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fan fiction The Story of Spike


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So I'm in progress of a new fiction and I just want to give it a shot to see what it's like.




Also the script version is in the spoiler below:



Spike: (exhales) I'm beat.

Twilight: Same here. What a day.

Spike: I'm ready to go to sleep. (yawns) I'm going to stop dreaming about ice cream and probably dream more

about Rarity.

Twilight: I guess that dream of yours is really dreamy. (puts Spike to bed)

Spike: I think yours is really dreamy too.

Twilight: Thanks, Spike.

Spike: Can you tell me a story Twilight? Please?

Twilight: Oh, okay. Once upon a time, there was a baby dragon. He seems very lost in the forest and wish he

wasn't forever alone. But then a nice, happy little filly entered the Everfree Forest and she was scoping around

the entire place.

Spike: Ooh, this story's getting interesting.

Twilight: Then she finds the lost dragon, she gets closer to it for a better look. "Aww, a sweet wittle dwagon,

Are you wost?" The dragon shook his little head "Yes". The young filly said "How about I take you home and

take care of you?"

Spike: I love that story of yours. We'll have to finish it tomorrow night.

Twilight: Huh? But we gotta try to finish it now! The best part is coming--

Spike: [snores]

Twilight: Ohh... Sleep tight I guess...

[theme song]

Twilight: [sleeps]


Filly Twilight: Who's a good dragon? Hmm, I think it's you!

Baby Spike: [giggles]

Filly Twilight: Let me see if there's some leftover formula I can give you. Here it is! [puts bottle in Spike's mouth]

Baby Spike: [drinks]

Filly Twilight: D'aww you look so cute the way you drink like that.

Baby Spike: [stops drinking, whines]

Filly Twilight: [gasps] Ohh, what do I do? What's wrong, Spike?

Baby Spike: [whines louder]

Filly Twilight: Oh no. There's gotta be something to make you calm down. Think Twilight, Think!

Baby Spike: [whines quietly]

Filly Twilight: Huh? Are you tired? Hungry? Need a change?

Baby Spike: [stops whining]

Filly Twilight: Oh, you want me to pat your back?

Baby Spike: Mm-hmm...

Filly Twilight: Well okay! [pats Spike's back]

Baby Spike: [small belch]

Filly Twilight: I guess that's better.

Baby Spike: [giggle]

Filly Twilight: Come on! Let's play!

[pause flashback]

Pinkie Pie: [knocks on door]

Twilight: [wakes up] I wonder who that could be. [opens door] What's going on Pinkie? We're sleeping.

Pinkie Pie: Couldn't sleep. I need a story to help me fall sound asleep.

Spike: [in distance] "Don't want to miss this, It's our sleepy-time check list."

Twilight: Come with me.

Pinkie Pie: Wait, are you any good at making up stories?

Twilight: Was while I was sleeping until you came.

Pinkie Pie: Can you tell me the one you were making up before I came here?

Twilight: Okay but come with me upstairs.

Pinkie Pie: Ready whenever you are!

Twilight: Okay.

[continue flashback]

Twilight: I wasn't sure how to take care of a baby dragon, but I was able to get the hang of it. But I still needed

help taking full care of it. So I went to the vet to learn more about the dragon. He was a big help to me. He even

gave me an Egghead's Guide to Taking Care of Animals book. It did contain information on all animals and

creatures in the book. I was surprised that there's even a guide on how to take care of a small dragon. The picture

looked exactly like Spike. I think it was going to be super easy. So I went to take Spike back home to make sure

he's okay on the way, But I had to stop and talk to Flutter-- [pause flashback]

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Hi, Twilight!

Twilight: Girls! What are you doing here?

Sweetie Belle: We came to hear your story!

Apple Bloom: Eeyup!

Scootaloo: What's it about?

Twilight: It's called "My Little Spike".

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Ooh!

Apple Bloom: That sounds really interesting!

Scootaloo: You must continue your interesting story, Twilight.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, Continue! This has been the most awesome and interesting story I've yet heard!

Twilight: Okay, I guess. [looks out window] Alright, back to the story.

[continue flashback]

Twilight: Before I went home to read the information about how to take care of a dragon, I went to Fluttershy's

house to show her the dragon I found in the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy finds it really cute. She offers to help me

take care of Spike. I approve of her help. Fluttershy brought food and supplies with her then went over at my

house to learn more about taking care of Spike. I opened up the book and got to work. I told Fluttershy that I

already fed and burped him so that part's taken care of. Fluttershy grabbed my attention when she saw Spike

sucking on his own tail. Me and Fluttershy were like "D'aww" when he did something like that. It was very cute.

What I wanted out of all of Equestria was that I wanted to hear Spike say his first words. I just wish it would

happen as soon as possible so I can treasure this hilarious moment in my life. Fluttershy and I got back to taking

care of Spike. I laid a nice comfy blanket on top of Spike so he would be all snuggly and warm. After that I went

to go get a pillow for Spike to lay his comfy head on, but Spike wasn't tired so I went to go get it anyway just in--

[pause flashback]

Rarity: [knocks on door]

Spike: [wakes up] Will somepony get that?

Twilight: What's with these ponies at this time of night? Now I have to pause and get the door again. [opens door]

Rarity? Applejack? What are you two doing here?

Rarity: I've come to get Sweetie Belle.

