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private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Ocean continued to nuzzle into Thunder Dash's mane, almost burying her face in it. she smiled and sighed sweetly, "Thank you my love, it means so much to my family that you're giving my father a proper send off and burial. I know that were he still alive, he would have loved you, and you know, I don't know if you've noticed but little Chirp, well she just brightens up their lives, Shade's especially, he now has a little changeling to play with." She kisses him, "Thunder, you truly are the most wonderful stallion there is" 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Thunder nuzzled and hugged Ocean. "Perhaps the only thing that would keep Canterlot together is if we love one another. Even if ponies of another Quarter wander in here, we should love'em no matter what quarter they're from." Thunder Dash stated feeling the warmth of the hug.  

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"I couldn't agree more darling, to me, this force, or whatever it is, let's just call it the enemy for now, but to me, it seems that it was born out of jealousy and hate. Or at the very least,that is what it thrives off of.. So, it would only make sense, that the only way to fight and defeat the enemy, is to love one another. That is something I can do, especially with you" Ocean replies as she snuggles in the warmth and fuzziness of his soft fur.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Why..." Shadow was caught a little off guard by the question, surely they hadn't found out about the books already? "I'm just a typical citizen of Equestria," He decided it would be time to put on a little ruse to try and get out of the situation, "Why, did something happen, are you looking for someone?"

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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"We could save the snuggling and hugging for a little later. We've got a world to save." Thunder stated as he released Ocean from his hug and gently patted her on the head.




"Canterlot is what's left of what was Equestria...I'm afaid." The guard stated taking his helmet off. 

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"I know sweetheart, but your fur is so soft, warm and fuzzy. Snuggling into it helps me feel safe and happy." Ocean replies, letting out a sound like a cat's purr when Thunder Dash patted her on the head, *purrrr* "so darling, have you thought about the things we will need for Chirp? Does she have any toys or stuffed animals?" 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Ah, she plays with whatever's around." Thunder stated as he began to stroke Ocean's soft and fuzzy coat. "One thing's for sure. She loves it when you tickle her belly." Thunder stated as he reached under and gave Ocean's underside a little rub and blushing ever so lightly. 

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Ocean giggles and smiles, "Changeling or not, she is a little sweetheart, and so adorable." She kisses him, "and thank you, for offering to let her stay with my family, it really means a lot to them, especially during this time of need. Is there anything else we should do for my father's send off and burial?"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Well, we could have the Canterlot Ensemble, if they want to play, play a song for the burial. If not, we could have some of the guards who play trumpets and bugles, do a little farewell call on their instruments. A burial isn't a burial without a song of goodbye." Thunder stated still stroking Ocean's fur.  

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Ocean smiles even wider "That'd be wonderful, father always loved their music and they played at many of the charities my family organized and contributed to" She says, nuzzling into Thunder Dash's mane again, then places a hoof on her belly and sighs, "sometime" she says quietly to herself. 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Thunder then walked over to a nearby guard. "Sir, round up the best royal guard trumpet and bugle players. We're gonna have a funeral for Ocean's father." Thunder stated. "Yes sir!" The guard stated as he ran off to find some guards who played trumpet or bugle. Thunder then suddenly had an urge. He then gently picked up Ocean, sat down, placed her on his lap belly up, and began to rub her belly. "If we do end up getting married..." He stated.  

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Ocean blushes and giggles, "that tickles my sweet stallion" she says, sitting up to kiss him, "I love you Thunder, from the deepest reaches of my heart, we can defeat this enemy. I have faith in you, in us, in Equestria." she then heard the big M word and smiled widely. She didn't say anything though, she wanted his proposal to be a surprise, though she wanted to marry him with all her heart "yes darling, what were you going to say?"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Thunder kissed Ocean back. If they could, he wanted to propose to her right then and there, but he felt that it was too rushed. He then suddenly thought of something. "You know...there is a way that I could possibly fly over to a quarter and watch from above without stirring suspicion." Thunder stated still hugging Ocean.  

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Ocean smiled at Thunder, still in his lap. She kisses him, "I..if you think that will be a good idea" she says, she really just wanted to snuggle with him, and she was pretty scared that if he got caught that something might happen to him, she didn't want to lose him, more importantly, she didn't want Chirp to lose her father.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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While Ocean was still hugging him, Thunder gathered some electricity and started to glow. He slowly started to shrink down a few sizes. The light faded and Thunder was revealed in his younger form. "This is gonna work...trust me." Thunder stated looking up at Ocean as he was now cuddled in her arms.


