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private Code Lyoko 2.0


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"That's why you, the demon, used fire." Minx said. She shook her hands and some stray sparks left her fingertips.  "I don't abput the rest of you, but I'm just going to say my worst fear. In case the demon takes control of me, then you'll know what to watch out for." Minx continued. She paused for some breath and then continued speaking. "My worst fear is water. If I go near it, I freak out. And now I'm also afraid of hurting you guys with water." Minx said after a time. She knew that there was water under the bridge they were on and that there was water in the sewers but she was either a) Having too much fun or b. Too scared to notice it. 

'Why did she confess her - our - worst fear again? Because she wants them to know what to watch out for. Oh. Are you two done yet? Yes we are.'

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Rush thought for a while. "Come to think of it, I... I don't know what my greatest fear is. Usually my reaction to danger or trauma is to get angry instead of scared or worried. Sometimes my temper concerns me, though. It can be hard to control sometimes, and I've seen enough of what happens when I lose it completely not to want it ever happening again."

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Whisper remained quiet. Just listening to the declarations from everyone, the understanding they shared with Katie. Now sharing their greatest fears.


Such nice people. They all have something special.


But whether or not to stay? She couldn't decide.

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After a while, Rush turned back to Whisper. "You're awfully quiet. Is everything alright? When we were on our way here before you were so full of energy. I know what happened would knock the wind out of anyone's sails, but you've hardly said anything this whole time."

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"I'm fine. I'm okay.I'm just...just listening to the conversation, Rush" she quipped. "So if you become possessed...you'll become a monster too? You'd attack and possibly kill us?"


She had no idea how this thing could use her greatest fear against herself. Or if this thing would even get to her in the first place.

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Rush shook his head. "I don't know, honestly. I mean, I'd like to think I'm stubborn enough to fight something like that off, but then, my mind has never exactly been my greatest strength. I'll have to try and train myself against it. But I promise I'll do everything in my power to keep anything from hurting you, even if that thing is myself." 

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@@Alex Kennedy,


Whisper glared up at Alex "If you're insinuating that you're dumb, it's only because you keep thinking that! If...if that thing gets you the only thing I worry about is you. Who's going to protect you from yourself?"


She bit her bottom lip "I don't think I can go in there...I just...I'm not ready".

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"Personally, I'm most afraid of bees. Mostly came from a bad experience as a toddler in pre-school or kindergarten, can't remember which." Alphonse explained. "Where I was on a field trip to a pumpkin patch around halloween and there were some bees at the port-a-potty and they stung me in the ear. I just freeze up whenever I see them and there isn't a barrier in between them and I. I'm not even alergic, which is odd as well."


@[member=lunaisbestpony], @, @[member=Secret Person], @[member=Alex Kennedy], @[member=RunsWithSquirlz], @[member=TheLineTrotter], @[member=Thunder-Dash]

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Rush put an arm around her shoulders. "You don't have to go if you don't want, but do you really want to turn back now? This might be you're only chance to find out what's going on. And I promise nothing bad is going to happen. I'm with you, and I won't allow it. Still, if you really want to go back, it's your decision. I can understand why you wouldn't want to come back here."

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Katie who was listening to the group talk was becoming scared as all hell. Particularly at the possible bee bender in the group. Here she was on her way to an apparent death trap and leading a bunch of other children to it, she had to admit, she had done it before, but never to anything quite this dangerous.

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Vincent just sort of followed the others... greatest fears, huh... he had no idea what his would be. Before... he might have said his dad. He was really the only person or thing he'd ever really been afraid of, but he had no idea how in the hell that would be manifested as a power for this... demon... thing. He heard someone mention  a virtual world, but he had no idea what the hell they were talking about. He tried not to focus on that, at least. He walked next to Minx, looking at her. "Water, huh?" He said, more curious than anything. He imagined a fear like that was born out of a bad experience... 



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Dex was decrypting files when that a warning symbol came on screen. "You know when I said my day couldn't get any worse, That wasn't a challenge." He said out loud as he tried to find the source of the alarm. After a scan, he saw that his decrypting had triggered a fail-safe, which nearly locked him out. This was narrowly avoided, but he lost all his progress thus far, all except for a name. "And just when I was making progress too." He said, "Well played Jeremy, whoever you are."

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Minx just nodded. She'd rather not talk about it anymore than she had to. Angelinx looked at Minx's phone by manipulating her hands. She was trying to figure out if electricity absorbed in the body can really make you have a heart condition. Minx just kept looking straight ahead though.

