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If you could make win quotes for characters from Fighting is Magic,


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what would they be? Also, you can include characters that aren't in the build.


Octavia victory quotes

Against Dash - Your wings were clipped by my power chords
Against AJ - You are out of your league, bumpkin
Against Rarity - I have the looks, AND the talent
Against Twilight - You cannot learn rhythm from a book
Against Fluttershy - You need to be more assertive if you want to keep up with MY tempo (or maybe, "Oh my, was I too rough?")
Against Pinkie Pie - You make people laugh, but I make the people dance
Against Trixie - My music has rendered you weak and powerless (or, Feeling great and powerful now? Ha!
Against Gilda - Brute strength will not do, against someone with grace and poise.
Against Vinyl - Your bass cannon got destroyed by my power chords
Edited by Ryudo
  • Brohoof 1

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I think Pinkie would realistically say "Woo, that was fun! We should totally do this again some time! Whee!" :)


Hmm, this is fun! I got the following:

  • Rainbow Dash would say, "Heh - ten seconds aren't the only things flat!"
  • Applejack would say, predictably, "How do you like them apples?"
  • Rarity would say, "Oh, darling, you can't beat fabulous."
  • Fluttershy would say, "Oh, um... I won? Yay."

I'm stuck on Twilight... something about her books on fighting paying off, maybe? :P

  • Brohoof 1
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These are all kind of lame but still.


For Celestia:


 vs. Twilight - Student becomes the master? *Giggles* ... Yeah right.

 vs. Rainbow Dash - Oh, I'm sorry! Your clouds were blocking my sun.

 vs. Pinkie Pie - Next time, leave some food for the rest of us, hm?

 vs. Rarity - Good thing you take such good care of your coat! Sunlight can get pretty damaging, you know?

 vs. Fluttershy - Oh? Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of my *Assumes Royal Voice* ROYAL VOICE! (note this would also make a good one for Luna)

 vs. AJ - More than one apple falling to the ground today, looks like.

 vs. Luna - I'm thinking... To the moon! What? Too soon?

 vs. Celestia - Even against myself I'm still the best.

  • Brohoof 2
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Twilight: "My research told me this would happen!"

Rarity: "A true lady wins with class."

Applejack: "That's how we do it down on the farm."

Pinkie: "Whee! I love this game. And my theme music was super cool!"

Rainbow: "Don't feel bad. Winning is just what I do!"

Fluttershy: "oh, um, sorry..."


Trixie: "Was there ever any doubt?"

Big Macintosh: "Eeyup."


That's all I got. :P

  • Brohoof 2

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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I have another set of quotes, this time, for g3 Rainbow Dash =D


Against Twilight - Are you related to Twilight Twinkle by any chance, darling?

Against Rarity - Darling! You must tell me who styles your mane!

Against Rainbow Dash - That will teach you to impersonate others! Ruffian!

Against Applejack - Some time you should give me a tour of your farm, darling. It looks simply FABULOUS!

Against Pinkie Pie - Whatever has gotten into you, darling? And what happened to your mane? (would especially be good against Pinkamena)

Against Fluttershy - Never fear, darling. You'll get stronger if you work at it.

Edited by Ryudo

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Twilight - OHKAY!

Applejack - OHKAY!

Rainbow Dash - OHKAY!
Rarity - OHKAY!

Fluttershy - Ohkay!

Pinkie Pie - OHKAY!


And they'll all say it in an engrish speaking male voice

  • Brohoof 2
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Twilight: ''Knowledge is power!''

Applejack: ''That's how we do it back on the farm!''

Rainbow Dash: ''Don't underestimate my speed, ever!''

Rarity: ''I'm more into fashion, but I'm never afraid to get dirty!''

Fluttershy: ''Never take my kindness for granted, if that's okay with you.''

Pinkie Pie: ''That was fun, let's do this again. Woo-hoo!'' :)


There you have it, folks.

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Twilight: Brains over Brawn every time.


AJ: I bucked Apple Trees stronger than you.


Rarity: We're you too distracted by my obvious Fashion Sense?


Pinkie Pie: Sorry This Party is Just For One.


Fluttershy.: Oh My, Did I hurt you?


RD: Guess you just couldn't keep up.


I also have vs quotes.


Twilight Vs AJ: I'd explain to you how you lost but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand... 


Twilight Vs Rarity.: You might have Fashion Sense but I Think your Missing Common Sense....


Twilight Vs Pinkie Pie.: It's your party you can cry if you want too....


