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open Zombie Survival RP


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Frozen sets the finished breakfast on a folding table next to her improvised cooking area, "Food's ready everyone! Come and eat while it's hot!" she shouts before setting out some plates and glasses, filling each with a carefully rationed portion of water, attempting to maximize their limited supplies. (-2 water, the minimum required for six ponies)

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I get up and streach, then shake my self, use to sleeping outside without cover and getting dew on me. I look around and smell food being cooked. I get out of my bed roll and walk over to the improvised mess hall.

"Morning everypony"

I brush my mane with my hoof and i go get a bowl of food. I felt lazy earlier so i left my armor at my bed roll. And while thinking about it, i'll check on the mare's bathroom after breakfast.

(My dog is laying right next to me and thinks he is a lap dog. When he is the size of my torso)

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Broken extends a wing, rotates it around in an unnatural angle, and waves it as a greeting to Fluttershy before he can stop himself. He internally winces at what he assumes might be a disturbing ability of his wings. Pegasi bones most definitely do not bend or twist like his wings can.


He takes some food and water before finding a corner and laying down again. He doesn't want to move if he can help it. He is thankful that his wings are close to losing charge once more. He decides without any hesitation that he will not be activating them again and hang his pegasi instincts crying out for wings. The pain is not worth the utility unless absolutely necessary.

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I use my wing and wave back towards broken, i also grab some water as well and walk over beside broken and i lay down beside him.

"How did you sleep?"

i ask broken. I look over at flame, knowingly sure that the colt will come over beside broken. I get alittle to drink and bite of breakfast.

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(Last post of the night for me.)


Broken keeps his warpony mask up and tries to deflect her question, "I slept enough to adequately operate."


He eats a bit of the food and drinks some water. He can feel the temporary energy burst accompanied with food and morning metabolism rushing through him but he isn't fooled. He knows it won't last.

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I reply, with a some what confused look but i contenue to eat.

"Prohaps we can talk since we are, sorta alone over here?"

i ask, wanting to tell him now, but isn't too sure if i should with everypony around. Or how he would react if i told him my feelings for him. I finnish off my bowl and water placing those to the side ready to be taken back so we can clean them up for later.

(Turning in for the night too. Night everypony :wub: )

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(so no reaction to the Pegasus digging a hole through a concrete floor?)

Twink was busy mixing cement "I'll be over for breakfast in a moment, just let me finish pouring the cement" he dumped it in the hole and started  smoothing it don using a piece of scrap wood to make a concrete 'bowl' in the floor, then he used some of the stove pipe he had cut and flattened a little to  build a short wall that stuck above the floor a little "there...later I have to start on the chimney"

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Broken silently watches Phillipe work and considers Fluttershy's request. He is reluctant to start this but he knows he has to do so regardless.


"I... believe so... warpony." Broken murmurs. He abruptly remembers that Phillipe wants to make a forge. He still feels slight dispproval but he won't protest further.

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Lace had lain beside Missy through the night, waking up slowly with the smell of food and talking ponies. She smiled to the unicorn beside her, lifting a hoof to feel her forehead- if only to be sure! "Good morning." she spoke to the group, standing slowly and shaking out her loose mane.


Sweets had fallen asleep by another tent, waking up quickly and preening- her wings were really starting to hurt. Her teeth combed through her feathers, her orange wings slowly looking a bit better.

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I nod and look over at Phillipe, letting him do his forge here so that we can get weapons made to fight the zombies and others if needed. I look over at Broken now. "Well..." I am not sure how to put it into words but i try, "I have a crush on you..." I say blushing a little. "That is why I kissed your cheek before going off alone to get the potions. Only reason why, that i might of not made it... after all going alone into a dim hallway is a bad idea. You know..." I say confessing to Broken

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Missy wanted to check their healing supplies, she was feeling kind of light-headed and hungry, so she found the potions, healing potions and drank one, and took another for research purposes. She walked over to the rest of the ponies, she realised her mane was red with blood...


(-1 Pharmacy Potion)

Edited by The Ponyville Critic
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I run over to Broken poke him and run off. "hewhehehehehehehe..."


