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open Foal Party! OPEN!


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Thunder kept playing. He then ended the song. "Thanks! But the show's not over yet!" Thunder stated as he gathered electricity and made a piano, violin, viola and cello appear all at once. He then sat by the piano, gathered more electricity and made, the violin, viola and cello levitate. He then started to play. He was playing four instruments at once.



(OOC: The vid is what Thunder's playing.) 

  • Brohoof 1
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"WOW!" Flash cheered as she clapped her hooves. "That was amazing!" She shouted, staring at Thunder Dash in awe. She couldn't believe that such a small foal could create such brilliant music, played by four instruments at once! Being a foal herself, the most she could do was move objects around... but not like this!

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Clementia would have ran under a table as the music was loud, but this symphony was pleasing to hear. She clapped her hooves.






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Keyboard looks up from where he has been working, and his eyes flash to yellow, 
"I have a solution to our problem... this device" Pointing to a machine on the ground
"Can change us back to normal, but we will not remember anything that happened here. What should we do?"
His eyes flash back to normal and screams, passing out again.

(The device is built so only the other personality of KEyboard can use it, enjoy the plot twist!)

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"We need to figuwe owt waat's gowing ohn heer..." Flash said, realizing her speech was becoming more and more like random baby noises. "An' how we'we gowing to get evewything back to nowmal..." Even she was surprised to find out that she was talking like this, and she cursed herself for doing so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm... nothing new for a while... any other RPs like this?


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  • 1 month later...

'Whoah... party OH YEEESH PARTY TIIIIME!' Lightning Dash screamed. 'Whoah... Why is my voice is like on helium all of a sudden... No matter! PARTEH TIMEEE' He added. Then he saw 2 ponies playing MineColt. ~Hmmmmmm... I wonder if I can prank them... >:3~

He thought. So he took out his gamer laptop, hacked into Herobrine's account and joined their server.

  • Brohoof 1
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