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open Survival: The new world (RP)


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"Yeah, but we haven't used our muscles for quite some time," Diego said. "I'm gonna look around and see if there's anything I can make into food with my magic."


While Diego couldn't summon food from nowhere, or make it out of nothing, he could use his chaos magic to create it from certain things. For example, using it on a piece of wood to make a fruit tree grow, or on grass to make hay.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Yeah, but we haven't used our muscles for quite some time," Diego said. "I'm gonna look around and see if there's anything I can make into food with my magic."


While Diego couldn't summon food from nowhere, or make it out of nothing, he could use his chaos magic to create it from certain things. For example, using it on a piece of wood to make a fruit tree grow, or on grass to make hay.

"Then let's do some stretches" he said opening his wings and flying up doing a corkscrew as he raised in elevation. Once at his hight, he closed his wings and fell...once he was 12 feet from the ground he opened his wings and flew off into the distance, before coming back and landing on his hooves. He started hopping on his hooves shaking his head enthusiastically. "Alright I'm all good!" He said happily.

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As Gentle Secret was picking the lock, Golden Shield forced himself to concentrate and to prepare for what was going to be on the other side. He could not guess what was in the room, but he prepared for the worst. When he heard a satisfying click, he looked at her and said "good work, but that little tome of yours will fail you one day." Golden Shield gently reached a hoof out and slowly pushed the door open.


He had prepared himself for the worst, but Golden Shield was shocked at what he saw. The room was large and circular, with a high ceiling.  In the centre of the room stood the largest piece of electrical equipment he had ever seen. It was cylindrical in shape, and rose from the floor and touched the ceiling. Red lights blinked and sparkled across its surface, and it appeared that there were a few terminals near the floor where information could be entered. At the middle of the electronic pillar, eight large arms extended outwards, and then bent down at a 90 degree angle until they touched the ground. At that point each tube ran parallel along the floor and connected to what looked like a large stone bed. Each of the stone beds had an identical cover supported by an arm that connected to the ceiling. Two beds, at opposite sides of the room, had their covers raised, revealing a unicorn in each. They appeared to be asleep, unconscious or much worse.


The floor around each bed was a metal grating, designed to siphon away liquid. At the back of the room there was an operating table, and the wall behind it was covered in medical equipment. Scalpels, syringes and far more menacing looking apparatuses.


Golden Shield pointed to one pony, indicating to Gentle Secret to tend to them. He then slowly walked to the other. As he drew close to the mystery unicorn, he could see that her mane and tail appeared damp. "They bathe us in this infernal concoction? Neuro will have to explain himself!" The unicorn had a dark grey coat and a similarly deep purple mane and tail.




Golden Shield stopped when he was right beside the mare on the bed. As gently as he could, he lifted his hoof and placed it on her shoulder. He felt warmth, "she is alive, at least there is that much."  He began to rub his hoof on her shoulder gently and asked quietly and calmly "can you hear me?" Golden Shield was trying to wake her up as smoothly as he could.

Edited by Golden Shield


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Emerald Gaze.


A voice?


It had been a long time since she had heard a voice - one other than her own inside her head... this was coming from outside, wasn't it? She hadn't finally snapped from the isolation inside her own head? Hadn't given up and started to listen to voices that didn't exist? It had happened to others through history, why not her?


A feeling accompanied the voice: physical contact - certainly not one of her minds creations - which meant that something was trying to wake her up. It was hard, trying to wake up again after however long she had slept: her body didn't want to.


Emerald Gaze felt her eyes snap open impulsively: light flooding in as they struggled to recall how to craft a picture from it all. She clenched them closed tightly for a moment and tried again: willing herself to recall how they should be working. It was a little better.




Her piercing eyes flailed about the room as she tried to make out the shapes around her at the same time that a few useless memories and recollections came back to her... nothing useful, just some faces that she couldn't put names to and such nonsense.


She coughed and felt her lungs properly full with air as the image before her came into focus - a pony!


"Wuh..." She said - forming the first sound that came into her mouth.


'Try again: like you know how!' The mares mind lectured as she shook her head - coughing again, taking a deep breath and trying to steady herself.


"What... who are you? What happened? Where am I?"


It only took a moment of practise for her speech to return - at least to a functional degree. She couldn't recall many other things but her voice was a gift - speech came naturally to her.


