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Real reason of why Lauren Faust left the show?


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It intrigues me, most say that she left it because of how little control Hasbro allowed her over the show, others say she left it because of schedule, others because she's working with her Galaxy Girls

  • Brohoof 1


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I think I heard she just wanted to work on her personal projects and knew she's be leaving the show in good hands. I can imagine there's times she has clashed them though(her lax policy on fanwork being one, she even gave Fighting is Magic her blessing and said she wanted to play it herself when it was done and stepped in to help the creators design OC content for the game so their engine and programming wouldn't go to waste when it got C&D'd)

  • Brohoof 4



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Well, that sucks, but I agree with her on just because it was for girls doesn't mean it is lame. Actually, I used to be a non-brony, I guess you can say that, having no interest whatever in the show, or things that was originally for girls, and maybe most of that stuff is just for girls, but MLP: FIM isn't just for girls. Maybe it was the original intention of the show, but so many people who aren't girls grew to like the show, of course, there are a lot of people who don't like, and even insult us bronies, but I learned to deal with it. Heck, even my brother hates them, so I technially live with a brony hater, but I deal with it. I guess living with a brony hater taught me to deal with the hatred that bronies gets, but my brother doesn't hate me, just hate the fact I like ponies. My parents don't know I am a brony, and that is fine. I like ponies, and that is good enough for me. So, yeah. it is sad that she left the show at the end of season 1, but hey, Hasbro is doing a good job, I think, and Lauren Faust should be glad she left the show to people who are doing a good job keeping it alive and well. So, I guess she really like people make fan art and stuff, huh? She is one awesome woman for letting bronies make fan art. More people should be more like her. Fan art, fan games, and other fan-related stuff in a way promote the show, so Hasbro should be happy that the fans are promoting the show in a way, and for free. If I was the head of Hasbro, I will be really happy that my show is getting promoted for free by the fans. I am pretty sure no brony means to infringement on Hasbro copyright, they just like the show so much that they wanted to make their own fan work of it. I guess you can say, they are showing their love for the show by making fanart, and stuff. Sorry for the long post, I was just stating my opinions on this topic.


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Who are those guys, and what is Wander Over Wonder?

Wander and Sylvia are the main characters of this new Disney Channel/DisneyXD cartoon. It was created by Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust serves as story editor. Judging by the way this show is going, it looks like she's not going anywhere that would involve coming anywhere close to MLP anytime soon.

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From what I understand, the reason she left is because of creative differences between her, Hasbro and the staff.  She and many staff members on the show wanted it to be dark and epic, with a tight continuity that advanced with each episode.  Hasbro and the rest of the staff wanted it to be more of a kid friendly sitcom-style show, favoring slapstick and humorous plotlines against a slice-of-life backdrop.  Ultimately the latter won, and the main forces lobbying for the serious aspects eventually left the production team.


Unfortunately, all I can really say is this kind of thing happens all the time in shows.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 3

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From what I understand, the reason she left is because of creative differences between her, Hasbro and the staff.  She and many staff members on the show wanted it to be dark and epic, with a tight continuity that advanced with each episode.  Hasbro and the rest of the staff wanted it to be more of a kid friendly sitcom-style show, favoring slapstick and humorous plotlines against a slice-of-life backdrop.  Ultimately the latter won, and the main forces lobbying for the serious aspects eventually left the production team.


Unfortunately, all I can really say is this kind of thing happens all the time in shows.

