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open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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I look dirty. I look horrible. I look crazed. 


I should have known better when I with given that job. Pressure was building inside my stomach; never has so much responsibility weighed upon me before. The fate of the entire Stable depended on me. 


200 days – 200 days before the food and water supply of the Stable went out. During that short time span, I had to somehow find a way to distribute the electricity into Stable 16, at least until the annual electrical supply came back up. The thing about Stable 16 was that it had a finite amount of food, water, and electrical supply that was only capable of being reproduced every decade. When it was gone, it was gone. In this case, the electricity was somehow using up the energy needs from the food and water chip; when these two ran out, there would be no Stable 16.


That was a lot of explaining. Let me introduce myself; I'm Baryon, surgeon in the Stable 16 Medical Clinic, and strangely enough, the only pegasus in my Stable, as far as I know. I know every Stable pony's name, all 637 of them – probably because I had lived in an underground nuclear shelter ever since I was born. 


I mentally counted how long I had been out here, in the wasteland...eight, nine hours maybe? My PipBuck timer was out of whack, the device claiming that it was half-past two in the morning when the sun was out.  Correction: I couldn't see the damn sun, because the clouds covered almost all of the sky, with patches of daylight here and there. 


I didn't bother changing the time on my PipBuck; I never worked well with machinery, and conversely, machinery never worked well with me. It seemed like if I tried to fix something, it always ended up breaking on my hooves. I was snapped out of that thought, however, when my PipBuck suddenly made those dreadful clicking noises as I submerged my hooves into the water, while I was washing off some of the blood on my pistol (it looked like a 9mm, though I couldn't tell since I wasn't a gun expert). My first impulse was to pull my hooves out immediately flying several feet away from the irradiated river. "Celestia, damn it..." I muttered, checking the Geiger counter on my PipBuck. 4 rads. I sighed – thank the Goddesses that I didn't place my hooves inside that for too long. 


Seriously, everything, virtually everything, on the surface has radiation. I would be lucky if my body cells weren't fucked up yet. 


I examined the pistol, pulling the slide to eject a jammed bullet. Despite seeing blood for my entire career, I can't help but feel a bit guilty upon my action. After all, I looted the weapon from a dead pony, mutilated to the level that his or her appearance was unrecognizable; both fore-hooves were amputated completely, along with a deep laceration on the body, with the heart and several other organs taken out.


I ended up vomiting. So far, the wasteland has not impressed me very much.


Soon later, down the Historic Equestria Highway 85, as it was called on a sign on the road, I slowly started to think about my life in the Stable. Most certainly, I missed it; the Stable was safe, the Stable was comfortable, and the Stable was overall peaceful. Then, I felt my stomach grumble a bit, and my body became slightly fatigued from hunger. Crap, I haven't ate anything much when I left...I couldn't go back now. The ponies probably won't let me inside, anyway. 


Suddenly, my PipBuck emitted a beep. The map function – the instructor taught us that when I was a colt in the case of a Stable emergency. Or so I think. I never really listened much, since I didn't really care about the PipBuck when I was in the Stable. Down there, it was just a portable radio player, flashlight, organizer, Geiger counter/ radiation detector (as if the Stables ever had any radiation) and the such. There was also a S.A.T.S feature in it that the Stable ponies used to just spar with each other, which made me think that the PipBuck was supposed to be used as some kind of weapon in the pre-war, not a leisure item. Then again, Stable-Tec wouldn't have given it to the Stable. I guess there are some mysteries that can't be solved.


...I'm getting off-topic. The PipBuck said I was standing on...the Shalegrey Country Club. It didn't look like much. There were a few smashed up and rusted carriages here and there, and the building itself was run down by lack of maintenance for more than a century.


I guess I'll try my luck there and find anything of interest. 

Edited by Original Suri
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Vincent scrummage around the abandoned building, muttering curses to himself. Whiskey. All he wanted was a damned bottle of whiskey! It was the only drink that ponies could make that wasn't about as good as water at getting him drunk! But this place just had wine, and... he thought it was cider, hard to tell. Dammit.

Vincent was a mercenary by trade, that was true. But even mercs need a drink occasionally. Besides,he was between contracts... his last job had been just to find some poor bloke off in the Waste, and kill him in a rather... brutal fashion. The buck had a pistol. 9MM. He'd tried to shoot at the mercenary, but his first shot bounced of his dirty black combat armor, and the 2nd jammed in the gun. And so Vincent got to work.

Whoever gave him the contract was either really, really crazy, or really really hated the guy. His orders had been... strange. Amputate his forhooves, tear up his body as bad as you can, remove all his organs... maybe the guy had wanted it to seem like the work of raiders? He didn't know. He felt.... sick doing the job. Had washed his claws of the blood as soon as he could... but a job was a job, and he always got his job done. Once he accepted, there was no turning back... the job was going to get done, or he was going to die doing it. Those were his only two options as far as he was concerned.

So, now he was here. Some old 'country club.' Best he could tell, it'd just been a place where ponies who either were away from Canterlot, or wished they were well off enough to live there, could still feel like the prime of society.... so of course they didn't have any decent booze. "God dammit... c'mon... wine, wine, wine, erg..." He grabbed a bottle, half-way through throwing it out of frustration... when he heard the door open. He ducked behind the counter, drawing his revolver: the Taurus Raging Buffalo as he called it, listening intently... he had no idea who it could be. Raider? Scavenger? Somepony who was looking for a drink?