"Sorry... my memory is a little blurry..." The mare went on in a more eloquent tone - trying to push herself into a more dignified position and failing.

"I just... just need a minute. Who are you?"

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Thepumpkinking, Diego stretched comfortably, and watched, enviously, as his companion flew. "Wish I could do that," he said. "I know there's spells to create wings, but the wings are temporary and don't last for very long." His attention was caught by a piece of wood in the grass, obviously part of a chair or something similar. Just for practice, mainly, as he hadn't used his magic for ages, Diego concentrated on it. A pear tree grew out of the piece of wood, with reddish yellow pears hanging from it.


"Still got it!" Diego said, happily.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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"Yeah, but we haven't used our muscles for quite some time," Diego said. "I'm gonna look around and see if there's anything I can make into food with my magic."


While Diego couldn't summon food from nowhere, or make it out of nothing, he could use his chaos magic to create it from certain things. For example, using it on a piece of wood to make a fruit tree grow, or on grass to make hay.

Josh listened to them talk and grew curious to Diegos magic.

He stared at short circuit as he flew around and started to move his wings around slowly liking the feeling of their movement. He sat by Diego and spoke. "what kind of things can your magic do? If you just need certain herbs and things to turn to food I just got some if they would help?" he pulled out a herb a put it down. "would they help at all to make food?" he looked inquisitivley at Diego. He stared at the pear tree as it suddenly grew. "well that's amazing" he smiled wide and stared in amazement.

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@@Thepumpkinking, Diego stretched comfortably, and watched, enviously, as his companion flew. "Wish I could do that," he said. "I know there's spells to create wings, but the wings are temporary and don't last for very long." His attention was caught by a piece of wood in the grass, obviously part of a chair or something similar. Just for practice, mainly, as he hadn't used his magic for ages, Diego concentrated on it. A pear tree grew out of the piece of wood, with reddish yellow pears hanging from it.


"Still got it!" Diego said, happily.

Once the tree sprouted up, short circuit walked over to the tree observing it. Pears? Not the most exciting fruit, but what else can you do in a survival sceniro. He flew up to one and picked it up with both hooves and took a bite from it..."juicy!" He said through crunches.


After he finished it he wiped the juices from his face and closed his wings. "Wow, can you make more like that?" He questioned the unicorn.

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( http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/streamsung-swann-r5689 , you can ignore most of her personality, a lot has changed, so it's just the picture for reference. She doesn't have a horn there, but she does have one...)




When the capsules opened and the mind-restraining liquid had flown out, streamsung had instantly awoken, but had kept her eyes closed. She was afraid of what she would see, of what she would feel. She had been alone in the deepest trenches of her thoughts, pondering about the endless emotions that resonated through her mind for so long.


She shivered and shrugged, feeling the effects of the liquid were wearing off. No longer was her mind numbed. She could feel how cold it was, and how much she was struggling without magic... Without water...


Water. Her throat felt like sandpaper, and she so exhausted. She needed water so badly. She could hear the door to the room open and she opened her eyes. She saw the room she was in, and she saw the ponies that had just entered. She had no time to think of all that. She needed water, fresh hydrating envigorating life-granting water.


And thus she asked them for it. "Please... I need water." She coughed and wheezed, barely having a voice at all. She was desperate, and she didn't care about anything else anymore.



Neuro watched as the 3 stallions nearly frolicked outside. He frowned. "No time for stuff like this..." He said. He turned to the stallion that had mentioned a vault to the North. "That would be towards the mountains then. If my memory is correct we should be somewhere near the crystal empire glaciers... If we're going to go there we're going to need a lot of warm clothing..." He thought out loud.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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A wave of relief washed through Golden Shield as he heard the mare's voice. "She will be okay." His mind became clear for a second, and his thoughts where able flow unhindered by the strange affects of the green fluid. For the moment, Golden Shield dismissed the existence of the other unicorn in the room, so that he could pay his full attention to the one he was standing beside. Besides, "Gentle Secret is surely tending to them by now." 


He looked down at the mare with a smile on his face and began his speech, it turned out slightly more poetic than he intended. "Shh, Shh. Rest and relax, relax and rest, you have been through an ordeal. The vicious twilight of your present is slowly lighting to become a brighter tomorrow. Lit by a beacon, promising hope and fulfilment, it is not far away. No, do not rush it, rest and relax. Alas my twilight has just started. Glancing upon thy darkened lustrous locks and vibrant mane, I am reminded so strongly of the beauty of peaceful nights that I have once had. They are but a dim memory compared to thy resounding beauty."