You know, the dark, epic MLP might have worked out, but um, I kinda agree with Hasbro about the kid-friendly, comendic MLP. But, still, if there was a way to combine both the MLP we know and the MLP Lauren Faust imagined, it might be even more awesome. Like, an MLP featured the cute, lovable ponies we all know fighting against more serious villains, I mean the villains we had are pretty awesome, like Discord, King Sombra, and heck, even Queen Chyralis. Nightmare Moon were also pretty awesome, and Sunset Shimmer was a unique, but still awesome villain. These villains needs to be featured more often, unlike villains like Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, and a few other villains that aren't really villains to say. Like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara are just bullies, Trixie was techinally a bully as well, and so was Flim and Flam. These villains were more of a nuisance then a serious threat to the ponies. Now, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Sunset Shimmer, Queen Chryalis, and King Sombra were real threats. They were real villains, with evil intentions, like Nightmare Moon wanted the night to last forever, Discord wanted chaos to rule, Queen Chyralis impersonated Princess Cadence and wanted to take over Canterlot, the Equestrian Capital, King Sombra was a cruel ruler who cursed the crystal ponies and came back 1000 years later to spread misery, and Sunset Shimmer stole Princess Twilight Sparkle's crown, tried to prevent Princess Twilight Sparkle from winning back her crown, and turned to a fire demon and turned almost everyone in the high school into zombies and wanted to take over Equestria, in a way, I guess. These villains were true villains, they all wanted to do something truly evil, were good at their job as villains, and actually, had well thought plans. But, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara just bullied the CMC on a regular basis, Trixie just wanted to beat Twilight Sparkle in magic, and Flim and Flam just wanted to beat the Apple Family by cheating. Those villains aren't really villains, more like villains just put there to be a nuisance to the ponies. Don't get me wrong, those characters are good characters, they just shouldn't be called villains, that is all. It stinks that the MLP that Lauren Faust imagined and wanted never came into existence, but in a way, that legacy, I guess you can call it that, lives on in some of the stuff that fans make. Like, there is this one game called Curse of the Lost Kingdom that in a way is just like how Lauren Faust wanted MLP to be, dark and epic. The game is far from completion, I think, heck, I don't know the current progress anymore, I used to follow it, but not anymore, but I really do want to play it when it is done. From what I have seen, and read, the game is just like how Lauren Faust wanted MLP to be, I will be surprised if the game creator is actually Lauren Faust in disguise, but I doubt it, but they do seem to share the same ideas as Lauren Faust. The game seems to be a dark and epic game, just like Lauren Faust wanted, but in game form, instead of TV show form. If Lauren Faust were able to make the MLP she wanted, what will it be like? I am starting wondered if I will even like it. I mean, some of the characters we know and love may never have existed. Pony OCs, and other fan stuff might be different, not cute and colorful, but more like serious, and dark. Lauren Faust may have added villains like Fluttershy.MOV, Pinkamena, and some of the other villains that fans made. Now, I am kinda scared of what Lauren Faust might had done. I think I will like the cute and colorful MLP that Hasbro made more than the serious and dark MLP that Lauren Faust might had made. I am starting to think that the right decision was made, making MLP cute, funny, kid-friendly, with just a touch of seriousness, and very colorful and bright. At least, we get villains like Discord and the other ones I mentioned. They help make the show interesting and not always not serious. Still, hopefully, the game I mentioned gets done and won't be too scary for me. The villains we do have are funny at times, and not at all scary, expect for when Sunset Shimmer turned into a fire demon at the end of the movie, Equestria Girls, but other than that, the villains aren't scary in the least bit. Well, I didn't think that was scary, but what about the kids who watched the movie? I think they will be scared of that. If they changed the ending a bit, it won't be so scary. Like instead of what happened, Sunset Shimmer tried to use the Element of Harmony, but it didn't work for her, or it did worked, but instead of turning her into a fire demon, it turned her back to her pony self, but with much more powerful magic then she had before. Both, I think, will be better than what did happened at the end of the movie. Well, sorry for this very long post, but I just felt like saying a lot for some reason.

  • Brohoof 2


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I enjoy epic storylines in my cartoons everyonce in a while., which it can be done for a kids show the Original Power Rangers had drama and kid friendly tone over all and I loved it.


Slapstick can only take you so far if you just play on the jokes and add no true meat to the show then you are just asking for ponies to do this...


Chase The Rainbow., Love The Rainbow!!

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Well whatever the reason, the show still has reached an audience beyond Lauren Frost's own expectations. So what if we sacrifice seriousness for some slapstick and slice of life stories. That's what gives the show its overall charm and lasting appeal. As the series progresses, it could change in tone, but that remains to be seen. I'm happy with the way the series has progressed, despite some issues with Twilight being made into an alicorn a bit too early in my mind. We will all just have to wait and see what the writers and producers create, with the audience being the final judge of their work. 

  • Brohoof 1

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From what I understand, the reason she left is because of creative differences between her, Hasbro and the staff.  She and many staff members on the show wanted it to be dark and epic, with a tight continuity that advanced with each episode.  Hasbro and the rest of the staff wanted it to be more of a kid friendly sitcom-style show, favoring slapstick and humorous plotlines against a slice-of-life backdrop.  Ultimately the latter won, and the main forces lobbying for the serious aspects eventually left the production team.


Unfortunately, all I can really say is this kind of thing happens all the time in shows.

Dammit, I thought so.


As it turns out, the episodes specifically written by Lauren were never really my favorites. It's always hard for me to engage fully-serious this-matters-so-hard mode for multicolor horses in a cartoon. Even by the end of the S2 opener, they had to me pretty much exhausted their plot-thread of powering magical cannons with friendship. And I think I speak for a lot of us when I say some of the most endearing episodes are the ones to do with some sort of very real-world problem we've hit.


One of my better examples I've seen being Hurricane Fluttershy: Sometimes you will work yourself to the bone to do your absolute very best, and it still won't be anywhere close to what others can achieve. But that's okay; because everyone's contribution is important. Or the Diamond Dogs episode: Being "ladylike" doesn't make someone weak.


So in the end, when it comes to this show's production, I'm not sure if I have an idol. The songwriters are definitely talented, and 10+ interesting individual characterizations take some effort, but I don't know how much of it really attributes to a single person. What makes me a little scared though, is if the whole staff ends up going their seperate ways, I'm not sure who I'd end up following to try to get the same enjoyment.

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Dammit, I thought so.


