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Super Saiyans From DBZ VS Alicorns


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Hmm, well I know that Celestia and Luna are able to breathe in space, so even destroying Equestria might not kill them. Celestia has extreme durability, so she could probably take most blasts. Although I don't see her tanking a full strength Kamehameha.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Trunks is know as the only half-saiyan. Gohan and Goku are full saiyans. Anyway, Super Saiyans can totally destroy Alicorns.  


Gohan full saiyan? That's altering canon.

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You can't do that, the mind set matters a lot in this match as does the character 

 Well I just did.


But seriously though, like I said before just play the scenario over and over again in general terms based on what you know about the show, mangas, and what both MLP and DBZ has been through in terms of enemies and fighting when making your decision. In general I have noticed you favored the Alicorns which is fine as its your opinion and that what this thread is for. In terms of specifics, I cannot come up with that for you, and I leave it up to other people who reply to make their decision based on what they know.

Edited by GXPBlast
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How is this fight fair at all? The powers of Saiyans are godlike. Likewise, we have seen the extent of alicorn power. Celestia and Luna were defeated by Discord. Celestia was defeated by Chrysalis. Twilight and Cadence together struggled to defeat that ugly worm thing from Season 4.


Sig made by Kyoshi.

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Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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How is this fight fair at all? The powers of Saiyans are godlike. Likewise, we have seen the extent of alicorn power. Celestia and Luna were defeated by Discord. Celestia was defeated by Chrysalis. Twilight and Cadence together struggled to defeat that ugly worm thing from Season 4.


Godlike? Not even close, they be dreaming pretty high to be anywhere close to that.

  • Brohoof 1

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God like beings who are regularly made fools out of by mages like Babidi, Janemba, Kaioshin, and Dabra?


You have no clue how to do this, do you? If you really want all the Saiyans, why not go

"Fight 1: Broly vs Alicorns, Fight 2: Bardock vs Alicorns, etc."


You have to specify, which Saiyan it is and their mindset is very important in this fight 


God like is Chakravartin, Asura, Galactus, Hulk, TOAA, The Ancients, Anti-Spiral, Team Dai Gurren, Arceus, and a few others. DBZ doesn't even get near their level of power 

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I give a brohoof to you sir. :yay::P


For altering canon? Or just ignoring canon? Because if we're ignoring canon, SSJ3 Goku Dragon Fists all the alicorns at the same time.


This topic is now officially stupid.

  • Brohoof 1

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They don't need to tank it and Goku won't be going all out, it's not in his nature. He'll suppress himself to the alicorn's level so he can get a better fight and this will bite him in the ass when he's blasted to shreds by a magic beam

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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But in DBZ we see demon magic being used and in mlp they use unicorn/Alicorn magic which are obviously completely different. Also, Vegito has been turned into a piece if coffee candy before and he has still able to dodge Super Buu for just a short while, so it wouldn't be TOO MUCH of a problem if someone was turned to fruit (maybe). They could also, oh I don't know, DODGE the mother fucking magic, and they also have tons of techniques up their sleeves like fusion, afterimage, short distance teleportation, Goku has Instant Transmission, etc, etc. If they get turned into a non-mobile fruit or something like that, then they'd probably die but the Z Fighters have more strength, speed, and endurance than everypony in MLP so it's highly unlikely, but still just a tiny bit possible, that they'd get turned into fruit. Discord wouldn't be able to do much since DBZ characters have survived things WAY worse than what that pussy can dish out, no offense Discord fans, I'm just Saiyan.

This, I agree, I have yet to see anypony survive or go through what DBZ has shown. The HUB just wont show it. Its only up to fanfics in which the ponies have extreme power, But canon wise they dont even come close. Although there are some in this thread who wont change their minds no matter what, to each their own. But in my opinion and others on posting on this thread, Alicorns lose while some believe they win no matter what. But that's what this thread is for, voicing you opinions and discussing Super Saiyens Vs Alicorns.

Edited by GXPBlast
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from what I know of both series, I'm inclined to think DBZ, but after thinking it over, I'd have to say MLP. why?