"I am known by the name of Golden Shield, and a shield I am. As of now, it is unimportant who I am, only know that I am a friendly face. Is there anything my petty hooves could do for you?" Golden Shield continued to rub his hoof on the mare's shoulder. He did not know why he did so, it just felt right.


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Gentle Secret approached the stone bed. Before she could even take in a great detail of the unicorn, she heard the raspy voice that was probably from the unicorn. Raspy could mean dry, and the raspy low voice confirms this.


Gentle Secret got closer, noticing it was a mare, she created a small sphere of water with her magic, it should enough and that would be the biggest Gentle Secret could create without wasting too much magic and oxygen of the air. Transferring magic and taking the atmosphere and magic, she created the sphere of water. Probably not the best tasting, it would be bland, but it'll work.


Then she spoke, "Miss, open your mouth please. I'll diverge a small stream of water into your open mouth." A small trickle, not enough to overwhelm the mare and cause coughing or even drowning actions.


A small stream of water held by magic was pulled from the sphere. The minute a confirmation was recieved, she'll allow the stream to trickle down into the mare's mouth. Slowly, to allow natural gulping of the water.

Edited by Demirari


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Emerald Gaze.




Emerald blinked a few more times as she processed the words: smooth like silk - flowing rather than simply being said like music, or poetry. Soothing, relaxing. Enthralling almost...


But something still felt wrong.


"Shield...?" She echoed - reality snapping back into focus with a flood of memories that struck her with such suddenness that she was unable to put them into context. She shuddered, but didn't move. The numbness was starting to lessen - perhaps it wasn't poison after all.


"Much as..." She coughed again - inwardly cursing whatever had done this to her body as she lost her train of thought. How long had she been out to feel like this? Days? Weeks? Whatever the case, this was no way for a diplomat, a lady or a noble - however minor - to act. On the other hoof, until her memories recovered properly, perhaps it was best to just go along with what the stallion told her. She cast about the mess that was her mind for something to say that wouldn't put her in any danger: wouldn't implicate her in anything. In the end, her thoughts kept coming back to his voice though. "You have... quite the way with words." The mare smiled weakly - focusing on his face - remembering features and trying to pice them to her memories. Nothing - she could place him: just a silver tongued stranger. "Thank you... though I doubt that many of those words... ring true right now."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Streamsung drank thankfully from the stream. It hurt to swallow it at first, and she had to keep herself from trying to drink too fast, but eventually her body started to consume the water properly. The magic that was inert to her being started to work, and the water healed her body and gave it energy. He horn was glowling as she slowly regained power. She opened her eyes wider as she drank the last drop of water. It was a slightly dissapointing amount, and she didn't feel completely healthy yet, but she felt a lot better anyway. Her throat was no longer sore, and her muscles no longer weak. She was thankful for the pony that had giver her the water. Water was something she needed more than most, but she could do more with it as well, this 'healing' being one of many uses.


She tried to slowly get off the stone table. As she did so, she looked around the room with big eyes, only now realising where she truly was... or actually realising that she didn't know where she was. The sudden thought made her panic, and she lost control of her balance and fell on the ground. "Ow!" She yelled as she hit her head on the cylindrical thing in the middle of the room. She breathed in and out slowly, trying not to panic again and stood up slowly and steadily.


She then focused on the mare that had given her water. She didn't really know what to think of her, since she didn't really know what to think of anything in this situation. She simply said the first thing that came to mind. "I... thank you... what... what happened? Where..." She didn't finish what she was saying and grew silent, looking around the room with big eyes again. It was frightening metal cage, filled with creepy looking machinery and medical tools... She was so frightened and clueless of what to think that she nearly started to cry... But she pulled herself together, whimpered a little and looked at the unicorn mare again. "I'm sorry... I don't know what is going on... How did I get here?" She said softly. A bit of her hair fell in front of her face as she asked that, and she realised she was not wearing her usual braid... Someone must've touched her. This terrible thought gave her the chills, but there was so much going on that she didn't say anything about it. She waited for hopefully some kind of understandable answer.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Golden Shield's smile was swept of his face as he heard the mare's response. He could hear noises coming from the other side of the room, but he ignored them. "I dabble, but my dear my words and truth are synchronous." Golden Shield cursed himself for what he was about to do. It was surely the stupidest thing he has ever done, but he couldn't change his mind. He was always a sucker for a damsel in distress. "Besides, at times like these, an ally is the most powerful weapon. I may earn myself one now."