(OOC: Here's what Thunder looks like in his younger form: filly_thunder_dash_by_pikachu25sci95vt-d)

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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@, (OMG SO CUTE! You should totally get Artsy and SkyHeart to do art of him)


 Ocean's heart melted, colt Thunder Dash,was just so cute! She snuggled him in her arms and kisses him on the head, "who's a extremely cute little colt, you are, yes you are." She says gently rubbing his tummy and then gives him a raspberry.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Thunder let out a silly giggle and blushed. One of his hind legs sort of twitched a bit. "You're treating me as if I was your own foal...and that's a good thing." Thunder stated still giggling, but lighter than before. He continued to cuddle in Ocean's arms. He had not felt this warmth in a long time. 

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@, (if you ask Artsy tell her I sent you)


"You're just so cute and adorable!" Ocean coos and holds him close to her chest, "oh Thunder,  I love you so much, colt size and full size. "you're cute, adorable, kind, caring, sweet...Oh Thunder, you mean so much to me, I...I don't want to lose you, I don't want Chirp to lose you."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Thunder continued to melt in Ocean's warm embrace. "But you won't lose me. I will make it. You just have to trust me on this one. We can't just...stay here and watch Equestria, well, former Equestria fall apart." Thunder stated as he rolled on his back facing belly-up at Ocean.


(OOC: Wait...could you give me Artsy's profile link?) 

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@, (here it is: http://mlpforums.com/user/24671-artsy/ she's the one that did my avatar pic)


Ocean sighed, "I know love and I do trust you, I..I just can't stand the thought of something happening to you, you brought light back into my life,  not just that, but laughter and happiness, and you did the same for my family." She kisses his cheek while scratching his belly. 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Comet turned to face the half asleep mare and raised an eyebrow. "By the way you stumbled in here I don't think I want to risk it..." Comet said jokingly. "Oh, and what would you like? What I'm making here might not appeal to your tastes... W-was you serious about last night? About joining the guard with me?" Comet asked curiously. Comet added numerous poisons to the mix that he was concocting.


Nuclear Neurotic

Nuclear stretched, popping her back. "Well, yeah. I may be a tad passive considering my abilities. But I know I could kick some serious butt out there." She grabbed a loaf of bread from a cupboard. "And again, I'd feel a lot better knowing that you were safe."

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Shadow thought to himself for a moment, he knew about the split, but he never knew just how dire it had gotten out here. "I understand..." He tried his best to show some sort of understanding. "Everypony has been looking for answers, but... Not matter what you do you just find yourself unable to give them." He finished his sentence before leaving the guard to his duties.


No matter what you do, the answer always seems to slip away... 

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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@@Nuclear Neurotic


"I... I was thinking, by myself this morning... If an all out war with actual warfare were to start then... Well, our defenses aren't the best so we won't last long. If war did come here, I'd also be here to help protect it. Protect you... To help keep you safe would be my only goal in the guard. If you joined too, I couldn't guarantee that. I don't want you to join..."

Comet turned from his pot and looked at Nuclear, tears were beginning to well up in his eyes.

"I still have feelings for you y'know... As much as it may cloud my vision as to what is right to do, I don't care. If it keeps you safe, or at least safer, I want to do it."

Edited by Comet Starflash
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Thunder blushed lightly at this. It took a lot more to make him blush deeper. He also giggled lightly. He then hugged Ocean. Soon, a guard approached the two. "I've rounded up my best players and...Thunder? What happened to you?!" The guard asked surprised. "Don't worry, nothing happened. I just reverted to my younger form." Thunder reassured. "Oh, ok. But the players are waiting close to what was Celestia's castle." The guard stated. "Thank you sir." Thunder stated. The guard then walked off. 

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@, (OOC: sorry I didn't reply sooner, was pretty depressed last night)


Ocean smiled and snuggled Thunder Dash close to her chest, then turned him on his back and started blowing raspberries on his cute, soft, fuzzy little furry belly. "you're just so adorable, I bet you had all the little fillies chasing after you at school." she says as she kisses him, "Guess we better go and get my father's burial and sending off out of the way, the sooner it is done, the sooner my family can relax. then you can do what you need, and hopefully, afterwards....we can..we can..." 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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