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Thunder and Blitz arrived at the factory. "Sorry we're late." Thunder stated as he looked around. He then saw the same girl who he talked to from before. He overheard her saying whether absorbing electricity causes a heart condition. "Well...it depends. If you can weild electricity naturally, like it's in your genetic code, then no. If you've been hit by a strong current and can wield it from that with no genetic code alteration, then I'm afraid it does have a heart condition to go along with it." Thunder stated. 

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"Im... I`m sorry 'bout your heart..." he muttered suddenly. "If I had just done a better job there, kept you safe... you'd have been fine..." he muttered... it was true, he certainty at least felt partially responsible for what had happened. After all, he'd stepped in front of her, told her to stay behind him so that she'd be out of danger, and would have the highest chance of making it back to the sewers if they had to run... but she ended up being hit by the electricity... she almost died... and he felt worse now that the boy from before, who had wielded electricity, confirmed she'd have a heart condition... 



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@, @@TheLineTrotter

"I'm fine you two. Seriously." Minx said light heartedly. She stopped walking when she saw what the factory looked like. "This place is really old." Minx commented. She saw some disused stairs but knew that they wouldn't hold. She looked for some other way down and saw a rope. Getting a running start, she leaped for it, caught it, and swung down. Minx jumped to the floor and fell over leaning her back against the elevator wall.

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Alphonse had followed the group silently, drinking a coffee in an insulated cup to try to stave off his drunken-ness. He wanted to know what's going on and fully understand it.


When they arrived at the factory, he slid down the chain slowly in order to not spill his coffee and said "So we all going to just jam in to the elevator? It'd be a bit of a tight fit."



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"I...guess." Thunder stated as he waited for the ladies in the group to enter the elevator first. He was eager to go back to Lyoko, and try to stop this evil force from overriding the system. "Well...at least Minx is fine. I just hope nothing else happens." Thunder thought to himself. 

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"Well...I was letting you in first. Ladies first." Thunder stated as he went in after Minx. "Jeez, this split personality thing is just getting to me. Gotta be a way rid that devil side of hers." Thunder thought to himself. Blitz thought to same exact thing as he entered the elevator.  

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Minx walked into the elevator and leaned against the back wall. She crossed her arms and poked her tongue out at him. 'I'm confused. Who's in control? Me, You or Minx? I think you are, Devilinx. Great!' Minx has had a lot of practice when it comes to her split personalities talking to themselves so she kept her face with a smug grin on it.

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Minx walked into the elevator and leaned against the back wall. She crossed her arms and poked her tongue out at him. 'I'm confused. Who's in control? Me, You or Minx? I think you are, Devilinx. Great!' Minx has had a lot of practice when it comes to her split personalities talking to themselves so she kept her face with a smug grin on it.

Arti followed Minx into the Elevator as well, and found himself a nice corner. He was also mentally preparing himself for whatever they may find below, ready to grab his gun the others didn't know about yet in case. However, in best case scenario, he wouldn't have to, as he would likely be expelled for owning it.


"Alright guys, let's go, and be careful. I don;t want to Peeve this computer program off again."

The topic form earlier on the fear that the "demon" used to posses Katie still Lingered in Arti's mind as well. He knew he had a slight fear of bees and hornets, but his biggest fear was just plain failure. He was deathly afraid of failing at something, and letting others down in the process. It is one reason he was somewhat anti-social before coming to this school.

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Dex didn't hear the elevator start up, he was too busy with what he was doing. "Alright, let's see what we have here." He said as he finished decrypting a  single file. "...Woah." This file was a description of some kid of virus, "XANA, huh?"he said to himself as he kept on reading.

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Katie watched the others get into the elevator and decided the weight limit on the thing wouldn't hold much more. Plus she needed just a second to clear her head in silence. "I'll go after you guys," She said casually, or at least, she tried to say it casually, but her voice came off as a little shaky. "I don't think it could hold much more." She gave a quick glance to Minx and almost reversed her decision, she was genuinely worried about the girl, and her um, heart condition but Minx was with the group and should be fine. 'Safer with them than me.' she chided herself. She leaned up against a wall an took a pencil and a small notebook from her purse and began to sketch.

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"I'm going to go on the floor below you guys. I want to check out whatever is down there." Minx said. She was curious as to what happened down there and she wanted to know what it was like to be in the virtual world. "What's the virtual world like?" Minx asked them.

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