(http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/48570-1-1355114309.jpg the mentioned revolver, a favorite for close encounters.)

Edited by TheLineTrotter
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This wasteland... These people... This place... So twisted and down-right wrong.


It's been two months since Stable 15 got wiped by raiders. Two months since those fiends took everything away from me. Two months since I started hunting them down, trying to exact my revenge.


Let me introduce myself first, the story is kinda messed up if not. The name's Straightshot Knight, Stable-dweller of Stable 15. A local technician and Senior security. You might be wondering why I have two jobs. The Stable assigns jobs depending on the Cutie Mark's meaning. Since mine has a double meaning, a glass gear with a crosshair on it, they assumed I will be good at mechanics and science and shooting. So, I got security and technician. Tough part here is I have to shift between jobs everyday. A bit stressful, but nothing is impossible.


Anyways, the Overmare assigned me to hit a raider camp that attacked us before. Little did we know that there was a second wave, and they got wiped out completely. I didn't have to say goodbye to my friends.


Back to the thing at hand. I was traveling, killing every raider camp I see. Me and my crew would always make the perfect plots to take them down. But now, I told them I need some time alone. I told them to stay in Gutterville and wait me there when I return. Now, I guess, I'm solo flight from here on then.


After another disturbing sight, mutilated body... Eww... I pushed forward and saw this structure. I went to this weird building. The exterior was damaged, probably by the war times. The interior, not as good either. My Pipbuck suddenly clicked. I checked it, and the auto-map showed a name:


Shalegrey Country Club.


If this was a club before, this would be a nice place to kick back. Then again, it is abandoned and a wreck.


I checked my E. F. S. to see if I'm in the clear, but there were two dots, Blue dots. Friendlies were in the area. But just to be sure, I got Pathfinder out.


"Is anyone in here?"

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The interior of the building was no different, with its tasteless concretes walls and windows broken and boarded up with wooden planks. The ceiling was degraded and peeling off, and there was a puddle forming from a leak on the corner. The whole place looked like a dump, with random items and broken bottles scattered on the ground. There was a shelf hanging on the wall that was near collapse, with multiple books organized against each other, burned or tattered. A dreary shadow was cast inside, and a stench of death filled the air. .


And somehow, it was fitting. 


I did what a survivalist would do in the wasteland; I searched every corner. Some objects were left in the building, and I looted whatever I thought was valuable. There was "Cram" and "Insta-Mash" on a table, which I gladly took. My stomach grumbled again, which reminded me of my still empty insides...and, yes, vomiting it all out didn't help very much. I inspected the tin can, which was apparently sealed shut. I need a knife for this.


Then I heard the sound of something dropping on the ground. I nearly jumped – the second time today – and cautiously looked around. From the counter, an empty bottle, "Sparkle Cola", it read, rolled on the ground and hit my hoof. There was someone else here...but it was strange. If there was, my PipBuck's E.F.S radar would have detected it already.  I shrugged; maybe I just moved something by accident and broke a bottle or two.


I finally found a razor blade of moderate quality on the bathroom sink, and used that to jab a hole into the tin can's seal and pull it out. The "Cram" looked kind of like...processed hay. Desperately, I dipped my hoof into it (not the cleanest way to do it) and took multiple large bites, finishing it up with a swallow. It didn't really matter what it was anymore; I was hungry, and I needed something to eat.


But again, my radiation level went up by another 3 rads. Wait, that was irradiated? "FUCK!" I shouted out loud, trying to throw up all that junk out of my system. Sadly, it was too late; I already swallowed the whole thing already, and my stubborn stomach wasn't going to give way any time soon. Giving up, I continued searching the rest of the room, finding inside a first aid box a Stimpak syringe, a magical healing potion, dirty water, and "Med-X". Didn't know what that was either, and while I am a doctor, I didn't want to be messing with unknown substances. 


Next was the safe on the wall, which was locked shut. It read "MAINTENANCE", but knocking on the safe's surface proved otherwise, leaving a near hollow sound. While lockpicking was not my strong suit, the lock was an simple dead-bolt, and only took less than half a minute to open it up with just a tension wrench and an improvised paper clip pick. 


Inside was more medical items. Another two Med-X syringes, an unusual Stampede syringe (judging by the red label on the front), an unusual bottle my PipBuck somehow called "Steady", and a box of Mint-als. Probably just emergency pills; I just took them all. Wasn't like anypony was going to use them anymore.


"Anyone in there?" a pony's voice was heard outside. There was somepony here. Then why didn't my PipBuck detect that? I peeked outside the bathroom, stopping to see what I expected. A Stable pony was standing in front of me. Apparently from a different Stable, since his jumpsuit had a "15" on his collar instead of a "16".


Okay, this is creepy. 

Edited by Grand Master Suri
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Deep underneath what was once known as Shalegrey Country Club. In a MOI (ministry of Image) research center, a cryo pod suddenly opened; releasing a thick white fog the hid the pod and covered most of the concret floor around it as a lone Changeling collapsed on the ground.  Struggling to rising to his fore hooves, he violently vomited a light pink substance onto the ground and for what seemed like hours just stayed there, facing a pool of his own vomit as he coughed the remaining substance out onto the cold floor. Finally he raised his head as he thought, Where...am...I... scanning the room around him, he found it to be an covered on one end with pods simliar to the ones he had just left, the other filled with a few tables, desks, and some counter tops, and on the three he found a single pair of double doors.