He took his hoof off her shoulder and placed it on her forehead. He forced his horn to ignite with magic, sending waves of pure torment through his head and body. He tried his best to ignore it. Similarly to when he studied the green fluid, the world went dark and all that existed was the mare. He could feel her warmth, her heartbeat, her scent. He felt her pain as well. As sweat began to bead at his forehead, he learned that the mare must be dangerously dehydrated. Golden Shield cursed himself again, he was surely a fool for what he was going to do.


Golden Shield whispered to the mare, "may the blood beat through your heart fiercely and jubilantly." He did not truly understand the nature of his own spell, but Golden Shield felt his own tongue grow parched and the overwhelming need to drink. He just hoped that the water that had been absorbed from his own body made it to the mare.


Golden Shield took his hoof off of the unicorn's forehead and placed it on the ground. He then forced himself to sit down. His body was wracked in pain, light headed and weak. He tried to hold on and gather himself. He overdid the spell. He forced himself to spit out as many words as he was able to. He said weakly and feebly, "feel better?"     


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Gentle Secret watched in confusion and concern as she saw the mare stumble around. Her facial expression winced as the mare hit the cylinder object. Probably from confusion, Gentle Secret noted to herself. Fear could play a factor to this, the mare did panic.


Then Gentle Secret cleared her head as the mare asked her a question. Gentle Secret thought for a bit, she honestly didn't really know either, besides the knowledge that most of ponykind had been wiped out. She spoke, slowly, unsure still, "We are, if the information is true, in a large vault. Due to some unforeseeable and unstoppable force that had exterminated much of ponykind." Blunt, but better than breaking things in.


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@@Thepumpkinking, "Certainly can," Diego replied. "And I should, too; if we are going to plan on a journey of exploration, we'll need more supplies than we currently have. I'll bring some of this wood with me; I can always make a tree from wood if I have it nearby. That's part of chaos magic; it doesn't have to make sense."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Emerald Gaze.




Emerald looked about - noting how the world seemed to become more focused, as did her mind. The chaos of mismatched thoughts from a thousand dreams seemed to fall into place over a few short seconds. She blinked.




"Uhm..." She stalled, trying to sit upright again with considerably more success this time. "Much, thank you."


She still couldn't remember much of what had happened: where she was or why... but at least now she knew who she was. And while her body was still weak, her wits were starting to return - which was an immeasurable relief to the mare who relied on her mind most of all.


Her ear flicked as she picked up in other voices in the room - listening in for any other clues about her situation - disaster? Vault? Surely not...


The bulk of her attention however, was on the stallion who had awoken her.


"I... My name is Emerald. Emerald Gaze." She reminded herself as she informed the pony before her. "Diplomat and... ambassador of Canterlot. I am... are you alright?"


She was becoming increasingly aware of the poor state that the unicorn - Golden Shield - was in. She might not have trusted anything around her at that moment - but he had quite possibly just saved her, and was the closest thing to an ally she had.


"... and you are looking after me?" She asked in a slightly humoured tone as she raised a brow. It would have been prudent to cast a glamor - even if just for a little security - but she still didn't know the extent of the situation - trying to deceive the only pony she had any knowledge of... probably wasn't such a good idea. She settled instead on scrutinising him visually - commuting details to memory through her namesake eyes, all the while continuing to speak.


"I am feeling a little more stable, yes. Is there anything I can do? You seem weakened yourself... I'm no healer I fear."

Never quite forgotten.

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Keeping his eyes open was perhaps the most difficult thing Golden Shield had ever done.  Pain, weariness and dehydration exhausted his body. Even then a smile crept upon his face as he heard the mare respond, Emerald Gaze. Even during the worst of times Golden Shield retained his calculative mind and flare for words. His voice rasped, "a Diplomat? Silver tongued and persuasive, I will have to keep my eye upon you."


