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open Children of the Night -- version 2.0


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*Silver had walked up behind Luna and bowed to Lunar before quickly moving off to his room to got get some items that he would need, he walked into his room and immediately headed to the closet to find a cloak if he could and some amour if he couldn't find the cloak*

Edited by child of the night



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Lightning flair kisses her back chuckling and smileing as he blushes then he looked over at the other two. "Looks like we found another couple" he says smileing



Cider looks at the seeds. "I brought 3 different type of apple seeds if you'd like i can explain all i found in my research"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Indigo Night looked at the seeds. She knew that there were zap apple seeds but what were the other two? "Wait. Let me guess what the three types are." Indigo told him. She walked around the cart and tried to discern the different types. "There's apple seeds ... zap apple seeds and ... I have no idea what the third one is. Did I at least get the two I said right?" Indigo asked him. She had absolutely no idea what seeds there were in the cart.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Midnight grunted, still doing the push ups. She was struggling a little bit, though.


Luna smiled. "Actually, yes. Seeing as how Stormwing decided to leave, I want Silver to be your new guard."


Lunar blinked. "You mean that prisoner? I thought-" She sighed. "Alright. Go get him I suppose."


Aiko smiled, nuzzling him.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight grunted, gaining her speed back. She was now at fifty push ups. She wondered what this "surprise" was that Grell had in store for her. -I'll worry about that later. Just focus on the training...- she thought, already at seventy now.


(((Idk what to say ugh I hate this 200 character mark)))

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Grell smiled and used his magic to push her down not hard but with each push-up a little harder he moved the bricks away but made sure his magic gave more then enough to compensate for the loss if bricks while watching her his eyes roamed her body and stopped at he plot and he smiled

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Silver exited his room fast enough that he heard the end of Lunar's response and said, "No need, I am already here, now do I have any jobs or should I make myself something to do," Silver turned around and grabbed a small dagger from a wall of weapons just inside his room.



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Steel watched silver he seen him pick up the dagger "nice choice the dagger is One of the finest weapons out there the only thing that compares is a chained dagger" steel said he had a custom dagger and was known to make them for a small price

Shadow heart watched silver

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight struggled a little again, up to eighty. Her tail swished around.


Lunar shook her head. "The only think you need to worry about doing right now is just staying by my side and making sure no harm is coming to me."


Luna nodded, looking at Steel. -I wonder what's been on his mind... He's been so stressed lately...-

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Luna Flower was just walking outside of the castle not knowing what to do. Nothing was the same anymore for her now the she joined the Luner Republice, so she just walked around a little more, exploring the place with her sword in her right hoof for protection.

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Steel returned to Luna's side hearing lunars stament to silver he winced as spawn tried desperately to break free but it was only for a second and was hardly noticeable

Grell kept adding pressure the smile still on his face as he wa them her plot like a perv

A small white colt white colt with a stark black mane and patch over his heart was running and didn't see Luna flower and ended up crashing into her knocking her over he stood up "I'm so sorry" he said with his ears flat and head hung low he felt foolish

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Oh it's ok, it's not like I'm hurt" Luna said in a monotoned voice. "Yeah I'm fine, but what about you, what's your name" Luna said her eyes staring into the colts eyes, and her sword drawn out just a little bit, not enough to scare him but to warn him not to come to close to her.

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Shadow looked at the sword "if I where you I'd put the sword up you never know when one of Luna's guards will come through" shadow heart said "and I don't have a name but most recently I've been called white fang" shadow heart said using the shadows behind her to prepare in case she tried anything

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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(XDDDDDDDDDDD Luna flower and her republic thats frekin hilarious)) LIghtning flair smiles as he chuckles, "Man i need to train before i get rusty i havent trained in forever" He states as he smiles at aiko she looked so pretty


Cider looks at indigo, "Theres a few other types of apple seeds i found in my great study if you want to know just ask" He says smileing.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Midnight finished the hundredth one, plopping onto the floor, panting hard. "D...done..."


Lunar nodded. "Now, let's go." She walked down the hall, putting her sword in its sheath.


Luna looked at Steel, noticing the slight wince. "Come on, Steel. It's time for another treatmeant..." By treatment, she mean another spell to keep Spawn at bay. -I wish there was something I could do to help...-


Aiko nodded, smiling.

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Ok, I just like to keep good distance away from ponies" Luna said then put her sword away. "So why were you running, or is that a secret that you don't want me to know, because if its a secret then I don't need to know" Luna said in her monotoned voice with a hint of curiosity.

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Steel nodded and went with Luna "alright" steel said forcing spawn down

Grell smiled "good job now that we got your forelegs nice and warned up we can begin" grell said "surprise that was the warm up now on to the bench" grell said loading it with a few whites it weighed as much as one and a half midnights

Shakes heart liked at her " just running for the fun of it I'm so bored" shadow said "anyways why do you talk Like that the monotone is horrid and you won't make any friends like that" shadow heart said using shadows to snap a branch behind her and then made a dragging noise

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"What's that sound" Luna said a little concerned but not enough to show. "Is it really safe out here or are you just pulling my hoof for some laughs" Luna said trying to hide her anger and disbelief, and drawing out her sword a little making sure that there's not threat around.

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Shadow heart looked at her "you know most ponies that hear a sound behind them turn while drawing a weapon and no I'm not doing it I'm not trying to her on anyponies bad side" shadow said as he sent the shadows back to their normal positions hiding what he'd done

Steel followed and stoppe to give Luna a hi and kiss "alright give me my treatment" steel said

Grell smiled "Thad the beauty of it I don't know yet you go until you can't go anymore steel can do two times his weight and do 300 reps before his forelegs give out" grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Well everypony is different, and your not one my bad side, I'm just a little one edge coming to a new place and all" Luna said hoping that her emotions didn't show to much, the last thing she wants is for every pony to think that she's weak. "So where is everypony else" Luna said.

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((sorry I have been away working on other things))


Silver turned as he sheathed his dagger and followed closely behind Lunar, "Please excuse me for asking this but why does a pony like yourself even need a guard, isn't your magic strong enough to protect yourself?"



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