Applejack: And Apple Bloom.

Twilight: They're upstairs in my room...

Apple Bloom: What brings you here, Big Sis?

Applejack: It's time to get back to Sweet Apple Acres, lil' sis.

Apple Bloom: But we're listening to Twilight's interesting story. I'm pretty sure you'll like it.

Applejack: But Big Macintosh and Granny Smith are starting to get a bit worried.

Sweetie Belle: What are you doing here, Rarity?

Rarity: I'm going to take you home, Why do you think I'm here?

Sweetie Belle: You gotta hear Twilight's story, Rarity!

Apple Bloom: That's what I just said.

Sweetie Belle: Oh.

Twilight: You sure you don't want to stay and hear my story, Rarity and Applejack?

Rarity: Why ever not?

Applejack: I guess we can stay, continue on with your story there, Twilight.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo: Yay!

Spike: Did I miss anything?

Apple Bloom: Eenope!

Sweetie Belle: We're just getting to the exciting part!

Scootaloo: I sure wish Rainbow Dash was here to hear about this, It's going to be awesome!

Rainbow Dash: [flies through Twilight's window] Did somepony say awesome?

Scootaloo: I did, your Pegasi highness. We're listening to Twilight's story.

Rainbow Dash: Alrighty then, Talk away!

Twilight: [blushes] Okay. [clears throat]

[continue flashback]

Twilight: Where I left off, I went to get Spike a comfy pillow for his head. I fluffed it up just to be sure. Then

Spike laid his head on the pillow and fell sound asleep. He was so cute just by looking at him sleeping.

Spike: I really did?

Sweetie Belle: Aww.

Twilight: That one wish I had cherished when I first saw Spike had just came true when he said "Mommy" in his

sleep. I started to cry, a lot. It was the most beautiful thing I've heard ever since. It took a full three and a half

days for him to finally say at leat one word. I had to just kiss his little forehead as a little reward from me.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie: D'AWWW!!!

Scootaloo: Ewwww--- I mean Awwww.

Twilight: After I kissed him, Fluttershy wished me good luck and went back home, then I went right to sleep,

Then the very next day, I peered over to see how Spike's doing and his height started to ascend 5 inches. It was

incredible. He looked like he was still a baby dragon. I decided to keep it and train it to be a nice dragon instead

of a full-grown rampaging dragon and destroy Equestria, I definitely didn't want that to happen. Spike wanted to

show me what he can do. He can write, and send letters to Princess Celestia. I didn't think it was possible but

Spike proved me wrong. I observed him doing so by writing "Dear Princess Celestia, I learned a valuable lesson

in friendship and that's staying close to friends that care about you and will always be there no matter what.

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle." Then he blew on the paper and caught on fire and it went directly to

Princess Celestia. I praised Spike by saying it was very impressive. Then he received a letter from Princess

Celestia saying "Dear Twilight Sparkle, I'm very proud of you that you learned the most important lesson here in

Equestria, but what's more important is actually making lots of friends. But still, I'm very happy that you learned

a lesson. Sincerly, Princess Celestia." I am very impressed in Spike's ability to send and receive letters. It'll be

another moment I'll have to cherish. I'll spend a lot of time with Spike. He wanted to be my assistant for the

rest of his life, I kindly said yes. And then Spike was super happy and hugged me really tight. I started to cry

again, and so did Spike while he was still hugging me. We we're both happy and we went to experience the

wonders of Ponyville while we were at it. The real journey begins.

[end flashback]

Twilight: The end.


Sweetie Belle: Aww, That was such a sweet story.

Applejack: [cries] It was so touching, and timely.

Rarity: [sniffles] That was the most cutest story I've ever heard from you, Twilight.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Pinkie Pie: [cries]

Rainbow Dash: [sniffles] Darn, Now you got me acting all sappy this time, Twilight.

Spike: That was an interesting story indeed and cute at the same time, Twilight.

Twilight: Thank you everypony. I can't believe I've never did anything like this before. It was pretty fun. Come to

think of it, I'm not even tired at all.

Rarity: I'm not tired either.

Applejack: Same here, partner.

Sweetie Belle: You read our minds, Twilight.

Apple Bloom: Eeyup!

Rainbow Dash: I'm with you all the way.

Scootaloo: Everypony has something in common at the moment.

Spike: Huh. What should we do now?

Pinkie Pie: I'm thinking slumber party!

Twilight: I was just thinking that as well.

Rainbow Dash: I think that sounds like fun!

Scootaloo: That's a great idea!

Sweetie Belle: I like this idea!

Applejack: I say "Let's get this party started in here!"

Twilight: Let's do it!

Twilight, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sweetie Belle,and Pinkie Pie: Yay!






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pretty good but a few place need to be fixed

"Those gems taste awesome, Thanks Twilight!"[/size]]

Exactly how does something taste awesome? i just didn't think that was fitting

One day, There was a baby dragon that was lost in the Everfree Forest. He seems very lost and wish he wasn't

forever alone.

I don't think meme references is that fitting in a fan-fiction, just switch it out with "alone" or something.

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pretty good but a few place need to be fixed


Exactly how does something taste awesome? i just didn't think that was fitting


I don't think meme references is that fitting in a fan-fiction, just switch it out with "alone" or something.


Okay thanks.


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