Clumsily rising to his unsteady hooves, he began walking around the pods but found all of them full of the skeletons of other ponies. Tearing his eyes away from the pods, he walked over to the other end of the room and while shuffling though some recordings and notes in one of the desk, heard a metallic snap and a small weight on his forehoof. Pulling it out he discovered a...Pip buck...yea that's right attached to his forehoof. Staring at it for a minute, he realized it was running it's start up program and ignoring it for the time being, continued searching the rest of the room and placed what he had found on one of the tables. A 9mm pistol and three clips...not bad...he noted as he magically loaded the pistol with one of the clips and holding the pistol and the remaining clips in his magic, began cautiously walking towards the double doors to what lay ahead.



Edited by Blacklight01
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"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Okay, whoever had just come in had no idea he was there yet, it seemed... they were just scavenging. He could probably sneak out... whether it was a raider, or anything else,  he could probably just leave. Still, he was curious, perhaps stupidly so. He tried to move in closer, from behind the counter, to get a look at him...


Shit! He knocked over a fucking bottle! Great, whoever it was going to come check it out... okay, he'd wait, and pounce them when they looked behind the counter he hunkered behind, tear thier throat out... and... and...


....were they oppening a can? He glanced, seeing a stallion, pegasus... he couldn't see if he had his cutie mark, because of the jumpsuit he wore... Okay... he didn't know much about the Enclave... but what were they doing in some pre-war country club...? Didn't make sense... and any military professional would have investigated the noise. A Dashite, than? He silently stalked the stallion around the country club... well... he certaintly was dirty enough to be a raider. He decided to duck behind a large, overturned table. He'd wait until he came out, draw his gun on him, and interrogate him...


... and suddenly there was a voice. Goddammit! He stayed hunkered down, hearing what sounded like a stallion speaking up... okay... okay... they weren't together. Maybe he could gleam their intentions from their conversation.. 



@@Guardian Braveheart,  

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"Huh, who's there?" I suddenly blurted out while frantically aiming my gun at nothing.


The sudden sounds finally got to me. Obviously the wind isn't playing a part at this, and I already know I wasn't alone. Why do they want to play games with me?


"It's OK, I'm not gonna hurt you," unless you hurt me first then I'm gonna fucking kill you.


I quickly checked at my E. F. S. again. There was a new dot, right on top of me. It was also blue. I quickly turned around, just to see nothing. I guess it's in another floor? The two other dots were close. One, just right in front of me. The other one, near the first one, just a few meters apart.


"Ok, I know there's someone right in front of me. Show yourselves now. I won't bite."




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Slowly opening one of the doors, Renatus checked both sides of the dimly lit hallway, with an occasionally door showing on either side. Stepping out quietly, he began heading down the hallway, looking for a way out as he glanced at the faded posters on the walls either promoting the 'Ministry of Image' or 'some war' in general. Thinking nothing of it, he had nearly reacted an intersection when he suddenly heard a soft metallic hum and a the sound of metal striking the cold floor approaching. Immediately ducking into one of the door, he picked himself up and pressed against the doors as the sounds drew nearer until a silhouette of a pony appeared on the floor inches away from Renatu's hooves. He held his breath for what seemed like an eternity until the silhouette finally disappeared and the sounds started to become more distant until they faded away.


The threat having passed, Renatus let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and looked around the room. It all seemed to be full of decayed papers and lab equipment but what caught his eye was the barding nearly folded on one of the tables. My barding...wait that's mine? He noted as he stood up and walked to it. Putting the pistol and the clips on the table next to it as he raised the badding up and studied it, checking for damage. Satisfied with the state of the light pre-war police barding, stared at his name quizzically, which he had  found machine stitched into the vest. Tearing his focus away from the name, he decided that thing outside was more important as he carefully placed the vest on and after a quick search which revealed nothing of use in the room, he cautiously opened the door and headed back into the hallway, searching for an exit out of the facility.

Edited by Blacklight01
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"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Who...who are you?" I asked, scrambling up all the words. As far as I knew, this stallion was from a different Stable – Stable 15. I have not heard much about that Stable; in fact, the population did not know anything about any Stable at all, almost like if we were the only surviving ponies in Equestria. 


I lowered my pistol, meaning no harm towards the stallion. If there was another pony here, out from the Stable, maybe he could help me. There wasn't really a choice in the matter, since he was directly blocking the exit. Finally, the E.F.S radar from my PipBuck started reacting towards the stallion. The PipBuck's status screen was instantly replaced by a window that read "SCANNING SUBJECT". A few seconds later, out popped out a large amount of information regarding the stallion, more than I thought was possible. Vitals, radiation, hunger and thirst levels, even personal info. Oh, and a yellow marker popped up on my E.F.S. Straightshot Knight... it read. It was a bit shocking; how was the PipBuck even capable of these actions? Was it implemented beforehand?


Before I could think, however, a pony was standing there in the stairs, frozen. He looked dirty and ragged and far less tidy compared to me, and had twitchy blue eyes – maybe the stallion was affected by some kind of recreative narcotic? My PipBuck detected that pony as well, marking another marker, though this one was red. Like "Knight", this stallion was given all personal statuses, from armor resistance (how do they calculate that?) and bodily damage. Apparently, this pony was addicted to "Dash". 


"Fuck!" The stallion ran upstairs, shouting all the while. "It's the Pegasus Enclave! They're going to kill us!" Damn it, why did the wasteland had to use names I don't even know? Who was the Enclave, anyway? And why are they all focusing their attention on me? 