His body began to lock itself up, he forced himself to continue. "A lifetime ago, I was a citizen of Canterlot. A strategist for the Royal Guard. I look after everypony. I am... alright, alright... I am." Golden Shield's eyes slowly closed as he fell on his side. He smiled as the world around him was consumed by darkness.   


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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Streamsung let sink in what the mare had just said to her... She was silent for a while and closed her eyes. So the disaster had eventually wiped ponykind of the map? It actually happened? She had always been optimisitc about that they might survive... but that had been simple naïvety. But then she realised that she had been right... there were still survivors, and that were them. She finally made sense of it all and realised the weight of the situation. "Wow... that's... terrible. How did I get here? How did you get here..?" She wanted to ask more questions, but the stallion on the other side of the room had suddendly fallen down on the floor.




Streamsung yelped as she saw it happen and rushed forward immediately. "Oh no! Are you okay?"  She asked, but then she realised that he had already lost consciousness. She could see that he was dehydrated and started to panic. "Oh no... Oh... He needs some water I think?" She said, desperately looking at the mare that had conjured water for her as well. She noticed the dark coated unicorn mare that was still on the table and wanted to ask her what happened, but surely she wouldn't know either, sho she just put her eyes on the stallion on the floor again.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Emerald Gaze.




It took a moment for Emerald to react as the one that called himself Shield slumped to the ground. When she did, it was instinctive - actions learned by heart that had seldom actually been needed.


She fumbled to move from her... whatever it was she had been asleep inside, and knelt beside the stallion. Taking his pulse and checking his eyes, it was evident that he was alive. There was no sign of any blood, nor poison she knew of... though he was significantly dehydrated.


"What in Celestias name did you do...?" The diplomat mumbled under her breath - shaking her head slightly before looking up at the two other ponies present in the room.




There would be time for niceties later.


"Water! And something warm - anything, quickly!" She demanded in a practiced, neutral tone - one that weighed neither as warm or cold, but retained its commanding properties - before looking at the filly nearest. A different approach was needed here...




"Come here dear, can you help me move him? Just over there, away from anything dangerous..." She asked, horn glowing slightly as she applied a slight upward force on the unconscious body to indicate what she meant. "I'm still a little shaken to lift him on my own..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Gentle Secret looked at the body of Golden Shield, whom was probably still alive, thankfully. Water? That… did Golden Shield use a form of transfer spell? That was nearly insane and idiotic, especially transferring what could be a large reserve of one's water supply from the body.


Gentle Secret hurried to where Golden Shield's body was at, and the two other unicorns. Gentle Secret may not be a medic, but exploring had taught her many things about the fields of medicine. Gentle Secret first created a small stable ball of light, binding a small portion of her reserves and adding a heating spell to it. Feeling a small spread of heat, she gathered oxygen or hydrogen from the atmosphere around them.


Gathering enough for a medium sized sphere of water, she exerted a much larger portion of her magical reserves. Breathing air more rapidly, she trickled the water into Golden Shield. The safest via mouth, not too much to not accidentally drown him of course.


All the while doing this, she helped levitate Golden Shield. Not the best thing to do, considering that her magical reserves were being used at a much faster rate as her mind was split in maintaining this many magical actions. She calculated with what brainpower she still can spare that she would collapse from the stress in half a hour if she kept this up.

Edited by Demirari


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@@Thepumpkinking@@@Pripyat Pony@@Josh Riordan@


Neuro finally decided to go outside as well. He had been hesitating a little, but he reckoned he could better fire the flare now instead of later. Then sun had almost set behind the mountains. It was getting darker, so the flare should be pretty visible. He adressed everyone as he announced what he was about to do.


"Everyone, I'm going to fire the flare now. I think it would be best to attract that boat to here..." He didn't say anything else as he walked past Cutaway and stepped outside. He breathed in the fresh air and he felt a weight drop off his shoulders. He relaxed a little and found a spot that didn't have any vegetation above it. He raised the cylinder high into the air and looked around where the others were first before fireing. Josh, Short Circuit and Diego where messing around nere the edge of the open spot in the forest, Cutaway was still at the entrance and he knew that Gentle Secret and Golden Shield were still somewhere deeper inside the vault. He couldn't find any way at which fireing the flare could go wrong somehow, and he magically triggered it.


