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open Corrupted equestria (Rp)


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Shadow wasn't phased by the fact that he could see it. Shadow was actually still laughing, "Linked huh? I'm guessing the long black line on the ground gave it away." Muddle was convinced Shadow was trying to get her killed. "Well Muddle, now's not the time to get cold feet, he asked you a question."


"Who's side are you on anyway!" It seemed to think for a moment before responding, "Yours, 25% of the time."


She sighed and looked at the man in the mask again. This answer would mean treason, but she had already seen what lying had gotten her. "Fine, if all this is over an opinion... I think there monsters. I might not be in this situation right now if they had done there job right..." Maybe half the truth was a good place to start... and hopefully end.


"Well, that's a start....hmmm" he then looked around the room and turned back to her. "We'll I am thinking myself that those tyrants should be overthrown. This kingdom needs to be back to its normal self, not this pityful excuse for a life." He said showing his hatred for the queens " if you would want to seek action...would you join me? Your skills could be needed, and I can help you exceed with your skills, and teach you to become better, Will you take action?" He asked them both in a serious tone, as he felt that something was coming.

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Incog. jumped from roof to roof until he reached the building. He looked in through a hole in the ceiling. Against the dark sky he just looked like to glowing green eyes. He kept his hand on his ninjato just in case. What the? Incog. thought as he heard what they were saying.  

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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She looked at the man for a moment, and then she looked back to her shadow. It's annoying grin had turned into a cold stare. It reminded her of the way it looked~ This seemed to scare her more than whatever she thought was behind the mans mask. She seemed frozen for a moment, unable to speak or act. Then her shadow materialized two numbers behind the man, and Muddle seemed to snap out of it.


"Fine..." She looked at the man, a little more determined than before. "If your serious about all of this... I'll do it..."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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She looked at the man for a moment, and then she looked back to her shadow. It's annoying grin had turned into a cold stare. It reminded her of the way it looked~ This seemed to scare her more than whatever she thought was behind the mans mask. She seemed frozen for a moment, unable to speak or act. Then her shadow materialized two numbers behind the man, and Muddle seemed to snap out of it.


"Fine..." She looked at the man, a little more determined than before. "If your serious about all of this... I'll do it..."

"Splendid, now you will need to meet with me here" he said giving muddle a card, holding it in a positionso the eyes from above couldn't see it, and it said the basement of the once was mayors house. "Now we must disperse, go to the location when ever you'd wish, as long as you don't have your buddy whose watching us right now....with you" he said pointing towards the hole in the ceiling. He then put his hands and arms behind his back and his body turned into a cold mist and disappeared into the wind.


Now for the next contestant.



Blacklight finally managed to put some distance in-between himself and the guards but didn't slow down until he was sure they had lost. After an hour of brisk flying, Blacklight finally slowed his pace as he thought, Close one...I have to be more careful next time. Though it didn't make much of a difference since he could see the edges of Ponyville in the distance...or at least what was left of it. Landing in the old quarter of the city, he headed to the final part of the job, delivering the bags to the mare simply known as APB. Reaching his destination, an abandoned house, he carefully opened the door headed inside. He stopped when he discovered a note that read simply, Remember the deal. Fifty-fifty, just leave it were you found the note. P.S. I'll keep in touch. APB Emptying half of what he collected in one bag, he carefully placed it where he had found the note and quietly exited the house. Sighing as he closed the door, he realized just how tired he was from the day's events, but forced himself to take off again...he had one more place to visit before he could rest for the night.

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Incog. Jumped down from the ceiling. He seemed like a black figure "Who was that" he said in a emotionless voice. He took his hand off of his ninjato. What is with her shadow, Incog thought. "Don't worry, I will not harm you, see" He drew his ninjato and set it on the ground.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Muddle took the card and looked up at the ceiling... This was bad! She saw her exit and it was still melting. "My luck... Sh~" It was already gone. Actually, it was sliding through the hole in the ceiling. It took Muddle a moment to piece this together. "Buck me!" 


In a matter of moments, Muddle was dangling from the roof. Shadow had already gone outside to start creating an exit.




"W-well I'll harm you if you come any closer!" She thought she sounded intimidating, but her position on the roof.

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Incog. Quickly used his grapple to pull himself to the ceiling and climbed through the hole. He was going to step on her hand until again he remembered Protect the innocent, she has done nothing wrong, yet Instead of stepping on her hands he decided to help her up. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up. He then quickly threw down a smoke bomb and was gone. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Muddle was in a coughing fit on the roof. Her shadow had just finished unlocking a back door to the house when this new pony left. "Alright, Muddle we... What happened to your hair?" She only gave it a mean glare and pulled the black line on the ground connecting them, so shadow would be closer. "Alright, start, what was that back there?" 


