however appearing stronger than ever before. Her scales seemed to glow brighter, her teeth seemed sharper, her eyes seemed quicker, her wings beat stronger.


Her first action was to approach a nearby encampment that had been refusing to cooperate, but had so far withstood all of her attempts at conquest. She stood among the huts, opened her jaw and soon everything was in flame. The second strongest tribe in the desert was reduced to ashes in minutes, the power flowed through her veins with every heartbeat. Those she did not kill begged forgivness immediately, and those who ran were brought into slavery. After seeing her power her own people rejoiced, their leader was truly the strongest and best of any! Many other tribal leaders after hearing of the events simply swore their allegiance to her, they did not wish to meet the same fate as the others. On that day Lirra kept to her end of the deal and founded the second religion to worship the god who could provide such strength to his people. The Church of Zalgo had been formed, and with the Matriarch's backing it spread like wildfire throughout the New Draconite Empire.


The slave industry has become big business for the Draconites of the New Empire, with slave servants providing a measure of one's wealth. Lirra herself owned hundreds of slaves who performed various tasks, although these slaves are not mistreated. They are seen more as "adopted" family, and to mistreat a slave is to bring dishonor to your family. Usually most slaves are fully adoptedi into the family or tribe as members after a number of years.


On the steppes the "lost" Draconites have begun fully perfecting the art of domestication, they now herd groups of cattle and other large quadrupeds for food across the plains. The first meeting between two races occured upon the steppes, between the Lost Draconites and the still young yet ingenious Ungue. The Ungue, now with a similar tribal system to that of the Lost Draconites, although without domestication, tried hunting some of the Draconites cattle. The Draconites first believed them to be odd predators, until they saw the Atlals the Ungue were wielding. The Ungue and Draconites met, and although there was a language barrier they knew the touch of sentience lay in both sides. Both left, unwilling or too afraid to kill the other. Over the course of time both sides met more often, and an early mixed language emerged. The Ungue prospered from the introduction of domestication, and the Draconites were intrigued by the ingenious devices the Ungue were capable of building. The Lost Draconites and the Ungue found that aside from some differences, they shared much in common with one another. This bond and their mutual respect for one another is slowly binding their cultures.


The second Empire of the world has formed on the island continent under the rule of Xrixe, or a better word for it would be Theocracy. All rules come from Xrixe, which he claims come from the mad god Lycantheo himself. Already understanding the idea of empire he simply "formed" and empire, and to celebrate... more sacrifices and cannibalism. The grand Amethyst mountain ran so red with blood that day that the crystal itself was infused with the red stain. From now on the mountain will stand as a permanent monument to the bloodshed that is the Lycanthian Empire.




The goddess watched as a certain trend developed amongst the gods, and they created all manner of grotesque beasts. She did not approve of this uncivilization, and saw it as an offense to the flourishing world. The only ones that drew any vague manner of interest in her were the first elementals, yet they were lazy, and still squandered their potential. Thus the goddess turned away her attention from the original world, and focused on the second world where she had repopulated bacteria. They were dark and primitive creatures, but perhaps she could craft them into something appealing.


She took several of these blackened beings, and combined them into what would be the first of an all-female race that could reproduce non-sexually. They were beings of shadow, bipedial and shaped in a graceful humanoid fashion resembling her, with long tails. Arkra decided to prevent insanity and deprivation that she would gift them with a simplistic intelligence, and allow it to grow slowly over time. She called them the Nalimemori.


Arkra creates her own race on the other planet, the Nalimemori.


Acts Used: 1

Acts Left: 0




The lichens of the waterless world had not changed much since Arkra's intial seeding of the planet. Although they had entirely perfected existance with both no atmosphere and no water. Relying entirely on the sun's light to fuel their life-force. The Nalimemori were the first sentient life to populate a world away from the original. Having grown from the lichens they required the same sources of energy and could survive where other life could not. These people may have simplistic thoughts, but their curiosity is not lessened by this fact. Soon after realizing they were capable of moving they began exploring their surroundings. Every nook and cranny of this world filled them with child like wonder, and all the while they sang. Sang a song of beuatiful highs and lows, fluctuating and bobbing as their lithe figures traversed their homeworld. This singing was their first attempts at language, for all plants sing but the gods happened to give these ones a voice.