(OOC: Sorry for not being on, busy week :P homework and stuff like that. lol im also a bit behind in the rp. :P but whatever i'll deal with it!) 


(filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

  • Brohoof 1
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Broken chooses his words carefully, "I... appreciate the sentiment, warpony. However, this... is not..."


Broken pauses for a moment to poke @Arial Flame before he exits his wing's range.


"... the most hospitable world for building relationships. It would be a disservice to you if I were to... reciprocate your affection. I would not have an objection in any other time but... it seems wrong to attempt this."


Broken feels very awkward and he is shifting his wings nervously while he speaks; it is the only expression of emotion he will allow himself.

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I nod in disapointment, then i think of another time we could possibly workout.

"Alright... prohaps when we get our comunity up and going, then will we be able to?"

I ask broken, only hoping he will say "maybe" or "we might." I look at him in wonder of how our relationship would workout during that time where we live in a comunity.

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Broken brushes a wing across Fluttershy's back, "That is a good goal. If you feel the same way, we can pursue this then. Of course, we can still use this time before we leave to get to know each other better."


Broken is relieved that the warpony did not take his rejection badly. He would not wan to compromise anything or anyone.

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"Alright... well where are you from?"

I ask and then tell him.

"I am from ponyville"

i shift to my side and stretch out some. Needing to strech some, i sit back up and take my wing and brush my wing along your back once as well.

(Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filer filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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@@The Ponyville Critic,

Frozen walks over to Missie, concern on her face, "That looks serious... Are you ok?" Noticing an empty potion flask nearby, she breathes a sigh of relief, "Anyway, I hear you were trying to learn how to shoot. If you really want to, I'd be happy to teach you. It takes a bit of practice, but we need more people who can fight in case Broken and Fluttershy are incapacitated..." 

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Missy had decided to keep the gun after her thoughts, strangely enough she didn't want to disappoint Lace by keeping it, but it was necessary for her to survive. She levitated the gun out of her saddlebag and took a look at it, it didn't seem all that dangerous, but it was.

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Broken nods, "I have heard of the place. It is designated a historical preserve in my world; few are given the privilege of entering. I... was born in New Manehatten- in the Sky Quarter where the more, er, connected pegasi made their homes."


Broken shifts himself and get bit more comfortable, "It was also where I went to school for most of my life."

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"Ah... i've been in New Manehatten before, beautiful city. I went to school in cloudsdale, which is where i orignally from. I finnished school in ponyville. I got my trainning done in Canterlot under (oh damn... i forgot who the pegasis captain of the guard is... was going to refernce from the upheval series :/) of the pegasis division"

I say to Broken and watch everyone just to see how their doing.

((OCC off to LARP))

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I run back over to Broken and stare at fluttershy. "So... hows it going?" I nuzzle Broken lightly. "What are you guys talking about? Corpses? Guns? Back in the ol' days of war?" I giggle.


(fiiler filelr afifjaifmaoi magoiamgoiangianghjsn filler filler filler filler)

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Broken folds a wing over Arial Flame, "Just learning about each other, little Flame."


Broken turns back to Fluttershy, "We should start planning for the day... would you like to call everypony over here or lead us, warpony?"


(OOC: Is she specifically the Fluttershy from the Upheaval-verse or just inspired by?)

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@@Twinkfeather @@The Ponyville Critic @@SkyHeart @@Arial Flame @@Skullbuster @@Sekhayet @@Sweets @

(did i miss anyone?)

"I guess."

I tell Broken and arial. Then i turn to everypony else.

"Alright, everyone come over here. Time to plan out the day."

I say and stand up. Looking at everypony.

"Except you Phillipe, you can continue what your doing, unless you would like to help us get the guns and supply raiding the store"

I direct my voice to Phillipe as i talk to him/her (sorry for got gender)

Edited by WarFluttershy
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Thunder limped up to Warfluttershy. His wings ached, but he tried his best to hide it.


"A plan" he nodded "yes, we definatly need that."


He settled down, and waited.


(Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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I sat and stared at everypony around me. "Yeah... a plan would be nice... oh, hey Thunder! How are you feeling?"


(filler filler filler filler filler filler filelr cats filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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