It wasn't the time to be finding answers, since a stick of dynamite came flying out from the stairs, and I quickly hid behind the bathroom door to protect myself from the blast. A group of ponies came down, all equally spastic and dirtied. One was holding a baton, another with a metal pipe, and a few, more well-defended ones with pistols or rifles. One was holding a submachine gun with a dark helmet and blue-colored armor, who was a bit more wise to hide into a storage room. A few were just making a suicide run towards the open field; it didn't take an experienced pony to shoot some of them. 


Then suddenly, right in front of me, was another pony, about to strike my head in with a wooden bat. Oh shit, I'm really going to die... I embraced the deadly hit...but it didn't come. When I open my eyes, I saw everything in a stationary mode, almost as if they were paused in time. The pony on the left that approached me had percentages all around her body, most around at least eighty or so percent. 


...Did I just activate S.A.T.S? 


It appeared to be the case. The whole atmosphere was frozen, and every pony inside was highlighted in yellow. There was Straightshot Knight...and a small group of ponies from the hallway. There was no use in shooting any of them when there was a threat right next to me. Anyways, their chance of success was small: twenty-one percent, eleven percent, eight percent, fourteen percent. Yeah, I'll just stick to shooting the mare close to me. 


I aimed for the right hoof that held the weapon first, then went for the head. Maybe I didn't intend to kill, but in a crazy time like this, somehow it didn't really matter to me. I just picked four shots on the head and activated the S.A.T.S. Almost like if I was controlled by a pony, I aimed and fired shots in a mechanical way that resulted in a bloody and graphic scene, splattering blood on my fur and jumpsuit. The mare was brutally killed...and she was all over my face. 

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As the blast made me move out of the way, I saw this other Stable Pony. (There was a Pegasus in a Stable?) My E. F. S. Told me it was Baryon. He was in the bathroom his whole time. I quickly chanced my weapon to Bubble Bullets and activated my S. A. T. S. Being a rifle, and having a very good perception, The percentage hit show promise. I quickly aimed on the three closest to me. I think the other one will handle himself.


I quickly aimed for there neck. Judging by vital points on their bodies, this will be easy.


The shots came through. Three shots, three hits. The shots went to their necks. Upon impact, a bubble force exploded on puncture wound, breaking there necks easily. 


Heh, just another typical day in the wastelands.

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Vincent made as little noise as he could, hunkered down there... barely breathing, and when he did, he took long, quiet breaks...  he'd already begun formulating a plan. He'd listen, gleam what he could from the two ponies conversation. If they seemed as though they would pose no threat to him, or atleast wouldn't try and shoot him on sight, he'd reveal himself and try and leave the building as soon as possible. If they revealed themselves to be dangerous, or likely to be hostile, he would either attempt to sneak off or open fire on them. It was two ponies, and he had the drop on them. Two shots would be all it took. 


Both of those plans were thrown out the window when he heard the voice, the first voice he had heard, call out towards his direction. A spasm of swears went off in his head, each fighting for dominance on what expletive he should shout. Instead, he took a breath. Okay, they hadn't tried to flank him... or tossed a grenade behind his cover. He'd attempt to talk to them, and then get out. He slowly rose from behind the over-turned table. As a show of good faith, he kept his pistol in his talon, but not pointed at the pair. He opened his beak to speak....


...when he spotted a stallion on the staircase.The beaten, worn pony with his tattered mix-matched clothing was clearly a raider, if his tweaked off expression didn't clue him in.If he'd had his pistol raised, he'd have blown the stallion's face off. As it was, in the time it took him to raise his pistol, the pony already was turned and heading up the stairs. Dammit. The pony was fast... was he on Dash? 


There wasn't time to question it as a stick of dynamite was thrown downstairs, forcing Vincent to duck behind the table. Shrapnel flew through the air where he'd been standing just a moment ago. Vincent glance at a busted out window, considering jumping out of it... but he was too large for it, and he'd cut himself on the shattered and disgusting glass. As the ponies, clearly raiders, came trotting down the stairs, screaming expletives or gibberish, Vincent opened careful fire. Their 'barding' did little to stop the massive and powerful rounds fired from his revolver. He aimed for the center of mass each time, punching through their armor and chest like a raging buffalo. They would fall to the ground, bleeding out and dying  rather quickly from the massive rounds puncturing thier chest. They seemed to get smart, attempting cover across from him.Some took pot shots, although those who were lucky enough to hit with their own poor, drugged up aim and the shoddy weapons were rewarded with the rounds bouncing off of his combat armor. 


He ran out of rounds, ducking back behind the table to reload. He heard a flurry of... popping... noises? Was one of these ponies using a freaking bubble gun? He was midway through reloading when a stick of dynamite was chucked behind his table. The fuse was burning fast. An attempt to throw it would have ended with a blown off talon. Instead, he dove and rolled to the side while his previous cover was turned into a pile of splinters. With him out of cover, fire bore down upon him as he rolled behind the bar, now thoroughly pinned as a variety of rounds from the raiders fired over his head and wedged themselves into the bar. He heard a mare shout about ripping off his wings and eating them. He wondered if that was directed at him or the Pegasus he had seen. 


