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ooc The Last of us Rp! (Romance/Adventure/Sad)


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Hello Welcome to The Last of Us . It will be based off the games way of life and story. Btw Feels 


Story: 4 ponies who have all shared a horrible past join up out of a military base which got took over by infected. They find them selfs the only ones who survived and are forced to trust etcher as they make there way across the contery to a place called the safe zone which is just a myth in it self. Will they make it? or They will be betrayed by there own trust? 




1. No god moding

2. You can die

3. No extreame weapons

4. Romance is aloud but no rule 34

5. Cussing is aloud

6. no alicorns

7. You must have watched or played the game. It is inportent that you know whats going on.

8. Has fun !


To Join . Post your oc link and a back story about that oc and i will see if you can join.





4.Night Comb

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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I will use incog. since he has no connection with my other OCs



Backstory (what is not classified): He is a skilled agent in the Equestrian military. He only speaks to Celestia and Luna themselves. Only 1 civilian knows of his existence. He wears special goggles that dim bright lights, and work like night vision goggles if needed. Any files of him are classified and have his name put down as Incognito. Because of his lack of communication he doesn't always work well with a team.    

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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I will add him. He can be one of the millitary that surived the attack on the base. He would have lost hes bag as everpony else lost everthing that they carred.


I will use incog. since he has no connection with my other OCs



Backstory (what is not classified): He is a skilled agent in the Equestrian military. He only speaks to Celestia and Luna themselves. Only 1 civilian knows of his existence. He wears special goggles that dim bright lights, and work like night vision goggles if needed. Any files of him are classified and have his name put down as Incognito. Because of his lack of communication he doesn't always work well with a team.    

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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I will add him. He can be one of the millitary that surived the attack on the base. He would have lost hes bag as everpony else lost everthing that they carred.

(Its carried, sorry couldn't help myself)


Good thing he is skilled in hoof to hoof combat

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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We need atlest one mare oc ... xD

I'll use Night Comb, link:


I love this game sooooo much,
Can I use Rye? He was a simple guy until the invasion of the clickers and other things. Now he's his trying to survive like everyone else :P


(Its carried, sorry couldn't help myself)


Good thing he is skilled in hoof to hoof combat

Your all in! i will make a rp topic soon and post it here.


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P.s. Incog./Incognito/agent I doesn't carry a bag he has a belt full of gear and a quiver full of arrows

Edited by Times S. Hay

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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