As it turns out, the episodes specifically written by Lauren were never really my favorites. It's always hard for me to engage fully-serious this-matters-so-hard mode for multicolor horses in a cartoon. Even by the end of the S2 opener, they had to me pretty much exhausted their plot-thread of powering magical cannons with friendship. And I think I speak for a lot of us when I say some of the most endearing episodes are the ones to do with some sort of very real-world problem we've hit.


One of my better examples I've seen being Hurricane Fluttershy: Sometimes you will work yourself to the bone to do your absolute very best, and it still won't be anywhere close to what others can achieve. But that's okay; because everyone's contribution is important. Or the Diamond Dogs episode: Being "ladylike" doesn't make someone weak.


So in the end, when it comes to this show's production, I'm not sure if I have an idol. The songwriters are definitely talented, and 10+ interesting individual characterizations take some effort, but I don't know how much of it really attributes to a single person. What makes me a little scared though, is if the whole staff ends up going their seperate ways, I'm not sure who I'd end up following to try to get the same enjoyment.

Yeah. If Lauren Faust was able to create the dark and epic MLP she wanted, it might not be as good as what Hasbro made. I think that in the end, the right decision was made, and because of that, the show has a lot of people who likes it, including me. Who knows, maybe Lauren Faust is glad that the show went the way it went.

  • Brohoof 3


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So does anyone have a source for this supposed "dark and epic" MLP that Lauren Faust really wanted?

You don't believe it? I have to agree, it does seems strange.

  • Brohoof 1


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So does anyone have a source for this supposed "dark and epic" MLP that Lauren Faust really wanted?


Sadly, the only thing that's left of it is a little concept art that was posted by her a few years back, depicting nastier versions of some of the antagonists.  It should also be noted that the Ursa Major's design actually did make it into the show, but is only seen for a few seconds in episode 6.

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mmmhhhh, I expected more replies of freaked fanboys who still believed over Hasbro's control over the show and stuff. And there's a pretty good explanation of why the lack of epic adventuring: apparently, they take too long to develop each episode like that 


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mmmhhhh, I expected more replies of freaked fanboys who still believed over Hasbro's control over the show and stuff. And there's a pretty good explanation of why the lack of epic adventuring: apparently, they take too long to develop each episode like that 

That is a good reason to why it didn't happened. To make a show dark and epic opposed to cute and funny take longer. Still, what if Lauren Faust was able to make that dark and epic MLP she wanted? I think it might be scary and not as cute.


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Well, that sucks, but I agree with her on just because it was for girls doesn't mean it is lame. Actually, I used to be a non-brony, I guess you can say that, having no interest whatever in the show, or things that was originally for girls, and maybe most of that stuff is just for girls, but MLP: FIM isn't just for girls. Maybe it was the original intention of the show, but so many people who aren't girls grew to like the show, of course, there are a lot of people who don't like, and even insult us bronies, but I learned to deal with it. Heck, even my brother hates them, so I technially live with a brony hater, but I deal with it. I guess living with a brony hater taught me to deal with the hatred that bronies gets, but my brother doesn't hate me, just hate the fact I like ponies. My parents don't know I am a brony, and that is fine. I like ponies, and that is good enough for me. So, yeah. it is sad that she left the show at the end of season 1, but hey, Hasbro is doing a good job, I think, and Lauren Faust should be glad she left the show to people who are doing a good job keeping it alive and well. So, I guess she really like people make fan art and stuff, huh? She is one awesome woman for letting bronies make fan art. More people should be more like her. Fan art, fan games, and other fan-related stuff in a way promote the show, so Hasbro should be happy that the fans are promoting the show in a way, and for free. If I was the head of Hasbro, I will be really happy that my show is getting promoted for free by the fans. I am pretty sure no brony means to infringement on Hasbro copyright, they just like the show so much that they wanted to make their own fan work of it. I guess you can say, they are showing their love for the show by making fanart, and stuff. Sorry for the long post, I was just stating my opinions on this topic.

She was right, the show does feel slightly different now compared to season 1 and 2!


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So does anyone have a source for this supposed "dark and epic" MLP that Lauren Faust really wanted?


It seems rather odd to me. I recall Lauren mentioning she sought to develop something of an adventure setting for the ponies. At the same time, however, she also provided essential input into Season 1's slice-of-life episodes. For example, at BronyCon 2012, she cited "Suited For Success" as her favorite episode, one for which she dedicated a good deal of time in terms of the dress designs and emphasizing the primary conflict (i.e., being under a deadline to fulfill impossible creative demands). "Dark and gritty" doesn't come off as Lauren's primary mode of story-telling.


Also check out the original designs she pitched for the show. The ponies are very much cute and appealing. Lauren knew what she was getting into with respect to crafting a world filled with magic pastel colored ponies. Her stated objective was to demonstrate that femininity does not instantly translate into passiveness and weakness.

  • Brohoof 1


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She wanted the show to be darker and more epic, almost more of an ongoing adventure.  But the powers that be prevented her from doing a lot of what she wanted to do.  I don't know if that's the only reason she left, but 'creative differences' is frequently cited as being the main reason, so it probably had a lot to do with it.

Edited by SBaby

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