Her shadow was grinning again, "Well, normally when others try to save you. I think you're suppose to say thank you?" She wasn't amused,  "No, I mean with number and that... everything!" It continued to smile, "What are you talking about...Muddie?"


"..." She decided not to question it further. "Now, I think we have somewhere to be."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Incognito was using his grapple to hang off of the edge of the building. So she is Muddle I'm guessing He tried to swing himself into the window of the house next door. He launched himself and smashed through the window. What did that note say? I should still keep an eye on that woman. Maybe she can lead me to the masked man's location He thought

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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As Muddle started to walk away from her shelter, she started to think about what to do next. She pulled out the card and turned it over in her hands a bit. "Well, we have a direction... Do you really think all of th~" Great... Now she was talking to herself.


She continued walking towards where she was asked to go, but couldn't shake this odd feeling. Soon she started to hear whispers again. "More tricks my mind plays on me.." "That, or you don't listen hard enough. Remember what he said about... 'friends'! "


It didn't take a lot for Muddle to figure this one out. She started looking around a bit as she walked. She tried to be casual, but she may have seemed a little more anxious than a normal person should. "psst, How about another hand?" After she spoke, a small piece of pipe rolled her by her feet from a dark alley. "... bit less... bloody?" 


A giant black and white arrow pointed to the ally she should hide in. Actually, it defeated the purpose a bit.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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The one known as the overlord was in his house standing by a table in his basement looking at some papers a small portal sits on the other side of the table a loud deep booming voice calls out from it


"Overlord the people of the plane are dying their deaths are caused by a plague and as you know that means my rival nurgle grows even stronger with each plague victim deaths you must find the cause of this plague and put a stop to it understand me"


The overlord slams his fist into the table leaving a small crater in the surface


"It will be done lord Khorne nurgle shall not draw strength from this land once I am done with it"


The portal starts to shut


"Good then I shall enter the realm later to see the results of your work remember overlord Death in battle or don't die at all"


The portal shuts and the overlord smiles


"Yes lord khorne this land shall burn"

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Blacklight landed as he finally reached the Ponyville orphanage, his last stop before heading home for the night. It had been hit hard during the plague, dealing with the influx of orphans as their parents died and lack of support. Blacklight still tried to do what he could as he dropped another bag next to the door as knocked a few times and flew away, heading for a well deserved rest. A few moments after he left, the door opened to revealed a surprised old mare as she opened the bag next to the door and struggling to hold back tears as she discovered the bag full of food and medical supplies. Quietly thanking whoever had bought the bag there, she took it inside and closed the door.   

  • Brohoof 1

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Incog. had left the building and was hidden in the shadows following Muddle. Everytime she turned around he had moved into a ally, If he couldn't move quick enough he pulled down his hood and layed in the shadows, becoming completely invisible, or he climbed on a tree branch and put his body in the shape of an owl, Probably wouldn't fool a scientist but anyone else it will do Incog. thought to himself every time he did that. When he saw muddle go into and ally he found a tree the looked into it and climbed it. When he put his body in a owl shape he turned on he brand-new recorder, he turned it on and the sound of an owl played "Who... Who" Incog. turned the upgrade he got on his glasses, the green glow turned yellow and dimmer, like an owls eyes. So this is the heat vision mode He thought to himself.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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At first, Muddle didn't have the chance to question her shadow about where it was leading her. At the time, she was convinced it would be leading her away from danger. She tried one of the doors in the ally, but it refused to open; and as she started cursing her bad luck, the lock broke. She hurried inside, mumbling a soft. "Thanks." Although, when she looked at the familiar broken and run down interior, she was starting to wish she hadn't entered. "...Why here?"

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Blacklight landed as he finally reached the Ponyville orphanage, his last stop before heading home for the night. It had been hit hard during the plague, dealing with the influx of orphans as their parents died and lack of support. Blacklight still tried to do what he could as he dropped another bag next to the door as knocked a few times and flew away, heading for a well deserved rest. A few moments after he left, the door opened to revealed a surprised old mare as she opened the bag next to the door and struggling to hold back tears as she discovered the bag full of food and medical supplies. Quietly thanking whoever had bought the bag there, she took it inside and closed the door.

"Quite a nice deed you have done...." Mumbled a voice, only low enough blacklight could hear. A cold cloud of mist surrounded the colt. Soon a figure had materialized in front of him. The man with the gas mask tilted his head "this one has a heart for the children....awwww so sweet. It literally PULLS my heart out of my chest" he said acting like he ripped his heart out with his hands. Then he fell to his knees... Before disappearing into a cloud of mist. And the rematerialized back in front of him, only a few feet back. "Touching" he said sincerely.