@@Guardian Braveheart,


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Connor was flying towards a hidden ministry of image facility that had recently come on line the commander of his out post had told him to go there and look for any items of interest such as new tech or even ponies he started to come up to the place a country club of some sort as he landed he heard a explosion come from inside the building he readied his battle saddle and walked in his helmets interface system picking up multiple life forms

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Wandering though the facility, Renatus couldn't help but feel utterly lost as he wandered though the dim and lonely halls. Though, since his first encounter with the...ponytron, he had made sure to on the lookout for it. Finally as he was begining to lose hope of ever escaping this concret prison, he discovered a map of the building on one of the walls and while faded, still had an exit clearly marked. Memorizing the route, he trotted bristly towards freedom and way lay beyond the cold concret and decaying posters. Reaching what was marked as an exit, he found to his disappointment that the door way locked by a terminal. Realizing that had little idea on how to hack the terminal, he searched the nearby rooms for a bobby pin to pick the door with. After searching three rooms without success, he came across a locker room where he found one in an open locker; along with a mostly decayed picture of a mare with what appeared to be her foal and an audio tape. Pocketing the bobby pin and the audio tape, he raced back to the door and after a few tense minutes, gave a mental shout of joy as the door popped open. That was until he hear an smooth, fremine, yet robotic, voice say behind him, " Hello test subject 39, you have one second to return to your cryo pod before you'll be painfully disintegrated." 


Not even bothering to turn around, Renatus flattened his ears and raced to the open doors which revealed an old flight of stairs as lasered flashed behind him. Come on...you have to be kidding me...he mental growled as a laser flashed beside him, turing the guard rail next to him into molten metal as he trotted up the stairs as fast as he could, firing his nine mil blindly behind him. Though he felt like that wasn't doing much as he heard from behind him, much to close for his liking, " Please stand still, test subject 39, so I can disintegrate you. Trust me it will only be painful for a few seconds." Risking to stop and face his pursuer for a few seconds he replied, a tad bit tired for all the running, " Umm...how...about no." Firing the remainder of the nine round clip into the Robo brain as he finished, not doing too much damage but buying him precious time to get up the stairs to what he assumed to be the surface.

Edited by Blacklight01
  • Brohoof 1

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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I took the wise choice to hide behind an overturned table for cover. Well, it wasn't exactly cover, since the bullets still went through the wooden table almost as if was paper, but it was something. An even more humorous observation was that the enemies were shooting through the same apparently height, and since I was crouching down completely, not even one bullet came close to me. It was a bit scary that there were high velocity deadly projectiles flying inches above my head.


Luckily for me, they were raining down a barrage of bullets...which made it easy for me to time how much shots it took to reload. It didn't take a gun nut to realize that. Eight shots, pause; that was definitely a pistol. Two shots, explosive sound; most likely that was a shotgun. An automatic spraying of bullets for more than one second; probably a submachine gun. It was only a matter of waiting for the enemy to reload, and not surprisingly, they did. Using this to my advantage, I made a run for a nearby wall, hiding behind it.


"I thought Enclave soldiers and Dashites alike were far stronger!" A stallion shouted from the opposite side of the hallway, peeking out from a room and firing a laser rifle. The table not far from me soon turned into ash. "Turns out you pegasi aren't so strong when you don't have your shitty power armor!" 


Just who is the Enclave? For a bunch of ponies firing at us, they've been mentioning it several times already, and it's always been about me. "In fact," the stallion with the laser rifle continued, "I might just cut off your wings while I'm at it! It would make a nice decoration to my wall!" 


I continued firing into the hallway, until I heard a dreaded clicking sound, and the slide on the pistol was pulled back. Crap, I was out of ammo now? Just my luck...I was done for now. Glancing at my bloody hooves, I saw in front of me a dead unicorn stallion's corpse. They were armed...surely they have some ammo and weapons. Guess there's no other way. 


I used my hooves to feel around the body for any loot, finding a revolver on the ground, which my PipBuck read as ".357 Revolver". There was also a good twenty or so bullets on him which were compatible to the revolver, a few bullet cases, a Mintal box, and...eight bottle caps? Who in Equestria would hold bottle caps in their saddlebags? Then again, they might have some use later on, so I took that, too.


Now that I had a new weapon, I made no haste as I loaded the revolver's chamber and pulling the hammer for a shot. Unfortunately, a dynamite stick came flying feet away from me, and before I could react, exploded. While I wasn't thankfully inside the blast radius, with nothing between me and the dynamite, the shrapnel piercing into my coat. The PipBuck sputtered out another notification, reading "Left Wing: Crippled", along with "Left Back-hoof: Crippled".


And it was true; suddenly, I felt extreme pain, a glass shard digging deep into my hoof and my wing bending in unusual places. There was even more gore on my body now, and desperately I searched for anything I scavenged out of that first aid-kit. Taking out the water first, I dumped a little into my lacerations, nearly dropping my bottle from the shocking sting. Then was the healing potion; I dumped that onto my cuts as well. Miraculously, some of the smaller injuries were regenerating at a fast pace, disappearing completely. Then was the Stimpak, or rather, the Med-X – I accidentally used the wrong syringe, though the numbness on my hoof kind of explained what it really was. 


Meanwhile, I thought I saw a griffon pop out. Where did he come from? I thought. I wasn't sure how to react to that; maybe I didn't notice him during the fight?

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Explosions left and right, one after another. These fiends aren't going down without a fight, and that's saying something.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this Griffon hiding, shooting them down. Well, a lost Talon in a dusty old Clubhouse, that is something you don't see everyday. I quickly reloaded the rifle and continued picking them out one by one. Bubbles bursting with massive force breaking their necks easily. I think I heard one crack from the distance.