Twilight Vs Fluttershy.: I was going easy on you too....


Twilight Vs RD: Oh!, oh! I got it!-Taste The Painbow!!..eh?....Eh?...I'm Sorry. ~Ears fold down.~


AJ Vs Twilight: Guess you just couldn't Buck it.


AJ Vs Rarity: Let me guess you chipped a Hoof?


AJ Vs Fluttershy: Flutter On Lil Pony.


AJ Vs Pinkie Pie: You Take the cake when it comes to losing.


AJ Vs RD.: Wow you lost in Ten Seconds Flat....


Rarity Vs Twilight: Wasn't My Flair Just Magical!!


Rarity Vs AJ: The Honest Truth? you just couldn't keep up...


Rarity Vs Fluttershy.: Would you Kindly move along darling you're in my Spotlight.


Rarity Vs Pinkie Pie: The crowd is Laughing at you not with you.


Rarity Vs RD: Ooops Did I just beat you in front of all your Loyal fans?


Pinkie Pie Vs Twilight: Yay!! I beat you Twilight Twinkle Errr... Sparkle!!


Pinkie Pie Vs AJ: How was that for a Apple Acres Massacre?...eh?


Pinkie Pie Vs Rarity: Whoo! Light the Sparkler!...this is my moment of Glory!!


Pinkie Pie Vs Fluttershy: Awww I wanted to fight Flutterbat....


Pinkie Pie Vs RD: Lets Make Cupcakes!!


Fluttershy Vs Twilight.: Oh My, I'm Sorry ummm but Next Time I won't be! 


Fluttershy Vs AJ: Let me go get Big Mac To Help you.


Fluttershy Vs Rarity: I liked your dress.


Fluttershy Vs Pinkie Pie.: ~Looks both ways and transforms into Flutterbat and flies off.~


Fluttershy Vs RD: ~Takes deep breath.~ ~whispers~ Yay!


RD Vs Twilight: Egghead just got scrambled!!


RD Vs AJ: I think I hear the cows calling you home!!


RD Vs Rarity: Me lose to you? Phst when Scootaloos Fly!


RD Vs Pinkie Pie: This is how Cupcakes should have ended me standing and you on the ground.


RD Vs Fluttershy: The weird thing is I barely touched you. ~Shrugs~

Chase The Rainbow., Love The Rainbow!!

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These are pretty lame:


Vinyl Scratch: "Aw man, it's over already?"

Lyra: "Don't feel bad. I won using the most advanced human fighting skills."

Derpy: "Whoops! I'm sorry!"

Octavia: "Don't waste my time next time, hmm?"

Fleur-Di-Lis: *examining hoof* "Oh.. I chipped a hoof."

Spitfire: "Huh. Guess you need some more practice."

Cheerilee: "Class dismissed!"

Maud: "*deadpanned* That was fun."


Twilight: "My research told me this would happen!"

Rarity: "A true lady wins with class."

Applejack: "That's how we do it down on the farm."

Pinkie: "Whee! I love this game. And my theme music was super cool!"

Rainbow: "Don't feel bad. Winning is just what I do!"

Fluttershy: "oh, um, sorry..."


Trixie: "Was there ever any doubt?"

Big Macintosh: "Eeyup."


That's all I got. :P

Those characters are so spot-on, especially Trixie.

  • Brohoof 3


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Hmmmm...I was only able to come up with one good one :(

Rarity beats Pinkie - "Pink never really was your color, darling; black and blue looks SO much better" :D

  • Brohoof 5


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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A couple of decent ones I could get for Sweetie Belle


 vs. Twilight - "... But on the bright side, I really did like her mane!"

 vs. Scootaloo - "You wanna grab lunch after this? I'm thinking... Chickeeeen~!" (might be a better opener to the battle versus a win quote)

 vs. Rarity - "You think that hurt? Just wait until I hit my awkward teen years!"

 vs. Cheerilee or Big Mac - (Right from the show) "OH COME ON! ... You can do better than that."

 vs. Luna - "Guess I'll be the one in your nightmares tonight, huh?"

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Here's some quotes from everyone's favorite adorable dragon, Spike!


vs Twi - Oops! Sorry Twi!

vs Rarity - No hard feelings?

vs RD - Wait... I actually WON? O.O

vs Fluttershy - I'm sorry! Hope I wasn't too rough!

vs AJ - Sure hope Big Mac doesn't come to give me a sweet apple acres beatdown

vs Pinkie Pie - Don't feel bad, I'm just that awesome :D

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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