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After landing exhausted outside the abandoned house he called home, Blacklight was just about to call it quits when he heard a voice addressing him. Instantly alert, he drew his sword as a man materialized out in front of him out of the surrounding mist. Backing up a few steps in surprise, he heard the stallion in front of him talking about his earlier actions back at orphanage and eventually just rolled his eyes as the stallion exaggeratedly pretended to pull his heart out though kept his guard up a he disappeared and reappeared in front of him. Sensing that he had finished, Blacklight asked warily, a bit disturbed that someone had seen his act of kindness, " Yea sure...anyway what do you want?"  

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Muddle continued to walk though the ruined complex. Her mind kept thinking back to what happened here when all of this started. She was happy to know where she was finally going, but hated thinking about this place. She sighed and looked towards the ground, until she bumped into some fallen debris. More importantly, "The second floor staircase. it's blocked. Should I just move it, that might be quick~" She was cut off by a short and stern "No." A brief silence hung in between the two for a bit, but eventually one of them spoke. "Well, head around it for now."


She didn't argue. She looked at the debris one more time before turning around and starting to head towards the other side of the complex. As she walk, she pulled out the card and turned it over one more time in her hands. Her Shadow looked at it too... and then they both crashed into a wall. "... You know, one of us needs to be looking ahead right?"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Incog. found a way into the building through the roof. He saw Muddle run into a wall, It's the card He moved across the rafters and made it above Muddle. He looked down at her. Lets hope she can lead me to what ever that card says He thought to himself. He knew that he can't stay up there for long.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Muddle placed a hand over her nose and gently rubbed. At this point her face was starting to feel a little numb. "Ouch~" Once she had recovered, Muddle continued to move towards the back of the complex. Ironically enough, she pasted what use to be a dinning area and was reminded of her stomach. "Think we'll get back to the others soon? I'd hate to what this place is in the dark." Her shadow remained silent, it had left her again. "You know this isn't helping... You try and scare me here!" 


She had stopped and started to scan the dining area for her Shadow.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Incog. silently climbed into the shadows. Need to stay silent, I need to try not to scare her. He thought as he crouched and silently walked stealth fully through the shadows. He watched Muddle look around, He turned off his goggles so that he was basically invisible. What is she looking for He thought to himself

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Muddle turned around and started to head for the exit. She decided if her Shadow felt like joking now, it could catch up with her later. "Hmph!" She walked out the door and started to continue heading for what she called a home during this epidemic. She stormed off, at least until their link hindered her moment.



On the other hand, Shadow materialized upside down on the ceiling. "Word of advice. Hiding in this specific spot may not be the best idea."


silently climbed into the shadows

 "Now that spot from before, that I didn't even see that coming. Nice job!" It was happily smiling and extended it's hand to shake, "Hi."


Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Incog.  looked around for who was speaking but saw no one. What the... He drew his bow and pulled out a blank arrow [A completely harmless arrow]. He decided to use it so nobody got hurt. He readied it as he began to slowly walk to the door. When he reached the door he noticed the shadows above where he was hiding acting strange. "Celestia always gives me the insane jobs" He said as he walked backwards out the door.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Shadow frowned and looked at it's hands. It almost felt hurt by the way that man just seemed to walk through it. "... I guess sometimes it hard to remember your not real..." It re-appeared right by Muddle's side.



Muddle still seemed a little angry, "What took you!" Shadow laughed a little nervously a gently nudge Muddle forward. "Don't you have a bag you need to get from home?" She nodded a little and stared. "Alright... If I can get back to it?" Her Shadow hastily nodded it's head and urged Muddle forward. Soon, she started to walk again. 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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After landing exhausted outside the abandoned house he called home, Blacklight was just about to call it quits when he heard a voice addressing him. Instantly alert, he drew his sword as a man materialized out in front of him out of the surrounding mist. Backing up a few steps in surprise, he heard the stallion in front of him talking about his earlier actions back at orphanage and eventually just rolled his eyes as the stallion exaggeratedly pretended to pull his heart out though kept his guard up a he disappeared and reappeared in front of him. Sensing that he had finished, Blacklight asked warily, a bit disturbed that someone had seen his act of kindness, " Yea sure...anyway what do you want?"

"Oh...well that's an easy I question...what I want is what you want, for the queens and their tyranny to fall. Or at least that's what I see in your actions. See if it weren't for her, those children wouldn't be in a orphanage, or you or anyone else would have to scavenge for supplies to live in this hell they have put us through" he said crossing his arms

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Incog. secretly followed, He put away his bow and arrow. I'm really getting tired of following her all over the place why don't I just take the card... No I must not harm and innocent! She isn't an innocent she is a thief, But it said that she stole from her shadow, and that is just the worst excuse to put someone on watch. Incog. thought as he argued with himself in his head. He Jumped from building to building using his grapple if it was to far of a jump, Just trying not to lose sight of Muddle.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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