Without even knowing it, one of them, a mare, tried to stab me with a knife. I quickly dodged it, but not after landing a nice cut on my cheek... again. And I just got that fixed weeks ago.


I quickly changed my weapon to a Switchblade and came rushing for her. I took her in by surprise and slit her throat, ending her instantly. Some of her blood got to me, painting my pale yellow coat red. I returned cover, took my rifle again, and started shooting again.


My next target is that other buck who went for the Stable pony. Shooting two bullets right in the head. One missed completely, denting the wall, and the other hit the throat again, ripping the head right off. 


Ok, I didn't mean to rip it off. That was a huge mistake. My bad.

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As connor entered the building he quickly ducked to the floor as a laser went over his head he stood up and shot a few of his own lasers towards his attacker and turned them to ash he walked past the ash pile he came up to the main room it was chaos there was two ponies and what looked like a Griffin trying to hold off a about ten raiders as connor walked in he heard on of the raiders say how we pegasi were weak without and I quote 'shitty' power armor I walked in and fired at him hitting him in the chest and killing him some of his buddies turned to face me and started to shoot at me I started to let rip with my gatling lasers I shouted out my helmet giving me a creepy voice as I spoke


"Death to the impure"

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((The upgraded Enclave power armor isn't made until 2215, a few years after this roleplay. Before that, it was T51-b power armor like the Steel Rangers/ Brotherhood of Steel, but I'll make some kind of exception, since researched did start at 2198.)


What unfolded in the next few minutes could be best described as...ironic. 


I was still in a disabled state, unable to move my hoof, until in the midst of the disorganized skirmish, another pegasus came out of nowhere. What the pegasus seemed to be wearing was a metallic piece of armor with small glowing energy cells packed in the back, along with a helmet that covered his face; the armor seemed heavy to me. Was that the power armor the ponies were mentioning? 


It felt more like something I saw from the science fiction movies we had in the Stables. Within a few seconds of the new pegasus's arrival, a barrage of lasers shooting out of the barrel and disintegrating anything it touched. Not surprisingly, it was deadly as it was big, and some of the ponies fell back. The dynamite certainly wasn't working against the armor; in fact, it barely even scratched it. Just what in Celestia was the armor made out of?


"Fuck, the pegasi got his little reinforcements! Give me the pulse grenade, then get the fuck out of here!" One of the ponies, apparently the leader with the submachine gun, shouted. One of his comrades complied, and the explosions stopped for a while. Then, a blue grenade came flying right on front of our concentrated group, with the pin pulled. Shit, shit, shit, shit! my mind basically yelled at me. If the dynamite didn't kill me, this surely was.


But instead of a normal blast, it caused a large flash, with a spherical electromagnetic pulse explosion from where the grenade landed. It barely damaged me personally, so I still felt fine, save for my hoof. My PipBuck, not so much. The whole thing was scrambled and blurry, leaving only a white, static noise. The dimly lit lights on the ceiling immediately turned dark, and the Stimpak syringe's timer on my hooves was going wild until it faded to black. Looking at the hallway, I saw the remaining ponies run off from the windows and the doors, some even taking the opportunity to bolt out the front door. 


Now that the problem we faced on our hooves...and talons were gone, I finally felt relief, and a bit of remorse. Honestly, I felt a bit sorry for these ponies...they might not have been like that before. Perhaps a nuclear wasteland did make the worst of ponies. But first things first: "Somepony help me here!" I shouted in distress, pointing to the glass shards and shrapnel still digging inside my back left hoof. The Med-X temporarily eased the pain, but eventually it was going to wear off. In that period, I needed medical attention immediately, before I get an infection or had to get my hoof amputated, both of which I did not want.


"Help, please?"

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Okay... this was bad. Apparently, a whole god damn army's worth of raiders had just been upstairs with the hooves up their asses while he was down here looking for a drink! He looked over at the stallion he'd spotted before, the one who had known he was there behind the table, and he seemed to be holding his own fairly well. He used some sort of fancy rifle, which seemed to snap raider's necks with a crack... interesting. At one point, a raider charged him with a bat, and only dumb luck stopped him from getting a bullet to the back of the head as he was forced to fight him. His pistol had, just his luck, run out of ammo and he'd been forced to fight with just his claws. Luckily, it seemed that this pony's drug of choice was med-x. Sure, he didn't feel as much, but that didn't matter when your throat was slit because your reaction time was slowed.


Still, dispite this, he had the feeling they could be overwhelmed. He was about to attempt a retreat, or atleast get out into the open where he could pull out his rifle, when he saw something that nearly made him crap his armor...


Enclave. Shit. Shit shit... he'd heard about the Enclave... they were preety well known for being absolute assholes. Pegasus that had come down to the serface testified that, and stable pegasi who flew up and never were heard from were proof enough for him. He saw those glowing energy weapons and wondered if he could fight this thing... his revolver was preety powerful... maybe it could punch through an eye piece?


And... suddenly the fighting was over... the Enclave pony mowed down raiders, but they managed to use an EMP grenade to take him out. Those that remained, now few in number, ran away. He was about to rush after them, kill them and take thier weapons and ammo... when he heard a cry for help. He blinked, seeing the pony from before... the one he thought could be deaf for ignoreing that bottle. He was torn between a deep, innate, genetic bloodlust and an urge to atleast do something today that wasn't bloody work... he sighed, walking over. 'Erg, shut up already..." he muttered, bending down. He pulled a pair of tweezers out of his pack, slowly pulling out pits of glass and various other shrapnel from the stallion's back leg. He took advantage of the ample supply of booze around to even sterlize the things. He wasn't a doctor... heck, couldn't really qualify as a field medic, but he'd patched himself up a few times in his day.