1: DBZ cast has little to no magic resistance

2: The more powerfull "Planet-shattering, Landscape altering" attacks in DBZ require TIME.(after all, how long did it take Goku to make the spirit bomb that killed boo?) meanwhile, we know (thanks to discord's blu flu) that alicorns can shoot off many bolts of magic very quickly. this means that while Vegeto may be powering up to Super saiyan 2 or 3, All the alicorns, (Inclusing Celestia and Luna, who we have no idea how powerfull they are, but more powerfull than Twighlight) would be firing bolts of magic at them. The only way to defeat Equestria would be a sneak attack, pre-powered. and we're assuming that the fight is on fair grounds. Movement is no problem, as both parties can fly/Teleport (apparently RD can fly at Mach10, which is what causes the Sonic Rainboom)

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Why? I didn't start this one if you were wondering 

Speed and time is no concern for DBZ characters, they put MLP characters to shame there. What matters is their terrible magic resistance as well as mindset. Lots of DBZ characters are fond of toying


Also, Vegito has been turned into a piece if coffee candy before and he has still able to dodge Super Buu for just a short while, so it wouldn't be TOO MUCH of a problem if someone was turned to fruit (maybe).
Vegito has the Potara Earrings, those offer magical defense


hey could also, oh I don't know, DODGE the mother fucking magic
You think they'd dodge? DBZ characters are too cocky, they'd try to tank it or deflect it


Discord wouldn't be able to do much since DBZ characters have survived things WAY worse than what that pussy can dish out, no offense Discord fans, I'm just Saiyan.
Discord can just mind crush them, make them commit suicide with a thought, explode their brains, give them a heart attack, among other things. Remember Goku and his heart virus? That ended pretty well 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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It would only take one of them, and it would still be an unholy curbstomp. The most powerful offensive attack I've ever seen Celestia use, was practically a laser light, and she lost with it. Not to mention the fact that immediately after, she was crippled by one blast from Krysalis.


Speed: Sayins average speeds clocked in the hundreds of thousands of mph, while alicorns have been hard pressed to dodge little lasers.


Strength: Sayins have been shown to crumble mountains with single punches, while alicorns have yet to even show normal strength.


Durability: Sayins constantly take mountain busting punches, and city busting blasts, while alicorns apparently can't even take a wall level laser.


I rest my case.


This, until MLP shows me anything close to what DBZ has shown, I will not belive anyone who says Alicorns win.


The worst they faced is NMM and freking Bug Ponies.


DBZ has faced planet destructing events, galaxies planets being destroyed, blasts that dwarf every nuclear bomb known to man, and other things.


Magic beams are the strongest thing I have seen in MLP besides the elements which wont be used in this scenario. We are talking raw power. These "magic beams" have destroyed stone in the case of NMM. That is the most powerful thing I have seen.

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Your point being?


This shrimp was weak as shit, his magic could barely destroy metal. Look what he does to Vegeta


This weak wizard is making Vegeta scream in agony and bringing him to his knees. Babidi isn't even trying to kill him, just control him. 


The alicorns are like Babidi, only more competent and powerful

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Your point being?

Your not changing my mind dude.


It is what it is, just leave it. You and others believe the Alicorns will win and your mind is made up. I and others believe the Alicorns would be wiped out.

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Your not changing my mind dude.


It is what it is, just leave it. You and others believe the Alicorns will win and your mind is made up. I and others believe the Alicorns would be wiped out.


DO you not understand how bad they do against magical beings? Have you paid attention? Babadi mind fucked Vegeta, Bibidi created the second non-fused strongest being in their universe (until Beers and Whis), and countless other shit from DB. Hell, do you know why it took a mega spirit bomb to wipe out Buu? Even when they over powered him, they couldn't just outright murder him...because he's a magic being, who's magic is the ability to survive with just a little bit of him remaining, among other things. Hell, we even brought up the chocolate beam, which only backfired on Vegitto, because of the damn earrings.


Gohan and Mirai Trunks are probably the only two with enough brain power to not screw around.


If you want to add non-saiyans, then Piccolo and more then likely Tien, wreck their shit hard.