Asatya looked at all of the other sentient beings, and thought they were great fun, though he did not think to create a species so tied down to these new planets. Instead, Asatya created spirits he dubbed the Krida. Appearing in any shape or size they please, the Krida are able to go between diferrent planes in the Void, communicating with all, but can not physically affect anything. Also unlike the other beings, the Krida are do not form societies with one another. They prefer to be around other creatures. Asatya created them to spread one his new favorite pastimes: the telling of stories, jokes, and riddles.


Asatya Creates the Krida




And so now to accompany the mortals, and elementals, are the first outsiders. The Krida hold no ties to the earth, simply traveling about and enjoying themselves. Seperate entities capable of communication, but not direct interference in the physical world. They quickly flock to the early societies hoping to learn of jokes, stories, and riddles to learn and tell. In every society the general reactions are the same, initial suspiscion until they were seen as non-threats. Soon the socities of the world began to accept them as bards who shared tales. Theiir true impact came when they started to go from group to group though. Suddenly races who believed they were alone in the world (other than the Lost Draconites and the Ungue) were faced with the knowledge that they were not at all alone. There were many other tribes, and the tales (some true and some false) were many and varied. The world became a little more connected with the introduction of the Krida, but also a little more wary.

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Emrakul had been observing the other Gods and their activities with great interest, but had decided that, now, he wanted more direct involvement. Figuring that creating his own sentient race would be a good place to start, he focused on the waters that were so similar to his own body. He began to draw water together with little bits of living matter; a bacterium here, a protein there, a few lipids. Soon, he had a crude likeness of himself, a small blob of living, gelatinous liquid. The lights in his core flickered to a dull orange, showing annoyance and frustration. He played with different forms of matter, viscosity, and other traits until he arrived at one he liked. He breathed life into the blob, giving it true life and sentience.


Emrakul creates water elementals.


His lights changed to a bluish green as he "smiled." These creatures seemed like they would be quite interesting. He would let them name themselves, just to see what they would come up with.

He watched as they enveloped and absorbed various sea creatures to sustain themselves; being nearly 98% water, they were perfectly hidden in their natural habitat and therefore perfect hunters. He watched as they interacted, some splitting like bacteria, some fusing with others to create new blobs. His lights intensified as he watched with growing fascination. He eagerly waited to see if and how one of his creations might interact with the water cycle.


He gazed out upon the other sentient species, vague plans of introducing his creations to them in a sudden and dramatic way tugging at the back of his godly mind. He resisted these temptations, deciding to wait to see what they would do themselves.


But then he thought of a way he might quicken this event. He traveled to other bodies of water, bringing his creations with him. Soon, nearly every major body of water was inhabited by at least a small population of his creatures.


Emrakul spreads his creatures across most of the planet.




ACTs used: 2

remaining: 0

Edited by Evilshy

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Whilst looking upon the forest home of the terrigenea he began to wonder of what else could he create to wonder around these forests so using the creation of Wood and stone he crafted a huminoid being call the throll


Acastus creates the earth elements


Acastus decides it is time to show himself to the Terrigenea and chose The son of a hunter called Swift and gives him the gift of of strength and tells the young hunter that his clan now have the power of great strength


Acastus gives the Terrigenea the gift of strength

Edited by Twister XXV


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Ishmael heard how different species spoke and how his were nearly quiet. "That won't do. Take it upon thee to knowest what all sentient language speaks of and be capable of speaking to all sentient life."


Ishmael gave the astreals the magic of understanding languages, allowing them to understand all languages and speak in a manner that anyone can understand what they say, for all they truly used to speak was the wind.


Ishmael decided to test the language dropped down to the worldly plane and met with the astraels for the first time. He quickly took the position of their lord through little more than asking. The astraels innately knew who he was and let him take his place. He dictated that he did not want worship and soon befriended those who approached him. By the end of that day which seemed moments for Ishmael, he had established nearly nothing besides having the rest of them choose a single member to become their high lord when he was away. He told that one that whenever he wanted to speak to him, all he had to do was speak, that he would always be listening. He also told them to practice controlling the wind.