EDIT: He jumped, suddenly seeing a strange... thing land beside him, staring at it a moment as he tried to figure out what it was... suddenly remembering from an old history book he'd gotten off of some trader, who claimed he'd gotten the book from a real Stable. "Holy shit, it`s a changling! Ive never seen one..." He muttered. It had a gun, but it dropped it, presumably in surrender. 




edit to the end of my post to account for Blackligh01's post

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Renatus had lost count of the flights of stairs he had ran, the robo brain in hot pursuit, and was nearing the end of his endurance when he finally reached the door marked simply with the letters F1. Turning to the robo brain, he shouted, " Well see you later tin can!" Opening the door, he was completely taken off guard by the full scale gun battle happening around him. Ducking behind a overturned bench, he heard bullets pinging off the sides and in a few cases piercing straight though he thin metal as he tried to remain unnoticed  Quickly ejecting the old clip on the nine millimeter and replacing it with a fresh one, he cautiously peeked over the bench, spotting a griffin, about ten ponies, and a pony covered in power amor shouting something about the impure as he fought.


Judging it wouldn't be in his best interest to join in one the gun battle he spotted an exit and was about half-way to it when suddenly one of ponies, filthy, covered some odd pieces of armor, and screaming insults to the pony he was firing at, decided to place himself between Renatus and his way out. Realizing he would have to kill the pony to get out, Renatus stealthily creep up on the stallion, using the sounds of the battle to mask his hoofsteps as he closed the distance until he was finally within striking distance. The stallion barely had time to let out a small scream which was cut off as Renatus pounced on the Raider, sinking his fangs into the stallion and using a process known as Rip feeding to drain every last emotion from the stallion and within the span of seconds the struggling  Raider was reduced to a lifeless corpse. Pulling his fangs out, Renatus let the crimson from his fangs drop to the floor as a rush of energy filled him from his meal. 


Feeling reenergized, he was about to continue on his way out when one of the Raider turned around and shouted, " Dear Goddess what the hell it that!" Raising her sawed-off shotgun, Renatus jumped behind the only cover available, a wooden table, as the Raider fired, filling his hind leg with buckshot. Crying in pain, Renatus was about to return fire to the fleeing Raider when he noticed that his cover had already been taken as he stared at the grey stallion ,dressed in a modified stable barding, laying next to him, abate the awkward postion and certain he wouldn't be able to raise his pistol in time before the stallion  could, he let it fall out of his magical grip and clatter to the floor next to him. Hopping the stallion would take it as a sign of surrender.

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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A few minutes later, it was the griffon that came to my medical help, only his method were not so medical. "Hey, careful with the shards!" I warned, taking out another syringe of Med-X. "You're taking it out too fast. You might deepen the laceration and cause more bleeding. Worst case scenario is that you're going to give me an infection...and the alcohol you're using isn't for medical uses either. Don't you have peroxide or anything? "


After one of the shrapnel shards was pulled out, it was cleansed with alcohol, and I took another dose of Med-X to the hoof to ease the pain. I tried to help the griffin by using the spent Med-X needle to punch a hole into my hoof as the sterilized tweezers pulled the thing out. Partial self-operation was not good for me physically and mentally; one mistake and I might be causing more harm than benefit.


It would have been a bit easier if there was magnesium sulfate salt and purified warm water lying around to cleanly open up the wound, but supplies like that were scarce here and presumably the wasteland. I didn't like working in such a dirtied environment, but it was better than nothing. Finally, when that was all settled, I took the favor of bandaging myself with duct tape, cutting the edge with a razor knife. It would have to do. 


Meanwhile, another pony (just how much am I going to meet today?) appeared out of nowhere – second time today that happened – sliding towards me, also injured. The pony dropped his weapon with care, and as a reaction, I put my hooves up as well. I overheard the griffon claim it was a changeling, which made me pause for a while. I've obviously never seen a changeling in real life, but I've definitely heard of them from our biggest information supplier in our Stable: nothing more than the The Complete World History A-Z series. I smirked, remembering the younger days where we had to study the whole thing, and each series had about at least a thousand or so pages. I had to admit, even reading that got a bit repetitive after a few years...


"Uh...it's fine. My pistol is out of ammunition, anyway. Well, not anymore, since some of our enemies had some loot on them, but it isn't loaded." Wow, nice going. You totally calmed him down. Anyway, I examined the wound – looked like a gunshot wound. While I could treat it, I didn't have the supplies at my hooves. Pulling the bullet out was going to make issues worse, since the pony/ changeling, would have to worry about infection. 


"Okay, so the good news is that you're not going to die or anything," I reassured, injecting the Med-X into his hoof. "The carbolic acid I found in the first aid kit is an ideal antiseptic, or so I read in the pre-war books, so you won't have to worry about getting any horrible infections or diseases. The 'bad' news is that it's stuck inside your hoof until we have more adequate supplies. If we try to get it out, it'll damage your blood vessels and you'll bleed. A lot, mind you, so you'll die in minutes. And since we don't have a working X-ray machine or surgeon tools, I'll just use the antiseptic and some disinfectant to clean up your wound, and we'll close it up. Sound good?"