Edited by Zhortac

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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i can't believe i'm even saying this but the Alicorns could win if they just did what Frieza intended to do originally, suffocate Goku in an enviroment he couldn't survive while he still could.


Or... the alicorns can summon the one thing more powerful than a super-saiyan. His wife.

Edited by Malinter
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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DO you not understand how bad they do against magical beings? Have you paid attention? Babadi mind fucked Vegeta, Bibidi created the second non-fused strongest being in their universe (until Beers and Whis), and countless other shit from DB. Hell, do you know why it took a mega spirit bomb to wipe out Buu? Even when they over powered him, they couldn't just outright murder him...because he's a magic being, who's magic is the ability to survive with just a little bit of him remaining, among other things. Hell, we even brought up the chocolate beam, which only backfired on Vegitto, because of the damn earrings.


Gohan and Mirai Trunks are probably the only two with enough brain power to not screw around.


If you want to add non-saiyans, then Piccolo and more then likely Tien, wreck their shit hard.


Buu Magic is way more powerful than anything Celestia or Luna can put out and he was still defeated even though it took alot of energy.


The point is if you play the scenario over and over again eventually the Saiyans will win. If they went in as some others have said and were careless about it thinking they can just take the shot, they probably might have some trouble, but if Goku and other Saiyans knew what they were up against and were bloodlusted, its game over for the Alicorns.


But on you other point about Piccolo, yes he has the ability to resist magic and could probably take a shot from the Alicorns, survive, and wipe them out.


In the end, I still am not changing my mind after what i have seen in MLP and DBZ. Yes I am sure Goku and some others might run into trouble, but they have faced far worse than anything the Alicorns can put out minus the Elements.


So we can go around and around with this, but when it comes to my decision its already made. The only way I will reconsider my decision is if I see in any future episode of MLP the Alicorns come face to face with an enemy that has any power close to a Super Saiyan and defeat them. Knowing the HUB network it most likely will not happen. The only Alicorn that can beat Super Saiyans are uncannon ones in fanfics that put cannon MLP to shame.

i can't believe i'm even saying this but the Alicorns could win if they just did what Frieza intended to do originally, suffocate Goku in an enviroment he couldn't survive while he still could.





I guess they can banish him to them moon in which he would just teleport back into equestria even more bloodlusted and finish them off. But that's if they have the elements as the elements are needed to banish, since that does not apply here and we are talking raw power, it over for the Alicorns.

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Your point being?


This shrimp was weak as shit, his magic could barely destroy metal. Look what he does to Vegeta


This weak wizard is making Vegeta scream in agony and bringing him to his knees. Babidi isn't even trying to kill him, just control him.


The alicorns are like Babidi, only more competent and powerful

He was screaming because he was trying to not fall COMPLETELY to Babidi's magic yet still be under the spell, which seems pretty hard to do since Babidi DID brainwash the Demon King Dabura, the 2nd closest thing to Satan who would have some magic resistance.

Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want!


Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron.

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Dabra is a Makaioshin, same tree, different branch in comparison to Kaioshins. Kaioshins aren't anything near God, therefore, Dabra is nothing like Satan either. And again, Babidi's shield was able to protect him from Vegeta's Final Explosion...while he was cut in half! 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Sailor Galaxia soloes them all  B)

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I guess they can banish him to them moon in which he would just teleport back into equestria even more bloodlusted and finish them off. But that's if they have the elements as the elements are needed to banish, since that does not apply here and we are talking raw power, it over for the Alicorns.


also Goku isn't evil by nature. 


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Dabra is a Makaioshin, same tree, different branch in comparison to Kaioshins. Kaioshins aren't anything near God, therefore, Dabra is nothing like Satan either. And again, Babidi's shield was able to protect him from Vegeta's Final Explosion...while he was cut in half!

As much as it pains me to say it, just because Babidi sucks more than a vacuum cleaner during spring cleaning when it come to physical strength, doesn't mean that he can't be great when it comes to magic, so it's not too surprising that he was able to create a shield to survive 2 explosions. The reason I said Dabura is the 2nd closest thing to Satan is because he was the king of the Demon World. That sounds like Satan to me, but I guess I'm wrong. I'll check it out later.

Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want!


Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron.

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