He departed soon after and watched them alter the wind, creating breezes to tornados. "They're powerful but control is important as well. I hope they see that." He leaned back into his cloud, making it a chair.


Acts Used: 4

Acts Available: 1

Edited by Linguz
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Butio was happy with the Ungue. He saw other gods giving gifts to their creations, and Butio didn't want his to be too weak, so he decided to pay them a visit. A booming voice could be heard by the Ungue. "Congratulations, my people. You have proven yourself worthy of living in this world. I will give you a gift this day, the ability to levitate objects from a far distance away, and some objects that your normal strength would not allow you to carry. Continue to prove yourselves and I will provide you with more gifts!"


Butio gave the Ungue the gift of levitation.


The voice faded out as Butio drifted away. He hoped that his people would use the gift well.


Acts Used: 4

Acts Available: 1

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Finally, Lycantheo decided to act. First, he wanted to stop Xrixe, who had brought death and destruction, and even left his mark on the grand, majestic amethyst mountain. He didn't want to upset the rest of the lycultors and was worried they would be upset and angry at him, but he knew he had to. He soon swooped down and brought lightning down upon Xrixe, then pulled the color of blood from the mountain with his celestial power. He hoped nothing like this would ever happen again. (I hope the mountain part doesn't make it too much for one act... If it does, I can make it another act entirely if you want)

Lycantheo takes Xrixe's life.

Lycantheo drains the amethyst mountain of its dreadful bloodstains.


He also notices that the lycultors seem to call themselves wolves. He was fine with this, and would have wondered where they heard the term lycultors anyway if they did call themselves by that.

Then, he realized that he kind of forced intelligence to the wolves, making them think too rapidly, causing them insanity and mental pain, and went to every one he could find and made them think more comfortably, fitting them. He felt a bit panicked when he realized that this was why his creations were acting out.

Lycantheo makes the lycultors think less rapidly, as this was causing them extreme mental pain and even insanity.


Acts Used In Post: 2

Acts Remaining: 2

Total Acts Used Overall: 6

Edited by LightningWing

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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Thokal watched around him, he saw that the other gods were busy fitting their various creations. He realized that he had none that was... material, except the star. He shunned intelligence that was not one of the gods, it was dangerous to combine intelligence and power. But he also wanted to create something, but it would different from the others. He looked at the plant life, seeing how it flourished, died and grew back again, and created a new plant. To be exact a tree. The tree would seem ordinary at first, but inside it was much like an animal. It had nervous connections and sensors, it felt the heat around it, the moisture, the wind blowing, or the animals climbing onto them. Only, they had no brain and alone they would die. So he decided to group them together, giving them the ability to communicate trough impulses in their roots, effectively being able to reach consensus on several important decisions like the amount of fruit to bear, as well as whether the season was dry for everyone.



Thokal creates a tree, able of communication and simple decision making once they are grouped together.


Acts Used: 5


Acts Remaining: 0

I love you! <3

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Seeing Liira continue to show herself worthy, Zalgo returns and gives her two new abilities as well as an increased lifespan. The ability to breathe acid and frost breath. Before he leaves he tells her he will show himself to her entire race in good time.


Zalgo gives Liira more power, and waits for the right moment to show himself to his entire people


Acts used: 5

Acts left: 0

Edited by Zalgo


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Looking down upon the Feralis, Ryadin was pleased with their growth, both culturally and economically, but worried over their lack of incentive for tools. He knew that their fledgling markets and trade routes would spread out of the jungle given time, and that his creations would eventually make contact with other species. Although the gift of telepathy would ensure that the Feralis would be able to communicate with the outsiders, once met, Ryadin worried that the lack of tool innovation would make the Feralis seem primitively weak, and easy targets for conquest. He thus decided to send his creations a dream in their sleep, a vision of the mighty civilization that they could become. "But first," his voice would boom. "First you must learn to craft the materials around you into ever-complex tools, if you are to achieve the vision you see before you."


Ryadin sends the Feralis a dream to encourage them to develop and use tools.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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