When that was settled, I went to work. The bullet didn't go too deep, so it didn't hit any important internal organs. Not that I think there was any internal organs on the hoof, anyway. I lifted the hoof to stop some of the bleeding, and started at closing up the wound. 

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As the battle raged on, a sudden armored pegasus interfered.


An Enclave?!?! What the FUCK?!?!


The battle died out easily after he went in and shot everything down, turning almost everything to ash. So much for my free loot. Then, the leader threw an Anti-Matrix Grenade. It exploded right in his face, freezing the Enclave. I looked back at my Pipbuck. It died, well fuck me. I need a terminal to reboot this.


Suddenly, the (other) pegasus called for help. The Talon, (Still, why is he even here?) came to his aid, trying to patch up the damage. Then a weird figure, a changeling, went to them, showing he's a friendly. I think he might be that other blue dot I spotted earlier on my E. F. S. Now, if I can just reboot this, I can see if our little friend here is good or not.


I went upstairs, both to look for a terminal, and to loot some more.

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Connor was gunning the raiders down in a flash of red most of the raiders were gone but then one ran away and when he came back he had a EMP grenade.


Connor tried to take a shot at the raider but the raider had already lobbed the grenade at him most of what happened in the next twenty seconds was a blur.


Connor when he regained his senses he was on the floor unable to move the griffin was helping a stable pony that had been downed during the fight.


There was also a changeling Connor was mildly surprised he tried standing up he needed to catch or kill him changelings were a major threat to equestria before the war he couldn't let one roam free he called out hoping to get the Griffin and the stable ponies attention.


"Get away from the changeling"

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"I apologize if you have some grudge against the po- changeling, but as a clinical doctor, I have to treat this wound," Baryon retorted, bandaging the gunshot wound with duct tape. "There you go now, stranger. It's all patched up now, though I recommend you go to some better-equipped doctor if you want that bullet out. Though I would rather like it if it stayed in, since it isn't dislodged or moving, and it's the only thing that's clogging up the wound in your blood vessel."


@@Guardian Braveheart,

When that was finished, I followed the unicorn upstairs to reboot my PipBuck as well. When the two of us were alone in the second floor, I started to give out the questions. "Alright, since I just came out of the Stable and ponies are trying to kill me for my wings, can somepony like, oh no, you explain me what the Enclave is and why the fuck is there an armored pegasus right near our doorstep?" I questioned harshly. 


The terminal was not very hard to find. It was sitting on top of a table on the first door we met on the right, along with some material. I did the searching first, rummaging in the pile of junk. There was a few useful items around the room. The vending machine near the exit still had two, unopened Sparkle Cola drinks on the dispenser, almost if a pony had forgotten to take out the drink...though I wouldn't imagine a pony just paying without taking the bottle. I took the bottles, anyway.


There was also some bottle caps scattered on the ground. Seriously, just how many bottle caps does this place have? And why are the ponies carrying all that? Maybe it does have some use? I took the bottle caps anyway. On the shelves were random items: Wonderglue,  sensor module, Abraxo Cleaner, and a magazine that read "Sales-pony Weekly". The flat locker on the ground had a toy car and a baseball hat that still read "Cloudsdale: EQ Games '71" with a cloud around the text. I looted that too, and went on with the terminal. "So is it done yet?"

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"Erg... shut up... do you want to do this? Oh, wait, you can't." He said with a smirk at the complaining, flashing his talons for emphasis. He imagined an earth pony would have a hard time using tweezers under the best of circumstances, especially on their own hoof. When peroxide came up, he sighed. "Look, i`m doing the best I can here. You're lucky if you can find that stuff at a real doctors office, let alone in the middle of the wasteland." He fought the temptation to freak out the pony by going 'peroxy-what?'. 


The pony was, at the least, able to help dispite his wounded state. He had some purified water in his pack, which could have helped... but honestly, he didn't want to use such a precious commodity on some random pony. "Alright, clean bill of health.... well, relatively. he blinked as he watched the pony work on the changling, looking the thing over... it looked... clean, surpriseingly. Looked like it had stepped right out of a... what'd they call it? A shower, from one of those Stables. He couldn't see how it could be so clean, though. The pony seemed uite medically adept, when it wasn't himself he was working on.


He watched the two of them trot upstairs and, ignoreing the Enclave's warning, looked the Changeling over. "Huh... not sure how something like you is still alive... I mean... love isn't exactly an easy to get food source in the Waste... anyway, don't shoot me in the back or anything. You'll regret it..." He turned, looking over the various corpses around him, wondering which to loot first... when he remembered the enclave, going over towards him.


"So...." He muttered, reloaded his revolver. "I know that armor is tough... it handled dynamite like it was nothing..." He looked the armor over, before resting his eyes on the eye-slits. "But..." He pressed the barrel against the right most eye-slit of the armor. "I`m willing to bet this little spot can't handle a direct shot from ol' Raging Buffalo here... so I have two questions for you:  What the hell is an Enclave solider doing down here, and why shouldn't I blow your brains out inside of that helmet? "

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Connor was staring down the barrel of the raging buffalo as the griffin called it


"Go on shoot me but think about this you kill me you'll be signing your own death warrant I don't think a surfacer like your self could take on a squad of power armoured troopers using energy weapons so you can wait for my suit to reboot and I'll let you walk away or you shoot me and you get ashed by next week choice is yours scum"

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