A loud bang and a high screaming sound disrupted the perfect silence of the forest at dusk, and a bright red flare flew up high into the sky. The shriek echoed through the forest and the silence that came after that was just as deafening as the high pitched shriek that had interrupted it. Neuro shivered. He hadn't thought of the sound that it would make. It was terrible. He stepped back a little and fired another flare into the air. The noise was starting to hurt his ears now, mostly because he was firing the flare so close to himself. He knew the flaregun had only one piece of ammunition left. He was about to fire it, when something grabbed him by his hindlegs.


A loud screeching noise could be heard again, but the flaregun had not fired. Some kind of giant flying reptile had grabbed his hindlegs and was about to fly off again. Neuro screamed as loud as he could. At the same time he started to think quick. He didn't have anything to pierce this repitle's skin. It looked oddly like a pterodactyl, and he remembered that those had near-impenetrable scales. What he could also see however, was the eyes of the beast. They were the eyes of a nocturnal. That would mean it was very sensitive against light. The flaregun would be the answer to that, but he had dropped it on the ground. He screamed again. "FIRE THE FLARE! SHOOT IT! SHOOT THIS THING!" He said, hoping that his fellow survivors could help him out before the predator would fly away.




@@Demirari, @, @


Streamsung saw so many things happening at once that she didn't know how to react at first. When she saw that Gentle was having problems with sustaining all this magic, she stepped forward and used her bodyweight to help Golden Shield stand. She didn't really know what else to do, and stood there a little bit shocked and perplexed. She didn't even have the time to think about how she got in this situation. When she saw that Gentle had produced another small body of water, she couldn't help but ask. "I... uhh. I might be able to help... If you let me use that water. I can heal ponies with it..." She didn't really act like somepony who was certain of herself, but she didn't know what else to do. She wanted to help.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Scribblegroove, Diego reacted instantly to Neuro's yell. He swung round and saw the other pony being held tight by a sort of lizardy bird thing. He levitated the flare, aimed it at the bird thing, then fired it straight into the creature's face. It squawked and dropped its load, before turning on Diego. He then aimed a blast of magic at the bird, surrounding it with bright glowsticks so it was covered in light.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Thepumpkinking@@@Pripyat Pony@@Josh Riordan

The beast screeched, and the supersonic power of it had something strange within it. The screeching echoed through everyponies heads, and it numbed their senses and thoughts. The beast, blinded by Diego's magic, then flew off back into the forest, leaving his underestimated prey in a state of confusion.


Neuro, who had been dropped on the ground, had sprained his leg by the fall. As he tried to look up and see what had happened, the screech suddendly hit him as if he had a concussion. First, as sharp pain rang through his ears, and that pain spread to his head. Then he was deafened, everything was muffled, and his vision was blurred. He couldn't think of anything but trying to get away from the monster. He crawled his way towards Diego, and only then realised that the beast had gone away. He tried to process everything what had happened, but he couldn't get his mind straight. He couldn't think properly. "That beast must've..." He started a thought process, but it was interrupted because of his confusion. He looked up and Diego and could only think of one thing to say. "Thanks..." He left it to the others to decide what to do next... He just lied his head down on the grond and tried to focus a bit, and drive the headaches away.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Josh heard the screeches and stared at them uninterested until the bird appeared. He stared at it studying it's features unafraid until he realised the threat. Realising be had no way to take on the bird creature he moved back a little watching as Diego took care of the threat and it left. Looking around he saw neuro in the floor and trotted over to him quickly. "Well that certainly was an interesting sight wasn't it" he smiled "are you hurt?"

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Gentle Secret continued to focus on performing all the magical actions, that she almost didn't hear what the mare was saying. Then, her ears flicked a little as Gentle Secret diverted what her strained mind could give, "You can heal ponies with water? I see, I'll give you the control of the water sphere." Then, Gentle Secret's horn dimmed down a little as the sphere of water lost its shape. It was still floating due to Gentle Secret's magic, but it lost its near perfect spherical shape.


Feeling her mind lessen from the magical strain, Gentle Secret recalculated that she had extended her focus by another fifteen minutes. With a more lessen mind, she noticed that the mare was also giving support to the body of Golden Shield, then she spoke, her voice less strained than before, "Mind if I remove half or all of my magic from levitating Golden Shield?" Removing that amount of magic being poured in to keep Golden Shield afloat will lessen Gentle Secret's strain by a large margin.  


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